#i just thought it would be funny since im on the Supernatural Website but never actually watched it before
inkedmyths · 2 years
sorry i was just worried :(
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Oh geez ok nooo anon sweetheart its ok
It's all fun and games. I don't actually like Hate it or anything I just bitch and moan For The Bit. It's hard to explain esp if you're new here
It's liiiike. If your friends pulled a harmless prank on you and you're like "You guys are the worst I hate you so much". You're not genuine, its part of the comedic bit
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nostalgiaispeace · 3 years
What’s your name?
Where do you live? kentucky
When’s your birthday? december 24th
What’s your astrological sign? capricorn
Do you actually believe in that stuff? no. it’s fun tho
How old are you? 30
Do you have a high school diploma or the equivalent? yeah
Do you have an undergraduate degree? If so, in what? never finished
What is your favorite…
i don’t have one
Color? orange
Song? i dont have one
Band/singer? lana del rey
Book? harry potter
Author? jk rowling
School subject? -
Science (chemistry, biology, physics, etc.)? -
Math (algebra, geometry, calculus, etc.)? -
Language? french
Operating system? apple
Instrument? piano
Letter? I don’t have one
Number? 3
Car? 1967 chevy impala
Pattern (polka spots, stripes, plaid, etc.)? plaid
Word? -
Animal? Kitties!
Country? europe
Drink (alcoholic or otherwise)? coffee
Food? pizza
Restaurant? mexican
Website? tumblr
Sport? gymnastics
Flower? lilies
Ice cream flavor? chocolate chip cookie dough
Television show? supernatural
Shirt? i don’t have one
Shape? star
Eye color? brown
Hair color? blonde
Movie? titanic
Gum flavor? peppermint
Random Stuff About You
Do you have your drivers’ license?
Have you ever been swimming in an ocean? yeah
What’s the last song you listened to? -
Do you prefer coloring pencils, crayons, or markers? coloring pencils
Can you make any origami figures? If so, what? no
Do you still sleep with a stuffed animal? yeah
Do you get cold easily? no
Have you ever been to a chiropractor? no
Do you have great eyesight, or do you wear glasses or contacts? glasses
Do you know how to play chess? no
Do you know how to play checkers? no
Do you like Sudoku puzzles? no
Do you like word searches? no
Do you like crossword puzzles? yeah
Do you like logic puzzles? no
Can you play any card games? no
Do you play board games? yeah
Do you do jigsaw puzzles? no
Do you listen to the same song on repeat for a long time, even occasionally? i do
Do you take any prescription medications on a regular basis? yes
Would you prefer to be too hot or too cold? neither
Do you like to swim? no
Have you ever been to a farm? yeah
Do you like instrumental music? yeah
Do you drink diet soda? yes
Do you drink soda? yes
Have you ever put Mentos into soda? no
Have you ever combined baking soda and vinegar? yes
Did you ever make Oobleck in science class when you were a kid? no
Do you know any HTML? not anymore
Have you ever read any of Shakespeare’s work? many
Do you write poetry? sometimes
Do you read? yes
Can you throw a frisbee? not well
Do you watch a lot of television? not really
Do you think that you have a good sense of humor? yeah
Are you a mean person? i can be
Do you have any bruises? If so, how did you get them? no
Does the thought of public speaking make you nervous? no
Are you afraid of heights? yeah
So, what ARE you afraid of? fish
Are you listening to music? No
Has anyone ever called you ‘disturbed’? i dont’ think so
Have you ever been kicked out of a place? If so, where? And why? no
Do you take a lot of these surveys? yeah
When was the last time you fingerpainted? idk
When was the last time you sent an e-mail? idk
A text message? today
Called someone on the phone? today
Tripped over something? today im’ sure
Do you like chocolate? yeah
How many pillows are on your bed? 6
Do you have any pets? yeah
Have you ever been on a horse? yeah
Have you ever climbed a tree? yah
Do you like art? yeah
Do you use any sort of social networking site? yeah
What time is it? 8:47pm
Have you ever been in a car accident? yeah
When was the last time you felt embarrassed? today
Did it rain today? yeah
Have you ever had a poison ivy rash? no
When was the last time you felt immensely happy? today
Do you take a multivitamin or any other supplement? yes. prenatals and iron
What household chore do you absolutely hate? all of them
Tell me something random about yourself. i’m pregnant
Can you cook? yeah
Do you like to be silly? yeha
What kinds of things have you wanted to be 'when you grow up’? singer. actress.
