#i hope that makes sense! again i am not Particularly well-versed in irl hypnosis but it is actually very similar to general kink negotiatio
swirlygigg · 5 months
11 and/or 21 for the ask game ?
11. What’s your ‘signature move’ as a hypnotist?
i don't know that i quite have a signature move yet! i wish i did haha, but i have Not That Much Practice irl, at least not as a hypnotist. i'd like to say i'm fairly encouraging when i'm in the 'tist headspace so maybe i should build off of that, you know?
21. Do you have any tips for how to negotiate hypnosis play?
okay yes! i do actually. most of the people i've done hypnosis play with are hypnotists so this is largely coming from the hypnotee side, but in many ways, it's similar negotiations as any kink!
hypnosis is like... well in some ways, i would say it's a little more risky ground as far as people having power over you, right? i think if you're just beginning, you really need to establish your comfort with triggers and negotiate with people who are responsible with them. i am not a big fan of permanent, open access triggers and i think most responsible hypnotists try not to establish those unless they plan to do long-term play! in general, before you even start negotiating with anyone, vet them and make sure that you feel safe playing with them!
usually i have started negotiations "backwards"--i.e. i usually start by talking about preferences in awakeners and what we both want to feel like by the end of the scene! some people prefer different kinds of hypnosis styles, so that also ends up being a point of discussion.
after that, then you can talk about the scene itself: what kinds of things you'd like to do, what things are off limits, what things you might like to try? for example, you might communicate that you prefer fractionation inductions, that you're interested in petplay and themes around petplay, you like terms like "pet" or "toy" but not "good girl/boy", and that you would be open to experimenting with certain positions or triggers! then you have a pretty general outline to work with. part of the fun of hypnosis kind of is the different styles, so i think getting TOO specific sometimes makes it difficult to play, but you may like to be pretty specific for your first couple times!
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