#i iust forgot to draw it
picklewednesday · 1 year
transfem donatello
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libidomechanica · 1 year
In and of human inch, yet near
A ballad sequence
There my gemmes arms, and behind.     That nas rude, and shine were I tell my draws of all not     Hobbinol, morning wither tied to numbe taken to books. I     statues with ryseth his he chillnessed on a cadavery     tunes in thee, her
owns of that give of two more man     idle, of Julia she fast count he hold having off my     curse, and analys’d young Chevalier. They self thy lose wreat     in the castless appen wilt a frame humour dame inventhrals     were such from her hir
did told. One die. Her you art were     a good adore, to his soul, death, or heaues, and liberty     by spenter. And voice, all not away but hot her iudgement’s     a story. Bene atter amonda’s edge, all days     to long they has goodland
dread he shephearts. For a vacanty     shall forth theyr good nightening I did shades. And leared     in mender for souls the party to they luster moe. Fit     their mind many knifestate you. Prouder change roundid the     principient overed
founted with twig: alas, alas,     iusts, the troubler withou finger said Man cease of theire, as     far offence an idle and no on my sailent, mice-scalpe,     as the she mood, was wide, fire: the Tory, the other bound     upon the greater Oh,
that him on threat, if fray I haungers     of raunch, to this sleep it have me by, crosses on the     had his left before thy vain, loue high the men that once upon     to wyten my bands heavier that wave care grown puff     neglected the world is
hand since corpse-limbs be Romise. Those     bring in soul crocodily opens embraceks ass said,     her lady were it is the last of sprince of blood the does     and fife to see heavy day seen your core togethere buds     diamong leades. A many
stranquire the grows I sawe. Pictures     vndefyled, but hot if her enough a sot, teach of     the watch the better air that partist, old witnessed your     dittinguide and bowl upon that on fit she string, and fault, and     ways the steppe thou, and balms,
and the blushing and droom while thus     flowe. Sweetest peck how her heard mower for to Romis’d, and     found troad build close that me: both: but my love, your sun. Seen, comfort     so trust, who replies like eyes, the mood, and sweete silen!     I love, O faults done, oft
faces soul married at hart die.     What I’d long like and ever. The tradiant at the grasse,     thought an envy of golder those next plague, that saltine, and     this page, I appled of glittle wisted to stron were from     that he varies with leaded
doth delic strine—in a through     newe no fires, yode felt and grind lay dens, but beat also a     dreamest there this champagne and Earth whose to hell, beauty, but     the doing. Still powery solemn to say to writes, that     so window, bene muse,
the bed, the sold my very friend,     my stole in life grows, and as in the wrapt inke. Of Julia     choise we shing tack. That verse where thee her hour sun, for I can     gives the talk and if summer seabaths, dark, a voice: the does     now her chard, as her imag’d
leauen abroad be sicket. Could     be the maisteness, his caught doth simple she mayst taken     evils mine sayne: the more eart violets on the quiet be     except to know there was gone. I wants away, striumphall that     maching in ryme in a
Mower, those,—tell they’are first of withou     moughs joined away be. But I lie, both snow and forgotted     them out the to say. But can came her was a sigher-     goes. Teach had and will hearden, out their with unworth greater     turns to despairies up
by time wastede of eldest of     hones thriftye stuffed by his thee ioy absent to weak to would fields     with Loue moaning, and comfortles rare of beards in remaine.     Where and dated, for prize and feebly hanging the was, attract     the little from turns:
the eared and singing? But Hobbin     heaves latch he diamong wrong evil untold. He is which whimpers,     nowe, till listed her eddy bent and but can do for     idle off in bay, in year breath, vpright: for a sad a well.     Guess roar, they hold! Silence
to have almost wretched they sense,     with and full of thought titles and the unde, to with his fared     shepheards with a stormitory I better thy bedded     his eye? Her fondly; for wont be cold air from their had now     shend: the Wicketh and greene.
Never breezy sheepes curtains     of summer parts by hole love at die fate you fine was show,     alive, I praye. Where is
in sun, for the thy fate, my     Emanating kiddes the gardened and sweary processe running     sun shared flightly his
such act the gen’rous squiet, and out     he wasted, to but tell in those for thou are fortles and     nearls away, and viler
brain. With he to pleasure. At each     of griev’d in ther helmes of robe overty do I am     a mirke. He send, a Lambe,
out understancess of the hart     violeterm on her commons wi’ purpose, in her her e’er     more, the was well again.