Have you ever been on a boat? yeah
Do/did you like school? i liked college
Do you have a camera? on my phone
Have you ever been bitten by a tick? No
Have you ever seen a wild snake? no
Have you ever gone hiking in the woods? yeah
Do you have a lot of friends? no
Do you keep a diary/journal/blog? not really
What color are your eyes? brown
Do you like snow? yeah
Would you prefer to sing or dance in front of other people? sing
Would you prefer to sing or dance when you’re by yourself? both
Can you spell really well? no
Do you mind poor grammar? i do
What’s your favorite texting/IM abbreviation? omg and lol
Do you wear a watch? no
Do you shop at thrift stores? no
What is your dream job? to be a stay at home mom
What is one thing that really freaks you out? fish
Do you like bananas? Yes
Do you eat meat? yes
Do you drink coffee? not since i’ve been pregnant
Do you clean your computer screen often? no. i should tho lol
Have you ever sneezed onto your computer screen? yeah
Let’s talk about numbers.
How many people live with you?
How many digits of pi do you have memorized? 3.14159
Can you count using binary numbers? no
How many states have you visited? a lot
How many countries? none
How many browser windows/tabs do you have open? a lot
How many times have you blinked in the past minute? idk
How many seconds are in a minute? 60
Are you afraid of mathematics? no
What’s the square root of 121? 11
Sorry, sorry, the nightmare is over :) How about some more random questions to let you relax?
Have you ever read the webcomic xkcd?
Can you play an instrument? no
Can you read sheet music? yes
What’s your favorite kind of sandwich? italian sub
Do you have a bedtime? no
Have you ever gone sledding? no
Have you ever carved a pumpkin? If so, what kind of face did you make? yeah. a normal one
Do you ever make funny faces at yourself in the mirror? yeah
Have you ever played the classic shaving-cream-in-the-hand prank on someone? no
Do you think that’s a mean thing to do? yeah
Do you like cake? yeah
Do you like pie? yes
Do you like popsicles? love
Do you use the television or computer more? Computer
Do you have a favorite chair to sit in? yeah
Are you getting tired of this survey? yeah
Do you like to wear hats? no
Do you wear your seatbelt in the car? Yes
Do your shoes provide lots of arch support? no
Do you like to go to yard sales? no
Have you ever had a yard sale at your house? yeah
Do you like apples? allergic
Do you like peanut butter? yes
Do you like licorice? nooo
Do you like lima beans? ew no
Do you like limes? yeah
What color are your bedroom walls? off white
Guess how many questions you’ve done. I don’t know either, so just guess. no
What’s your favorite color to wear? black
Do you tell secrets when people confide in you? depends
Do you listen to your music with the volume up really high? depends
Do you like to try new foods? no
How many different programs are you currently using? just firefox
How many different operating systems have you used? i’m old so alot
What time is it now? 8:53pm
Are you wearing socks? no
Are you comfortable with yourself? no
Do you lose small things (like your car keys) often? no
Is your mind in the gutter? No
Have you ever broken a bone? no
Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert? Introvert
Do you read the dictionary for fun? no
Tater tots or fries? fries
Do you like to wear flip flops? no
Are you more of an optimist or pessimist? pessimist
Do you like animals? yeah
Do you like little kids? yes
Are you a 'people person’? no
Have you ever seen a rainbow? yeah
How was your day? chill
What do you plan to do tomorrow? work
When was the last time you did laundry? today
Have you ever played Snake? yes
Have you ever played Scrabble? yes
Are there any television commercials that really get on your nerves? all of them
Do you like scary movies? yes
Are you itchy anywhere on your body? yes
What’s the title of the last book you read? a pregnancy book
Do you read more fiction or nonfiction books? a good mix
Are you a member of any clubs or organizations? Nope
What color is your favorite pair of socks? i don’t have any
Do you own a lava lamp? No
Do you have anything else to say? no                            
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theadoptedhale · 5 years
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so, i’ve had vincent for a bunch of years. he started as an experiment in 2015, i watched teen wolf and i saw peter suffer and i just decided that fuck you writers, seriously - he needs someone to pick him up, someone to love him unconditionally, because nobody on the show ever will. (there’s the fact im petopher trash, but shhht, that’s a different kind of ship.) anyway, i spent a good month telling myself i didn’t need another teen wolf muse (i had chris and derek at the time) while thinking about how that twin i would never make a blog for could be like.. and then i let him have a test run on a side blog. 
