#i just think we should've brought rachel miner back to the show a hell of a lot sooner for my personal entertainment and enjoyment
icefire149 · 2 years
So this was buzzing around my brain last night. Season 11 AU.
What if we see Amara have more of a game plan. We know she wants Dean and at the end of the day he should be one with her. The destruction of everything is happening. And she knows that Dean keeps holding himself back, particularly because his bond to Cas. And we already know that year, Amara is bent out of shape about that. So in this AU Amara tries to make things easier for Dean and tries to pull apart their bond by resurrecting Meg. Now the dramatic irony is that Cas just said yes to Lucifer about then.
Meg by nature picks a cause and sticks to it. I'd imagine she'd be trying to gauge Amara's entire purpose and plan. She's smart enough to follow through on Amara's initial orders and then hightails it out of there. Amara doesn't give a shit about Demons. Now Meg wouldn't have any issues that her mission is to find Cas. She likes Cas. Now finding him possessed by Lucifer was not anywhere near the ballpark she was expecting. It's almost a two birds one stone situation for a hot second. But quickly we see (and this is a way to explain how fucking cartoony bucklemming made Lucifer in comparison to Edlund's Lucifer) that Lucifer is soooo not the same this time around. We lean into his true form looks like SHIT. Him and Michael must've shredded each other in the cage. And she's quickly not impressed with who she sees never mind she's in danger because Lucifer knows too much about her time with Cas. So she's playing a dangerous game. But the bright side is that Crowley is a prisoner and now she can get sweet revenge.
Eventually she does slip out and tracks down the Winchesters. And Dean isn't happy that she's back. He certainly doesn't trust her because Amara clearly has more up her sleeve. Who else is she gonna bring back to fuck with them? Sam listens more to Meg's argument that she can work as a double agent. They need her and her loyalty certainly isn't with Amara. Sam is appreciative of her intel on Lucifer. Dean ends up pissed asking about Crowley, and so him and Meg argue over that... At least what they agree on is saving Cas and stopping Amara.
We still have the attempt to convince Cas to eject Lucifer like in the show. Meg helps them set up and plan but then she bounces. Maintaining her positions with Lucifer and Amara are too important to blow now. Always need a back up plan. When it fails and Amara takes off with Lucifer, Dean has to call Meg and tell her how it backfired. It's time to think of a plan B. She has one, but Sam is gonna be pissed.
The plan is that she can find out where Amara is keeping him, but they still need to separate Lucifer from Cas. Lucifer isn't gonna give up a vessel that can hold him this long. And Sam isn't gonna say yes. They also still need Lucifer for the Amara fight. And that only leaves them with 1 strong enough vessel that he might entertain: Dean, the Michael Sword. It's not perfect but might be close enough. Bonus motivation is that Amara won't/can't hurt Dean. So he makes for a strategic shield in battle. So they secretly work together to set this in motion and it ultimately sends Cas and Sam into a RAGE.
When shit goes down Amara gets annoyed immediately and separates Dean and Lucifer. Yeets Lucifer away.
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