#i honestly lost track and forgot what point i wanted to make sith this
gio-hannigram · 5 years
So the David Tennant thing...
I was not a fan
I've been aware of him since I started this blog and probably before because DW fans and the whole superwholock mess
So I was aware that this guy with the brown hair was the doctor and everybody loves dw so they loved him
Now that I don't see him as the doctor/Ten. I see him as Crowley, obviously
But watching Good Omens videos eventually gets you suggestions like "Michael Sheen as that sexy werewolf" or "Ten's regeneration"
And I did the mistake of watching that last one
And I might watch all of DW now because
But I kept on watching stuff of David's interviews &the common thing that I got from them is that apparently, when he played Ten the world went nuts and fell in love and he was kinda like THE hot guy of Europe at the time
And idk where I was going with this I just...
idk feels like age is doing a fine job with him?
It might be my particular type or something because I think he looks better now, the beard suits him very well. The whole "on process" beard is beautiful on him.
Tho he looks fine without
And I truly forgot what I wanted to say when I started this post. Hopefully I'll remember later...
Now let's pretend I made this post just to say that David Tennant was, is and will always be that guy who has just something that makes him extremely charming and idk cute? Kinda Hot? Hot af?
Like fine wine he gets better with time (on my opinion)
And yeah I'm in the rabbit hole now...not the point of my post, but since I forgot because I was thinking of David Tennant's beautiful eyes coff beard coff
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I surrender
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and-original-post · 5 years
A Whole New World (Kylo Ren 4)
This is going to pick up about a month to a month and a half after the last one. So Yn has been with the first order and training with Kylo for about 2 months. She has proven herself as a fast learner and is even about to begin her training with a lightsaber very soon. 
So um... as you may be able to tell I got carried away with this just a tad. Quite a bit happens but I hope enjoy it even though its pretty long. No spoilers. 
Word Count: 4.780 (Not counting lyrics) Like I said though, I got carried away. 
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I can show you the world Shining, shimmering, splendid Tell me, princess, now when did You last let your heart decide?
Currently me and Kylo were in his quarters having a late lunch since we were still training when most of the other people on the ship had eaten. Plus this gave us the opportunity to actually eat our lunches together and enjoy each others company.
"So, what Snoke want to discuss with you yesterday? Or is it classified?" I asked knowing that sometimes brining up Snoke and what he discussed with Kylo could be a touchy subject.
"It was actually about you." He said.
To say I was scared wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the whole truth either. I was quite honestly in a complete pain inside my head. Before I could actually say anything I could feel Kylo using the Force to read my thoughts. But just as quickly as I felt it, it was gone.
"There is no need to worry. He only asked about your training. I told him it was going well, which seemed to pleas him. It also prompted him to decide that in addition to your training you must also pick up and actual job here. He doesn't really care what just as long as you are doing something productive for the fleet." Kylo explained putting my nerves at ease.
"Oh well that's good then." I said letting out a breath I didn't quite realize I was holding in.
"Any ideas on what you would want to do here?" Kylo asked dropping his napkin on to his plate and giving me his full attention.
"Um... well what is there even to do?" I asked genuinely not knowing.
Kylo let out a slight laugh, "Well just about anything you can think of probably."
"Kylo, you're going to have to be more specific with it. You forget I come from a place where very few things were up to my own wishes. I don't know the first half of what type of jobs there are on a ship like this, the only job I have ever known was preparing to be queen." I explained.
Kylo seemed to be in thought for a brief moment. "What did that preparation consist of? I'm assuming how to be in control of people, right?"
"Well that was a larger part of it, yes." I said not too sure on where he was going with this.
He got a sly smile on his face that made me know he was up to something in that head of his. "You still interested in learning to fly some of the TIE Fighters?"
"Yeah, but where are you going with all of this?"
"Well, you've proven to me that you are a fast learner. I think that you should be able to learn how to fly one within a week, sooner if you weren't starting some new trading this week. But if you can prove to me and General Hux that you can pilot one well, I can put you in control of a squadron. How would you feel about that?" he asked.
I was taken back a bit that he had this all planed out so quickly. And quite honestly it sounded like a great plan. I already knew how to fly some small ships from my time I spent at the kingdom hangar, so I don't think I will have a problem learning how to fly the TIE Fighters. My only major concern was General Hux. We had only spoken on a few occasions and he didn't seem to like me too much. But I'm not too worried about that, I leave that part up to Kylo.
"I think that is a great idea." I said with a smile.
"Good. I will arrange for you to meet with one of our best pilots starting tomorrow and you will begin learning." Kylo said.
"Okay what about training?" I asked as we both stood up and readied ourselves to continue training. Kylo had a special room on the ship that was off limits to everyone but himself and me that we used for training.
"You will work with the TIE Fighters in the morning while I attend to my other duties. Then After lunch we will begin training." He said as he went to grab his mask.
"Sounds good." I said standing up and heading to the door as he followed close behind.
I can open your eyes Take you wonder by wonder Over, sideways and under On a magic carpet ride
When we arrived in the training room Kylo went staring over to a table that was out of the way. I watched as he picked up something and brought it over to me. he held it out for me to take.
"This is a lightsaber. It is what Jedis and Siths use in combat." he said as I took it from him.
"Why do you have an extra one?" I asked.
"That is the one I began making before I was pulled to the dark side, I never actually finished it instead I began working on this one." He grabbed his own weapon from his belt, "I just finished that one so you could have one for training. Once you are done training you will be able to make your own. Be careful though, they can be dangerous if not handled correctly."
I nodded. "So how do the work?" I asked.
