#i just love the double nature of ttrpg story telling - there is the characters and also the players
blingbingbitch · 1 month
going absolutly crazy for the one-two-three punch of adya's fucking planned-since-the-dawn-of-time-and-happened-to-arrive-just-when-she-needed-it meteor shower, fig and zara's conversation, brennan's porter revel!
it's brennan's bts video talking about how intrepid hero seasons boil down to 'what can i do that my friends will love?'
it's emily's bts video saying she wanted fig & ayda to have their happy ending. she wanted to roll a new character, but brennan promised she'd want to be playing fig this season (fucking porter).
it's that 17 eps in, right before he drops that she was right the whole time(!!!), he as zara asks her what she wants to do with her life. suggests that once her junior year responsabilies are done (and, you know, saves the world again) she could do whatever she wants. her and adya can go off together if she chooses.
like, fucking, brennan being like 'i promise i didn't make you play this character again when you weren't as jazzed about her as you were. i see the existenal crisises fig and emily have been through together. it will all be worth it, in the next 20mins. and if we ever do a senior year you don't have to be fig!'
it's how i read it
just so beautiful in the fiction and also the meta narritive of friends creating a story together.
like 'i promise there was a reason, and i'll support what ever you want to do next'
i love
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