#i hope you dont mind but i might draw a few of these aaa
tinytinybumblebee · 3 months
yay ok sorry if this is long!!
• i think he is the stimmiest ever! partially because he can’t verbalize any of his feelings and partially because it’s just his personality, but he has all kind of physical stims. before he left the briar, he did a lot of happy clapping but that activates his magic—when he was all alone this was fine, the more friends the better right? but now that he’s out in the wider world he’s trying his best to redirect himself to a different stim, he likes hand flapping the best right now :)
• that’s a double edged sword though because he can’t vocalize good emotions, but he also can’t vocalize bad ones. and the nomad tries so hard to be so sunshiney and friendly to the world and it seems like most of the time all he gets is hostility in response, so as positive as he tries to stay, eventually things just boil over and it’s so hard to be the happy guy he wants to be, so when he’s in a bad mood well, that fuse is very long but when it burns to its end the result is EXPLOSIVE. he can have some of the world’s worst tantrums and they’re usually completely silent. he tends to stay self contained and doesn’t destroy anything or hit people, he just flails and kicks and swings around wildly having a very typical temper tantrum you’d see from a little one in a store or something and usually if he’s been pushed to that point there’s no getting him out of it and he usually just has to tire himself out. then he’ll be weepy and clingy for the rest of the day :(
• padded regressor ofc. yknow what all those layers are for in his outfit? hiding his dips so he can still try and do big boy things when he needs to!
• I think he’s a one and done person with a cg. As in he has one very special person and that’s it. I think he didn’t start really regressing often until post melinda (the loneliness really took its toll on him) so he really doesn’t have anyone as of now but one day he’ll find his special person and that will be his main cg… he’s ok with babysitting but he wants that one person there to be his anchor and rock, someone safe he can see as mommy/daddy/bubba he can run back to whenever he needs them. I realistically don’t think it would be skout tho… she reminds him too much of melinda and it was his job to protect and look after her, so having skout as his permanent caregiver feels wrong somehow even if she doesn’t mind helping
• he’s really good at standing his ground against bounty hunters but i think he starts to involuntarily regress when he feels truly backed into a corner or when he sees one of his little object friends get hurt
• blankie!! he has a blankie!! it’s actually not a blankie at all but the scrap remains of a poncho from one of melinda’s disguises (which drew him to it even if he didn’t remember why) but whatever it’s blankie now and he’s very insecure about it in the way that it’s always in his hand (his biggest tell for being tiny) and people can look but don’t touch. no matter how much he trusts someone he gets paranoid they’re gonna take it away from him
• hat is always on, scarf is on frequently no matter what he’s wearing. if he’s wearing baby clothes he’ll still have those on because they feel like part of who he is and they make him feel safe :) also like his dips the scarf hides his paci if he ever needs to be a big boy when he isn’t in that space mentally, and the best part of being mute is that he can have his paci through all his travels because he doesn’t talk so no one will notice it impeding his speech or anything >:) hehe baby time all the time
• his favorite activities include tummy time and back time (with those baby toys, idk the name for them but they’re like an arch/bar over a soft cushion with dangling toys to bat at while baby lies on their back), building with blocks, being read aloud to (he loves hearing his cg’s voice after so many years of no one to speak to him), coloring and finger painting, naptime (but he likes to pretend to pout and sulk when he’s told it’s naptime because lots of real babies fuss over naps, but he cracks immediately when you call him out), playing with noisemaker toys like rattles and when he regresses to closer to a toddler age he likes playing dress-up and having tea parties!