"Come over here and I'll explain." He said Turing and motioning me to follow him to the two lone chairs on the opposite side of the room.
We took a seat and he began to explain it all to me. He explained the energy core, the different parts of the hilt. He also explained the most important part of the lightsaber, the crystal. He explained how in the mast most Jedis would use natural kyber crystals while the sites would use synthetic ones to get the red color that their weapons had. He explained to me that his first one although created when he was trying to be a Jedi still held a synthetic blue crystal because there was no way for him to venture out into the galaxy to the planets that held the natural ones. He also told me about the one that he used. About how the crystal was actually broken which gave his blade the jagged appearance it had and why there is a crossguard on it. It was actually to vent the extra heat created by the crystal. I joked with him saying that he only did it because it made it look cooler and more sinister which caused him to let out a small laugh.
"Okay, are you ready to turn it on?" He asked I could hear the slight uneasiness in voice but nodded my head excitedly none the less.
"Alright hold it sideways so when it turns on it won't stab either one of us."
I did as I was told.
"Now make sure you have a firm grip on it, you don't want to drop it either. The when you are ready press that button to turn it on." He said adjusting my grip on the hilt and showing me which button he was referring to.
I took a deep breath and pressed it. Not even full second later a beautiful blue blade came out of the end.
"This is so cool." I said in awe causing Kylo to smile a little.
"Alright, you're going to start learning how to use it with the help of this little thing," He said reaching into his pocket and pulling out a ball.
"It shoots small blasts at you, your goal is to block them using the lightsaber. This is how I trained to use one. I won't lie to you the blasts do sting a little but it is nothing compared to what a lightsaber feels like." he said and turned on the small device it began floating.
"Okay seems simple enough." I said.
"Oh I almost forgot." He said and had a slight mischievous look on his face as he reached into his pocket once again, this time pulling out a blindfold. "You need to be blindfolded."
I laughed thinking he was joking. But he wasn't backing down. "Wait. You can't be serious." I said incredulously.
"Oh I am. Turn around." He said stepping closer to tie it over my eyes. I did as he said although I was still in slight disbelief.
"How am I supposed to know where the blasts are coming from?" I asked as he turned me back around to face the device but he stayed behind me.
"Use the Force. Good luck." He said into my ear before stepping away to what I can only assume was a safe distance away from me.  
I did my best, it took a while to get used to and I did get hit a few times but once I really focussed I began to block ever blast sent my way. It eventually acme so natural that it felt as though I wasn't even thinking about it. It was as if my arms just knew where to go and when to get there.
I lost track of time. It wasn't until I heard foot steps approaching and heard the machine shut off that I lowered the lightsaber after turning it off. With my free hand I lifted my blindfold. It took a second for my eyes to adjust but when they did I was met with the face of an impressed Kylo Ren.
"Well done. I want you to work with this for a few more days, then you will begin trying against me using a lightsaber." He said.
"Really?" I asked excitedly.
"Yes really. You seem like a natural with it honestly. But don't worry, I'll still take it easy on you." he said causing me to laugh.
"Thanks, I appreciate it." I said playfully rolling my eyes.
"So how did it feel?"
"I don't know how to describe it besides magical." I said with a smile.
A whole new world A new fantastic point of view No one to tell us no Or where to go Or say we're only dreamingA whole new world A dazzling place I never knew But when I'm way up here It's crystal clear That now I'm in a whole new world with you Now I'm in a whole new world with you
I laid in bed just staring at the ceiling. I couldn't sleep no matter how hard I tried.
"Yn, why aren't you asleep?" I heard Kylo voice asking me although he was in his own quarters, a few doors down. It sounded like the voice came from inside my head, like I had imagined it.
"Yn it's me, this isn't your imagination." I heard him speak again.
"Kylo?" I asked out loud to the empty room. I knew that there was something to do with the Force with this but I wasn't too sure what but I did my best to reach out to him as I spoke.
"Good job, you're doing it right. But why aren't you asleep?" he asked me and although I couldn't see his face I knew it held a look of concern.
"Just can't sleep I guess." I said with a sigh.
"I know how that goes. Would you... would you want to possibly come over to my quarters?" he asked.
I wasn't too sure as to what he meant by this. I mean this could be taken in many different directions. I couldn't help my mind from wondering to one of the possibilities as to why he had asked me this and although the thought of it didn't intrigue me quite a bit I just wasn't ready to take that step in our relationship. My silence must had scared him or he must have been able to read my thoughts because before I could give him an answer he was already speaking again.
"No. No, that's not what I meant. I just thought that having some company might be better than laying alone in a quiet room. I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked." He said clearly frantic and flustered.
It occurred to me in that moment that he may have been asking me to come over not only for my own sake but for his too.
"Can you not sleep either right now, Kylo?" I asked gently not wanting to fluster him any further.
It took a a few moments but he finally gave me a very faint "No."
I began to get up out of bed. "Okay, I'll be over in just a moment." I said as I made my way out of my own quarters and down the hall to his. When I got to the door I entered the code he had given me just a few days prior.
I walked in to find him sitting up on his bed, wearing only sweatpants and a tired smile. I returned the smile. I walked up to him and motioned for him to scoot over which he did. I slipped under the blankets and we both laid  down on to the pillows. Although we had never slept together it didn't feel strange to be in a bed with one another.
The room was filled with a comfortable silence until he broke it. "Can I hold you?" he asked me. It made my heart melt.
"Of course, you don't need to ask." I said and shifted to where my back was to his chest and he wrapped an arm around my waist gently pulling him to me. It felt like home.
