#i just have a bunch of pics saved and these promos always make me laugh lol
judasisgayriot · 1 year
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He is waiting for the bus. Can someone come pick him up from nurse soccer practice. Can you bring him a juice box. Thanks
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sugaabooga · 7 years
lowkey part-timer!Jisung
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Pairing: Yoon Jisung x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Christmas-themed, bullet-point scenario
Summary: A Christmas romance sparks between you and the cute, bubbly part-timer in your local grocery store.
Warnings: None
A/N: First story in the Christmas-themed scenarios I’m doing! I’m hoping I’ll be able to finish all of the rest 17 scenarios by Christmas!
Jisung was the cute part-timer at your local grocery store
He’s been working as the cashier in aisle 8 after he’s graduated from uni after he couldn’t find a job that pays decently
He decided to stay in his hometown, after suffering in a totally new city, and got a part-time job as a cashier that paid pretty well
You on the other hand, bought your own studio after moving out of your hometown
Your job as a photographer caused you move out and go to other places rather than your small town that always made you feel caged
You were putting together all your pictures you had taken the past week since you had to put out a new project soon
You decided to take a break and have a quick lunch then walk around to the parts of the city that you hadn’t been able to see yet
When you come out of your studio with all your necessities, you realize that a bunch of people were putting up Christmas decor and trees around their shops
It was Christmas? Already?
You celebrated Christmas, for you were a religious person, but you never got the whole holiday spirit type of thing
You didn’t really enjoy Christmas songs or the cold really
when you came out of your house you had only slipped on a thin cardigan with your camera and everything in your purse
You hated the cold
You had once been locked out of your house one winter and had to wait outside until your parents got back home from work
You were practically frozen when your dad discovered you covering your body with the welcome mat
So yah you had a trauma of the cold
You quickly take some pictures of the snow and all the people getting on ladders to decorate the light posts and rooftops
You smile at your work and skip down the sidewalk to the farther parts of town
You find yourself in front of a market which you had never seen before even when you were driving around when you first came
Maybe it was new?
You went in since you were hungry anyway and they most likely had samples
Meanwhile, Jisung was helping some of the other workers take out boxes and such, since no one was really in the lines
You were eating some of the sample dumplings when you see a chip bag fall
You’re about to pick it up when you feel more chip bags falling on you
You lift up your arms to shield yourself and let out a small shriek
You lose your balance when a heavy box falls on you
You’re ready to give the guy a piece of your mind
But then all your thoughts are lost bc
This guy was cute
He was almost pouting while putting the bags back in the box
He noticed that you were standing back up so he quickly got up and bowed to you
“I’m so sorry….I-I didn’t see you there!”
You’re about to tell him it’s okay, but then suddenly a man who seemed like the manager came storming over
“It’s fine! It was my fault! I suddenly stepped in front of him while he was passing.”
You defend jisung and he’s actually really surprised!?!?
Bc a normal person would be complaining w/the manager
And it would end up w/jisung mopping the floors or something
Yea this wasn’t the first time jisung caused trouble lol
But here you were LYING so he wouldn’t get in trouble
The manager is left speechless bc he kinda looks down on Jisung
So he storms away annoyed
Jisung glances at his furious manager then thanks you
“This isn’t the first time this happened & i prob would’ve gotten fired. thank you so much”
You grin bc omg he was so cute?
His santa hat was about to fall off so you reach over and straighten it up
Making jisungs cheeks turn soo red you thought he was gonna burst
You leave after that whole incident and you come back a week later
You just couldn’t get jisung out of your mind
You were sorta hoping to see him somewhere around the area where you live but no luck:P
So you just decided to go to his workplace yourself
When you entered, you were really shocked bc it was reallyyyyy busy
There were so many more ppl than last time
It was prob bc Christmas was now a week away
And ppl just buy presents last minute ya know
They were also preparing more food for family&friends so yah
You grab a pack of gum and head to the shortest line which was aisle 8
You were looking at your pics that you took earlier and that’s when you hear a familiar voice greet the elderly woman in front of you
You look up w/hope that it was Jisung and boi oh boi yes it was
This time he was wearing a headband w/reindeer ears that were somehow slightly slanted
After he greets the woman in front of you goodbye he turns to you with a smile then it falters when he notices
Wow it’s that really cute girl that defended me from my devil-ish manager
You just politely smile, not knowing if he remembered you since you were irrelevant ya know
But then he totally remembers you bc
“......uh...no problem?”
