#i hope this doesnt mean any more silly retconning tho
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Legends of Runeterra might not have any Soraka cards yet, but at least we get this little beauty of hooves and horns!
Meadow Guardian by sixmorevodka
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cielospeaks · 5 years
f-h news thoughts
-first off new(seasonal) heroes. honestly for me its ideal, i dont dislike them like the previous seasonal, but i also dont love/need any of them either. they honestly picked the best/cutest/most enjoyable characters to debut the “duo heroes” thing bc if theyd done a romantic ship or “these two just go together uwu” id be like. no. imo “two for one” characters can be handled well (i think go does it nicely w ones like ryoma and oryou, and im fine w orion and artemis/ann and mary, but on the other hand g/f kinda sucks at it.. the maids one and the twins are fine, but the “pairing” ones and ll characters later on.. just no.) i will fight the game if they make any of my faves pairing characters, and tbh id prefer greatly if they kept it just to seasonals, and not too often either.
-however i would be super down for: elisaku musician duo (dancer effect), kid mercie and emile (like kidzura kinda, tho the main characters would unfortunately be more likely...bleh), eli and roy halloween duo for next yr (i think its pretty likely unless they retcon duos), helbindi and menja duo (new years?), and a way to add (popular) characters that arent combatants like natalie and merlinus
-anyways my bottom line is pls no “couples” for the new thing. have it as a way to add fun new seasonals but not for actually introducing characters. imo its a sweet way to add in old hecc/old eli and maybe other similar characters in the future
-the new resort features are.. fun? i hope they are. it doesnt look too bad tbh! and at least if they dont add a pumpkin acc i can at least edit the image of it onto dk. but still pls add accessory.
-i honestly have no thoughts toward the new game mode besides the one brain cell being like “hhheheh does this mean 15 banner confirmed next give me my boys”
-not to just be silly but i think its. a possibility. the other one i was thinking needed one soon was 8, and since half the seasonals are from it they could have 15. or more 16 characters bleh.
-anyways for the rest of the year ig therell be 1. halloween, 2. new (ch 12), 3. brave p2, 4. new (ch 13), 5. story heroes (maybe just legendary/mythic. i wouldnt mind if they waited until jan for the others tbh) before the christmas/new years of the end of the yr
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