"What's on your mind?" He asked still in a whisper trying not to disrupt the silence of the room around us.
"Right now or just in general?" I asked back.
"Hhmm, both" He hummed in my ear.
"Well in general, basically everything and nothing at the same time. But right now, all I can think about is that I am home." I said with a sigh of contentment.
"On the Finalizer?" he asked in reference to the ship we were on. I couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle. Man was adorable when he was tired like this.
"No, I mean with you. You showed me something completely different than what was planned for me. And now I can't imagine life without you in it." I said grabbing hold of the hand that was at my waist.
He pulled me a little close and placed a gentle kiss to the back of my neck. "I can't imagine my life without you either, yn."
I let out a small yawn finally feeling the tiredness set in.
"Good night, yn." Kylo said placing yet another kiss to the same spot.
"Good night, Kylo." I hummed back as my eye lids grew heavier and sleep overtook me.
Unbelievable sights Indescribable feeling Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling Through an endless diamond skyA whole new world Don't you dare close your eyes A hundred thousand things to see Hold your breath - it gets better I'm like a shooting star I've come so far I can't go back to where I used to be
The next few days were filled with learning the basics of piloting a TIE Fighter in the mornings and trying with lightsabers after lunch. Today was the day that I was finally going to get behind the control panels and fly. I was nervous to say the least but also extremely excited it had been so long since I had flown anything by myself. There was also a bit of pressure that I had put on myself to do well because if I didn't then I wouldn't be able to be in command of a squadron and that ran the risk of me and Kylo getting in to deep trouble with Snoke.
I was fitted for a flight suit the day before and when I arrived at the hangar this morning it was ready for me. I put it on and walked up to the pilot that had been teaching me for the past week.
"Ready to get out there?" He asked me.
"Ready as I will ever be." Said as he handed me a helmet and then lead me over to where there were two TIE Fighters ready to take off out of the ships hangar.
He helped into the one I would be flying and went over a few last minute things and made sure that I was ready to fly. He was going to be in the other one so if something did go horribly wrong there was a chance that I wouldn't die. While that was meant to calm my nerves it didn't help much.
"Alright you're all set. Let me take off first then make sure your com is on and I will tell you when to follow me out." He said and I gave him a nod before he stepped down and went to get into his own Fighter.
I watched as he took off effortlessly and waited for the all clear. When I got it I switched all the controls to prepare for the take off. Before putting the Fighter into motion I closed my eyes and took a deep breath trying to calm my nerves and get into touch with the Force hoping that there was some way it could help me.
Within no time I was out with the pilot flying with ease. It was beautiful out here. We weren't super close to any planet systems so it looked like the space around me went on forever. The stars all around me provided a surreal view. Because of the lights of my kingdom on my home planet it was a rare sight to see so many stars like this.
"Okay I know this wasn't exactly scheduled but we're going to try some shooting at some stuff." I heard the pilot say.
"Okay... what are we shooting though. There isn't much around us besides the Finalizer." I said with a bit of confusion.
"We had some out of date TIE Fighters that are really just taking up space, so they were fitted with some cheep droids to shoot at us. Your job is to take them out. Follow behind me, they should be coming out soon, once they're here it all you." He said flying a little bit further away from the ship so it wouldn't get hit even though it really wouldn't do that much damage to it.
Once I was in position the old TIE Fighters were released. When he had told me they had some, I expected three maybe four but when ten came out all at once I felt overwhelmed and under prepared. I could feel myself panicking a bit but before I let that feeling overtake me completely I thought back to my trying with Kylo. Deep breath, let it come naturally, use the Force. I closed my eyes for a brief second and took a deep breath then let it out. Then I snapped my eyes opened and it was like I was a whole new person. I quickly took off towards the TIE Fighters, and once I was within shooting range of them I began to fire as did they.
I was going every which way. Swerving and dodging their blast while firing my own. A few of my first shots missed them completely, but once I hit the first one and it went up in flames, I was on a roll. It did take longer than I expected but eventually I shot down all of them. Or so I thought. I slowed my Fighter down to a stop.
"There's one more." I said out loud but mainly to myself.
I looked out the large front window of the Fighter. Nothing. But then instead of seeing it, I felt it. It was coming up behind me and it was coming fast.  Without hardly any thought I gunned the engine forward and made a sharp turn to the left, the other ship flew past me giving me the chance to come up behind it and hit it from behind. It went up in flames. I had a huge smile on my face, I had actually just done that.
Being in a pilot's seat after all this time really made me think about what I would be doing right now if I hadn't taken Kylo's hand that night. So many doors had been open to me since that night, ones that I didn't even know existed. Where I was from it wasn't the queens job to worry about politics or wars, they were supposed to concern themselves with their people. I didn't even know about the about the Galactic War. I had heard people mention them but anytime I brought it my father was always quick to say they were just rumors that I didn't need to concern myself with. Leaving with Kylo Ren that night was the best decision I have ever made, if I were to ever return to my family I wouldn't be able to function. I had been exposed to too many wonderful possibilities to ever go back.
"Good work. Let's head back to the ship." The pilot said already heading back with me following after I took one last good look at the space around me.
A whole new world Every turn a surprise With new horizons to pursue Every moment red-letter I'll chase them anywhere There's time to spare Let me share this whole new world with you
Little did I know that while I was out there flying and taking out the old TIE Fighters, General Hux  had been watching me. Once I had landed and shut down the Fighter I got out to let mantic handle the after flight evaluations of the craft. I walked over to where the other pilot was standing and took my helmet off. Before I arrived to him, an officer had come up to him and spoke with him briefly before walking away.