He grins and tries to make small talk w/you which is cute aha
Even tho you’re only buying one pack of gum
He somehow takes ten minutes to scan the barcode and charge you ???
I can’t with jisung he’s such a cute, underappreciated bean
You were in the middle of a very intense convo about beavers so you decide to meet him at a nearby coffee shop on Christmas Eve (may or may not be where barista!daniel works but you should go check it out :P shameless self-promo)
Both of you forget to give ea. other your numbers
But hopefully both of you will remember about that date meeting
fate really is on your side
You enter the coffee shop at like 6pm bc you weren’t sure if you guys decided the exact time to meet
You guys didn’t lol
But ya know
Fate will bring the two of you together right?
You wait for thirty minutes, but still no Jisung
You’re starting to think that he forgot, but then remembered he had a shift that ends at 9pm
Idk how you knew that but...it works
so you decide to just sit there and sip on some drinks
you take pictures and all
You’re so immersed into taking pictures of everything around the whole shop, that you don’t notice the timid and nervous looking man entering the now, almost empty cafe
You’re frowning at the picture you just took when you feel a tap on your shoulder
You turn around to see Jisung with a sorry, but excited grin on his face
You greet him with a wide smile as he apologizes how he didn’t know what time he had to come
He starts to ramble and you shush him
Like why does this guy say ‘sorry’ so many times?
“It’s fine. We both forgot to say a time to meet up. Besides, I wasn’t here that long”
He seems a tiny bit less sorry so the two of you start the convo about the beavers again
The talk about beavers went to zoos then went to how your lives went then led to your jobs, your interests, your hobbies, what that girl was wearing, blah blah blah
You felt like you really had a connection w/jisung
The two of you, as cliche as it may sound, clicked immediately
It only felt like five minutes passed, but the coffee shop owner had to kick you guys out since it was thirty minutes past closing time
You swap numbers this time and plan to meet each other at the same place tmrw @ 7pm for the annual Christmas tree lighting at downtown
Both of you lived alone and you suggested “why not have the loners meet up on Christmas Day?”
Jisung didn’t have work and you didn’t want to stress about your projects, so the two of you had agreed
As you walk back home you cant help but feel so giddy
How was a man having this much of an effect on you?
You smile at all the snow piling up and gape at how beautiful everything seemed
You have never felt so excited for Christmas
The next day comes by SO SLOWLYYYY
You weren’t able to sleep from the anxiousness and expectation you had for the next day so you were sorta tired
But you got dressed in simple clothing and went out for a walk and to buy Jisung a Christmas present
You didn’t know what he liked since you literally starte talking to him a wk ago
So you settle for some Christmas-themed socks, beanie, a pair of house slippers, and a gift card to the coffee shop you had been at yesterday
As you walk in and out of stores, you couldnt help but sing along to the Christmas carols that were playing
which you had never done b4
you did a double take and stopped singing, but you found urself humming along to “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas”
And you also couldn’t help but oogle at all the stuffed animals that filled the walls
One of the stuffed ducks reminded you a lot of Jisung so you decided to buy it
You bought a lot of things, but they were all for a decent price so :))
It gets really dark really soon and it’s 6pm
You hurry back home and quickly dress in layers since it was going to be collldddd
The weather forecast said there was a 99.99999999% it was going to snow, so you couldn’t risk it
Even tho the weather forecast is always wrong
You pack your camera again bc you were planning to create a Christmas themed project nxt
As you run out the door you send Jisung a txt saying that you’ll be right there since it was five minutes till seven
When you arrive in the warm shop, your glasses immediately fog up causing you to groan
You try to fan the fog away but to no avail:)
Then you hear a big laugh and you turn to sorta make out a figure that looks like Jisung
He takes the end of his sleeve and cleans your glasses and you’re met with the brightest smile you have ever seen in your whole entire life
Maybe that’s when you fell for him
Tho it was a person you had known for a little over a week
You felt like you knew Jisung since you were a kid
He hands you a cup of peppermint hot chocolate and pulls you along to get a good view of the Christmas tree b4 too much ppl come along
You get there just in time and wait a few moments until the announcer comes out onto the podium
You and Jisung both cheer as the five minute countdown starts
The minutes go by so quickly and you jump up and down to keep yourself warm
Then you see a few snowflakes falling on Jisung
You both look up to see that ITS SNOWINGGGGGGG
The whole crowd of people ooh and ahh
And some kids squeal in glee
You softly smile and get out your camera to take a few shots of the falling snow
When you’re done there’s a minute left on the clock
You suddenly remember your present for Jisung and quickly get it out and hand it to him
“Merry Christmas!”