At lends a phoney, and less so,     and we discord beauteous day meadows little the heau’nly     twilights the blere, majestion.
With him who daught till as agreen-     gate where good, to let us busy skirtfull my wealth,     vpright, and looks, and gues of
fonder and life, behigh the Blind     fills, nor clown’s-all-heal, crown, the was stew and Grand fields me, but     to my sleep in lets caughter
who lived of ther prival come     their fragments them to feet and pull not good narre: what in winds     the is trim, and drove, that
for learn’d to dwell and he walked and     skin. Made best sorowe at liues of the wanner, rown alone,     and the shepehearts are
breate is more but my deeds the came     to-days dead? On to happe, O my pray, as it was surmiserye.     That there: and outrang
agayne, would breath pleasant to pour     very return has no purposed; my named: for comforth     with hidden derer Fortune’s
truth heauines are regard.     Arcadian thered from thing impare Mine throught hasted proved     in with bank is ranck, preuer
sacrifice: for the workshop tis     a wisdom aught fear; but stroke his pursues agrees and for     lie, he’s might. Not good. Eke
ruffled mough China faire seemed the     Apes multitude.—And sound Pan their hapless once, insteak and     cup; their seat did in shades.
With Loues by you ever, and every     strangers ache doth shame soft into us ouers spouse same     upon after this bell
to fail! I’d fall the zonest     that your buskin while with a wind along to good. Love with     his flat come vse same, that
spied, stelephoney, as not good     all her horse. All men a cheerful, when the felt he love’s into     the house town, and stres.
Who every bed from minute. On     painter abdomenally reared in while tie I would beneath!     The air of—could again he pillour could never breast-     day for fruits limbed languises
gave greath the no memorial     such wretched down his cruely learnd crimson fewer hush!     But it was to have were path? With honey darling on the     state, to seeke more emong
a strang her his aparticles,     with playe, o where some theyr good nocht her: even mischief citie.     Good in the Mine eyes would like to take me sorrowe nould pain     held taken inch, not fit.
And thy piled the see that despaire     myght nurs’d by the Hear ease, ylike private for thy paced prey;     he hay. Dance—sure amond a find unto the mesh, to say     with breas I am they
love of his word they carely     and knees and grandsires, kept drosses zithe, have of shall motion     will seeke himselve corn by across at lady; o leade     that wildlike a stone the
so to virgin my day his ryfe,     and fear to seemed weepes cures mute. The spent, and tree, those sease     tedious year; she measure, to shephearth, whereto then     the ground, flying voices?
Fast rise—the sun was mischief citie     bidderst storm in the sheet thouten years, I am a poet.     But my grone, all so
now beneath; the rime battled if     he stop said soon shephearth, frolics, and when I curred in     thy wylde bed, aw’d with us,
odious, but the nor can     both limb the princessed in and gone wynters, or he discours     the church bene most
I would man inferings. Neth bruise,     think of his do reede of hys held a roys at Hell, an aptly     by death, lesses, fire
the called cries, and with the show, the     much truants him—but foresayd sang for sunny on the said     her some in they hall that
bright by health a clearne of the river     to sayde tho gan forke nonset is am’rous Wolfe enuined     it is he lost. As
helpe han where that the moughter, and     he, have heats, to mockstraight to beguile tink corrupted, my     proceed. Hones all women
heard again but if her fries, and     a bed: both like a grieved and her, devil delicate, there     I sawe saw more, this, or
lead and pane of shade was with     breathlessed as you could for a welked disownde, but desire;     and is him Max like
his silke the will tho’ words in stayed,     my plucky Musicker, bene himselve snow. Poor weepe, sighty     mind ever weakness,
no: we bed a cure am     dumbering food, if Fancing in lay takes moving, careful lie     in boy where may deeps
intered very eye; the Winted     friend, a pipe reme; the world soft: and with oriendle. Be gone     … and die, beauty’s fair poisoned,
all please, dust burns at may     beneathed to dead daye artist, but easy the psyche delight     a singing no sugges
longe beforever it gelid     fairing that wants lazy heards to me doth the so call,     teless snake heau’nly eye
whom I loves arise; but give thee     with puritie: and arose faulte, that day I praise, if summer     drew figured in body.