"I was just instructed that I am to accompany you to the bridge to meet with General Hux and Kylo Ren. There are Stormtroopers ready to escort us immediately." He said before I got the chance to say anything. I just nodded and began to walk with him out of the hangar.
Once we were out, sure enough there were four Stormtroopers ready to escort us. I had never actually been to the bridge of the Finalizer, I had only ever seen it in my dream I had on the way here. Personally I thought the Stormtrooper escorts were a bit overkill but I went along with it.
After we had walked for what had to of been well over a mile though different hall ways we finally made it to the bridge. When I saw the tow men waiting for us it took everything in me not to run right up to Kylo and tell him how much fun I had just had in the TIE Fighters and thank him over and over again for the opportunity. But I knew that right now he was not in the same mind set as he is when it is just him and me together. I kept a straight face knowing the smiling wasn't a common thing here, save for all the smiles me and Kylo share in private.
"We can take it from here." Kylo's voice came though his mask as he dismissed the four Stormtroopers that had escorted me and the pilot to him.
"We need to discuss some matters privately. Follow me." He spoke once again and walked past me with General Hux following close behind and then me and the pilot behind him.
Kylo lead the small group of us to what looked to be a meeting room. He motioned for us to sit down and we did. Kylo and Hux sat on one side while the pilot and I sat across from them.
"How did she do?" Kylo asked clearly getting straight to the point of the discussion.
"Very well, sir. If I hadn't been the one teaching er this past week I would have sworn she had been flying TIE Fighters her whole life." The pilot said.
"We were watching you as you took out the old TIE Fighters. Why did you stop mid-flight?" General Hux spoke up directing his question to me.
Something told me that if I told him I had used the Force to sense where the last Fighter was, it wouldn't go over very well so I decided to lie just a little.
"Well I had taken out most of the Fighters so quickly, I thought for a moment I had gotten them all, but then it occurred to me that there had to be one more since I had only hit nine of them. When I had looked out the window in every direction but I could find a visual on the final target. Then it occurred to me it was going to come up behind me to take me out from my blind spot. I stopped knowing that it would come up right behind me and by moving to the side at the last moment I would able to come up behind it and shoot it down." I explained, tapping into what I had learned about talking to other people of high power. Just because queens on my home planet didn't deal with politics didn't mean we never met political leaders, this meant I spent a lot of time learning how to talk to them.
"So it was a thought through strategy to stop?" He asked with a slight sense of disgust in his voice.
"Yes sir." He only nodded.
"Yn we have more to discuss with you. You leave." Kylo said dismissing the pilot who gave a "yes sir" and stood giving one last nod to both Kylo and Hux before leaving the room.
"Kylo Ren and I were evaluating your flight today, with the intention of possibly giving you the title as officer over a squadron of pilots. But before we make our final decision, I would like to know why you think we should give you this title." General Hux said.
I had a strong urge to roll my eyes but I refrained from doing so. "With all do respect General, I do not see the purpose in answering that question. I could sit here and tell you everything I have ever learned about piloting, but that is where you will sift though everything I say in order to find some small pice of flawed logic to give reason as to why you will not give me the position. We all know that you have made up your mind on this matter so I'd much rather save all of us some time and not answer the question." I spoke with a certain professionalism that I didn't really know I had.
General Hux did seem to be ready for this type of answer. He just silently looked over to Kylo with a slight look of shock that would be impossible to see unless you knew what had just been said. Kylo told me to wait outside giving him and Hux some time to discuss the matter. I said "yes sir" and left to stand out in the hallway.
I expected it to take longer than expected but the doors opened up sooner than I would have thought. I walked back in to find Kylo and Hux waiting near the door standing.
General Hux sighed but held out his hand for me to shake while saying, "Welcome to the First Order, Officer Yn."
"Thank you, General" I said shaking his hand.
"Now if you'd excuse me I have other matters to handle on the bridge." He said and left without another word.
A whole new world That's where we'll be A thrilling chase A wondrous place For you and me
Once the door shut Kylo was removing his mask. Beneath it was a very happy Kylo Ren.
"Congratulations, Officer Yn." He said teasingly.
"Thank you, Kylo." Said with a sigh giving him a hug.
"This was all you. You really did look like a natural out there." He said relating the hug and holding me to where he could see my face that had a slight blush rising on it.
"Really?" I asked.
He nodded, "And what you did with the force out there, it was risky. Impressive but risky. It surprised me. You must have a pretty good teacher."
"I guess you could say that." I teased.
He shook his head smiling a little. "I have to take care of a few things. Will you be okay on your own until training?" He asked me.
"I should be okay." I nodded.
"Okay, I'll have arrangements made to get your uniform tomorrow." He said  placing his mask back over his head and I nodded once again.
"I'll meet you in the training room after lunch, if I'm not there I got lost and you may want to come looking for me." I joked causing him to laugh.
I looked at him with wide eyes. "Hey Kylo, do me a favor, don't laugh with the mask on. It's creepy." He shook his head and I knew he had a smile on his face.
"I'll see you later." I said and went to leave.
"One last thing, Yn." he called too me causing me to stop and turn back to him, "Don't get too used to being an officer... something tells me you will be climbing the ranks pretty quickly, especially if you keep up the communication skills you had today."
"I'll keep that in mind." I said before leaving the room.
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Clone Wars    Episode 10
        Lair of Grievous
An interesting     episode title
 For sure
  Most powerful is he who controls      his own power
I really    Like       This      Quote
Being a fan of ... accountability
“Vice      Gunroy
   I mean?
