#i joined a tiktok trend am i still young cool and hip ???
sardonycal · 5 months
tiktok already saw this but here !! :oo)
individual descriptions of their teenage dirtbag features:
chosen - they smiled once dark - their internet terrorism phase victim - stick college idk how their education system works but they have to have had some background to be capable of engineering cursor technology = NERD second - original hair
here are the stills by the way !! their looks are directly taken from the hairstyle concepts i posted a while back :)
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mediamixuptiktok · 4 years
Media Mixup: TikTok
There I was. Sitting on the beach enjoying the peaceful nature of the waves as they brushed the shoreline. To my right, probably six feet over, a group a three girls bounced up and down in what seemed to be some sort of spastic dance routine. It was an odd display - or so I thought - but no one else seemed to even notice. Their mom filmed them from an iPhone without asking any questions and without showing really any emotion at the curious scene unfolding before her. Then I realized - I was the weirdo.
TikTok has taken the world by storm. It has 800 million active users and was downloaded more than 1.5 billion times in a single year. Posts from the platform fill other social feeds, the influencers I follow on Instagram have started plugging their new channels and even our nation’s first responders have used the platform as a brief bright spot in an otherwise gloomy world filled with COVID-19. I’ll admit, I avoided the storm sitting right there on my beach and enjoying the sunshine.
I’d heard of TikTok, I’d seen posts I enjoyed, but it always seemed beyond my reach. That was for the “cool young kids.” Turns out, I wasn’t entirely wrong. When creating the app, the developers actually targeted teens. Specifically, their audience was those 18 years old or younger. Having turned 28 this year, there’s a pretty good chance there is an entire decade between me and those hip young teens I saw dancing on the beach. It’s official. I am old.
But I see something else happening with this platform. Originally created as a way for young people to express themselves in a fun way - dancing, singing, goofing off - TikTok has become mainstream in other ways. I think part of this is due to the current state of the world and that it can seem like a lot of things simply aren’t going the way we want them to. Now, we see videos of families spanning generations stuck at home together - dancing. We see nurses taking a break after a long shift - singing. 
This tool really is bringing people together and allowing them to enjoy each other in a way we haven’t before. Other platforms are about curating - putting your best face forward. This is still seen on TikTok, but there is a more fun vibe. It slaps (?), if you will. See, I can be hip...
But what does this mean for brands on the platform? How does a company enter a space created for dancing, singing teens? Take a look at Chipotle. Even their bio is catchy - “Less Tok, More Guac.” The company has allowed itself to have fun - making it more authentic and accessible to the audience. In fact, they even joined in the trend. Take this example that, without the music, would simply be someone dipping a quesadilla in sauce. BUT, with a revamped version of a popular song and some funny wordplay, the company has a hit.
The platform is still fairly new, so I am sure many companies are still unsure of how to use TikTok. But, I’m confident there is a lot to be gained if they would only learn to dance in the rain. 
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