#i hope people enjoy my thoughts on the unit stories peaky's especially
caramelmochacrow · 2 years
hi hello i just finished reading all the unit stories today and yesterday :)
i have 48 chapters (not counting CoA's) left of the second story to read yaaaaaaaaaaay
i read rondo's unit story first from beginning to end but realized how long it would take so i just read the first ten for the other units then i went back to the others and finished them
(im just gonna ramble abt rondo, merm4id and peaky here and it's long a shit especially for peaky so tis under the cut)
rondo's made me feel lots of things and them trusting and believing that nagisa will come back is sooo everything to me and that hurts even more knowing what flor seca is abt.
it sounds like aoi hiiro and tsubaki made that song to reach out to nagisa to tell her that they miss her and want her back.
and that kinda makes me tear up lol
rondo is nothing without all four of them so how should they move on now? do they quit and disband like garland or do they continue on without one of the pillars that make up rondo?
the thing with calendula's curse is really interesting, is it real or fake? and the person to decide is nagisa.
nagisa being the one to break the curse makes sense. koyomi is the opposite of nagisa, she believed that she wasnt an amazing guitarist and calendula changed how she saw herself, she become dependent on calendula to the point that she became obsessed with it.
but nagisa always knew that she was good, she knew that because of calendula, she makes calendula have a unique sound and unlike any other guitar. she knows that a guitarist is good by their skill, not their guitar and that made her not fall into the curse.
im not going to talk abt that anymore cause i might cry and only talk abt rondo so its time for merm4id!!!
them trying to become closer and become a better unit by going around japan is very merm4id!
saori probably being the only member that knows how to drive is such a funny thought
also when saori accidentally broke her stage costume and said that people might think that "this isn't MY merm4id!" and start disliking them over their new outfits was sad.
she cares a lot abt the fans in a good way and in a bad way. she cares abt how they see merm4id and their opinions abt them and she's afraid of changing that.
but like dalia said in the story (paraphrased) it doesn't matter if merm4id just changes their look, if this is how merm4id looks now then that's how merm4id looks now, the fans can't change or decide that. and that is just. wow.
also. like. i got to know more abt saki a little bit!
when they mentioned hokkaido i just knew something involving saki will happen and i was very glad to find out it was true!
it's so sweet that her mentor kept the cat plushie! like. ughhghghghgh gghhhhfkihg
idk how to word my other thoughts abt it but they got so close to the point that it was difficult for them to spend time alone without the others is something. something meaning it's gay. it sounds gay.
onto the peaky gals!
so peaky's was quite interesting to me bc i got to learn more abt michiru and they way shinobu thought of herself
shinobu was always confident in her mixes and songs. she never had second thoughts until she saw toka and mana perform together and outshone peaky
she started doubting herself and her music, wondering if it was good enough to be on par and be better than toka's.
then she didnt join (or lost) the remicon, ruining her record.
to michiru of all people.
michiru -- like what her uncle has been saying all this time -- is an amazing dj.
she has a lot of potential, but she has too much of an ego to work with other people and she doesn't have confidence in herself and her music like how shinobu does.
she gets shaken up easily, she runs away, and she changes things up to appeal to her audience to the point that her own style is barely present.
comparing her to shinobu, their differences are clear.
shinobu doesn't get shaken up, she doesn't run away, and she doesn't change things to appeal to an audience to the point that her style is barely apparent.
until she saw toka perform.
when she was working on their new song it sounded a lot like toka's style of track making with her style barely there (like when she first started out she just copied whatever her grandpa did bc she didn't know if it was good enough at the time) and whenever they performed shinobu had second thoughts and changed their set list last minute.
but unlike michiru, shinobu had peaky to back her up and help her out with her slumps and mistakes.
like how shinobu messed up her new last minute set list mid-performance because she thought it was terrible and yuka covered it up by showing off a video she made of their performance in d4fes(?)
when they were adjusting the said song, they managed to finish that thanks to esora and yuka's help w the lyrics.
but, even if michiru joins or makes a unit, she doesn't know how to lead or act w them, and that's clear with that yuki sakura girl's unit and the dj musketeers.
with the dj musketeers she had to learn how to lead by herself there, but couldn't. she's good by herself yes, that's true, but she needed to learn how hard it is to be a leader and her uncle and shinobu's grandpa made her learn that the hard way.
in the yuki sakura unit, michiru is treated as some dj, not as this great and amazing dj that she thought she was bc yuki thought that all of them were amazing and of equal skill so why should she get special treatment if they are all the same?
in there she had to learn how to work with people, and how she must understand that everything isn't about her, but that stings her and started performing sloppily.
adding that and how she thinks that shinobu is amazing and how she'll never amount to her skills, it breaks her.
michiru is a reflection of what shinobu would've been if she didn't turn down kyoko's request to form peaky.
