#i just really wanted to have featherstar as a dark forest spirit
nocontextonepiece · 2 years
also i scrunched up the timeline SOOOO much for the warriors au because uuuuhhhh i wanted to
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mathes0n · 7 years
I'd love to hear more about the tawnyflower/star au you've got! ur art is adorable btw
!!!! Ty!!! And i’d be more than happy to talk abt it!!
(regarding this post)
- Like I mentioned before, Bramblepaw ends up joining ShadowClan and Tawnypaw stays with Thunderclan. Brackenfur continues to mentor her until she receives her warrior name
- Also like I mentioned before, Tawnyflower views Firestar as somewhat of a father figure (and Sandstorm as a mother figure, to an extent, though Tawnyflower has Goldenflower there for her). When Squirrelkit and Leafkit are born, Tawnyflower immediately views them as baby sisters, and they’re all basically a big family
- When Cinderpelt receives the vision about Tiger and Fire destroying the forest, Firestar tries to keep Tawnyflower away from his kids just to be safe. This really hurts Tawnyflower, who doesn’t know why Firestar is treating her like this, and thought that she had his trust above all else in the Clan (who still treat her fairly poorly, since she has a pretty similar personality to the brash and snappy Tigerstar)
- All of the second arc prophecy cats are the same, with Tawnyflower being the representative of ThunderClan and Brambleclaw being the rep of ShadowClan (and of course, Squirrelpaw joins Tawnyflower, and both these sisters r super happy that they can hang out together without Firestar being weird abt it)
- Crowpaw still likes Feathertail, but the feeling isn’t quite reciprocated. Feathertail heard of the tragedies that befell her mother Silverstream and her great-grandmother Fallowtail, who suffered because of these forbidden relationships. Feathertail regards him like a kid with a crush, and remains friendly with him
- It’s Stormfur who dies for the Tribe, and his friends mourn his death 
- In this au, Crowpaw asked to be name Crowstorm after his dead friend
- Tigerstar is still trying to influence his children to act out to his will. Tawnyflower immediately dismisses him, not wanting anything to do with him. Brambleclaw, however, buckles under the pressure of trying to impress everyone and trains with him. Tawnyflower has to deal with the pressure of keeping her clan under control (ESPECIALLY after being made deputy), keeping tabs on her friends in other Clans, and trying to look out for her brother
- Bramble and Squirrel slowly fall in love over the course of the journey, and Brambleclaw struggles between his loyalty to ShadowClan and his loyalty to his father and his feelings for Squirrelflight. In the end, Brambleclaw leaves ShadowClan to be with his mate, his sister and his mom
- Leaf x Crow still happens in this, with both of them running away, only to return to save the Clan from badgers. In the end, Leafpool stays behind in ThunderClan, like canon. However, Crowstorm doesn’t have the same reputation as she does, and is exiled. His friends try to insist that he’s welcome in ThunderClan, and Crow is thankful, but instead he runs away to join the Tribe
- (I’m not quite sure how Breezepelt is gonna work in this au; I’m thinking he’s probably just gonna be a kid of Nightcloud and someone else who grows up happier than he did in canon)
- Feathertail becomes deputy under Mistystar
- Leafpool still ends up having Holly, Lion and Jay, and they are raised as Squirrel and Bramble’s kits. Tawnyflower has a Pretty Good Feeling that they’re Crowstorm’s kids, because she’s got fuckign eyes, but says nothing
- When the Three end up visiting the Tribe, Crowstorm greets his friends with friendliness; he’s found peace and happiness in the Tribe and honoring Stormfur’s spirit. He regards Jaypaw, Hollypaw, and Lionpaw with warmth, believing them to be the kits of two of his closest friends
- Hollyleaf and Jayfeather keep their usual names (Jay being named after Feathertail specifically); Lion, however, is named Lionstorm after his bio dad
- (I’m actually not sure what to do abt Tawnyflower’s kits??? I haven’t decided on that yet)
- When the secret about the Three’s parents gets out, it’s Lionstorm instead of Holly that absolutely loses it (due to the hyper aggression that had been building up the entire series, as well as the prospect of having these StarClan-granted-powers getting to his head). He kills Ashfur, reveals the secret at a Gathering, attempts to kill Leafpool, and then runs away
- It doesn’t take Hollyleaf long to realize that she doesn’t have any sort of StarClan-granted power. However, she works the hardest out of anyone in the Clan to make things right. She helps Dovepaw learn about her powers (and is her mentor), she sympathizes with Ivypaw about not being ‘special’, and she and Briarlight both make sure Jayfeather isn’t slowly going mental due to stress
- Lionstorm does end up returning to the Clan with Crowstorm, revealing that he had ran away to join the Tribe. They both help the Clan prepare for the battle with the Dark Forest (Crowstorm also knows that he’s the Three’s dad at this point, and tries to be somewhat of a fatherly figure to his kits. Except for Lionstorm, who’s been staying with him and is used to this, it’s V E R Y awkward for everyone; it’s awkward for Jay and Holly, it’s awkward for the Three’s foster parents, and it’s awkward for the entire Clan that worked hard to pretend that these kits weren’t super forbidden.)
- Lionstorm dies in the final battle, and his death is greatly mourned. Crowstorm decides to stay in ThunderClan after that, not wanting the same fate to befall his other two kids if he can’t help it
- Once Firestar dies, Tawnyflower becomes Tawnystar. She offers the deputy position to Squirrelfight, who politely refuses. Instead, Hollyleaf becomes deputy of ThunderClan
- AAAAAAAND YEA thats more or less the au it’s got Tawnystar and Featherstar and future Hollystar and honestly what else could u want
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