back then the fandom was still really active and i ended up feeling so fckn welcome and loved on despite being a twin oc, it was crazy. so i moved him to a main blog. and the idea of an exiled and erased twin developed into so much more. the hours upon hours i spent writing him, perfecting him - the way he speaks or thinks, the way he acts and what he likes and doesn’t like, how he reacts to challenges and changes. he’s no longer just a “twin oc” like he was at first - he’s become so much more. he’s become his own person and my soft wolf child. he’s gone through the group verse phase that took over tumblr in 2015, he’s survived me getting attached to abusive muns and even taking a break. he just keeps coming back stronger.
now y’all probs wonder why on earth i’m blabbering at you. i’ve reached an amount of followers i never thought i would on an OC. those usually stagnate at around 100-170 for me, but vince has made it a lot further and as of earlier today, he’s passed 300 followers. so what i’m doing now is a thank you to those who held out a helping hand when i was grasping for straws. 
this is where i get mushy and soft and rambly, so have a cut. 
@hereticdefied -- i should probs ramble on about you over on crowley, but vince and rowena have something i really didn’t expect when we decided to let them bump into each other on a road in the middle of nowhere. she’d probs not admit it and he wouldn’t bring it up, but she’d pack to him and he would die for her without hesitating even for a second. i mean he would also kill for her, but so would crowley, lol. 
@enduringalpha -- we’re in the same time zone. ahem, no that’s not why you’re on here. i saw daniel and i immediately knew i wanted to get to know you both. it took me a good week to say hi, but damn if it wasn’t worth it. you’re so nice ok. i love writing our wolf boys together and i love that for a chance vince doesn’t feel like a monster in a ship. he can let go and he feels safe and it just makes me so happy i get all giddy when i see you in the activity and then you plaster our dash in stephen amell which is like, fantastic. ur fab and i don’t regret a thing. 
@mxleshxven -- words, man. what are words? we got 2 super unique things going and like, we only “recently” started, but shit i’m trash for you and your muses. i lay awake at night imagining eldrick finding out about vince and like, vince expects him to rage and yell and walk away, but instead he just sits there and for the next hour he questions vince on all things werewolf. then there’s vince and thomas, who keeps vince away from all the tom hill crap and the cameras, but some day when he has a live show, he lets his eyes roam the audience and he finds vince sitting there (maybe even with a tom hill shirt which he got off the internet or something) and yes, i’m trash for you. you’re also incredibly nice and easy to talk to and caring and ahhh. 
@ofxiron/ @xsurvivedthecage -- samuel. you are the most precious person on this website and i somehow feel super duper protective of you (already) so you better get used to that. cause i’ll go kick butts if anybody types at you funny *grumble huffs* but also ironwolf is life, okay? we just started it, it’s barely a thing yet, but i would kill for them. i’m so giddy and excited and can’t wait for more. i love love love the idea of sam with a supernatural creature and a werewolf only makes it more feelsy bc of the “heart” ep and i’m drowning in feels when thinking about it and yes, vince is ready for some hugssss. 
@pieceintheirgxmes -- you’ve been with me since before my break even and we’re still writing our wolves and like, vince is so happy to find pack, you got no idea. we don’t spam-reply daily but we’re making progress in the story and i always look forward to your next reply. nico is precious and needs to be protected at all costs. and luka.. mrrrrrr. vince would give him his alpha powers in an instant if he could, just cause. and they only met. xD
@canonbcys -- nobody has ever drowned (in the best of ways) me in memes like you do and i love it. i’ll be honest, i’m always wary of multi muse blogs with more than like 10 muses? i’ve had some really crappy experiences in the past, so while i’m super open to giving ppl a shot there’s a little voice saying “hmmmmmmmmmmm” while i do. (lol, yeah i hear voices sometimes xD) anyway. you’re amazing. each of your muses (and i’ve gotten a taste of a bunch) are different, unique and ..y’know true to their character. they don’t speak the same, act the same, sound the same, etc. i love love love all of those i’ve interacted with and i’m sure i will/would also love the rest. 
