#i just love my overthinking legend Kinn
artpo · 1 year
Episode 3 Kinn
Welcome to my thoughts on the development we see in Kinn during ep3 because pre-kiss Kinn is one of my favorite things.
Personally, I think it's obvious at this point that Kinn is physically attracted to Porsche. There were some subtle hints about it in episode 2, like him checking the booty out or checking Porsche in the suit out.
In episode 2 Kinn has probably convinced himself that his attraction to Porsche is purely physical and is thanking heavens when Tankhun takes him away, because he's afraid that the attraction would become emotional.
Kinn's logical reasoning probably was on FIRE with all the reasons against liking Porsche. One, he's inobedient and constantly causes chaos. Two, he's his employee. Three, Kinn's trust issues are pointing him in the direction of prioritizing business and his family over his love life.
Now what Kinn didn't catch up with yet was his emotional side. He might not be 100% aware of it, but he also let Porsche go to Tankhun to protect him, because he's managed to nearly get himself killed by the minor family.
Now when Porsche is with Tankhun, he continues to be a nuisance. But Kinn's irritation at him for showing Tankhun porn turns into fascination at him for taking Tankhun out of the compound after years.
At this point, Porsche is a force drawing Kinn in. He just can't escape him.
What ultimately makes Kinn aware that he wants to protect Porsche is when he moves him out of the bullet's way. It's the first action he does out of pure fear for Porsche's life that doesn't hurt Porsche.
After this event, I feel like Kinn knows there's something there, but is still afraid of it and negating it.
This brings me to my final point and that is that Kinn wasn't completely sober when he kissed Porsche. He clearly wasn't as drunk as Porsche, but I don't think he would get the true courage to do it without alcohol in his system.
For Kinn that was in the moment decision, driven by his confused feelings, hope and a genuine conversation about his thoughts and feelings which he probably didn't let himself have for years.
I loved Kinn's development in episode 3 and I just wish episode 4 didn't end the way it did. I'm aware what kind of show it was and I'm not here to moralize when we all know what happend was wrong and has no excuse. I'm just here to say that given episode 3 Kinn, I would love to see them have a different beginning.
That's all. -mic drop-
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yeetlegay · 2 years
Ohmigosh my baby Porscheeeee stressed over making his and Kinn's first date perfect.
Fussing over getting clean spoons, making sure Kinn ate the dessert the right way, retaking the photos to capture Kinn's smile, being upset over the restaurant being closed, running off to get sauce for their snacks...awwwwww I love him!
He was so worried about impressing Kinn. He needs to know that any date with him is a perfect date for Kinn. 😭😭😭
I LOVED seeing that from Porsche. I feel like we tend to focus on Kinn’s overthinking and trouble getting comfortable with being in a relationship, but he actually has more experience than Porsche in dating and it shows! Sure his relationships were never exactly “normal” but he still has a solid frame of reference overall for what couples do. Meanwhile Porsche, famed hookup legend of Bangkok, has never dated anyone, let alone a man, and he’s so anxious to make it perfect and make Kinn happy. This is where we really see his need for validation and praise take center stage. He just wants to be good and do a good job! And Kinn said exactly what Porsche needed to hear to reassure him and show him he did well.
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