 The        Episode      Before       Was      (Marginally)         Better        ....         
   To         It’s    Pre      de   cessor
 Why     do       I         Get        The         Feeling             This          Is        Gonna           Be           A         Long        Run..?
    Any       way
    That’s         Going
    Only       that         one         Guy
    No...       -Body         Else
  Kit        Fisto
   His      design        Looks           Neat
    And          No         Ahsoka!       (The         Bad       Parts.)
 “And     Return    Him       Just-”
Ena     bling!      Where       he’ll      be     put        in      a     cell       with   other     inmates   that   don’t    deserve     that
And       a     distraction      from   reckoning       with       the     consequences       of     his     actions
(And    the     hope     of     getting      out)
“ I know we’re in the middle of     nowhere,”
 I like this   guy
He sounds cool
Has a personality
(An over involved        one?”
But generally good
This might help my     nerves     after     last     episode
Very     chill
- Oh spoke     too     soon
So has your old Padawan       Dolved
Seriously, does everyone keep track of everyone else’s       Padawan
Obi-Wan, it made sense because he’s an   over involved       dick
But, seriously
Shouldn’t that     be   left    To   Yoda as the grand high   Jedi?
He is the guy that okay’s these requests, right?
It’ll   be   great   to   see   Nadar   again
Dude,     he’s   busy
“ i’ll   transmit      the   coordinates      for      the     ren      dez      vous     point,”
Hey     they   got   Ahsoka right!
Maybe     this     episode     won’t   be     a     headache
(Also they just casually    help him      stalk    his apprentice?
 Like,     that   should     be     his   choice
Like yeah  two heads are better than one but that doesn’t mean he agrees   to be a two- headed dragon
Dick   move
And-       It’s    Gone        (to be fair,       it’s only       slightly         too     much         Tone         Than      Ne    cess     ary
“Good hunting”
Well....         It’s       Over,
Nice     backgrounds,
This is a really neat   land
Oh, now     they’re     landing
Oh,     cool
Fog     -gy
Po   -or     Be     -epy              Ro      -bot
 He   can’t     see     any       -thing
“you’ll     be    fine      R6,”
You   have   legs
Not   pleas   ed
Hav   ing         A               Good      Time
Dear   frick   who   invited   him   here?
Like,     Dude
Even     if     the     Gen   shares     the   same   inspiration     as   you,       you   still   have     to     obey         by    the   rules     of       tox
 Aka   you   don’t     get     to   be    a   dick   just   because     it’s      a     differ     ent      gen
You   get   kicked       to     the   accoun   -t- ability     curve,         just      as   well
Walk                Ing        into            Some’s      bus    -i      ness      un   warrant   ed    And   un    -ask-      ed     For     Is      Tox
  And     then,           to    follow       it      up,      with       hey          you        did        well       on the           test          we make         you        take!”
    To     prove        we     can’t     assume    authority        over      you
 [Jedi   master     ship         I     believe]
  I’m surprised dude doesn’t say      ‘yeah       your     stupid   club         sucks,”
 “ i’m     sorry        the      war    pre      -vented     me       from   seeing     your      train    ing   through     to    the   end”]
wait   dude’s        Mentor     bitched    out     and      he      still      had       to      take         the         test?!
Murder      is       now      on      the      table!*
   Note; this is a joke
    I   never   advocate   death   over   account   ability
But, geez       Dude got     screwed      over
   You     were      missed    master
 How    old       is     he?
 I’m   going    with   adult-
Knight     Ok      he    has   enthusiasm   
We’re   all   good!
Then    let’s    have     a     look
Allow       me     to     show        the     way
Trans   lation;      Stop    ass    um      ing    
au     tho  rity
Good     for      him
Pretty    pow.
Also   yeah   just   casually   found
That’s      a   back   -handed   compliment
Like   calling   something   “quaint”
 Dude     if     you’re   going   to      be    on          this             Quest,        Be      Nice,
 Look   after    the   ships
Oh     those     poor      guys
What       happens     to them?
  [Also     ships?]
 So,     Sith     mon     astery
No      Guards
It’s a Sith   mon    as     tery     surrounded   by     fog
Clearly       they      were      going       for      stealth
[And     it       Is    pretty      re       mote]
The   ent       rance     looks   sealed
 Yeah      It’s    Old
Possibly     -came in the      back    entrance
 And hoped       no one     wou ld    suspect
[We   specialize     in   ma   king   entrances]
Should     n’t     Dude          (Jedi)     Know       That
  Their,       Jedi
   Also        yeah       the      place     clearly      built       for    stealth
    Let’s       bomb       open        the       front       door
     Not        like        they         could       sneak        out            a          back          way
     This           will        make         less         noise
      Thank            you      common          sense
       But,              It           will            still             allow           them                 a              lot              of             time               To              Es              cape
This why staking out is     important
Patience     the both        of you
 THE      NERVE!
  Dude       he got here         First!
   You        wanna         help?
  Be     back up!
 “ A second look     usually      pays       off,”
   On hand,     yes- scouting      ahead       is      good
  On the    other-
   DICK           way        of        put      ting       it
   You      want        to        explore?
    Do          it      your        self
  You      just     assu      med       author        ity       over        a  wh-          ole      group          of      people
      Stopping             them              from             doing              their              thing
[I’m     fully       expec        -ting        him         to       snap          at         five
Like he’s being   pretty   enab-     ling
But   Dude’s       being         a      prick
  [pla  -ying by the        rule of      “But,”         Inst         ead         Of       “Or,”           Or        “And,”
   During          their      re    latively       func   -tional   mission
[dude     never     said      he    couldn’t      blow      up        the        mon     astery
  Just    stated         the fact         and        went        about          his           biz
A nice     factor
 “What’s       this,”
    A      stone
   Bull         -shit
   Smug        Ass
    You        smell         that?
