#i hope this is okay!!! slkdjlsj
offleashed · 7 months
@bloodrodeo | set & trent
It had been a long time since she'd seen another thing and didn't want to kill it right away.
Despite her rumbling stomach's protests, Set knew it would be wrong to harm such a majestic, beautiful animal. Especially when it seemed to be free. She stayed back, hidden behind the trunk of a large oak tree, watching the horse from a distance as it fed on some grass. The longer she observed it, the more she found herself smiling. It brought a sort of warmth to her heart that she'd missed; wandering out here in the forest, in the cold, with nothing but a t-shirt and some shorts on reminded her of a mortality she'd long forgotten.
She stuck a foot out, considering, daring to say hello to it. Maybe she'd even find a friend in it.
But footsteps approaching (either toward the animal or toward her, she wasn't sure) made her gasp, hand clasping over her mouth as she turned around fully, placing her back against the bark, closing in on herself. She stayed perfectly still until she felt something cold and wet dripping down her arm. Shit—she'd gashed her arm on a splintered-off piece of the tree. She'd let her guard down and now she was in trouble.
Don't do anything stupid, she begged of the human, feeling like she was seconds away from lunging first and feasting on whichever poor soul was on the other side of the tree.
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