#i just finished playing fc5 and i need some closure
laloverboyy · 8 months
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Deputy Puff and Co after the Walk Away ending
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chyrstis · 5 years
👻, 💍, 😏, 👀, 💻, ✏️
👻- 2 or 3 sentences from something you haven’t posted yet 
From something that I might officially get a start on this week. …We’ll see, since that was the plan last week until I got hit with that last wip :’)
“And I need you alive, much as you’ve decided you need me, so…”
She reached out to him again with the towel and gingerly touched the bloodied streak traveling across his cheek. His eyes went right to her, piercing from a distance, but much sharper up close.
💍- your most underrated story
Answered here!
😏- your most risky line 
Um, risky how, because this could be taken in any direction. XD I don’t know if this fits the bill, but I went for serious here.
“That shouldn’t have happened.”
“What? Lin?” Troy’s mouth was set in a thin line as Julius held himself up straighter. “We needed the information, and she did exactly what was expected of her. Went beyond that. …Then pushed too far. She was a smart girl, but they played it smarter.”
It’s really not risky at all, but I thought it’d be interesting to imply more of what Julius was willing to sacrifice to take back the Row, and right after losing Lin was a fine time.
👀- favorite response to one of your works
Years back (like in 2010-2011? Yikes) when I was writing a ton of Heavy Rain fic I received a review right when I finally finished my second fic. It ended up being from an author that I’d been reading a lot of fic from (and admired the hell out of), and had no clue at all that they had been reading my stuff as well.
So, one mini-heart attack later, I was able to read their comment and they said some of the kindest stuff ever. It was so strange and unreal at the time, and still makes me smile when I think about it today.
💻- three works of yours that are must reads 
Ooh, let’s see:
I’d follow you down, anywhere, anywhere - My SR Big Bang fic that pretty much killed me to write in such a short period of time, but I’m still absurdly proud of for pulling off. As a Gat out of Hell AU fic, it let me work out my frustrations with the DLC and also try to get some semi-canon closure (and also have Troy help out too).
But I ain’t finished, I’m devoted - The big SR one-shot collection that was a lot of firsts for me. One, having no real constraints on following chronological order kept me writing pretty consistently. Two, I was really able to flesh out and develop an OC that is near and dear to my heart. And three, it’s my most viewed and kudos-ed work, which really does mean a lot too.
And from the recent stuff? Hmm… I’m pretty torn between these two:
To cleanse, rinse (but don’t repeat) - FC5: The Deputy gets captured in Holland Valley and comes face to face with John for the first time. This was basically a novelization of the Baptism, but the imagery here was so strong it made me finally throw all of my excuses out of the window and just start writing again.
You won’t be the one - FC5: Two radio conversations - both ill-advised - shared between the Deputy and John. This was mostly uncharted territory, but the dialogue here was incredibly fun to write all while keeping the tension on.
✏️ - favorite part about writing
Digging right into the scenes running through your head on repeat. Having a loose dialogue framework really come together and take on a life of its own as you keep on going. Having your scattered notes fit together and grow into something much larger and better than intended. Actually hearing that familiar ring of each characters voice in what you write.
It all makes it worth it.
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