@theking-blackheart-muses, @aeternitasintricatae & @thcbcautifullifc -- i haven’t had the chance (i’m slow and bad at communicating) to properly get to know you guys, but know that i’m a fan. i wanna (and will, watch me!) write more with you guys, cause damn. all the love to you three. all. the. love.
this goes to you, but also everybody reading this - everybody who decided that hey, that muse looks kinda cool, i’m gonna follow. thank you for having followed, thank you for giving us a chance and eventually (for now) deciding to stay. thank you. 
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tf2canons · 6 years
i dunno if you got an ask like this before but i know youre a fellow Homestuck so what do u think the mercs classpects would be? (im a knight of rage btw :p)
A bunch of people have asked me this and I’ve been thinking about it for a while! I’m not very knowledgeable on classpects so I had to do some extra research, but I’m still not confident how accurate/correct these are, so I apologize if they don’t make sense! I’m also going to throw this under a cut because it got pretty long, but here it is! 
Spy - Thief of Heart. Spy is, without a doubt, veryconceited and self-involved. His image (his reputation and his actual physical appearance) are extremelyimportant to him. While Spy does show he cares about others, and heoccasionally will do things out of kindness, his primary focus is alwayshimself and his own goals. He does what will benefit him in the end. Since the Heart aspect isassociated with identity, I think it’s fitting that he would be the thief. Thethief class steals their aspect for themselves, and Spy steals the identity ofothers when he is in disguise. I also have the headcanon that Spy grew up poor,and through manipulation and spying he forged the identity he has now so (ifyou squint) he stole an identity he was never meant to have.
Sniper – Seer of Mind.Sniper is largely focused on being rational and logical, rather than moral orempathetic, and much of his character has to deal with decision-making. Hisdecision to become a sniper has caused him a great deal of friction with hisparents, a decision he rationalizes by saying it’s a good job that pays well.As a Seer of Mind (the same classpect that Terezi has, funny enough) he wouldbe able to see the consequences of individual actions. This kind of skill wouldgreatly benefit his particular fighting style when it comes to choosing whereto position yourself and when to pull the trigger.
Medic - Sylph of Light. I chose the light class overanything else for him because despite being a doctor Medic’s main drive is nothealing but knowledge and progress. As it says in his bio on the officialwebsite, “the Medic considers healing a generally unintended side effect ofsatisfying his own morbid curiosity.” And he’s willing to do pretty muchanything to satisfy that curiosity and thirst for knowledge. The Sylph class,on the other hand, is primarily associated with healing, so I think the conceptthat he heals through his aspect is very fitting. (Of course, this would givehim the same classpect as Aranea, who healed people in both a literal andmetaphorical sense by helping them see the light.)
Scout - Heir of Hope.Scout tends to see things in black and white. He knows exactly what he likesand what he doesn’t like, and he will not shut up about it. He’s driven by whathe thinks is the right thing for him to do, though his lack of common sensetends to drive him in weird directions, and once he’s decided he’s going to dosomething it’s almost impossible to sway him. He’s also a very hopeful person.For example, when he was in prison in the comics he was trying to read up onlaw so that he can defend himself in court, and he (very foolishly) hasn’tgiven up on Miss Pauling despite her not expressing any interest in him in fiveyears. As an Heir, he would be protected by his aspect, and Scout uses hope toprotect himself all the time. He hopes one day Miss Pauling will date him so hedoesn’t have to face rejection, and he hopes Tom Jones is his dad so he doesn’thave to face the reality of Spy being his real father. The Heir class can alsobe seen as one who becomes or is surrounded by their aspect, so in-game hecould potentially become a symbol of hope for the session.
Pyro - Prince of Void.Void is associated with secrets, nothingness, and lack of something. Pyro, ofcourse, is a complete mystery in every sense. No one knows their true identity,appearance, backstory, or even what their voice sounds like without beingmuffled by the mask. Pyro also suffers from hallucinations/delusions but seemscompletely fine living in this state of confusion; they don’t care to know thetruth or to have all of the answers. The Prince class is one who destroys theiraspect or one who destroys through their aspect. This could be taken that Pyrodestroys nothing or destroys with nothing, and therefore causes no harm at all,or even potentially creates destruction by not doing something specific. Fromanother perspective, fire could be seen as reducing things to nothing, sinceanything burned becomes only ashes.
