#i hope this made any kind of sesnse to anyone
sideblogdotjpeg · 2 months
not over it actually . that sol is a clone and what his response to that says about him as a character.
like okay. traditional clone angst shit is like "oh am i real/im not the original/im just a fake copy of someone else/etc etc etc" . and that route of a character arc might have even made sense w sols whole launchpad history - that he self-identifies as a sidekick. but also. maybe that rejection of being the main character is what allows sol to take a different route entirely. swag isnt just his prime clone, hes his "daddyself". sol doesnt really care about being the prime version of himself, he just wants family.
im so deeply fascinated by how the concept of clone-dom intersects w the concepts of family. what is a son but a version of you fated to go through all the same patterns of experience you have. what is a brother but a version of you whose choices has led him to a place you could never go. what is family if not enveloped in fear, love, idolisation and rejection. what is family if not a piece of your heart fragile and vulnerable and walking away from you.
anyway. so like. just compare how mothership sees clones (expendable identical bodies) vs how sol sees clones (brad & bron, youll always be a part of me you are me)
like. does that drive anyone else crazy.
and the original point of this post has completely flown away from me but in a feeble attempt to bring it back. my interpretation of sol is like. sol doesnt want to be a hero, he wants a purpose to fight for. he wants people to fight for. he wants to be part of this thing *bigger than he is* to dedicate himself to. and that used to be the mothership corporation, and has now taken the form of his friends and family. its only natural he would have adapted the spore network, as someone so clearly driven by his connections to other people. it makes so much sense he would see his clone identity this way because ultimately he sees himself in terms of his relationships to other people
(and if you want to be insane like i am, then you can think about sol as a child abandoned and alone in a derelict waterpark, so desperate for any kind of connection that it comes to form a defining character motivation for the rest of his life) 👍
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