#i just laughed myself into oblivion byeeee
cursedfortune · 11 months
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Mortem used to have a 👌 bod pre-regen spell
Got liquefied. Cue string bean era
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misiwrites · 2 years
it's getting................ ! not hot in here. it's actually getting a bit stale. but the quest must continue
Chapter 28: max gets bitchslapped
i realised maybe yesterday that giancarlo really just fails at his job as max's knight over and over and over again in this story and in this chapter he does it again. he let everyone know that max sneaked out and didn't do anything to cover up for him whatsoever HAHHAHAHA
so max gets back home. sick. tired. and judy comes over and bitch slaps him to oblivion
judy also says giancarlo is going to take orders from her and tarou from now on i---- i'm not sure if i've remembered this. AH WELL i mean probably yeah. maybe? um
okay this bit made me almost feel a little bad
I had never seen Mama like this. She had never spoken to me like this. She had never called me stupid and worthless like this. It didn't feel real. It couldn't be real. Was this really Mama? The same Mama who had been so understanding only one day earlier? Did I deserve this? Had I done something so bad that she would hate me for it?
aw. poor max. :) /rubbing my filthy hands together in satisfaction
Chapter 29: takao and kai have a Very Exciting Fencing Match!!!
takao is all pumped practicing for a match against kai. and then it just suddenly is the fencing match day?? this pacing man. so i write these pointless chapters about rei and max just kind of gazing in each other's eyes and holding hands but i jump entire weeks of takao&kai progression forward because i want them to fight. this may honestly be more flattering to tyka than reimax. because rei and max progress at fucking snail pace even when they are gay w each other from like day one (or. day two. day one rei was calling max a hobo)
takao being like, i could immediately tell tourists apart from locals because of them Acting Rather Foolishly! is hilarious, also real
and then kyouju tries to use the Power of Friendship on kai but he. i laughed a bit too much at this
At one point Professor, who was also present with his parents, came to talk to me by our table; and he tried greeting Kai as well, saying how he’d heard a lot about him from me. Kai only granted him a questioning glare that was enough to make Professor shake in his boots and hurriedly wobble away with an apology.
a little pathetic that this is probably the most action-packed chapter of the fic to the date. you won't get anything this exciting anymore
this is also a not very well written chapter, as in it has a whole lot of straight-up typos, i guess i got too into it while writing the match HAHAHA
kai is a little shit who uses magic to fly and dodge takao's strike, and takao is like, wow he can fly i'm so in love. and then he also wants to fly for the rest of the story
takao wins! and he's so happy to have won in front of his own proud people! yay.
then the crazy storm wind happens and takao stops it by yelling out seiryuu's name, i always thought this was a nifty little scene myself. a bit short-lived but, it works i think.
this chapter is too stretched out tho. i should have cut it at the end before the part with kai looking at the paintings and then showing takao that he can also do fire magic, but i know i didn't because it takes place on the same day still. this is a lot of information packed into just this one chapter
Chapter 30: rei's number one enemy, internalised heteronormativity
this chapter starts off by takao complaining about kai having called him an idiot as the last line of the previous chapter, okay that makes the drawn-out end worth it
max has taken a hike to visit rick and doesn't seem to be coming back. byeeee
i can see the quality of my writing slipping here and i wonder why. like it's not bad, but there's a lot of… well idk, it just doesn't sound good. it's pretty dull, lots of poor punctutation choices. i did an elimination operation to semicolons
mao comes over to fangirl over a wedding catalogue and rei is like please shoot me in the head this sucks ass
the way i've portrayed mao in this early story is kind of icky. like she's very wifey with rei. just taking care of things for him and talking about marriage and clothes and fancy parties and she brings rei food and the list goes on. i've tried patching it up later by improving her role in the story but uuuuh yes. not sure what my thought process here was making it this way. maybe it's the internalised heteronormativity
Chapter 31: kai swinging weapons with his strong muscular arms, takao reacts like any normal boy would, i.e. damn he's hot
it's good that the takao stuff starts picking up here. also thinly veiled sword euphenisms. kai likes them long and thin. takao's is a bit curved.
the first line of this is better written than the entirety of the previous chapter
takao witnesses miguel descent into becoming a coffee addict i guess
max sends a postcard with a picture of. what takao calls. hairy cows
a lot of small things going on in this chapter. takao has a lot of frustration for kai being so cool and handsome and ripped with a sword in hand okay wow that got very gay very fast. takao leads kai right to ryuushinken and also tells him what it is like the fool in love he is
there was this real long ramble about some other city at the end of this, unrelated to anything and it didn't fit the pace of this already poorly paced chapter at all. i just eliminated most of it. like a semicolon
Chapter 32: rei is squeaky clean now
what are you gonna serve me this time rei. not much. unnecessarily detailed descriptions of how the purification period ends. why did i write this
olivier stress-baking macarons is the best detail in here
i swear rei choosing that he wants to wield a spear is not another phallic euphenism ...or is it
i'm honestly not sure where i was going with this thing about a fake byakko-ou crown having the gem of byakko on it. this is one of the very few details i flat out forgot what its purpose was. feeling a bit too lazy to change it at this point since this has existed like this for so long now. it also feels weird to have a description of rei's crown in the story but nobody else's. but um. (i changed the description entirely btw. it was so dry. this chapter is a raisin)
this is one boring ass chapter. nothing happens in it. the mention of byakko's stone is honestly the only relevant fact in here, i mean apart from macarons
this chapter's comments are full of "PLEASE UPDATEEEEE PLEASE MORE TYKA" fuck offe i hope you never got your tyka. bye
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