#i just found the scene wholesome and wanted Sonic and Tails to have a similar story with that
I know it's not Wednesday for this, but I have to share it before I lose it.
Unbreakable bond headcanon time:
Sonic has a little bit of a skill for woodworking, something he usually doesn't brag about, but is a cool skill to have.
Yeah, he was around 12-13 at the time, but he has the rad skills for days.
Well, he decides to make something for Tails, who was about 4 or 5 at the time, as a first birthday present to the kid.
The one thing he notices is that Tails is small, small enough to where he usually has to help him see over the counter in the kitchen or in the bathroom to reach the sink. He decides to make the kid something that will help him to reach high levels he can't reach, a footstool.
So, over the past couple of weeks, he starts to work on it, letting Tails help him with the safer stuff while he handles the more difficult parts.
"Sonic, is it ready yet?"
"Not even close to ready."
He saws and drills the attachments as Tails watches from the porch, drawing in a coloring book that he had got for him.
"How about now?" Tails called out from the window of the living room.
"Not yet!"
He files off the rough edges and places on the finishing touches. Taking a can of paint, he coats it with the with the brightest color of yellow he could find, that way the kit will be able to find it easily if he needed it when he wasn't around.
"Now?" He could hear Tails behind him, the sound of the makeshift stick sword whipping through the air as he swung it around.
"Hmm, we're getting there."
Sonic hammers in rubber stubs at the bottom, so it wouldn't slide around the wooden floors, which tended to be slippery.
"Well, now?" This kid really needed to learn the word "patience" on a daily basis.
"Let's see...."
Today was the day. He brought Tails outside, covering his eyes and bringing him over to where he had the stool.
"Ta-da! Happy birthday, keed."
The kit stayed silent as he gazed upon the footstool, his tails lowering to the ground as if he was... disappointed. Sonic felt a twinge of worry rise up on seeing his unreadable face.
He was looking forward to this for days, what's the sudden silence?
He was about to ask what was wrong before Tails beat him to it.
"It's missing a face."
"It's face. It doesn't have one."
"Oh, Footstools don't usually have faces on them, bud."
"They don't?"
"Well.....can mine have one?"
After asking him in that manner without the usage of the dreadful puppy dog eyes, he couldn't say no to not at least trying to grant that wish.
He quickly rushed inside and grabbed his pocket knife, carefully carving two eyes against the surface, adding a smiling mouth to add to the detail.
He held the stool up to him, showing him the newly made face. "There you go, how does that look?"
Tails face instantly lit up as he lets out an excited gasp. "It looks so cool!"
He took it from Sonic and quickly climbed up onto it, holding his arms out as it wobbles under him.
"Look, I'm almost as tall as you now!"
Sonic compared Tails' height to his with his hand. "Oh man, you're right! You can definitely reach the ceiling with this, little guy."
Tails then flew around him, giggling excitedly. "You're the bestest, the greatest, awesomest brother ever!" He launched himself at Sonic’s torso, knocking them both down into the grass.
A painful wheeze escaped from Sonic, but he fought through it. "The bestest you say?"
"Mmm-hmm! These bestest of the best!" He exclaimed, nuzzling his cheek against his.
"I'm glad you like it."
"I love it! I'll take good care of it, forever and ever!"
"Oh, yeah? Guess I found the right kid to build it for, huh?"
(Basically, it looks like this, but with a painted yellow with a crudely craved smiley face on it)
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ebachan · 3 years
Sonic Movie 2 - What I’ve noticed (part 4)
Could this be the Grand Finale?
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3.
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30) Significant details on his quills. Notice he has similar sticking-out quills like Sonic. That can’t be just a “design”. I can see it having a purpose of channeling or absorbing the chaos-like energy that fills their world.
Also, you can notice his shoes have the game-design (in the only shot where we can see him whole). Remember, Sonic had his shoes in the first trailer too, but then had the old ones! So there is a possibility of Knuckles having his non-iconic shoes at first before obtaining them. Perhaps as a sign he is joining the Sonic Squad?
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31) Slowly building up for a big punch. And, if you look closely, you can see the rain-drops are standing still. Knuckles is moving in “Sonic’s time” or can do it without having to move fast. He is a brawler, after all. It’s just a proof he has chaos-like powers just like Sonic.
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32) Now imagine Knuckles waking you up like this every morning. XD You would never dare to oversleep XD
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33) Looks to me he can cause minor earthquakes if you would put his muscles into it :-O
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34) Being funny as always. Note the black coat. This scene with Knuckles has to happen during the first 12-20 minutes before Dr. Robotnik gets a new coat from his secret lab (one of many I bet).
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35) Anybody else wanted to hug Sonic here? Once more, his speed and even new found power failed him. The first time was on the baseball field where it went out of control. Now he has a better grasp, but still can’t keep up with “much slower” Knuckles.
I’m sure Knuckles has more combat experience and thus can see right through Sonic’s attacks, which relays on speed then technique or strategy.
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36) At this point, I’m convinced Knuckles is channeling the chaos-like energy into his fists, Sonic into his legs/eyes, and Tails into his... tails (figures XD). I think this can be something established here that those with strong chaos-energy can manifest it through their body.
Perhaps we could get a certain explanation why Sonic is so fast or why Tails can fly or even have two tails. 
Okay, this is it! It’s two minutes of packed action, fun, and wholesome interactions from all involved. We haven’t seen Randal (is that his name?), the special agent, that was mentioned a few times during the first shots from the filming.
Since there are G.U.N. soldiers and tech in Green Hills, my guess is this agent was pursuing the hero-playing hedgehog, trying to catch him, and who knows, turn him into a soldier or at least keep him from doing property damage?
Hope you had fun with those little posts :-D
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