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FMP Prep task review (written work)
Over this year of this course I have discovered the specific pathway that is special effects and production design in TV, Film and live/theater Performance, i want to focus on this pathway, and hopefully create a successful career for myself. Over this year I have learnt that there are a range of areas i can focus on in special effects and production design for TV, Film, Live/theater performance. For example; Cinematography/film photography (location and camera work), set design (location), costume design, special effects in make-up and Physical effects (Prosthetic’s and character design and making), and visual effects (Physical, model making and prop making). These different areas have helped me develop work in these different areas to build up my knowledge and understanding of them, and to develop a portfolio that supports this evidence. With production design and special effects i have learnt different characteristics that you develop throughout this career these could be independents, teamwork, planning and production (this includes research during pre-production and throughout the filming process), problem solving, and determination in the field of this which will help me stand out to designers, artists, production teams, studios and directors/writer/producers. These characteristics can be shown in different forms in my own personality and work I produce and develop for future employers.
The work i have produced this year so far shows these characteristics with project briefs like the ‘Gleam’ project and the ‘Chaos’ brief. These projects I feel show my determination to work within the field and pathways. As well as creating unique pieces of work that are with my own look into the work produced, based off themes and context of films i have researched and research different people to base my work off these are people like Directors (basing if their visions and what they want to achieve with the final look), special effects designer and artists and production teams and designers. The work also shows my dedication to planning and production by producing different outlooks and views on the work, this is so I can produce work to the best of my abilities and to create a unique look on the type of designs I produce. I understand there are areas to focus on like confidence in taking criticisms and positively reviewing my work. also , to improve on time management, which means planning ahead to produce a amount of work in the space of time to the best of my abilities, and not leaving the reviewing of my progress to the last minute. This is going to improve by managing my time and planning a to do list for the weeks and days in the college and outside of college, this is like collecting primary/secondary research outside of college, and making improvements in my sketchbooks and planning outside of college. This is so I can spend more of my time in college using the resources provided and experimenting with my work.
The project i enjoyed the most was the live brief ‘Chaos’ with this brief it was to produce a piece or pieces of 2D artwork for the Melbourne young emerging artists award. This is so we could understand how to work with clients with a brief provided and also to see what types of audience chose and sometimes pay to see my work being produced. This brief was the most flexible to choose out of the briefs of this unit, this means I could produce work in my own interpretation of ‘Chaos’ which was plastic pollution and mental health. With this I produced two pieces in 3D and one using digital and Photoshop skills. This helped me develop new skills that I will be using in my FMP later on as experiments and other outcomes to produce work related to my pathway. I also enjoyed the research areas I researched. This is because I researched different areas of the themes as well as different creative people within this pathway and areas like artists, designers, directors and cinematographers/filmographers. This has helped me understand and build up a new knowledge and look into what I thought was just one area of this pathway. With this i am hoping i can helpfully produce work in the FMP and in the future that uses either some of these aspects or all of them, to produce pieces of work i am proud of and can show other people these pieces of work to either interest them into the pathway, or to get potential job offers from future employers.
With all of these projects and research I have developed over the course I have started to notice a common theme within my research. These were similar artists and creative people within my industry I used in multiple past projects inside and outside of college. People like Wes Anderson, or Sam Mendes who have created incredible films like 1917 and skyfall (Sam Mendes) and Fantastic Mr. Fox and The Darjeeling Limited (Wes Anderson). These two directors are different in their techniques. However, the visions they create with their films come to life in either stop motion animation, or clever use of cinematography and techniques of one continuous shot throughout the entire film. These two directors are two people I look up to in different ways because of their unique styles and views of how films are made. Another three people in this creative industry are production designer Grant Montgomery (Peaky Blinders, and ghost stories) and Adam Stockhausen and Paul Harrods both work closely with Wes Anderson (The Grand Budapest Hotel and Fantastic Mr. Fox). These three production designers are all heads of the departments with other designers and other people in the production teams. With this research, outside of college I also watch films and documentaries about how films are made and the amount of effort and time put into the productions. These are all created by people in the creative industry within film, all the people who work within them have a creative mind about them and create pieces that can lead into award winning pieces like shows, TV shows, films, plays, musicals, concerts, or even music videos.
