#i juat wanted an excuse to show off my tiny tank and bitch about a thing no one cares about but which bothers me more than it should
shores-of-oblivion · 10 months
So with the release of Legion Imperialis, I can finally fulfill my dream of owning tiny Space Marines, which is great. The new kits are beautiful and have an impressive amount of detail for such a small thing.
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Look at this little guy. He's so cute. This isn't the first time GW has done a small scale version of Warhammer, the last one being called Epic or Epic 40k. The main difference between the two, model wise, lord knows I can't be bothered to actually learn the rules for either, is that Epic was at 6mm scale, and Legion Imperialis is at 8mm. It's not a huge difference but it really counts at this scale and it annoys me to no end seeing people refer to the new stuff as epic scale. It's not epic scale! Epic was an older game working at a different scale! Stop confusing the conversation by making people think it's the same thing!
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