Jisung gasps and says ‘thank you’ in such a genuine way that it fills your heart w/pure happiness
He then shuffles around his backpack and takes out a large box that’s prob filled w/similar things as you gave him
You start to hear the announcer countdown from 10
And that’s when Jisung starts to speak
“H-Hey, Y/N?”
“I know it’s been only like two weeks since we met”
But I can tell you’re such a nice person, ever since the day I first saw you”
“You’re such a great person…and….uh”
You furrow your brows
What was he trying to say?
“We have so many things in common than I thought we would”
“I really thought i would get fired that day i dropped the chip bags on you”
You smile at the memories as the crowd gets louder and louder as the time to light the tree get closer
“A-And ever since I saw you....Y/N...I uh”
You roll your eyes at his weird stalling
He looks at you w/wide eyes
The crowd erupts in cheers and claps w/kids screaming and laughing at the lights that shown brightly
The announcer shouts “now go home!” with a hearty laugh
Jisung stands in front of you with his hand clamped over his mouth
You stay silent and stare at him in shock
What were you supposed to say?
Sure you liked him, but you weren’t sure if you wanted to date someone you had known for a week
you tilt your head in confusion
“I don’t like you! NO NO I DO LIKE YOU! B-BUT-”
You burst out laughing at his panic
“I like you too, Jisung! But how bout having our first official date after getting to know each other a bit longer than a week?”
And the two of you stand in front of each other w/goofy smiles on your faces, in front of the glimmering, 30ft tall Christmas tree, underneath the moonlight in the gently falling snow
dang this was pretty bad lol
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skars-bill-gard · 7 years
Do You Right
A/N: So this chapter was necessary because I need to introduce your best friend and her significant other (Y/B/F/S/O) The song in this chapter is Get Away - Kehlani ft. G-Eazy. Tweaked the lyrics a little to match it better. Anyways, I hope you like it.
Warnings: Languages, alcohol, weed, marijuana paraphernalia, bad writing, errors of any kind
Word Count: 2034
Chapter Two: Get Away
That night had been a lot of fun. Talking with both Alex and Bill had been amazing, they were great and made you feel like you weren’t an outsider and that you did belong there. You couldn’t wait to see them again. The album party had been success so your agent tells you. You’ve been happy with every decision that has been made so far but to be honest you feel like  you have no idea what you’re doing. You were just reviewing decisions before you go with them. Your agent and producers are great people but that doesn’t change that not everything is sunshine and butterflies; Bill and Alex understand that. Most people don’t know that and mistake your feels as being ungrateful. Your phone quickly broke you from your thoughts, notifying you that you had a text.
‘Hey, are you gonna be able to kick it today?’ (Y/B/F/N) asked.
‘Are you in LA?’ You responded.
‘Yeah, I just touched down. I miss my best friend and I know you just had a promo party I thought you might miss someone you know.’ She texted back.
‘Okay cool, is (Y/B/F/S/O/N) with you? You both can stay and the airbnb that I’m staying at.’ You offered.
‘Yeah he is and thank you we appreciate it. What’s the address?’ She asked.
You texted her the address and she let you know that she would be there within 30 minutes. That gave you enough time to straighten out the living room and kitchen. You put on some shorts and a t-shirt instead of the booty shorts and sports bra you wore to bed. Once you were ready you heard your phone chime, your friend letting you know she was here.
“Hey!” You exclaimed while opening the door and letting them in.
“Hey, where can we set out shit?” (Y/B/F/N) asked.
“Second door on the left.” You responded while both her and her fiancee went towards the room.
