#i hope this is a good enough reason for mista to get a smooch u3u
inevitableshott-aa · 5 years
@cvpidgalore asked: [ kisses cheek ] Send for your muse to do one of the following to mine. x (accepting)
      “Your coffee, ma’am.” posh tone never suited him, acting so prim with head turned up. The coffee was as she requested but presented on a nice little plate as if Mista was her humble servant. 
      Miss Angel was a normal acquaintance to most but to him, she was indeed like her namesake at a glance. It was part of her appeal, Mista mused. To look so angelic only to deck a bastard right in his teeth. Not to mention she could move money like a boss which is why he assumed Passione scooped her up in the first place. 
      What brought her here, to Mista's knowledge, was just to double-check finances. Make sure their group wasn’t doing any suspicious spending, that money was flowing where it needed to, and that any investments for Passione’s protection were in line with the group's guidelines. Ya know, no fake euro flying around. That’s as much Mita understood of what she did and frankly, it wasn’t something he wanted to spend much thought on. It was her job after all not his.
      In the time he’s met with Angel, he’s discovered she’s actually fun to talk to. The best time to catch her was during the middle when she clearly needed a break. He has passed by her table when she requested a drink. Could have just gotten her a soda or water, something basic, but judging from her posture and the mounds of paperwork surround her Mista made an executive decision. 
      He hoped, placing it down keeping up the current persona, that he got it at least close to how she liked it. Straightening his posture was temporary because that whole act was over and done with. Shoulders slouched, hands slipped in his pockets. “I don’t know how you do it.” he started, peering a gaze down in her direction, “All these numbers all over the place, hell, I’d need at least a couple cups just to keep my eyes straight.”
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