#i just thought it would be nice to include some tech stims i love them a lot
vegas-lights-stims · 3 years
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Phoenix Wright Stimboard
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thekavseklabs · 3 years
What are your muses special interests?
How does your muse stim?
Special interests:
WC-003-A: Progressive energy, bodies and how they work (in the science way not the thirst way), robots and how they work and putting them together (and how to mimic bodies with non organic materials), structure (such as the structure of buildings, bridges, bones, anything, also mixes into robots and bodies)
C-001: Their brainwashing has always prevented them from having interests at all. But underneath that, they've always been fascinated with dancing and tricks.
WC-001-B: Stories. They love stories, myths, bedtime stories, cautionary tales. The culture beneath them and the lives of the past they hint to. History and art as well. What influenced that painting? What was the daily life of the person who wrote this letter like?
Xavier: Weapons. He's got it all, if he doesn't have it, he knows about it and he wants it. Blades, guns, shields, canons, lasers, all of it, where to hide it, how to use it, what it looks like, what it sounds like, the wounds it leaves, how well it kills, how to tell a good one from a bad one, Xavier knows. In contrast, he knows absolutely nothing about the endless and expensive jewelry he wears. It's just shiny, looks nice, feels nice, why bother with the rest of it? What you need to know is your weapons, and Xavier has you covered.
Rexus: Birds! Rexus loves birds. Ask him about birds. Please ask him about birds. He'll cry.
WC-003-B: Movies and grass. Weird pair, but he knows all about movies and he knows all about grass, despite movies being extremely rare on k'war.
Spades: Art and people. He knows all about art, of every kind, making jewelry, clothes, painting, music, dancing, everything. By people, I mean how their minds work. How their minds connect to their bodies. The conflict of emotion, thought, pattern, and instinct. How to influence it.
Vynathr: Space. The stars, the planets, the species, everything out there and the infinite itself. Also fascinated with music and tech.
All: Most kei sway oddly when excited or interested. It's somewhat unnerving, visually similar to underwater plants swaying in a gentle current but applied to a humanoid. They are usually subtle, but are able to lean very far and in odd ways due to their tails adding a counter weight to balance.
WC-003-A: They may be missing their tail and fins, but they still sway and shake, and lash their prosthetic tentacle arm things. When very excited, they clap, bounce on their toes if they are standing up, kick if they're not, and spin or run in circles. They also like to throw things, like sticky hands and bouncey balls. Vocally, they chirp. More idle stims include swinging their arms back and forth and shaking their hands, humming or singing, tapping their toes or fingers, and tilting their head back and forth. They love fidget toys and making little clicky or thrumming sounds.
C-001: They sway very subtly, so much so that it's hard to tell unless you're watching for it. They also flick their ears, and make the machinery that controls their sword flick up and down, not enough to release or unsheathe it but enough to make a satisfying click. They also tap their fingers on that arm against their leg, but care less about the other arm due to a difference in sensations and how they're built. They like to play with their sword, making it slash through the air in intricate patterns and juggle it while the hilt is still connected to their wrist for some funny feelings. They also flick their tail, or curl and uncurl it repeatedly. They also may someday learn that they like slime, rocking back and forth, putty, fidget toys, stress balls, and brushes. They like to juggle, and play with knives especially butterfly knives. They sometimes make soft thrumming sounds.
WB-001-B: They sway, rock back and forth, tilt or nod their head, swing their legs, and tap their toes. They have various sounds they like to make, especially popping and thrumming sounds.
Xavier: He jumps up and down, shakes his fins, lashes his tail, rocks back and forth, dances, swings from ropes (he's a pirate he gets to), does gymnastics and, get this, does ballet. For stimming. I love him. He also plays with his hair and jewelry, would go nuts for a fidget toy, and loves to play and do tricks with a butterfly knife. He doesn't sway because he's too busy falling over on purpose.
Rexus: He scratches things. Long thin lines into wood with his claws, largely. He doesn't sway, but he rocks back and forth, and his tail will slowly lash from side to side. He runs his hands over things that he likes the texture of, and likes stress balls. When feeling strongly he flaps his hands, shakes his fins, and squeals.
WC-003-B: He sways hard, one of those kei that tilts extra far because he's got his tail to keep him from falling. He also kicks, and flaps his hands, sways his arms, and lashes his tail.
Spades: He tilts his head back and forth, curls and uncurls his tail, shakes his fins, lashes his tail, makes funny sounds like hissing, thrumming, shushing, or rattling. He does an Evil Laugh when excited, yes it's stimming. He also spins, dances, jumps, plays with fidget toys, bubblegum, putty, paddle ball, and bouncey balls.
Vynathr: Taps the butt of his guisarme on the ground, flares and unflares his fins, sways but sometimes he falls if he's not careful, hums, sings, yells into the void, strokes things. Likes brushes, stress balls, fidget toys and butterfly knives.
There is probably more
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