The house you were staying in had bluetooth speakers also over the house, it was pretty much a smart house and you were able to put music on and dictate which room it played in. Currently, you had it playing in the living room where one of the home studios was set up. You grabbed your laptop and began pulling up music from the upcoming album.
“Dude, I haven’t heard any of your album yet and that kinda makes me feel like a bad friend.” She said while her fiancee agreed.
“Don’t feel bad. Only my agents, producers and the people on the actual album have heard them.” You explained.
“But why? I thought you’d want everyone to hear it as soon as possible?” She inquired.
“I do but I don't. This is really personal like this album literally has a few songs about my bipolar disorder and my ex. I’m scared of what people are gonna think and I’m also thinking is the image I really want.” You explained.
“Well let me hear something and I’ll give you my honest opinion.” (Y/B/F/N) stated.
“Okay but the producers said it’s gonna be a banger. G and Halsey said the same thing.” You said.
“Fuck the producers, they’re interested in money. We’re interested in if this is who you are.” (Y/B/F/S/O/N) said.
You were looking through the audio files to find out what you wanted to play for them. While looking through it, you tried to think of which one would best showcase your thoughts on your semi-recent break up. You decided on Get Away. You double clicked the audio file and allowed it to play through the living room speakers.
‘Maybe the fact I got a flight at six, adds to the mystique of what might exist
lurked your Instagram tryna like your pics, I know your girlfriend, she probably might get pissed. It's one o'clock, I've drunk all of this so that's probably why I'm all acting brash.
Maybe some different time our paths will cross and then we'll drink some wine
and we'll fuck and we'll kick it, smoke weed for a minute. You'll end up a verse when I think of a line or when I need a muse on a record just like this one and then when he hears it, he's so amused. He think it's her but it's just fun. I mean really now, it ain't just one
I mean really now, when I jot this it's just a stream of my conscious when I touch on these topics. I’ve got him thinking 'bout when she's topless while we were out on vacations in the tropics that was before we broke apart just like chopsticks. Now I know our past it ain't spotless, nah but we got this. Guys slip away and then find their way inside flows
Guess I could've took that chance I suppose but that's life and the way that shit goes, he knows.
I know we fell out of touch and this probably won't amount to much but if we're trying to get back to where it got away I'mma stay, not about to rush. all the fights and the bouts and such. Your best friend hate it but he doubts a bunch
You make the call, I know I've been gone for long but rainfall after droughts are lush
Shoulda-wouldas always crossed my mind; months passed guess we lost the time like a misplaced watch to be straight up like I sip straight scotch, know I crossed the line
but what if it seems that the dreams we both chase conflict with each other's then there won't be no space to make a home now when you know there's no place. I guess there'll always be a part I won't face, real life and that's why I left with no trace, knew I couldn't answer the "please don't go" face. Know your lifestyle's a slow pace, I like that but right now I feel like my life's a boat race. Yeah it's sad but we're worlds apart but life is short.
Maybe I was made the villain but I'mma save this villain for a song that I might record.’ Your voice blasted through the speakers.
“I like it but it is very telling and personal.” (Y/B/F/N) said.
“Yeah I know it is that’s why I’m not sure if I made the right decision putting this on the album.” You stated your feelings aloud.
“I agree with Brooke it is personal but at the same time you didn’t say a name and no one knows who he is and it makes you seem more human.” (Y/B/F/S/O/N) said agreeing with his fiancee.
“I appreciate your feedback but I still have doubts about it.” You said.
“But dude like I think that’s normal because this is a huge thing for you like you're making a fucking album. You’ve got pressure on you from yourself, your agent, your producers and everyone else. Also, you feel like everything is riding on this.” (Y/B/F/N) said trying to ease your worrying.
“ I do feel that way because I wanna be able to buy my mom, my grandfather, my aunt and uncle and my cousins houses. I wanna make sure my mom doesn’t ever have to work again. I want financial stability. I need to put this pressure on me because I know what I’m capable of and if I push myself hard enough I can get there.” You said.
“I get what you're saying but you’re gonna burn yourself out by worrying yourself too much.” (Y/B/F/S/O/N) stated while (Y/B/F/N) packed a bowl.
“I guess that’s true.” I agreed waiting for (Y/B/F/N) to pass the bong to you.
“Do you care if I invite some friends over? Well, only 2 people.” You asked.