• soooo many stuffies and just a little clap brings them right to life! he’ll collect a dozen stuffies and then he’ll collect a dozen more
• usually very sweet and well behaved unless he’s having one of his rare really bad days, because again I think he’s either an extremely sweet good baby or a fussy upset nightmare and there is no in between aside from when he gets weepy sometimes
• if he does get in trouble he’s not good with punishments, usually he needs to be held and gently explained to why what he did wasn’t good, because I completely agree that he always wants his carer in his line of sight and so being put in time out and not allowed to go to them or be snuggled gets him stressed and he immediately starts thinking they hate him and won’t come back for him (he’s been in time out for one minute)
• loves being helped with little things especially getting dressed. all his nomad gear is so hard to put on when you’re such a tiny guy :(
• he regresses between ages 0-3 I think and he much more commonly lands on the very young end of his spectrum
that’s all i have right now i’m sorry this is so long!! he has one of my favorite character design tropes with the hidden face and bright eyes and one of my favorite tropes in personality of the infamous one who actually is as sweet as pie so to me he is peak baby material in every way
WAAAAAAAAAAAAA oh my goodness you have blessed me with your OUTSTANDING IDEAS OA A A A A A A A I've been reading these over and over since I saw it last night AAAAAAAAAAA🥺🥺💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
Crying over Nomad just seeing too much of Melinda in Skout to really see Skout as anything past a playmate/buddy ;o; They probs tried once but Nomad just got too emotional when he saw Skout wiggling her finger at one of the rock friends (it reminded him of Melinda's magic and he instantly tried to protect Skout in case "anyone saw her do magic" ) maybe when they reach the Iron Border Nomad (and Skout!) meet someone more in a position to be a carer hehe
and waaaaaa at him just being such a tiiiiny guy! He tries to best to put on his clothes but buttons are soooo confusing and buckles are just too hard for such a little scarecrow! He was alone for quite a few years so he was a bit shy at first when asking for help but, he's gotten really good at the "I'm just going to look at my unbuckled boots until someone catches on and helps me" xD
Waaaaaa jsut YES to all of these oh my goodness- and I hear you on his design! It is peak baby (the moment I see a masked or hidden face my monkey brain is like "Oooh just a little baby right there") Tank you so so much for sharing these wonderful ideas!!!!!!!!!!!
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YULALA: -She's out and about today and was actually gravitating towards a local spot that's been getting a lot of attention lately from those in her "friend circle" (although in reality not very many people are still actually in her friend circle). Her many trappings and jewelry jangle as she walks. She's got her ears buds in, and seems to walk slightly strangely or off kilter as she sways to the beat of whatever she's listening too, and even hums.-
MAVRIK: -Mavrik was in agony. He had kept himself hidden in shadowy corners of this space station, hiding among trash  bags and dumpsters, until his nose and the cuts on his face from the broken glass smashed over his head had stopped bleeding their weird rainbow of colors. Now it was all mostly dirty looking scabs, asides from the cracks in his horn which were still oozing. Oh well, it was close enough to the base that maybe no one would notice...-
MAVRIK: -His bruised and battered rib cage made it hard to breathe, and the headache and waves of dizziness caused by his horn fracture wasnt helping to improve his thinking ability. Which was bad, because he needed to figure out a way off this damn station and to get back to lauctis without drawing any attention to himself. And currently using one hand to cover up his exposed glowing eye and looking beat to hell and back was not the best way to go about being inconspicuous.-
MAVRIK: -He was behind some other restaurant, leaning against the wall and just taking deep breaths to try and tune out the throbbing in his skull when he smells it. A weird, familiar musk that he only knows in the deepest part of his cognitive memory. There is a instinctual tug in his stomach, and Mavrik knows what it is hes detecting before his brain can even muster the sheer near impossible odds that there is another mimic here.-
MAVRIK:  -Either way though he isn't wasting too much time trying to sort out just how or why another member of his species is here. He needs help, and he can only hope that whoever it is they are willing to give it...-
-As Yulala continues walking she might feel like something is following her, perhaps she might even smell him too. But after a few minutes of tracking her down, and confirming with his nose what she is, Mavrik will grab Yulala by the wrist and forcefully yank her out of view of the public eye and into a corridor where he promptly covers her mouth with a hand and speaks into her ear through gritted teeth.-
MAVRIK: (Dont scream, please dont scream, I need help Im alone and need to get out of here, please help me.)
YULALA: -Music may be a relief to her, but apart of the reason she likes it so much is that it swallows all her sensory information and directs it to one place. She has minimal hope of noticing him before the assailant snatches her. For the first few seconds, all she can think about is how terrified and horrified she is. Nothing like this has ever happened to her, and she never imagined she'd be caught so off guard when it did. However, he might be surprised by how strong she is, when she lashes against him like a viper, threatening to knock him back into the wall of the alley and tear herself out of his grip. Not screaming, but a shrieky animalisitc snarl that he ought to be familiar with.-
YULALA: Get aaaaaawaaaaay from me!