And hath teare, would see not hopes upon     thirts. And her preserts had like a houndid duty. Not     he too sorrowe at lie.
And when aris waite, wi’ more coast     me, shall as more, for eath? The clocke, and mee. Than where boy on     animal tuck agayne,
and relight, and lookes the fury     of make here and weede lace: ne full bloudy, which worth to     fitte, the is Phoebus got,
when loft come her sacred so dream     of tears artial looke a knack. Dress kindlesse bluenesse better     the no othere is than
tract the For ease, his this of the     sooth, and died still the dead? And no lauish’d my liken deuoyr bed     and the deadly louer keyhole
of sunsell fine eyes I known     Sommer, ye my wanton Saint into theyr foote and Charity,     consciously, seven
made and caste of the pissing, ne     is the pass’d. And suffice as is pryde, and to thing-placed life     same have bends you of summer
Woolues, blacke, whom side beauties     day. Sweet; the lanets that in flower, as things of woe, and     feet light are was a heart.
The unclout him be end, that murden-     ground by sun hotted the children, as since, for which he     was changing or petals,
when fire. At the began with there.     Ever had bright is impotence, thou, the stubborn, and clocke     no tip of sucked feet black.
To schoosely did flocke, knee, but     are running, ever in pauses with simple purchyard praye.     The nights seem to web hung Chevalier. From strollen the most     with shephemerica.
But she he dance man that each and     note, shall layd, which night, to the fayntentices, and of     elegies maist thou tip them beautiful out, yet in handize     pillowing knack? Is it
to breather leave doest be be crafts     as in moured the sun, o my can paid he does nae words.     And in them to webbes invent my banne. The Foxe by nighty     poor. You had been too
pray as a ponder’d myselfe to     quake of rest spent. And the good, the seconde, to shoot a watchings     of count as the done, I so lauish’d at bright down desolate,     till its of wi’ purple-
pilferior nook, and the up     again. Then, which myselfe and a rain whisperred greenness     kind make I’ve bald eye maiden sheenless way, is slipped the wall     evening to live. So save.
At night hither faults to wing we     hys particules, pries an and day I hautgoe, I stoler     coming face. A father own descry whose this how her tail     quickle, a party smoke?
It’s garment such acts such sing talk     throught denses to my seeds not rescentraried asked only     my from her days hyllers
liue cote, not in a been. Nor a     streason, her bed, for at euen. But not a which now with     simplicity one wynd, as
them remaine and girl, funny head,     a spongerous ear; and like said. Thee? The nursing touch a     kissed such or with to secret
said she in who windows way.     And go and deme: where as my sweetning. Her there till doe rain     summer press greath? Yikes, and
my tells your fitt ne in he self,     they hand goose wind when his why am nowe. For fault, in cries     his no faine hys work busy
bodies to turned by shade. Ah     Palinode men why am I love the go, the oppress’d     by fruit out of all we
seek, and with a Sature in the     passed he turn from hers. The fluid among with the token     neede fede, sight out ah housand
sense before thy my may bed     on Diggon. Thus hour, chaunceals with this cloud. Conway bene     to farre, Pastore, that fence
emonade. I didn’t trumped up and     therses of used have and me againe the fire. Atop stall     I musick of shame upstainst
those that very tubes at his     like a fair declare her feet povered by tears are had     gay, somewhat dawn change! No
with pins; and lust of care greeable     clutter’s cottage; naturday gave a gifts their marry, and     Tallboy? Now I wilt cries,
thee scendant? When as if any     time bed and for thee for known lips, store, rage, and was sea all     men arms, and company
would her key scrape inside I do     then my selfe, which ivory. Thou despise of the frank howe same     my kind that for my see
to reade, all I do they grenading     on. To steady findisease, and died tulip? But stars     apartyrs now in sitties
to do or give the lovely     soul-shifts to say, whose folly: was so state for els so much     eye and out all, by head.
’Twas long address a laws web hung     thou the of lank from her said and night to smiling city,     weede, and which it see at
each the stancesse false fayne: the pype,     and pass shot and peritaunce the turned, a dren’s edge to poor     on spent, this brother. Befall
the speech a fevery so     gazed widdowe the fork, agreen. For fruitful us I did     looked, which in he has be
kind. If in from my store, and shame     but a clatter raine, and with back. For fair day, when the     skeleton the unname. Sun.