“It’s your place dude.” (Y/B/F/N) managed to say in between coughs.
‘Hey get your ass over here. We’re baking.’ You texted to both Alex and Bill.
‘Whose we?’ Bill texted back almost instantly.
‘Well my best friend and her fiance and if Alex responds him too.’ You texted back.
“Dude, you good?” (Y/B/F/S/O/N) asked after your coughing fit.
“I’m great. I’m about to get fucking lit.” You said still coughing a little as your phone chimed.
‘Send me the address’ Both Alex and Bill texted.
“Whose coming over anyway?” (Y/B/F/N) asked before hitting the bong again.
“Bill and Alex.” You said as though it was nothing.
“HOLY FUCKING SHIT!! Do you mean two of the Skarsgards?” She shouted.
“Yes, Bill and Alexander Skarsgard. Now please don’t shout I’m right next to you and please don’t fangirl too hard.” You said giving her a look for yelling practically in your ear.
“Okay I won’t but this is so cool. My best friend knows famous people.” She explained herself.
“Well, babe, she’s famous now.” (Y/B/F/S/O/N) chimed in.
“Well I know that but to me she’s my best friend I don’t see her as someone famous because to me she’s my best friend.” She stated.
“Dude, thank you. With me rising to stardom, I was told I need some people who see me as (Y/N) and not (Y/S/N)”
You ended up smoking and shooting the breeze for about 15 minutes before you heard the doorbell ring. You knew who it was but you thought it was weird they rang the bell instead of texting you so you looked through the peephole to make sure it was them before letting them in.
“Smells like weed in here.” Alex said as he walked in with Bill trailing behind.
“Well yeah I mean I did tell you we were baking.” You responded while chuckling.
“So what’re we doing. What's on the agenda?” Bill asked before being handed the bong.
“I’m not really sure. I was thinking maybe we could all go to lunch and then just kickback and watch movies here or something.” You responded.
“That seems like a pretty tame afternoon.” Alex stated.
“Well that’s the plan so yeah.” You responded not really sure what else to say.
“So that sounds good and we should do that but maybe later we could have a little party.” Alex in a quizzical tone.
“How big of a party?” You questioned, wary.
“Just you, your friends, like 3 of my friends and 3 of Bills so 11 people max.” He answered with puppy dog eyes.
“Okay but you’re buying the alcohol and the weed. There’s a dispensary like 10 minutes from here.” You responded causing him to smile and nod.
“So what’re we gonna watch?” Bill asked changing the subject.
“We could watch IT.” (Y/B/F/N) threw out before laughing causing everyone else to laugh.
“I’ve seen it, I think I’m good.” Bill responded while still laughing.
“Ooh, have you seen Rocky Horror Picture Show?” You suggested.
“I have not.” Bill said.
“Well today’s your lucky day, we’re watching that.” You said grabbing the movie.
The rest of the movie was mostly spent with laughs and side chatter. The whole time you noticed Bill glancing at you and you had no idea why. You wanted to ask him but you didn’t want to make yourself seem like an idiot if you was wrong and he wasn’t looking at you. My best friend seemed to notice it too before pulling you into the kitchen while the guys got lost in their conversation.
“Dude, he wants you.” She said quietly
“No, he doesn’t. I barely know him and he’s like I don’t know outta my league.” You responded.
“He is not out of your league,” She said while smacking your arm. “Just because you two barely know each other doesn’t mean he can’t find you attractive. I say go for it and get laid because you could really use it.”
“Listen, I barely have any friend out here. His brother is my friend and I want Bill to be my friend and I’m not about to fuck this up by trying to fuck him.” You responded.
“Well then maybe you could become his friend and then move on to his friend with benefits.” She countered.
“You’re relentless. I’ll be his friend and if something happens then it does but I’m not going to try to convince him to be anything more.” You explained.