Soldier - Bard ofBlood. As a soldier, he is centered around teamwork and camaraderie, and hedraws his strength from the bonds he has with his teammates and friends (andraccoons). He’s constantly trying to take charge and be a leader, and he neverstops fighting, which is what the blood aspect is all about. As for being abard, he fits the trope perfectly. He’s incredibly unpredictable and volatile,and seems equally likely to help or hinder the team. He does this often in thecomics, either completely ruining things for the team, or somehow leading themto victor by doing things that are almost impossible (or other times justcrazy). By inviting destruction through blood, he could potentially use theteam’s teamwork and cooperation to destroy their enemies or he could invite thedestruction of the team itself.
Heavy - Mage of Time.Time players are described as being fighters whose lives are marked withstruggle. This would be true for Heavy, who had his father killed and who spentmonths in a gulag with his family before they killed all the guards and escaped.He’s spent all his time since fighting to support his family and keep them frombeing put in danger again. Though it isn’t clear what the Mage role is, onespeculation is that a Mage is one who knows their aspect or who benefits fromthe knowledge of their aspect, which would lead Heavy to being able tounderstand Time. As one of the most observant and intelligent members of theteam, it would be fitting that he would have a role pertaining to knowledge.Mage players also tend to suffer from their aspect in some way, and Heavy hasmade it clear he is deeply bothered by how he must spend his time away from hisfamily, since he is constantly working to take care of them instead.
Demo – Knight of Doom.Doom is associated with suffering and misery, and sadly Demo has had plenty ofthat over the course of his life. He accidentally killed his adoptive parents,lost his eye, and suffers from alcoholism. After getting fired in the comicsseries Demo sunk into what appeared to be a six month long depressive episode,showing his tendency towards misery. Demo is also associated directly withdeath, since he often comes into contact with the supernatural, and he has aliteral ghost sword. Knight is a very obvious class for Demo, but the knight isalso described as someone who weaponizes their aspect. Demo accidentally killedhis adopted parents with explosives, and only afterwards at the school fororphans did he become much better at it, and therefore one could say that itwas through doom he got this knowledge. On top of this, again, he kills peoplewith a literal ghost sword.
Engineer- Maid of Space. Space as an aspect is concerned with creation, and of courseEngie is the inventor of the team. In another sense, his sentries make “space”for his team to act where the other team cannot (without getting shot) andprotects this space, and his dispensers create health and ammunition. Ofcourse, space is also associated with physics, and as a man with 11 hardscience PhDs, this is right up his alley. While not a lot about the Maid classis known, its thought to either be one who creates through their aspect or onewho protects through their aspect, and either would fit Engie since he protectshis teammates and their space, as well as creates his buildings.
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chibipu · 7 years
Tagged by @aphnorsea !! Thank you so much for tagging me! It's been awhile since I've done one of these
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag people
1. Drink: Coca-Cola 2. Phone call: my mama <3 3. Text message: one of my best friends  4. Song you listened to: Mr. Clean by Young Gravy  5. Time you cried: unfortunately yesterday during lunch 
6. Dated someone twice: lmao yea, I kind of don't regret it 😂 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: I have kissed someone but I didn't regret it  8. Been cheated on: nope!  9. Lost someone special: I think that's about to happen soon. I can feel it coming but I'm working hard to keep it strong! Gotta have some faith!  10. Been depressed: this week I have been, some issues have been coming up lately  11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nope. I don't plan to either! 