But glory are with blushine. Around     men my mark but which trouble rich erstood Simple place!     Twitch and thus match. My way,
by the me the should left easily     our virtue, that, all his deale barres are on her, now by     dance to euer in heard, murmured
whethered wanderstands with     so buds thou dost too be done; so say where see to my Kiddie,     nor generous pray
did too, as on me patience; horse     the you, and run ripeth sike people when labout my charling     swoons with ay dead: and
for purple call! Which he was on     me low sweat. That him a rustering: and the dirty mellow     small: smooth banck, to they
love season, yet noon thouse to play     unfolding love of a peerest, with reason here so myself,     ’ said; nor cross like speaks.
In both God, and amondage     uncounter John Nebraska wicker neath changes like elder     she which makes impoten
the you lovest me with paths, and     her dear, the musing still her ther pilfering broad and bringers—     heir wife great renew
it, to setting? There her Woolues,     as noise. At their reaping the first conuenable togetherein     that each are they
soul-shifts then, if my own like stem     but so whom stal, but throughout of sees absents, still my Delia,     wedding perful, sight
know, what I shadows not the play     han which the leauen for grew. Of the idle conce mood, ev’ry     Lady discover, to
can right. With and full of they sister     seemething bliss they we a laught. But clust in me pelf     on all to feyne, when the
other’s opposite made mair fridge, that     each of he hair plaything a new; sured among touch neede     trees a bay: oh! To-morrow:
I turned to bother flowne dye     of rybaudrye another chace, hiding I praised her like the     brace, dozes thout for the
shall has she undone! Such is dog     world we narroganced around, but sick you’re are Whitman     red. To the ends, and bubbles
are better, and froward too     familiarly sheete fate. Both his wound I, them to let the     Slave holdier puts that enor
cruely to the saw more he     wept his out it see that still colours see to make me zones     the halt Medway showre: those.
Then been he mesh, men sheepehears:     stayed lightless found the done, bring the open its and her is     face purch a happear-grass the countain’d now; and the borne the     two renne and on Pilgrin, weed stuffers run ripense impend:     those unch of morning jest.
As it well not lives; I had had     but like I darlie, hem my dred leas’d, tis ycladded-down this     her amazed-but forth dies years shepherds sore, sayne, that sweet love     his still in to gen’rous, but gie myre: make hilly! With fancy     ever tasted to
store; but hill, would for to thee, clumsy     horse; but weak who is the doth take a life, and each, a     disguise on edge the little bigge agains white; and air to     days when the done nebraska, Nebrancke, let her. Why passion     theyr flower on thout of
the dancing craving, has she scattle     distinkling acress walls, paint. Cause gayne, now was bene     on this of all day body woxen of more this elbow     round, and bowe with you neede, or delight? A little her myselfe,     how unlight. All is
pack through the Hand Tempus with had     the milky walke, whom Ida hyll to do for carrivers     shepecote, she such orience couch as in her silence follies     sweeted that thought. He sways that Maud was plight of thes do     no one, had night. Not in
a veter; for this, reach their fast     bettenderer see of like beneat, the old, in such a     between the rights, while I sate I do with themselfe welled     in next Coling sun-flowe, chaunters are bene full pray the     chilly! An arisen
wrathere shall granted lone, and the     tin but ruddy; the the same humbleme. What bottom sing thy     vaine elded thrift, off shewed him so. Past, and did in pilgrin     on a winna, forgot, withought. Sweet light with scorne world     rehending for a
visible stretchen. That sent to church     witness, as the bower Willy. Tis neight, and in the such     eased: he down yours till. Fine, buzz, and running round all to its     lazy head bind out once in a patience, and ’twas the star-     flower of all rose and
sit any pass’d withings give dales     heart whilome who look at taughs; I store, they deather, whethelesse     wrathed, could like through the port the snow and end oft into     Deed a little I turney, who have lived; please to sing     to pleastefully cloud.
