vickygwendydd · 2 years
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vickygwendydd · 2 years
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it’s a witchy life
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vickygwendydd · 2 years
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Jacques Grüber - stained glassed door at the Musée de l’École de Nancy
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vickygwendydd · 2 years
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vickygwendydd · 2 years
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The Ultimate Guide to Potion Bases
We all spend so much time thinking about the correspondences of the actual ingredients that go into our potions that we often forget to think about what the potion base represents! (At least I do.) It would be nice to have a list of all the various liquids that can be used in place of water. Naturally, I can’t think of everything but I think this is a pretty good starting point! What else can be used? Eventually, at some point down the road, I will compile all these thoughts into a book on potion making and want to include this! Keep in mind that these are my own correspondences. Let me know if you disagree or if you’d change anything up! Let’s see how big we can make this list. Also, I should probably note that not all of these liquids can be ingested. (Obviously.)
The List
Vinegar: Used for cleansing and purification potions.  Lemon Juice: Used in hexing, cursing, or revenge potions.  Cranberry Juice: Used in love potions. Apple Juice: Used in healing, knowledge, and youth potions.  Ammonia: Used in banishing, cursing, purification, and protection  Red Wine: Love potions and potions dealing with death and the afterlife.  White Wine: Used in platonic love potions as well as success brews.  Rum: Used in potions involving spirit work.  Whisky: Another good base for potion work.  Vodka: A good base for work involving rapid banishing.  Laundry detergent: Good for cleansing potions.  Oils: Used to speed up a process.  Molasses: Used in potions intended to slow a situation down.  Rubbing Alcohol: Another good base for cleansing and purification. Hydrogen Peroxide: Used in healing potions.  Milk: Used in potions to promote sleep and peace.  Sour Milk: Used to cause nightmares or in potions designed to torment. Orange Juice: For potions of solar importance, healing, success.  Soda Water: Used in potions designed to encourage laughter and giddiness.  Ginger Ale: Used in health or healing potions.  Olive Juice: Used in peace potions.  Honey: Used in potions to sweeten up another’s disposition. Syrup: Used in abundance and prosperity potions.  Beer: Used in potions intended to induce slumber.  Clam Juice: Used in aphrodisiacs.  Cough Syrup: Used in healing potions and to make someone ‘cough it up.’ Soy Sauce: Used in protection potions. (Thanks Lexa Rosean for this one!) Pineapple Juice: Used in abundance potions and fidelity potions.  Coconut Milk: Used in spiritual and magical cleansing potions.  Ice: Solid first, then melted for transformation potions. Coffee: Really, a potion in and of itself in my book. Vanilla Extract: In small amounts, used in passion potions. Witch Hazel: Used in communication and cleansing potions.
What else can you all think of?
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vickygwendydd · 2 years
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vickygwendydd · 2 years
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vickygwendydd · 2 years
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it’s a witchy life
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vickygwendydd · 2 years
Storm Protection Spell
With the stormy weather coming to the Texas/Oklahoma/Arkansas in the next few days, I decided to work on a storm protection spell to ease my mind. I hope this is useful for y'all!
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jar (i recommend a jar that’s more short-and-wide, as opposed to tall-and-narrow).
blue candle, to represent water
yellow candle, to represent thunder and lightning
black candle, to absorb damage
white candle, to represent heavy winds
dirt from your home, to represent stability
a print-out of your home, or address written on a piece of paper, or anything else to represent your home (in my case, i used a flower that matches the name of my street)
something to tie into knots - twine, a small piece of rope, thread, etc (something small enough to fit into your jar)
1. cleanse your space/your materials; meditate on your intentions; open your circle — just prep for your spell work however you typically prep.
2. arrange your area like so:
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the idea is to make your space mimic the symbol for air (🜁)
3. place the dirt in the bottom of your jar. on top of it, place the item(s) that represent your home.
4. next, you’ll light your blue candle. imagine the water from a rainstorm pouring down all around you. imagine the sound and smell of the rain.
5. next, light the yellow candle. imagine the bright flashes of lightning, followed by the booming thunder that accompanies it.
6. next, you’ll light your white candle — imagine the howling winds, whipping all around you and making your house creak.
7. now, you’ll take your rope, and knot it three times, saying with each knot: “You are bound from wrecking devastation. Let there be no hesitation in turning your force away.”
8. drop the rope in your jar, saying: “Danger be contained that my beloved home may be unscathed until this peril passes.”
9. close your jar tightly. now, take your black candle, light it, and allow a few drops of wax to fall on the jar. place the candle on top of your jar, and allow all the candles to burn through. if you’d like, you can meditate during this point and imagine all the elements (water, thunder, and the wind) around your home, with the black candle absorbing all the damage and negativity.
10. after the candles have burnt out, place the jar somewhere dark and secure (like a closet or bathroom cabinet) until the storm has passed.
11. after the storm has passed, take your jar, open it back up, and place it in the sun for 3 days, allowing the sun to "dry up all the rain". after the 3 days, you may discard what’s inside the jar and re-purpose it (i recommend using it to store some kind of water — moon water, sun water, rain water, snow water, etc!)
you can also use this spell to help friends or family that may be dealing with inclement weather — simply replace the “my beloved home” line with “Friend’s name’s home”, or “city/state/general area”.
take your spell to the next level by dressing your black candle with mistletoe oil, crushed bay leaves, and cedar.
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vickygwendydd · 3 years
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vickygwendydd · 3 years
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vickygwendydd · 3 years
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vickygwendydd · 3 years
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vickygwendydd · 3 years
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vickygwendydd · 3 years
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vickygwendydd · 3 years
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vickygwendydd · 3 years
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