#i just kinda wanna draw the sisters on a picnic just having silly fun times ^^
dayz-ina-daze · 7 months
If i drew some anthro warriors stuff….
What would y’all wanna see :0
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Do you do BoB ship requests? I'm bored on a road trip and it seems a splendid idea, and perhaps a bit enchanting also. 😉
So.. Heres me.
-I am taller than average
- Blond hair to my shoulders and brown eyes that are kinda turning golden/green
-I am quiet and shy outside of my comfort zone.
-In my comfort zone I am funny, vivacious, sometimes ditzy (but on purpose, cause its fun). I love to joke and tease and not take life too seriously.
-My sister says I seem happy pretty much all the time.
-I am sooo uncomfortable talking about my feelings. Vulnerability is tremendously scary to me.
-Im vulnerable in my journals; my safe haven where I hold no punches. But I will die if anyone reads my journals.
-Music is my life. Both playing and listening.
- I'm a sucker for romantic and sad songs that break my heart. (Hello by Adele, All Too Well by Taylor Swift)
-Im a responsible person. Always thinking of the future, getting to bed on time, making my life count.
-I love studying just for the sake of studying. Mostly history.
-I am not a flirt. I have a balanced head when it comes to men (mostly) and I'm pretty discerning. I take relationship s seriously. Joyrides and flings arent my thing.
-I really appreciate guys being the first to make a move. I DO NOT WANNA CHASE THEM.
-I love saying dumb, silly things. I know theyre dumb, I just love to lighten people up and help them see that life is really pretty great.
-I melt when people do things for me. If they remember my birthday, do my work, buy something I mentioned in passing Id like to have, I have a great urge to hug their neck.
-I am an aspiring florist.
-But my dream is to marry, keep a lovely home, and have babies.
-I love downtown cities and picture myself everytime walking down the lamplit streets with my Lover; holding hands and drinking coffee.
-I have no problem standing up for myself. It gives me no heartburn to set clear boundaries and expect others to respect them.
- I was raised on a farm. I can milk a cow like a pro.
-I have ten siblings so kids are a definite comfort zone.
-I love taking walks and being quiet with my own thoughts. Even better is lying beneath the stars.
-I dont appreciate emotional and dramatic people. I like calm, cool, in control.
Helllloo 🥰 I do accept ship requests & I ship you with… Carwood Lipton!
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- Lipton is a bit of a traditionalist in romance. He’s the kind of guy to ask you to dinner, pull out your chair, and get you home at a decent hour. I feel like this is something you would appreciate!
- He definitely appreciates the romantic side of you. Neither of you are fickle in love, when you mean it you mean it.
- You and Lipton are both very responsible people. But you know when and how to have fun!
- You two tend to draw the same kinds of people — people who are mature, looking for a good, honest time and no drama. You two cultivate a really great group of mutual friends.
- Lipton makes you feel safe because he respects your boundaries. He appreciates that you have hobbies and supports your exploration of them!
- One of the things Lip finds most attractive about you is how hard you know how to work.
- But he doesn’t want you to;) like I said, Lipton’s a bit of a traditionalist when it comes to his romantic relationships.
- He takes pride in supporting his family and you. You KNOW Lipton would be the best baby daddy.
- One of the best things about your two’s relationship is your ability to just ‘be’ with each other, whether it be on walks or picnics or just sharing a quiet moment in your home.
- You don’t feel the pressure to keep up conversation or entertain each other. You just enjoy being in each other’s presence.
P.S. Drive safely!!🤗
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