#i just rewatched the movie bachelorette and kirsten dunst's character is not like nancy but something about them clicks for me
bit-odd-innit · 1 year
ooooo can i ask for some PROM NIGHT EVERYTHING IS ALRIGHT wip? <33
[WIP Wednesday! On a Monday]
(Man I wanted so bad to work on the bit where Vickie and Robin flirt terribly but it's more Sad Eddie and Nancy Time I Guess.)
Nancy finds him on the 50-yard line. She slips out of her heels, lines them neatly on the track, and walks barefoot across the sprinkler-cool grass to join him.
Standing he’d filled out the suit pretty well, his height compensating for the fact they hadn’t the time or money to get it tailored. But now, hunched over himself on the 50-yard line, Nancy sees how the jacket gaps at his chest, how the shoulders lift to make his neck look shorter, rising to his jaw like a pair of soccer shinguards slapped on a last minute “warrior” Halloween costume.
“It’s not the first time someone’s said that to me,” he says as she sits beside him. “Fuck them.” She doesn’t use that word often but something about Eddie’s tone reached into her throat and wrenched it out of her. For him. A gift. “Sometimes I think.” The school kept the floodlights on, the field awash in harsh, unforgiving white light. It was meant to be a deterrent, to keep students in the gym and out of trouble.The superintendent himself could march out here and ask them to leave and Nancy would sink her hands into the soil, dig her heels into the turf. “Sometimes I think they’re right.”
The bottom falls out of Nancy’s stomach and the first thing out of her mouth is, “That’s mean.” Eddie turns to her, tear-streaked face malleable with sympathy, like he knew she’d need comfort when faced with the reality of hos situation, and fuck that, fuck that. She holds tight to the dense briar of rage deep in her ribcage and says, “You’re being mean.” He double-takes like a cartoon character—not with his usual deflecting bombast, like he’s genuinely shocked and unsettled. “What?”
“It’s MEAN to Mike, and to Dustin, and to Erica and Lucas and Max, and to Robin and Steve and your uncle, after everything your uncle has done you’re going to say that?”
“It’s mean to yourself Eddie, sometimes you’re so mean to yourself I want to scream—” “Nancy…” “—and it’s mean to ME. You’re being mean to me.” 
“You’d rather be dead than be my friend?”
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