12-14. I like all shades of blue, yellow, and red 
15. Made new friends: I've made a ton of new friends and gosh!! They're all sweethearts ;w; 16. Fallen out of love: yes 17. Laughed until you cried: Yes, I have! The joke was funny but I was also pretty sad so I started crying heheh 18. Found out someone was talking about you: I mean we all have, right? Usually they just say I'm quiet and don't talk much 19. Met someone who changed you: yes, and they are the person that's drifting away from me ;w; 20. Found out who your friends are: yep! They're the people who make me happy and look forward to a new day!  21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: lmao wtf no
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I don't have Facebook lol 23. Do you have any pets: i have two smol chihuahuas, a smol yorkie, and a tol bulldog. I also have 3 goats, a pig, and a cat!!  24. Do you want to change your name: absolutely not! my name has meaning to my family and I wouldn't change it for the world!  25. What did you do for your last Birthday: I think I just hung out with the fam... I don't exactly remember  26. What time did you wake up: I woke up at 5:54am but then I fell back asleep for 5 minutes 
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: i was watching anything related to marvel or captain america... also procrastinating
28. Name something you can’t wait for: getting the fuck out of high school. I don't want to deal with any of these teachers anymore 
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: i’m sitting in the living room with her 😂 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: my awkwardness 
31. What are you listening to right now: Glorious (ft. Skylar Grey) by Macklemore 
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: nope!  33. Something that is getting on your nerves: my best friend has been avoiding me for a week. almost going onto 2 weeks.  34. Most visited website: Tumblr.  35. Mole/s: EVERYWHERE  36. Mark/s: Mostly on my arms and legs. Those are scars from being too rough in activities. I have one scar on the start of my eyebrow that goes to my forehead (there's also a little indent on my forehead from that scar).  37. Childhood dream: i have always wanted to be a superhero. The heroes that I aspired to be would be The Flash or Captain America. I thought they were awesome!! I started playing sports and running a lot so I could be as strong and fast as them. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a superhero to save people, to keep my family safe and “everyone in the entire universe” lol 38. Hair color: blackish/brownish 39. Long or short hair: long hair  40. Do you have a crush on someone: Yes... my best friend who is the one avoiding me.... who is the “"issue” of the week. He likes me or one of my best friends and I'm torn because she also likes him and I don't know what to do...  41. What do you like about yourself?: My fighting spirit and stubbornness? Like I get determined when I think of saving people and actually doing something for the world. If i get hurt, i tend to shake it off and get back into the fight and help my team out. My stubbornness could be a gift or a curse depending on the situation lol 42. Piercings: just ear piercings but i never wear earrings  43. Blood type: O- or O+. I'm not sure which one though  44. Nickname: My-My, MJ, Mya-Papaya, or Papaya  45. Relationship status: im experienced but I'm single rn  46. Zodiac: i’m a taurus  47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favorite TV Show(s): Supernatural, Sherlock, The Walking Dead, South Park, Riverdale, Stranger Things, and pretty much all the basics i guess 50. Right or left hand: im right handed!!  51. Surgery: never had surgery  52. Hair dyed in different color: i wish i could! My hair is super dark so I don't want to risk ruining my hair by bleaching it ;w; ive always wanted pastel pink  53. Sport: LETS GO FÚTBOL  55. Vacation: i’ve always wanted to go to europe. Anywhere! It doesn't matter just take me there and I'd be happy! I'd also like to go to Japan!  56. Pair of trainers: my adidas are my life 
57. Eating: Canes  58. Drinking: Still coke 59. I’m about to: go do some homework  61. Waiting for: the journey of a lifetime  62. Want: someone to love! someone to care for and look out for! a shoulder to cry on!  63. Get married: aaa... I'm waiting for that day to come. I just want a happy marriage  64. Career: i want to be either and artist for disney (?), engineer, architect, or a songwriter if I can! I REALLY want to be a firefighter so I could help people but I don't think I'm physically ready for that ;w;
65. Hugs or kisses: WHY NOT BOTH  66. Lips or eyes: eyes  67. Shorter or taller: lol I'm 5′1 everyone is going to be taller than me  68. Older or younger: older 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: AGAIN WHY NOT BOTH 71. Sensitive or loud: It'd be nice if they were a mix of the two but I'd prefer loud  72. Hook up or relationship: relationship! hook ups are a little sketchy  73. Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant? troublemaker? which should I choose~?
74. Kissed a Stranger: nope!  75. Drank hard liquor: nope!  76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: many, many times... 77. Turned someone down: yes.... I regret it  78. Sex on the first date: NO  79. Broken someone’s heart: i think i did.... if I did recently then i’m truly sorry  80. Had your heart broken: going through that right now..... 81. Been arrested: I’VE GOT A PROBLEM WITH AUTHORITY (lmao no I've never been arrested)  82. Cried when someone died: who the hell doesn't?  83. Fallen for a friend: like the person who tagged me... #ATTACKED IM FEELING PERSONALLY ATTACKED 
84. Yourself: i try!  85. Miracles: 100% 86. Love at first sight: I'm not sure..... 87. Santa Claus: SANTA IS REAL  88. Kiss on the first date: lmao I actually had my first kiss on my first date so I guess it's fine if you want to do it 
90. Current best friend name: Nic, Vannah, and Ellie!! ;3 91. Eye colour: DARK AS HELL BROWN THAT ALMOST LOOKS BLACK  92. Favourite movie: ANY MARVEL MOVIE (they always make me feel badass when i walk out the theatre lol) 
Don't know that many people to tag but to my two smol beans @moody-gay and @anemischan
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kuragin · 6 years
nobody has to really read this. i just wanted to sort of reflect upon my time on this website, and whether or not i will continue with it. spoiler alert: i probably will unless something worse happens.