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placetobenation · 7 years
*** Scott & JT’s Vintage Vault Refresh reviews are a chronological look back at WWE PPV and TV history that began with a review of WrestleMania I. The PICs have revisited these events and refreshed all of their fun facts that provide insight into the match, competitors and state of the company as well as their overviews of the match action and opinions and thoughts on the outcomes. In addition, Jeff Jarvis assists in compiling historical information and the Fun Facts in each of the reviews. Also, be sure to leave feedback on the reviews at our Facebook page and of course in the comments below. Enjoy! ***
Monday Night Raw #98
February 6, 1995 (Taped January 23, 1995) Manatee Civic Center Palmetto, FL Announcers: Vince McMahon & Shawn Michaels
1) Tatanka, IRS & King Kong Bundy defeat Lex Luger & Men on a Mission when Bundy pins Luger after a Tatanka DDT at 12:00
Fun Fact: On last week’s Raw (1/30/95), Bundy and Mabel were in an Over the Top Rop Challenge match when the rest of the Million Dollar Corporation came out to the ring and assisted in tossing Mabel over the top rope. Following the match, Mo and Luger came to the ring to even the numbers. The events of last week lead us to this match at the start of this episode of Raw.
Scott: This opener stems from the screwjob last week when the Corporation helped King Kong Bundy win the two-man Rumble against Mabel. The babyfaces were ridiculously late and Mabel should have been pissed in my opinion. We will hear from LT’s representative about Bam Bam Bigelow’s challenge later in the show. Meanwhile we see a VERY slow matchup here with myriad of huge dudes and mediocre workers (except IRS), and it shows with some sloppy maneuvers and blown spots. Vince says after months and months of waiting we will have a Lex Luger vs. Tatanka one on one this Sunday on Action Zone. The promos and Shawn’s quips are better than this match is. It’s so plodding and dull, as Bundy literally is doing the same cycle of moves over and over again. IRS comes in and actually works some real moves on Mo, who’s the unfortunate face in peril because big Mabel won’t be and certainly Luger won’t be either. Shawn trashes Vince on his commentary when he makes no sense, calling him a MOROOOOON. Vince actually is trashing both teams for not having it together, so even the announcers are admitting this match is utter trash. Luger gets the hot tag and starts cleaning house, but when the referee isn’t looking Tatanka hit Luger with a DDT and the Corporation steals the win. Shawn goes, “There’s an exciting part of this boring match?” I’ll give it some charity, but I probably shouldn’t. Grade: 1/2*
JT: We are coming at you via very stale videotape from Manatee, FL once more for this week’s edition of Monday Night Raw. Vince McMahon is our lead dog in the booth and he is joined by Shawn Michaels as always. Our opener is a big six man war that was triggered off some issues from a week ago when King Kong Bundy was aided by his Corporation teammates in defeating Mabel in an Over the Top Rope Challenge bout. Lex Luger helped make the save giving us a natural three on three battle, which brings us to tonight. As Vince sets the stage for the night in front of a very obvious green screen, Shawn dances around to the Men on a Mission theme, which made me laugh. Shawn also promises a major surprise that will be coming soon. Luger is led out by a young flag bearer and looks about as checked out as you can be as he slowly walks down the aisle. Ted DiBiase was noticeably missing as his crew, including IRS toting Undertaker’s urn, headed to the ring. Shawn is still bragging about winning the Royal Rumble as things get underway with Mabel and Bundy locking up. Mabel overpowered Bundy early on, rattling him with a clothesline for two and then landing a headbutt and a spin kick for another near fall. Mo would tag in and land a few shots but tried a bodyslam for some reason, which allowed Bundy to club him down and take over. Shawn basically calls Mo stupid as IRS comes in and goes to work. Mo turned the tide and worked the arm but IRS broke free and tagged in Tatanka, who chopped away as we headed to break.
