#i hope that some people still remember ciel bug
i-n-e-a · 2 years
I'm sorry that is the first thing that I post after being silence for 3 months.... (especially if you don't follow kuro tag that much....)
But I've a @pain-in-the-butler ciel bug infestation that I cannot hide any longer.
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⬇️ this has made me unreasonably happy
I have a portfolio to make, finals to pass and blender to learn- that's why I'm being silence recently. But I promise to post sth soon😊
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shinigami-mistress · 7 years
so isn't it fucking frustrating and WEIRD that neither Madam Red Lizzy Alexis & Francis Tanaka etc. ever mention that there is in fact a twin or hint at it ?? like "im so happy you survived but its unfortunate that your brother didn't," (or smethin) they've mentioned polite regards to Vincent and Rachel so why disregard a supposed brother?! if there is a twin, why would they try to forget his existence like our!Ciel is trying to do? as u can see im really diggin deep about this bs theory lmfao
(continuation to my ask) like the perfect person who would ever mention about our!Ciel’s “twin” is Lizzy, with no intention to be rude she would’ve definitely mention him at some point to our!Ciel because she’s brought up Vincent and Rachel, their childhood past, the ring etc so why not his brother ? Unless those scenes where everyone who had mentioned the twin were never shown in the manga.. isn’t that a little TOO convenient? damn this is really bugging me
Allow me to guess, Anon. You’re not a big 2CT fan? LOL. I’m just teasing. The reason I had to tease though is because I’m an odd person to send this to if you are expecting me to be a great defender of 2CT. I’ve written my share of theories that directly contradict it. I’ve also created posts that support it. It’s part of my nature. I love theories, and I tend to try to look at things from multiple angles. Please keep this in mind as I attempt to answer.
Is it a bit strange? Yes. I think it’s odd, but not totally out of the question. Often, after someone loses a loved one, it’s a bit of a taboo subject. To bring up the death of the parents and/or a brother to someone who just lost so much and had been gone wouldn’t be a good thing.
Plus, while I might be mistaken, I don’t see Lizzie bringing up Rachel and Vincent much either. She has mentioned the past such as how how they used to look for Easter Eggs or how Ciel had said he was afraid of a strong wife, but those are more about times of Ciel and her together. Most of the time, she just thinks about other events. Maybe I’m just not remembering any specific time, but I don’t recall her talking directly about Ciel’s parents. She might not have many memories of a brother if he was sickly and not playing with her as often. Come to think of it, I don’t think Lizzie has really talked much about Madam Red either. The only think Lizzie said about the ring was that it wasn’t cute. She actually didn’t seem to understand its significance.
Of course, that’s only Lizzie. Again, it is odd no one has said anything. I’ve talked about this before with friends. You didn’t even bring up Diederich, and he seems to be much more coarse than a lot of characters, and he will talk about Vincent. If 2CT is true, he would know there were two boys. I think he’s more likely to bring up than Lizzie, but he didn’t say a word.
I have a (crack?) theory that Madam Red did know because, as a doctor, she might have spent more time with the sicklier child, but she didn’t want to call him on it.
As for everyone else, it could just be a matter of not wanting to bring up bad memories.
Does it all seem convenient? It does. it also seems convenient that Gregory Violet was able to remain conscious just long enough to tell Ciel and Sebastian that Bravat had returned to London. It also seems convenient that Violet’s convoluted plan actually worked in bringing the right people to the music hall. And that’s just a few things I can think of from this arc! Convenient doesn’t mean impossible.
I’m not saying that you have to believe entirely in this theory. There are things that leave me wondering, and I’m still looking at other options myself. I hope I was able to answer your question though.
Thank you for writing.
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There was a time, not so very long ago, where the vampires had nothing to fear except exposure. Even so, there wasn't much to be afraid of so long as they kept to themselves and it worked. The race felt safe and it wasn't long until a new threat appeared. Like the plague, humans were taken and metamorphed into a hellish creature devoid of color, equipped with reflexes compared to that of the vampiric variety.
Fear drove them.
Consumed with fear, the vampires scattered to the winds, chaos in the streets, unsure of what this would mean for their families and if they would have to pack everything they had and venture elsewhere. The Black Dagger Brotherhood kept them safe, so they stayed, and for the longest time they waited, and waited. Nothing shown promise of an uprising, so they had lain down their weapons for the night as the King sought to it to reward the soldiers for their bravery and despell the worry that still plagued their minds' with doubt. The King, with the help of his Queen, took upon themselves to ease the people by inviting them to their home where they could eat, drink, and dance their woes away.
The grand ballroom, spacious, with lively bodies moving this way and that. It was the grandest of events. Women donned on their best jewelry to flaunt, their dresses every shade imaginable from the bell skirting to slim as a mermaid, and the chandeliers hanging overhead seemed to make everyone reflect as fairies in the reflectioned mirror cieling, giving a gentle sparkle to their ambiance the way the women would twirl, sending their skirts to puff out like they were flying momentarily. Magical, was the night.
By the double throne chairs in a deserted corner, away here so no one bumped or tripped over them, a boy who had to be no older then ten with black hair, dark as a raven's feather with an already set in hairline of a deep widows peak, dressed to impress tux, spinning and jostled around, led by the hands in a white bodice tied with a red ribbon around the waist, and black tule skirting, with hair black as night, skin white as snow, and lips painted red as a rose, Iliahna was having the time of her life.
