#i just see no good reason why we should have to leave ol' fahry behind when we do
bepisconsumer · 6 months
what are your controversial opinions about celsius
That it has little to nothing that makes it better than Fahrenheit but it rides the coattails of the rest of the metric system and uses its borrowed clout to make itself seem better.
You should be using Kelvin if you're doing science and the benefits of knowing how water feels at any given temperature are minimal for the vast majority of other cases. The 2 main places that we (or at least I)interact with temperature measurement regularly are the weather and making food. Fahrenheit being a more granular scale has a slight advantage for cooking/baking in my opinion, and when you view it as a %-hot scale it works very well for gauging how cold or hot I'm gonna feel outside (there is some slight bias to this point I am aware, but I think it still holds some value)
People can whine that "Celsius is better cause it's defined by a universal constant" all they want, the constant they chose was arbitrary for the sake of making it stay the same and that can be (or has been, I'm not 100% sure) done for Fahrenheit as well. There is also very little value to be had by making the freezing and boiling points of water 0 and 100. Sure, it's easy to remember, but remembering any two numbers at all is easy in and of itself. I don't lose sleep over the boiling point of water being 212 instead of a nicer, divisible-by-ten number.
Speaking of dividing by ten, the biggest advantage of the metric system, there is a distinct lack of this when it comes to Celsius. You don't need to convert to like Kilocelsiuses or some shit like that. In non-scientific settings you rarely ever convert temperature units at ALL, and most of the time when you DO you're just going back and forth between °C and °F so there isn't even any inherent connection to the metric system that Celsius has except for its ubiquity.
At the end of the day, I doubt any of these opinions I hold will ever matter because the US switching to metric officially is probably just a pipe dream, but in such a case I am fully prepared to die fighting for my right to Fahrenheit in a Metric world
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