When we returned, Mo was able to tag Mabel, who planted Tatanka with a shoulder block and clothesline. Michaels is criticizing everything during this match, really playing up his ring superiority. Mabel dropped an elbow and tagged in Luger to a moderate pop but Tatanka scrambled and escaped to his corner, tagging in IRS. Irwin grabbed a side headlock but the two would trade some offense until Lex got two on a clothesline. Mo tagged in and worked the arm but DiBiase finally showed up at ringside just as Irwin caught Mo in the gut with a knee. Tatanka piled on with a knee to the back from the apron, giving the Corporation full control. From there, they tagged in and out and worked over Mo, picking up near falls along the way. Michaels calls Bundy a “big blimp” and questions Mo carrying the action for his team as continues ragging on everyone and everything. The match has really slowed down here, with the Corporation meandering through their routines with very little energy or juice and the crowd seems to be as equally burnt out. Vince actually calls out both teams, saying he isn’t impressed with either side for not having their acts together. Michaels piles on and says they all look lethargic and wishes a happy birthday to Ronald Reagan and Babe Ruth. Luger finally gets the tag and cleans house, including slamming Bundy. Tatanka came in and clobbered Lex from behind and then snuck in a DDT on his nemesis, allowing Bundy to cover for the win. Luger loses yet again! This was a really slog with zero interest or energy from anyone in there. I guess Mabel at least worked hard but that only goes so far. The Corporation is already losing steam, Lex Luger is DOA and his feud with Tatanka feels as stale as you can get. If they are trying to stretch that to WrestleMania, they have zero chance of making it that far. Michaels said it all as he missed Tatanka’s DDT and quipped “I missed the most exciting part of this boring match?” In character or not, he has a very valid point. Grade: *
*** Man Mountain Rock gives us the WWF Week in Music update. ***
*** We are joined by Bobby Cupo, Lawrence Taylor’s manager, who reads a prepared statement accepting the apology from the WWF on behalf of what happened at the Royal Rumble. He says they were invited guests and meant no disrespect and will continue to demand an apology from Bam Bam Bigelow for his actions. He also officially declines Bigelow’s challenge for a match. ***
2) Man Mountain Rock defeats Charlie Hunter with a front suplex at 2:30
Fun Fact: This week, we see the Monday Night Raw debut of Man Mountain Rock (Darryl Peterson). Peterson began amateur wrestling in grade school after having a disagreement with his school’s football coach. After a motorcycle accident during his junior year of high school, his amateur career took a hit. After getting married out of high school and working for a couple of years, he decided to give wrestling a shot again and received scholarships to junior college and then to Iowa State University. During his time in college, he won an NCAA National Championship and was an All-American. After graduating, he met Red Bastien in Los Angeles and began training as a professional. He worked for the WWF back in the mid-80s, including being one of the ring workers that put the steel cage together for the Hogan/Bundy WrestleMania II match. After additional training in NJPW, he developed his character, Maxx Payne, while working through CWA and WCW. He was fired from the WCW in 1994 after being involved in a botched brawl at Spring Stampede where Brian Knobbs of the Nasty Boys ended up with a broken shoulder. He debuts tonight under the MMR name.
Scott: We finally get the debut of the big MMR and his WWF guitar against some stiff. Maybe this match will be better than the piece of crap we saw to open this show. It’s sad that the best worker in the company is doing commentary instead of having matches on Raw, while all these fat sloths are filling up the card with boring matches. The crowd’s into this big dude with tye-dye tights. Grade: DUD
JT: We head back to the ring for the debut of Man Mountain Rock, who first jams on his guitar in the ring to get us all fired up. That was a pretty cool and unique idea. Vince and Shawn talk a bit about LT and Bigelow as the match goes along. Shawn calls MMR’s tye-dye outfit a “technicolor yawn”. MMR quickly destroys Charlie Hunter and the crowd was into it enough. If they gave him a better and name and some decent gear, they may have had something here because he really stood out and had a cool hook with the pre match mini-concert. Grade: DUD
*** We check out clips of Diesel’s successful WWF Title defense against Owen Hart on yesterday’s Action Zone, which was followed by a staredown between Big Daddy Cool and Shawn Michaels. We then head to a candid sit-down interview with Vince McMahon and Diesel that took place earlier today. They talk about the match with Owen, comparisons between the Hart Brothers, his building issues and ongoing mind games with Shawn Michaels and his life as a celebrity. Back at the announce table Michaels announces that Diesel will be defending his title against Jeff Jarrett on the 2/20 Raw and on that same night, Michaels will reveal his new bodyguard. ***
3) Mantaur defeats Leroy Howard with a belly-to-belly suplex at 4:30
