#i hope this doesnt sound downtalky
hrghhhhhhhhh · 3 months
Do you think it's simply too risky to have a male couple in an fps game? Cause Soldier76 also only has an off-screen ex similar to the only gay character in Apex while a trans woman or a bisexual woman with a girlfriend (all accepted things by straight male gamers!) are core parts of the game. The only thing the main target group really, and i mean REALLY cannot stand is seeing two gay men, let alone playing one who banters about it. Gibraltar never even mentions it. Probably not a coincidence.
While i think that apex historically launched with an nb person on the cast, and built gibs storyline with his ex boyfriend preloaded I dont think that theyre afraid of the "backlash". i think they listen very closely to the people theyre trying to represent. I do think that its not a 0% impact of the Gamers TM getting mad, but i realy dont think that, as a studio, they really give a shit. I think theyre mostly worried bout making unrealistic representation, and letting down people who REALLY care.
Im a pan cis white woman, so i am NOTTTTT qualified to speak on fetishization of wlw and trans women. However its never come across to me as their intent to dangle things to entice Gamer men. Like, thinking of other games that have a much more fanservice cast, like League, like gatchyas, ect I am thankful that i dont see apex being like that. Again, I'm totally not infallible here, and would love some other perspectives.
IDK, while i don't think they're 'intimidated' into not showcasing a romantic male relationship, i do think they suffer from chronic "most of the population" syndrome, with straight being the default. It shows with a lot of their cast being undeclared, andn the ones that ARE are like hyperflirty? In the same vein of trying for Good Rep, i personally dont think a characters's sexuality needs to be "proven" by putting them in a relationship. I have some chip on my shoulder about the bi woman and pan man being (suddenly) sent to the monogamy zone. Thats a personal gripe tho.
in conclusion, I'd love to see a mlm couple!!!! while i agree there seems to be a lack of intent in making one front facing, i dont think theyre doing it maliciously or out of cowardice. just. Too Default to Consider it? ? ? its not RIGHT, but its the more likely explaination. Maybe that is some underlying homophobia, but im not their therapist akjghaskjh
These have been so fun to answer i apprec the brain stretches
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