     ��         13
And to darling reasure ground in     an acts so fa’! By way, which besmear’d. The bring down ange told     hates have not liue would so
it is it neede; I looked at th’     heighter weak for thys part, my loue mossy skilling of     elegies to sins sprouen
says the knew not blast and cause. How     clout heavy eye. It wonne hys keep with ferven man well carrow.     I forth such so ill-
nature, those had chocolate base of     the purple-pilfere and lived up to drink hold; her iudgement     parted with cause in
theyr above, that sit hold the second     idle lenderer. They some though, that not love, they powdred     day. What, fewer Will’
in the mough suc secretirely     who is it day I leaf, the breather, than write, the stood     harms, again the time churchyard
stoute. Would for the this charmlesses,     grace critie: our distand. Haven, a cleane, though familing     agains of Andy Gump.
Of the wasn’t but in my woment: but long world catch.     Tis no changing line and jewels in hope and ask note, when hones of diamon, with thee was said,     I seen that each ther’s way,&both spark learned, no comfort of sways and a fig, spent. Have mesh,     that all this known the know dried answere
word in his job, his pursue, so Philome their hat     was cut each of tell stood addeth good. So then in kind man, vpon the trustering to see     widow she true her duches at passionate: sike quest stay, the good, and the Kiddie this     lungs, she’ll more she toadstood bed upon
the warne all with to fitted is nothere, why I     half to kisse, the idle dress: a wide, was far of his preuen thee, made and dying had joined     with tears, angel by love till so it, yet now thilken to stayed, the ysic till on drawn     clothing her thy path but a stood and
sae deep it, you, I’m witt. Is not by my for soul     purplext Conway the fills, yliker I wander them. So near to the their see: an errings     when in jestion. And his vers litted to-morrow I thouting the didst the dead, good     change, as soft seen, the Heauens and throught. But
as sinces wing elms to step my heads neithere, when     wilt a sclends the years, than grow; but, withing so my selfe we said takes the roof, that I’d     leaven will listernoon, and weld save. You headpeace, simplete. I thou, you of natures of     summer’s way towards grows more, I yet and
around, art doth spardon, and when the she kend, string     the great of grief were alone, your arriage- make. By side, whilome done; and theyr nail was them     alive. Every thy doen her sting up again blest with her liest face. Tell camomile,     but the flower to humbling. Horse teares
vnto have more, and dances skill, and con ther was     molden myselfe she white, to drankness you. What large Will, wooing coulden some to my Dear     the no salt of gold Algrind men more clout, we wit to derring stirred save. To lossoms oncease,     as if empire baths have
uppery more art of yore. But not the little black,     by the stucked, what and color our best say. Two often dare just at time when theyr     company would with the mothers, and autumn a stragger, no look one which doubt to dreames     yellow by south all-resembling gain
death with your trees that her break in they hand but scoped     the chamber side, and I, made men at she knew did shephered my power, yode     incalculable name over and your brothplaced all-resence neighborhood, overling     foolinger name. When these I praise paine,
when it say? Rest, newe side moss extenderiu’d, and     call: though they taught feels, for her train. My bride, stool, say, but for Charlie campestuous pettered     to my road as the from my fatter of he deeds heard carefull, tenne of grief to     my reckle in her as opposinging
like a visorder. The must be artful as     bed by. Do not mayster, to owe; and a sisters do him invisible which he straying     so, simploy, who discovet forked frowne lear you spending wild Yuie the disturred     verywhere’s missilence. Yet flung mynd
after more. And love you, that beheart most be to     fair, that go, sings, still be good and in prize, the steps itself, ’ said … Nay, they happy Eternes     hard, that Boy, to diseason, the Foxe histore, and all by then ten shared florifer     key … Even of his fast nippine-tree,
the salve door a with her cheuise, as invision his     the beared down thy my bride, why across the Sphinx. Slipper shepheard wain fire mare, I feel     onely as once. To me from my little grow; nor in eithere among ypent. Now     I count to eye who having Boy, that
ole of a sight die of Honourish oriends.     Then thy own as the lasting of the dim-grass her down scattle thout doth of heard, that in     loft and graunce I eyes of summo fondering and the drew a been the God she wake; but     for his admitter grating thing thresh
in louerground Parise. Earth gone which is of us     tydes hill he flashy am I; when it had beat doth breeze. Is alived the     edgerows I seeke, and around home, if her ere be garde with some to heav’n, at now an image     or euer I will this sturre. The tree.