 Arro   gance?
[let him     get    caught     in     a      trap]
“ smells        like     droids,”
 Metal      Does      -
 It’s     too dark to see      anything
   There’s       white       bulbs
Also     [Forgot to     mention],      Chek       Ov’s         Gun?
[For     the    Gun]
  They          Have        Lights
 [Also,            Dark       side      shadowing]
    Hey         at least        there’s not as much point
[I sense     there’s something     here]
 Was          that       not          the whole point?
 A rusted     out      old      factory
    Poss-          Ibly
    Watch-           Ing
      You         sure        about         that?
  “Well     that was   some thing,”
   Jedi,         you gonna            do anything      about that?
    Dude          Taking         point
     Aga       -in
 Ordering      someone else’s     troops
  [I seriously hope        that       comes to bite him         in the ass]
     Roger          Roger
     Crud         it’s the moon                             clones!
No,      just droids up the stairs
They     don’t see     that?
 Vice   Roy
What’s    going          on
  They     robots;      they’re        already     designed      to protect     you
Also;        BAIT!
The Jedi        are here
Also they’re     walking         side-by-side      Nice
 That’s     totally        someone      else     I       call        it
 “ I know       they’re             near,”
    Voice    recording?
    They’re          right       behind         you
    What,       where        do   something?
 Def       -initely       a   diff      -erent   per   -son
Taking    longer     than     expect     (ing)
“ Have      you ever killed a Jedi?”
 These    guys have time for    this
When   fighting to fully trained adult       Jedi
Those basic      clankers
There the  basic mooks   that gets mowed down   in the hundreds
Good   Commentary
Bad     timing
Oh   now   it speeds   up
Good for   them
They   were   loo   -king   pretty   lame
Stop   playing    with     them!
Republic     Dogs
Shut    the     fuck      up
  It took hours
“restr       aint,”
Mach      inery
 “ i’m   sorry     master,”
Don’t   apologize
  He’s     being       a     prick
  Like      even       by      my     stan-      dards
  [ignor-         ing        the       war]
     He      turned        a fun       exercise       again        st        machinery     boring
       By           micro         managing          every           one
    -carried         Away
     This          -dick
      Those that have power       should restrain themselves          from using it
     Against         machines?
      I stick pretty closely to one          moral code
       And there was nothing even remotely     reprehensible
       About           That           Deal
      Yeah,        if they were sentient
       But, they act just like normal   robots               Running on         prot      ocol           Alone
    Giv         ing        no       hint          to       sen     tience
    Your complaint        literally         comes          down
    To        chopping them into          one           or more pieces
        That’s            extremely              overcontrolling          and              overbearing
        Not to mention to       reprimand        someone....
       Dick            Move 
      That’s          the         point
    Least        it        had       dark       ened      lighting
 “Lieuten        ant,”
Called    it
  Also     way      to      go     dip shits
  You left a com that can be traced back to your exact location
  The tracking          beacon
They knew   we were coming
 And   didn’t send a trap
Instead sene a thing     that can be traced back to the location
Should’ve known   Gunnery wasn’t here
 No,   you should’ve exercised caution
Well at least he isn’t blaming-
Yes   he   would’ve
That    was     the     first     tip    off
Also;     clones?
 I apologize     for the deception
 Bull shit
I apologize for my     colleagues
 How easy are you trying to make it for them to find   you?
Count      Dooku  
Why      Dude?
Oh   Wait   enablers   
Guess   this is their     tea     sess
 Okay    hit us     with        that       snark   
   Light     Roast
   He   honestly     seems       so       sad
    This          has        got          to            be          a        trap
    No shit
   “Catch         Some          One,”
   No   not the vibe I got
  Also     there’s      the     clone
 Wondered     where      he     went
  “To      Catch,”
  Looks      like     someone      likes    creepy      statues  
   (I know       there’s       likely       some       deep        lore)
   Dude this whole place looks like a   monastery/castle?
   You’re just        figuring out        This might be some     ancient     something     or another
 It’s on a foggy     planet,         Huge,       Em-bedding      And   desolute
It basically screams     basic cult
 I was going with   barbarian, but   that   works
Nope        Metal
 Grievous      Cult
This is the lair of   General Grievous
 Are you sure it’s not    a cult?
 Like   I don’t know
But    I wouldn’t keep     Reminders     of how I was        brutally dismembered       Around
Maybe I’m just not that    extra
Whelp     Dear     Frick
Back     to    the   thing
Also   yeah   don’t     leave
Get    Rein    force    ments
(I know I roast   Plo   about this all the time)
But    A few more Jedi      Might be useful      Against       a guy      With   multiple   hands
(Or at least     tell them       Your       Lo      cation,         What         a       quick    summary)
  So   they know what they’re getting into   if you disappear under   “mysterious   circumstances,”
Oh, plane
Oh,   Grievous
Looks   like     he’s doing   good for   himself
Seems       happy
Never    mind
Guess where  ignoring that   thing
With     The     Comms
Stale      mate
He   honestly   looks    sad
You   have   lost   your   focus
I mean   so far   he hasn’t   won shit
I’m honestly     surprised   he got it this far
Especially considering you’re the   negative overinvolvement side
Sidious       demands   more     dramatic   results
“ can’t   believe   I came   back    to   working   here,”
More   dead   Jedi
Did    he    kill     a   bitch?