i really don’t want to leave tumblr. 
since the age of 12, unless ive been away from the internet, i have regularly used this website. right now this blog sits at 129,601 likes, 72,198 posts, 896 followers, i follow 384 blogs, and my most popular post has over 430,000 notes on it.
i’ve spent more or less my entire formative years on this website. because i like it, and it’s fun to be on. i like interacting with other people, i like having a community where its easy to share common interests and not be shamed for them. i genuinely enjoy the fandom community on here, even if sometimes those members exasperate me. i like having tumblr-only memes and i like knowing what is culturally relevant. i like the inside jokes that we’re able to share, especially this new wave of female-presenting-nipple jokes and being banned for horny on main.
if you look through my archive, my first posts dates back to october 2012. its a silly post of nigel thornberry’s face photoshopped onto pocohontas that i stole from somewhere else. i was 11, almost 12.
then i got really obsessed with harry potter. except that the books were all out and the movies were all out and nobody at my school was as much of a nerd as i was and nobody was ever in the mood to talk about page 499 of the half blood prince (for reference, that’s the page where harry and ginny kiss after harry misses the quidditch game. anyways). this was the sweet spot of post-movie-and-book but pre-pottermore-exclusives.
so i turned to the internet. i had facebook, but facebook had my family and friends on it and i felt like i would be annoying them if i relentlessly shared harry potter posts. i had an imgur account but that was more or less just image sharing. i had a reddit account (i only really used it to read the askreddit threads) but the userbase for reddit was not 12 year old girls. 
point is. i logged onto tumblr one day. looked up ‘harry potter’ in the tag search. spent hours upon hours scrolling through the tag. that was my outlet. and because it was tumblr and because it was 2013 i also got involved in the other fandom communities that were rising at the time - mainly doctor who and sherlock. (supernatural was in there too i just didnt enjoy it as much). i was more or less a superwholock blog for a couple months with some percy jackson thrown in there too.
the summer between the seventh and eighth grade i spent entirely on tumblr. why? i was addicted to it. it was fun. i didn’t have to go anywhere. i was 12 and didn’t want to do anything else because i felt like the world didn’t have anything to offer me. i would hit the post limit every day. i would stay up till sunrise doing shit all. kind of sad to reflect on, but i did it and was happy doing it.
yahoo bought tumblr in 2013. i was against it, because thats what the people on my dashboard were also against. i was on a bandwagon. a lot of people were considering jumping ship after this happened and were gonna delete their blog and there were people making accounts on less popular social media and stuff. nobody actually abandoned ship though and nobody really wanted to go anywhere else.
my blog hasn’t really changed because of the ban of the nsfw content. that’s never been my purpose for tumblr. i thought it was funny that they were banning it. i still do. but its still part of a larger social issue on the idea of censorship and what defines censorship. how do morals get in the way of neutrality on the internet? we like to say that nudity isn’t an issue when it’s non-sexual but that really isn’t the case. biases are always going to be present.
and then they got rid of custom-made blogs. i love my theme. or at least, i did, because it’s gone now. and im sad. and im angry.
half the fun of this website is me looking at my custom theme. it is looking through my tags page. it is seening what was popular on tumblr five years ago and seeing how much ive changed as a person. the other half is me hyperfixating on something. hell, the whole intention of me tagging all these posts as “the great tumblr purge” is so that i have the ability to look through that tag months from now and laugh at how much we were all freaking out over it.
i like this website. i really do. but sometimes i cannot stand it.
i want to see how this plays out. i want to stay on this website. but im not sure if i can because my theme isn’t mine to customize anymore. (i dont have the necessary knowledge to build my own theme but i do really enjoy editing my theme’s code and making only staff-made themes really doesn’t sit well with me under the guise of autonomy and freedom of being).
and i know there’s larger social issues with this website and i know in the grand scheme my personal experience with this website isn’t that important, but i just sort of want to get this out there.
i like this website. i want to use this website. i like the format and the anonymity it provides for me. i just dont know if i can use this website.
0 notes