#i imagine he doesn’t change much hair and outfit wise as Dex gets older
dammarchy211 · 2 years
The motherfucking uhhhhhhhhg
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Oh please pleas read this whole thing and reblog Isswear I'm not insane and put way to much effort into it scratching at my cage bars also this is probabty the only time u guys will get more oc info than my insta story viewers so be grateful/s
The only real difference between a shadow and paper archetype is slightly different powers available, like shadow archetype's can sneak past things a lot. better due to being able to blend into shadows, and can teleplane without the user even knowing the ability since it's kinda just innate to their state of being (I’ll explain what teleplaning is too sorry this is so long—). The difference between forming one or the other can just be a difference in mentality, but it can also steam from fact that a shadow archetype can be easier to form for someone who's less artistic. Though personally I think it'd be cool if an archetype can be mad from anything that's relatively 2D.
imagine that Raz's doodle archetype wouldn't change much as he got older, or maybe become a tiny bit less "young" or simplified but kinda just, stay the same over the years, since he kinda just embodies Raz's younger mindset anyway. Raz's archetypes r split into the motifs of young and mature, whereas Dex's are themed after quiet and loud/showy. Here's something I said about dex's bandit archetype that sums it up p well
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But the reason that Dex's 1st doesn't change while his 2nd one does is centered on the fact that the formation and purpose of his 1st archetype is just so heavily tied to his childhood, whereas the second is a mirror of his parents/what his parents wanted him to be, but y know, utilizing that for his own benefit. His second archetype has a loud showman type personality, and is, I have no idea how to put this other than, Cheshire Cat-y. For context be iirc I only put this on my insta story, his parents r two non-psychic magicians, who are "generally okay" with psychics but are rily dissatisfied with their son being one as [insert explanation screenshot I don't think I could articulate better]
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As for his magician archetype's abilities though along with any basic paper archetype stuff he can summon as well as turn into a large playing card, which can help with any sort of platforming type activities, as well as suck up and shoot back out any enemies from his hat. Any other campy type magician abilities you can think of he can probably do too.
Dex himself probably argues the most with his own archetypes though only his second one really but I think Raz's would butt heads on the occasion as well, especially with his doodle archetype probably not listening to the other two that well lol. Also playing around with the scenario what if Raz were to be affected with any sort of mental affect that caused him to act erratically or against his own motives that his archetypes would be able to operate independently of him and be able to help the psychonauts still!
As for teleplaning here’s just what I have in my notes about it
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I have no idea how to explain it other than just. That.
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