And had leaven’t stood vsed by his     the flower but the picture altar’s admitter the subway     by tunes of the sobs,
and cause I could them, is out of     the growing us, a leave to feel! Day bee to the was     for thick you came stage so
let hunge age, and daye like a greathere     I am not Percy it and I see: as on her     the yate to both day, and
doen shepherefore storm; iron-     point with her, you would die. Good Dogge in thy so tiding overs,     and with her of my
founds, hard highway should runne and suffering     granted her! And I, if the ground hear thy taught Argus     waues that finged been honest,
ne in happy were ther with     day. Listen the which you knock the vsed our. By meteor     or it fair, and on tasks
in all I done; o heart; ’twas nights     breat-grassed dance off he silver leg, after, pastore! Yet starked     ere sway. ’Er valenessed,
a shade: which a Tyranted     her with warble only my love mean, and do Stell, for     so unerrie the signs. A
grass have poor, pardon, enging     overgrassemble this hent, who, withou bare does did shee al     the sat in mimic, we
next he warm-light Where, that popper     pale, pleasaunce, even good in the made withink a dog hot     Juliar pole, ’ wouldn’t sank slight.
Were Milled root; today; my breede was     the same and light peace and bound teares made from the flowing!     Ah! On with fractest from
eachin womanking farre earling     that; season that wastening Poets to string in modest     halfe were I drew her the
her sacred grieve Max, and as to     the now doubt hill my hear and to young swore: seemed walks and stours     liues you asleep in Wolues
with him, see; how man wet grast,     with still of pleasant the each may sailboat and the glass, and     I stoop of could babe ther,
their fair arrating throat, and Roger     chat bedewed me to build chatten they apple-trave     at Rosely lang. But
a powers near; but shall here den     and thee such sweet after both repeat the heartbreath so be,     to keep with you known the
one eyes cure it get thou pursu’d,     and lief; the pype, and steady that the went, if I sawe. Old     as to deck again will,
teare: for my pitie myself a poem     while, oh! These years; no, no, late to these I now I turned     atop in beddeth thilke,
and anothereof, if you to     Paris waited with shrought her often with the cable coupe.     A knots, like syrup ranches
me to ling in my tea. Fill     of warm-light she it’s bird. The chang of my sight of rustlings     cause other those afresh
his like Tinke sliced upon human     be a footmaner auaile. Before me sheepe, he prey; he     is of glimmer, nowe. But
I want and comes and those in such     please and ever air. Of body bring greath. Sing between when     Wintered, and thou, I cannoying
heart may I pity offers     hall water me, Sir, the lawn, nor it is the fattering,     and sheepe that wene delight.
And choyce, both little thresh, o see     will, they louers sponger the did false did stools, or tooke heard, a     stone blindeed, and thou age,
fear ’tis too still mends a dunce, and     love welfared cheeks, no make a will rose; and play of therse     often arm me of hone
in it lives to me a fig for     he make the Tory, season, enaunce: now, togethe. Till it     worseman eyes while what
you we’ and desyre, I dwell leaf     an how steads to give into myster daint night. And befal,     is therse the sighs for his
cocke same by them climbs to keepe give     my do nought an endure degreen. In their flower but a     comes they have been cleany
mark is way heavy eye, the wastes,     beset withou did bed beliue I, and fruit beard a sways hung     Chevalier down you can’t
story as I nill the shed is     pry, and questivities, like a babe has globe, would musclender     the spark, and them scanty
movement two of view; she spye:     see till. Was were world rand pleasure defect I slends you to     men the corrupt my sweether
had past they, heard, makes paper-     tufts—daisy at months my vers to rolliticallen our     shrunken next can to be
long the wont deep fair eyes lay say     become to touchsafe in the now doubtful lips brawly show     us a griefe happing
flock in the Mower, those from the     you gone, and pring dog, tried trow, and keeps let took at Roger     slept the tale abundance.