This year has been a very important year for me especially for areas like research developing, my knowledge on how my pathway and how i can continue within this area throughout college and in the future. With this knowledge I have started and have continued to develop my knowledge on films and other forms of media that use production design and special effects. With this I create essays and research in sketchbooks and on my blog to understand meanings and my filmings to the films I have watched. The reason I compiled a list of classic films throughout the years is because of understanding and seeing how far this area has developed so much throughout the years. It has also helped me understand what audiences seek when watching a film, this could be for romance, a thriller, a horror, or an action film, these all express emotions to people or can have a personal meaning to them reminding them of a memory that will not be forgotten. One of the films i watched and personally is in my Top 10 all time favorites in Wes Anderson's ‘Fantastic Mr. Fox’ This film for me is very special to me because I feel the films set out for you, it is a family friendly film however it does have elements which do have harder themes for young children. Another reason for me is because of the memories and nostalgia this film sets for me, this is because of the book it is based on and also the atmosphere the film sets creates a memory of what reminds me of the area i grew up in until later years.
Over the years we have created and worked with multiple units and briefs to develop our knowledge and skills, some have been more successful than others and some of them I would like to revisit and develop on. The projects i would like to revisit are the ‘gleam’ project and ‘shape and colour’ project, this is so I can develop more things like experiments and more physical work that will help me collect together and create a better portfolio over the time for future employers and audiences to see and see the development and improvement in my craft.
For the next project there are three themes I would like to investigate within my pathway:  ‘Lyrics into imagery’, ‘Youth culture through the years’, and ‘Nightmares’. I would like to work with these themes because they create the themes of nostalgia and the themes of memories that could be either bad or good. Each of these are important to me and maybe to other people. 
The reason I chose the theme ‘Lyrics into imagery’ is because of the memories the music creates for me and other people. I decided with this idea I wanted to choose music that is important to me that creates an idea or image in my head that makes me remember the feelings and imagery it creates. Some of these songs could be ‘Blackbird’ by The Beatles, ‘Disconnected’ by keane, or ‘Red light indicates doors are secured’ by Arctic Monkeys. Each of these songs from bands and albums I have listened to all my life, and create different types of imagery I could create to develop work with over the FMP. 
Another theme is ‘Youth culture through the years’, with this theme I could explore the ideas of fashion, music or nightlife that has influenced different historical events through the years, or has influenced different generations throughout the year. More specifically i wanted to show UK on British Youth Culture, this is because of the importance of younger generations to come, the massive influence of past generations of fashion and a high influence of music (like the 60s of the Beatles, or the Brit Pop era of bands like Oasis or Blur). I could also create work by researching and watching films that are created about the past or that have impacted youth culture in Britain, like the 1979 film of Quadrophenia, or the 1996 film Trainspotting. 
And the final theme i want to investigate is ‘Nightmares’, with this theme i could explore the ideas of common nightmares with people and the meanings, the ideas of visuals and hallucinations people experience either with sleep paralysis or the forms of drug use, and i could also explore the areas of horror and the feelings and the imagery the films or other medias creates for people to be either horrified or create horror seekers wanting more.
With these 3 ideas i would like to experiment with 3D/ model making, like create other miniature sets inspired by pop stages like my the project ‘Shape and colour’, i also wanted to explore the ideas and processes of colour and movement with film like trainspotting in the cinematography when the create scenes hallucinations or i could create these types of imagery with visuals of nightmarish scenes by using influences of the 1929 film ‘An Andalusian Dog’ or imagery from the 1902 film ‘A trip to the moon’. With the idea of film I could create films and short visuals showing either ideas for Lyrics and music, as well as visuals of youth culture like nights out. I also wanted to create 3D/sculpture of figures and face them so I could turn them into themes of films or of music and create visuals that can help me create work. And a final idea: I wanted to explore what illustration using media that pencil, paint, or colour and then develop them into 3D pieces or create 3D illustrations to create imagery using any of these ideas.  With these ideas and experiments I want to try I could form research from visiting places on nights out and exploring places at night. I could also collect research from recording birds and sounds as well as music that create the imagery. With all of this I would like to learn more about the themes that I have created as well as methods of films that have been used over the years to create work within all of these areas.
With reviewing the period of reviewing this year up to now i know what areas i need to improve on what i could and will sort out over this project, these are focusing time on developments and experiments instead of the time on research, setting schedules of deadlines and time frames of how long i am going to work of stuff so i can keep motivated and to keep on going through this final project, this is for my time management for the project and through out my life. I also want to improve my skills on having to be confident in my work and see positives that will also keep me motivated, this will also help me build confidence for the future to sell myself to either future employers and universities for me in the future.
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