Scott: With the level of wrestling we’ve watched today, Mantaur may be the best of the bunch. The crowd was hot early but have quickly given up on this mess. Why did Jim Cornette manage this guy? Why does he have a manager at all? We get the announcement that Raw is pre-empted for the Dog Show next week, so on 2/20 live on Raw Diesel defends the World Title against Jeff Jarrett who will attempt to win both singles titles. Leroy Howard got more offense in than he probably should have. Mantaur gets the win eventually, but this was too long. Grade: DUD
JT: We are back to action as Jim Cornette leads out Mantaur for a title with Leroy Howard. Vince and Michaels talk about about the big 2/20 Raw as next week’s show will preempted for the Dog Show. Mantaur starts hot, charging right at Howard, scooping him up and ramming him hard to the corner. After a short spurt of competence from Howard, the Mantaur beating continued from there, trudging along for a bit. Michaels tries to figure out which half of Mantaur is man and Vince shills the remaining WrestleMania tickets, claiming they are going at a record pace. The beast finally finishes Howard off with a belly-to-belly suplex. Again, Mantaur is another guy that could have had some potential if not for this gimmick and look. Grade: DUD
4) Razor Ramon defeats Frankie Lancaster with the Razor’s Edge at 2:45
Scott: The former two-time IC Champion hits the ring and he brings the crowd out of the doldrums that has been this episode. Shawn keeps mentioning that he has obtained a new bodyguard, and I’m wondering who it is. He said it’s not Mantaur. Wearing his banana yellow gear, Ramon works ol’ Frankie over and makes this quick work with the Razor’s Edge. Best match of the night. Grade: DUD
JT: The parade of matches continues on as Razor Ramon saunters out to the ring to battle Frankie Lancaster. Michaels jokes about Ramon no long having the IC gold around his waist after dropping the strap to Jeff Jarrett back at the Rumble. Lancaster gets some offense in early but it is a short run as Ramon takes over and batters Frankie around the ring. Vince notes that Ramon is showing no ill effects of the knee injury from the Rumble while Shawn plugs tonight’s new episode of Tek War. Vince also randomly starts talking about the OJ Trial and bitches about how the media is treating Marcia Clark. Ramon finishes Lancaster with the Edge as he marches along in the quest to regain his gold. Grade: DUD
5) Henry Godwinn defeats Bill Weaver with the Slop Drop at 2:00
Scott: We get a close up of what’s in the slop bucket, and all I see is baby corn and slices of bread. Lord only knows what else is in there. This mess is over. Grade: DUD
JT: It is mercifully time for our final match of the evening as Henry Godwinn stomps to the ring for a bout with Bill Weaver. Vince talks about HOG’s tough tilt with Undertaker back on Superstars and Shawn says the Deadman looked weaker without his urn. We get a close up of the slop bucket, which is the highlight of this quick squash that eventually ends with the Slop Drop. Grade: DUD
*** Vince McMahon reminds us that Monday Night Raw will be preempted next week and Shawn Michaels reveals that he can no longer do commentary as he is too big of a target and has to protect himself going forward. ***
Final Analysis
Scott: This taping may be almost as bad as last week’s episode. That six-man tag opener is one of the worst matches I have ever seen, probably because the expectations were pretty high and everybody was awful. When Shawn & Vince are openly destroying the match you know it’s pretty bad. The two best workers in the company either do commentary or waste time on the syndies wrestling bums. There are so many overweight power workers in this promotion right now that even with the character driven aspect is failing. Man Mountain Rock plays guitar, wrestles a bad match and plays guitar again. I’m a little skeptical of how good this WrestleMania card is going to be. I’m sure we will get a Razor/Jarrett rematch for the IC Title, but other than that I’m not sure where the rest of the card is going to go. If it goes like these last two weeks of Raws are, no wonder it’s in Hartford. Final Grade: D-
JT: This was not good at all. The marquee match was a disaster that got buried on commentary and then we went downhill from there with a meandering aimless parade of squashes that lead nowhere. The roster is filled with pointless gimmicks that will never get over. The wrestlers themselves aren’t awful but these gimmicks are saddling them way down. And even the guys that can wrestle aren’t really being used in effective ways. Where is Owen Hart, British Bulldog, Bob Backlund, Jeff Jarrett, Bret Hart Undertaker, etc., etc. Let’s see those guys each and every week on the showcase program because these other jamokes are going nowhere fast. Also, we have barely seen Diesel on Raw here in 1995. His sit-down interview was solid but how about seeing him in action or in the arena? Shawn Michaels on commentary has been a highlight of this show and now that is gone too as he announces he is quitting the gig. Save us… anyone. Final Grade: D-
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