"Annie, stop, you're making me dizzy!” Wrath had to yell over the band to be heard. When she couldn’t take the hint, he yanked back his arms out of her reach, which didn't seem to have phased her in the slightest. She was too busy with her fits of giggles to notice. Becoming dizzy herself, she landed with a huff, her skirt brushing against the linoleum as she sat on her behind on the floor, the stars almost coming to life over her crown like one of those silly cartoons.
"Again, again, again!" She cried.
"No more, I'm too tired for more.Go bug someone else.” Wrath wrinkled his nose in disgust.
When he thought he'd have to shoo her away again, their father came up from behind, scooping her in his massive arms, planting little kisses over her face. "What are my two dearest young up to!"He bellowed, more giggling and squirming from Iliahna.
"Wrath and I were dancing, papa! We were dancing!”
"You were dancing? Wow, that’s some amazing dancing you were doing. Your Mahmen and l loved watching you two. Makes us proud.”
"Are you proud of us, papa? Are you?”
Bringing his forehead down to hers, the feeling of love inflating his chest as he beamed with so much pride, he was a beacon of pure happiness. "We couldn't be more proud, my little snowdrop.” His way of calling her Snow White. "Promise me though, you gotta promise me one thing.” This peaked Wrath's interest, coming closer to stand by his sister's side. "You have to promise me you'll always look out for one another, okay?”
"Okay!"They both said in unison, Wrath more nonchalant, Iliahna enthusiasm.
Snowdrop, like freshly turned Spring. Spring in the middle of Winter, a hope that change is just around the corner, that the wait was over. Because it was Spring.
But... Spring would never come.
Out of nowhere, the castle was overrun by that which was dead, led back to their homes, leaving fear and destruction in their wake. The King and Queen had taken their young, prior, to their room to tuck them in for the night when the screaming began. Ushering them into the confines of safety within a secret compartment within the wall. The doors kicked open in time and left to watch as their parents were slaughtered, the light in their eyes fading, holding each others hand as they departed this world. Wrath kept hold of his sister's trembling form, trying hard to silence her sobs without giving way to their position. The creatures kept their backs to them, one by one, one would leave to carry on their agenda, some stayed, ransacking the room for any glimmer of treasure that they could find. When they didn't, each one filed out of the room, leaving the children wondering if it was ever going to be safe to make a getaway. Iliahna had made that decision as she crawled out of the tiny space, hearing Wrath faintly hiss at her to go back. Seeing her papa and mahmen lying lifeless sent her flying out of the room, sobbing, the Lessers had not gone very far when they turned in response to her fleeing the scene down the flight of stairs. One would get close and find themselves hurled against a wall, one of the brothers coming to her rescue. But that wasn't all. She fled outside, tears staining her night gown and still none gave up chase, her lungs filled to its capacity of air, her little legs going as far as they would let her go, stopping in the middle of the village that lay before the castle, flames licking at the air, smoke giving life to the chaos, masking the terror, trying to cover it up like some crime scene. The damage was already done. And when she tried to call out for help, no one seemed to hear her, crying for their own need to be saved. Bodies pushed and pulled at her, when she tried to reach out, anyone, didn't matter who, anyone who could help her, she grabbed a hold of an arm and felt them jerkin response, hurdling her back and hit her head on the cold hard ground. For lliahna, the chaos seemed to have quietted down, spots blanketing her vision until there was nothing left to see.
A hand shook her conscious, confused at the blurry shapes, even as they came into focus. A man and a woman, the man was the one who had been shaking her. Both looked weary, age lining under their eyes and around their mouths, both covered in soot. "You okay, little one?”The man was talking to her. Wasn't he? Her? Was she okay? Was she supposed to be? Looking at the woman behind him for any clue to how she was supposed to feel.
"Albert, you don't suppose she doesn't know who she is, do you?” The woman spoke.
The man, Albert, was it? He looked grim, this having to be the worst case scenario.
"I think so, Marie. Can you tell me your name, little one?”
Actually, come to think of it, no, she couldn't remember her name. So she shook her head.
"I was afraid of that.”
"Wait, Albert. This has to be a sign.”
"Goddammit, woman. Now isn't really the time to bring up our marital problems.”
"I want a young, Albert, and for all we know she could be an orphan. Lets take her in.”
"Dearest Scribe in the fade, she's not a lost kitten that you can take in.”
"But look at her Albert, she's scared and alone. We have to help her.”
When he didn't argue back, she continued.
"Or if you're still against it, find a good orphanage for her.”
"Alright. But lets not keep calling her a kid. She needs a name.”
Both looked all over, trying to find some kind of inspiration when the wife chimed in.
"Ahna." She said.
"Ahna?like the Queen?”
"Yeah, doesnt she kind of look like her? She could be her twin.”
"Alright. Ahna it is. What do you think, Ahna.”
What did she think? 'suppose it was good. She nodded.
And so many lives were lost that night. Wrath eventually was found by the Brotherhood, Lessers hadn't noticed him, all that had been was now gone forever. And Iliahna, blooded daughter and beloved sister, no one ever saw her again.
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