MAVRIK: -When she sharply moves to throw him off her Mavrik chokes on the wince he makes from her knocking into his battered body. He lets go of her wrist in favor of wrapping both his arms around his sides and leaning forward as he tries to outlast the sharp radiating pain.- (Fuck!!)
MAVRIK: Pl-Please Im not trying to do anything, I need your help someone attacked me and I think they know we need to get out of here! -He hisses and then looks up at her pleadingly, both eyes open, one seemingly troll like with an indigo iris, and the other bare and neon. A look Yulala might find very familiar.-
YULALA: -Yulala could smell the blood the whole time....Among other confusing...(and exciting?) scents and colors coming off him in waves. It's making both her eyes and nose very confused. She hisses again, but it's slower, like she's thinking it over for a second, although she's still bolt straight and clearly about to attack him again to make her escape. But then she gets a good look at him, and sees the ugly hurt aura of colors that's radiating from his wounds, and that cools her hostility into instantaneous pity. She's not stupid though, she's still guarded. And angry.-
YULALA: Why did you pull me aaawaaaaay like that? It reaaallly scaaaarred me!!
YULALA: ...but you cleaaarly need aaaa hospital....I could caaalll you a caaab? Is thaat what you need?
YULALA: You....-She does notice his neon eye. It stuns her. She's never seen another eye that looked like hers before, except...In a mirror.-
MAVRIK: NO! -He hisses again, but then regrets it and tries to be as seemingly non-aggressive as possible through his body language.- No hospitals!! Are you crazy???
MAVRIK: And I pulled you in here so no one would see us! I can't believe you are walking around like that, look at your eyes what are you thinking!?? -He wheezes and points a finger at her face.- Sunglasses or contacts or something you cant go bare eyed thats so fucking dangerous! I know most of the worlds and stations near here are musclebeast shit backwards without culling laws but for fucks sake...
YULALA: -At first she's confused....and then incredibly offended....and then confused some more.- Aaa.....Aaare you from aaaa plaaaanet with culling laaaws? -She clumsily lets her voice fall into a not-as-agressive tone, a little startled by all these sudden developments.-
YULALA: I...I know you might be scaaaared, but it's saaaaaafe, I promise. My faaamily haaas lived here for aaaaaaaa long time aaaand most of them are offspec.
YULALA: I could...go with you...If you're reaaaaaallly aaaafraaaaid! -She doesn't really want to, despite the offer. Something about him just....unnerves her. His sudden presence in her life is scary and she wants him gone as fast as possible. But she can't abandon a hurt, confused person.-
MAVRIK: -Yes, pity him he is indeed hurt and confused. But mostly confused at her. Mavrik looks at her like Yulala has two heads.- Wh-?? Yes! I came from a damn planet with culling laws, the odds of existing on one of those flimsy "Beforean" minded hell holes is so rare they keep too close of a track on their caverns. -Or so hes been told.-
MAVRIK: I'm from a colony world controlled by Alternian government, or I was. I had to defect to lauctis which is where I'm trying to get to but at this point I'm willing to go anywhere, seriously ANYWHERE.
MAVRIK: -He reaches out and takes her arm again.- But you said your family right?? "Family??" There are more? Please take me to them, take me with you I promise I'm no threat rogue, I lost my group sweeps ago I've been on my own since I just want to meet them, to see others like us again!!!(edited)
YULALA: -None of the trains of thought her racing mind was pursuing seem to be related in any way to this strange troll's babbling. She feels herself kind of withdrawing inward as he talks, noticing the way the splatter of his blood shines. Just like hers. She backs off from him more although the alleyway is cramped and there's not much space to work with. She's just overhwelmed with way he's assaulting her sights and senses. For instance the prisma of his aura of misery and loathing is so bright in comparison to other people she's met that it almost burns to be too close to it.  And he can see her fear rising, probably assume that at any moment she wants to bolt without replying to any of his increasingly alarming statements.-
MAVRIK: -He can see her fear, plain as day, even if it comes muddled through the one contact lens. Shit he didnt want to scare her off, but why was she even so frightened?? He was like her! He was one of them! Even with his confusion though Mavrik lets her back up again and holds his hands out in front of himself fingers splayed in a peaceful gesture, and he tries to appear as non threatening as he can despite his heart thudding in his chest and all his senses going crazy.- Please, please just...