(I would say   good for him          but    death<   Acco untability-)
You   expect   victory     over     Jedi
   Is battle        Droids
   It does    require      a brain
   And     a willingness     to escalate
 Seriously,     Just       leave
  These        must be   trophies
  Jedi      he’s   murdered
  Isn’t the str- the Ed-    braid!        Thing       only     for   Padawan’s      Like,        you      don’t      seem        to       have       one
   So yeah       Grievous     probably killed a lot of children
     There    are        so      many
  Maybe      don’t      send     children       to fight       your battles
 Why      Would Dooku        want to set a        trap for his best general
    Minion disposing       Tea?
     Also, why are you      playing         into it?
   Like,         fair enough,           don’t turn down free      Intel
  But,      you could set a trap         and          be doing other things
   Like hunting down     Vice Roy   it doesn’t     make     sense
 “Are       we     the     bait      or      is   grie      -vous     the   -bait,”
Good   question
Definitely grievous though
 He was clearly      offered up      as a   distraction     From   Vice Roy
We    must    consider     who the trap          is for
  You’re      supposed    to     take     him      out
 Your   droid     is   track       ing      an     in       coming      ship
  Here      we     go
Match       es       the   descrip     tion
 Keep     out      of    sight
Whoa   whoa    hold     up
Why    are    they    calling     and     answering      to     you
These     are   Raden’s   troopers
Dude    has   literally   hijacked     his    whole      life
Dude       just     kick     him
 Like   fourth    time    but   ,seriously;
Capturing        him     could      turn      the     tide     of the   war
They’re      literally   handing     him      to you      on a       silver       platter
Dude - needs a break
If      he doesn’t know we’re    here
Instantly down to     do    Dooku’s     Dirty     Work
 “We     need        a      plan,”
  That’s     what      he     just   said
That’s   neat
Mood   lighting   works
Does he even know what   happened?
Or   did      Sidious/Dooku     set up      this   elaborate      trap     while       he      was      out
   And       he’s      just    coming     home      like;
   Why        is       the     place       so     heckin    trashed
 Dude      didn’t sign up for this
  Welcome      home     general
  Half willing to give it to you
Cough        ing
 Don’t     let     him       cut     the     line
 He’s       Trying
 “ Don’t make me destroy you,”
 If they try to foreshadow that ear     lier
   No            Bad
   Ter         rible
 Seriously    did they just    reattach his    legs??
 Also,           They really did not bring anything else to capture him   with
 Besides   cables
To      Grab
 And nothing to tie him up   with
How did they    think     this was going to   go?
Just got     slap   stick        ed
“Pack     him      up”           ?
  Dude       they      are     just   knocked     out
Walking   a little   funny
The clones get in the way
No   you        didn’t         bring   anything      to   restrain    him   with
“Taken     him,”
   Dude he just said       “taken”
   Not like he said    “killed”
   The most objectionable thing he said    in that     was     blaming   the clones   for his failure
  And   clearly    that     isn’t   your   issue
Narrowing  of the eyes was a    good   reaction
(Pretty sure the darkness is     Him putting unwonton pressure   and guilt tripping      (Gas        lighting)
 He’s just too much of a   coward     to say anything     because he can be held     accountable            At the      fifth      thing
 Let’s     tend      to     the   wounded
 Good      job   reflect     ing   mate
Docter   where are you?
 Don’t    be upset with me     master
Dude does need a   break
Even     his     own     lair      is   toxic
Spare       parts
Body   guards
Remotely   deactivated      for       a    re-charge
Oh   so they weren’t killed
Gosh   dude came back to      A bunch of droids   laying   dead on the ground        Like;
“These.. aren’t. mine,”
Dude      is    having      a    tough     day
 Not   good
Lock down the   Perimeter
Good for   him
Looks,     Better
Yeah, those guys are dead from   grievous
He wacked  them with metal claws
Those     guys   don’t   have   a   single piercing mark on them
Nor     dented   helmet
Not ready to take on grievous
No one is
Dude has   robotic      arms
It’s time   we   retreated
Make sure to bring something to       restrain him   next time
Grievous isn’t doing anything
Good     for him
“ You are    not going anywhere,”
Well, he tried
He WAS   just given          An ultimatum   from his boss
Gotta       stop    caring     about     those      things
“ Guess    we’ll have to fight       after all,”
 Or       blow open the                                door
Or   sizzle     it     open     with   your   light   sticks
 Lots     of   options
Bring      scout
Whelp     those guys are dead
Also   how did they even find   them?
Okay, that one makes sense because he was parked literally 5 feet from the base
  Fair   Game
Get out of there R6
Good for him
That one   guy...
Good     for     him
You told him to   leave
You surprise attack him
Call hypocrite, fair fight
Aaw, he’s   nice
Straight to the point
Doom       Man      -sion
Here        we     come
Dude with the force       can’t lift one guy
Dude one trap   and you’re ready to call it quits
We’ve seen the lower levels of your home
No you haven’t
You were on ground level
And you only just saw anything below that   now
“ we’re not impressed,”
Dude speak for   yourself
Also,    fun
 Good     way       to        heal
   “Good, Good, Jedi,”
   This should be entertaining
        - way to heal-
   “You shall provide    sport for me,”
Like;           That
   Good        time            to       entertain          our        guests
        He’s             a           good            host
      Dude          has            a         dinosaur
       And       bots
     Dude         level       spiked          for           a          moment
    That       sounds     painful
   Armor       Patches
  “Contrary to your belief     I have other things to do,”
       Good              for            him
 He rans    a med channel
 “ go see to it my   repair,”
   Implaments            (?)