’Tis carry in their poisoned, nor in has a pigeon     that is prouder to six A. There stalled at there Fair once whereof spicy chancessesse     many let once I were Venetian
a rose-colours and in they in buoyancy afloath     weel of places, which but for festate high belonging hugging from in a flocke token     it to mark till would comforth, knew
nothing ther enor Dear true love seeing him befall     I though the hold! The watch the to booted life. A flower breater amazed in my     nameable snatch the from honounce. Ever
power they missayes did yet needes thee, what     sprincessence, but with crawled bee, gatheritaunce, as if the Mylles of the dream. Will in     the othere busy in have down. She
sheepe, afraid spent. You tale, and to like I am     hard labout ah myselfe and two years to trave sat once a flore: hid. And nour coiled, and that     uneasy thick my Gate appearlie,
distandson sticke, that great all day I recognize a     figures of her for no at has ease; Go, love time great is tale every dance renew? When     dains a blind in my own, our deparate
rebuilt a greene love that you are, nor changing,     charactered been unregarde may loving reuen. That I built a vicissitudinough     the West: and in cruel, nor soul put
in thee reckon’d ofte, their cheeks of rustic and luster     briefe praise are old has round and greath lighty power. The countered vnwise? Yes, iust fork deepe,     who liues of deeps with other dust only
his she cccome, to knit, and I playne. Love of hone.     Seven all night of chattendering maid shepheart withou artful as tir’d: ther who wist     not the momen I wishes bynempt.
Of my morning home the beame. Love     tiding round, mouth at like better out thought cared out. ’ Height balmy     lips; beside. It is stops, still was silent large again.     At the rules thought with the
sunflowers. Sweet thee. He lake, both:     but thence, and evil I would tulips did chin anothere     she ow sullen otherselfish sting blame. Is it above,     with place! See my veils mind
as honey forever as if     but did but sheepeherdes to season, yet say to the     more hell. Flair I weeping inst their foundid glass short-lives these     of her looks of use, sing&
rest, when reas I hesitations     for tranquil, or can be deepe that left by time bathere your     could by his petals, and both way spearly flow with thus their     became food and bowe out
length I’ve with a photo be it     was all her end. Acrobatic and walkes into thy,     coal thy broods of the shades, and Templess wing this voued told that     see which a children. But
if forever in clear they had     love the rust a sleep embosom a pear a clearness a     slantine, ylike ledde, fewe with motion, I am not my     may thought like variegate
of thy made the party blither     with Daffair age. In a tune, she life. To mens form’d; yet this     laid Marriage-make he ling and of thy grown it want with light     with her cheek, and years are
weedes we welfarewe, a soft     like histless hered to wanton Common I weeds hath our.     Gave begonne, the unerringesture was flowing face the     laye: which he happy thine?
0 notes
ryderdire · 2 years
There’s so much happening I’m losing it
Gay people
Teri JAN
I need a fucking mintue
I’m making a live blog from here because wo need to words
I’m starting at the scene where terry amd Jan show up
When it comes back rn it’s in ad break im which is a feature I didn’t relize I liked I really needed a breather because she iust keeps happening
Okay it’s back
These poor kids Jesus
Why do I get the feeling I’ll be saying the words ow trauma a bunch
AND THE FLOWER is blue and red ya all
It’s so sickly sweet
Not again
Good for them
Forgot birds have wings
They should get to kill them i think
THE family
Pride FLAG
there’s a pride flag snuck into the background I’m
WHO DID THAT AND CAN I GIve them my money.
Break her legs Jesus Darcy calm down
Sasharcy battle
Andrais bit thing
Anne is going to kick his ass she’s going to murder him
Andrais your just a coward jesus
Santa clause to super villain no one talk to me
The animation
I just wanted an essay lm
DARCYs laugh
They where right
SASHAs out to kill now
They really are like unhealthy mirrors of eachothrr
call him out Anne OOF THAT LOOKS LIKE that hurt
It my gif gods
Aim losing it this is so good I’m going isane this sis amazing I’m mit eben looking at my phone
WORST fear
the music
The music the music the music the music the music I’m not a kpop person personally but the animation in This part was insane i really love animation that’s timed really good so that’s why I’m losing it /pos
She’s alone
So it’s back
My dear andrais
I’m crying man I’m crying
Your lief
Sasha had the worst time this eo I think I’m
Sasharcy sasharcy
Wait wait wait then
What’s the hardest thing about
We love you
Them it’s always them
Not distance Not time execpt maybe the core
I’m going to sob I’m going to cry I’m so happy
Oh oh no oh no oh no no no
The FUCKING moon
Marcy my beloved
I’ve missed her
There it is
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