MAVRIK: Just get me to lauctis. Thats all I need, and I can explain myself more but we cant stay here. Neither of us.
YULALA: -There's a tense silence....and then she speaks up again.- Whaaaats the point of getting aaaanywhere if your injuries get infected aaaand you die? You don't trust the hospitaaal on Laaauctis either, I guess?
YULALA: You're confused. Aaabout aaa lot. I don't know whaaat you think we haaave in common, but we don't.
MAVRIK: No! I have medical supplies I can't treat myself there- Wh-??? -He frowns at her. He's the confused one?? She's the one trying to get him to go to a hospital where he could easily be exposed and found out! It's like she doesn't even know the first rules of mimic survival!-
MAVRIK: -Then his frown turns more squinty, like he's inspecting her. And then again Mavrik is suddenly invading her personal space again, taking hold of her arms and sniffing at her collar bone, her shoulder.- Holy shit I thought I was seeing things because of a concussion but it's not here. You don't have it. -There is a sudden twisting in his gut, and the strong urge to correct her lack of internal parasite.-
MAVRIK: -Lets go of her wrists and jumps back.- What are you??
YULALA: -It's safe to say that everything he's said thus far has her taken aback, but he doesn't need to see her aura to know how it makes her feel, her eyes squint with surprised hurt as though he slapped her. Its not the first time she's heard those words. All she can do is give him a flabbergasted blurt back.-...No. What aaarre you?
YULALA: -She fiercely yanks herself away from him again.- Stop it! I didn't saaay you could touch me!
MAVRIK: I'm like you! If you need to put a word to it trolls have called us "mihmiks" for centuries. -Says the name with so much distaste and malice it might as well be acid on his tongue.-
MAVRIK: You are parasite free something is wrong with you, where is the rest of your group?? Where are their parasites?
YULALA: Mihmiks. -Her stomach is twisting around inside her painfully. She doesn't understand all of what he's saying- still-  but somehow...she knows what he's saying is true. And it's the worst thing that's happened to her....So far. There's another layer on top of the colors both she and Mavrik can see- an even fainter and more subtle aura of intuition that's for her alone. This person is going to set off an unavoidable chain of events....It's hard not to get lost in that train of thought- it's already trying to unfocus her from the situation and yank her away from reality.-
YULALA: I don't know whaaat you mean by paraaasites....I don't know why you'd waaant to ....haaaave paraaaasites. I waaaas raised by my daaad. An indigoblood!  On a ship. With lots of other offspec trolls.
MAVRIK: -Stares at Yulala like shes gone and grown a third head. Seriously this lady keeps getting stranger and stranger.- .... The lack of parasite is no longer the strangest thing, you were raised by trolls???
MAVRIK: The murderous species that would literally rather have you, me and everyone else like us dead raised you???
MAVRIK: -He cant even compute that.-
MAVRIK: Did they not know what you are!? Well I guess obviously so because why would a troll keep someone that feeds off their kind alive it doesnt make sense!
YULALA: You- we- You're saying Mihmiks feed on trolls? -HORRIFIED.-
YULALA: Ugh! I caaaan't deaaal with aaalll this. I don't waaannna deaaaal with aaaaaaall this!
YULALA: Look, just put a hoodie on, sneak onto a traaansportaaaalizer paaad. I don't caaaare where aaas long aaas it's faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar aaaway from me! -
YULALA: -With that she turns and starts to run.-
MAVRIK: Not really trolls themselves, its an option if you can manage it but mostly its the eggs and grubs. You havent lived until you-- WAIT STOP!! -He tries to sprint forward after her but before he even reaches the end of the ally way he has to stop, he cant run, he cant keep up. Mavrik just places a hand against the wall to support his weight and pathetically wheezes...-
MAVRIK: -She can run while she can, this wont be the last time they will see each other...-
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