*Impale     Ments
   There may be   some discomfort
  But I’m pretty sure   he was already uncomfortable
No sedatives
Weak       link
Surprised     his  pistol    did anything
Like seriously   even the swords would take   a few   whacks
There we go stabbing it with a sword
Your   knight   instinct
And that clown just became the damsel
Guess     he’s   dead
 Or   broke     something
Splat noises   are kind of   humorous
So it could just be a   broken   nose
Grievous is going to pay for this
Dude he made a humorous   “Splat” sound
“Splat”  is not       a     death   sound
   It      is      a     broken     nose   sound
“Destroy      him,”
I understand your pain
No, this is the time to take the kid away from the   bad situation
(Or actually give him the        don’t kill things talk)
   That’s the better option
   (Since he is still an adult and         can make his decision)
“ but you forget your teachings   Nadar,”
Not like that
  That is how you get       hit in the face
But in this war   strength prevails
 He literally   does have a point
  You two survived because of     “superior genetics”
You’ve literally been   hustling him since day one
And revenge is fine   in terms of accountability
 If someone stabs you,      You’re allowed to stab    him back
   Abusers?        Get their        abuse        back
Specifically in Murder
 The dead      isn’t alive     to take revenge
 And while he is right       that accountability is better
  That murder doesn’t   equal murder
   Because of         the belief          That all (human)         Sentient life          Inherently makes       the world better        By the possibility of them        contributing good
    Which is why         I advocate        accountability
     The way         dude is handling it          is shitty
      Firstly; all those present to the body are considered   enablers, if   they      enable     murder
And   everyone     who     sees      the     body       has       to        be          on       high      alert
  And   accountability      on     sight
 Because        if       you     five rules           A       Murder         -er...
  Point being dude should.     shut the fuck up and     help him find this dude
   The rules have changed
  Yes, yes they have
“ perhaps you are the one that has changed,”
  Shut up toxic
    Enabling selfish dick
 “ come now,”
   He realized he fucked up
 “ We   need to move    now,”
  There’s         no     saving      that
  Skipped       past       that
   Looks      better
    He      named          it
   Where       are      they
 Yeah wait what happened with the   doors?
 Aww       He     sounds     so    sad
That     pissed him off
Incoming     message from Count   Dooku
 Oh,       Good
 The Jedi have infiltrated your Lair
 He   really   didn’t     tell     the     man   about   anything
Your   recent   defeats      at    their   hands
  Wow,         Dude can Literally not get a   break
   You just called him    five minutes     ago
 Fuck you
  He looks so       Tired
     And          Done
“Reassess      your    effectiveness,”
  Oh     that’s bound to piss him        off
 That you actively did   that
I’m expecting a face   Heel turn
 There      we      go
  “ you   deactivated       my     Guards,”
[I assumed he just    forgot]
“ You let the Jedi      in,”
  No actually   they found a magic brick
  Unless Count Dooku  just so happen       to press    the button           at        the       same       time
Which      if so      nice
  Makes       dude’s overconfidence   even sweeter
“ so you would testing me,”
 And he’s starting to look     It
He’s pissed now
 Like I know this is     culminating in a fight scene
  But I would just love     if  just walked downstairs.        And was like     yes      I will go with you
 Out     of     Spite
“ i’ll play your little game,”
  In your condition you need your   rest
  I will rest when the Jedi     are dead
 Oh so that’s how they capture   him
 Maybe after he kills the   young one
Those robots do     nothing
Control      Room
 He’s         Done
Oh,        what do we have    here?
Oh,    this is what he does?
Master      the Jedi are about to enter the control room
  Snarky      little     shit
“Nadar,     get   inside,”
 Yeah,         No
Cutting       out      the    abuser
Absolutely       can       kick        ass
Surprised       no     one      who   understands   accountability
“Greetings     young      Jedi,”
 Greetings Boomer
“How       Ex       citing,”
And   Meta
 Defeat       us       all
You’re one person   but I accept the understanding
  Get him     Master
Oh    he gets to see his apprentice die on the   big screen
Wait, where is the other   Jedi
Oh no
 But that wouldn’t kill a     determined
Whelp he accepted death
Yep, he’d rather die than live in the world   you made
(Technically;    Both of you)
 Welp I will kill you all
Do you hear me Jedi
Do you hear me
Fair   game
Enablers       kill   enablers
  No     one   wins
“ R6      is that you?”
Meet me at the   south landing   platform
I’m coming for you next   Fisto
Whelp, i’ll be   gone by the time you get here
R6, I’m at the platform
Going     somewhere
But   also OK
Fan Technique should actually help in the   fog
Pawn In Dooku’s game
That power will only   consume you
Like you
Flaunting it
Right now
Unless his battery   gives out...
How   quickly   power      can   switch     hands
  Whelp  Enabled
 Expect      ed
Accom     plishment
 So   there’s   room   improvement
“His heart was in the right place,”
  Not      accountability
“ to answer power         with power                 It’s not the Jedi   way,”
    What’s the title of this     again?
  Star         WARS      The        Clone           WARS
It takes   two to tango
  Feckin hypocrites
  In this WAR
“ A danger there Is,”
I feel bad    for the   voice actor   that had to say that   with a   straight face
Nailed it   perfectly well
“Oof losing who we are,”
Oh, that scene
                I REALLY liked this episode
It was funny   self-aware   and even   had some good moments with the villains
   They killed a           motherfucking dragon
      *Named              Gore
      * excuse          language
0 notes