#i just thought of these two less than i did Martin and Silas
kluskinoodles · 5 months
PART 2!!!!!!!
Sorry this one is a bit shorter because I don’t really have that much stuff for these two but I’m open to ideas!!!! Warnings for underage drinking, child abuse, and period typical homophobia. But anyways, NEXT UP IS KYLE!!
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He was born Kyle Leslie Jacob Fitzpatrick on July 24, 1938 in Buffalo, New York. Kyle was born to a family full of musical prodigies and as an only child. Kyle started to play the piano at a young age and by the time he was 8 he started playing the piano for the local church that his family went to (He was Christian). His mother was diagnosed with cancer when he was just 6 years old and she died a few months later. By the time he was 11, his father, who was a famous pianist and conductor, got invited to Rapture. Of course his father took the offer, left their faith, and by mid 1949 they traveled down. HIs father took him to shows so he could shadow him while he played. Kyle hates his middle name and changed it to Jacob when he was 14. It wasn’t til 1956 his father fell ill and also died (he doesn’t have great luck with parents). And that’s where Cohen came about, now that Kyle was vulnerable, Cohen could now persuade him to be his disciple. By early 1957, Kyle agreed and started working for Cohen (who has his eyes on him since he watched him play, NOT IN A CREEPY WAY. More like “I need that talent”). Kyle’s personality is a little difficult. He follows all Cohen’s orders, no matter how horrible they are. If Cohen tells him to stay, Kyle stays. If Cohen tells him to electrocute performers, he’s going to do it. The only order he did not follow was when Cohen told him his freckles were an eye sore and to go get fixed up like Cobb did. He didn’t do it but he did develop body image issues. He might be a bit chubby but at least Cohen hasn’t commented on that. Like the other of Cohen's disciples, Kyle has done drugs before, and he may or may not be a little bit addicted to cocaine. He says it helps him "focus", but the last time he did a line, he started running around, trying to pick his freckles off til he bled, and writing on the walls and floor of the Fleet Hall stage. Cohen did make him scrub it up. His relationship with the other three is weird. Him and Martin bitch at each other a bit but make up in the end. They just don’t see eye to eye sometimes especially when Kyle starts complaining and Martin tells him to shut the fuck up. Kyle and Silas is a bit complicated. Silas annoys the shit out of everyone, calling everyone pet names, all that jazz. But Kyle has a crush on Cobb, so for some reason he just CANNOT act normal around him. He’s always at least a bit flustered, but Kyle knows that Silas and Martin are jealous of him and the attention he is getting from Cohen. But Kyle would and WILL break Silas’ nose next time he tries touching him or basically flirting with him. Him and Hector are on neutral terms, Kyle is super worried about Hector’s drinking but the others say it’s fine and that he has been drinking for a while now, which worries Kyle even more. Kyle has never seen Hector sober before. Kyle and Cohen we all know their dynamic, Cohen takes advantage of him, yells at him, all that stuff. Then bro gets blown up, Cohen KYLE TRUSTED YOU AND YOU DO HIM LIKE THAT?????? 
Lastly, It’s our favorite alcoholic HECTOR!!
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Hector Gutérrez Rodríguez was born on February 14, 1922 in Spain but moved to New Hampshire when he was 5 years old. Being the youngest of 4 kids, Hector did not have a good home life. Like at all, his father was verbally abusive, and his mother did not do anything to stop him from beating his siblings and him. He was inspired to be an author or a poet when he got older, or a playwright, he couldn’t decide. Hector started writing poems for his mom when he was just 7 years old, but his dad would tear them up and hit him for being a f-slur. His father called him “perverted” and a “peodophile” because he was gay. Like Martin, Hector was basically forced to come out when he was 17 when his father caught him with the boyfriend he had at the time. After that, he ran away from home and paid for a bus to New York. After a while of not finding work and sleeping on the streets, he turned to alcohol to cope with stress. And to make money, like Silas, he started selling his body for cash and a place to sleep. He met Cohen at a bar one night in 1940, and after he showed Cohen his writings, Cohen loved what he saw and took him in. He condensed his name down to just “Hector Rodriguez” losing the accent over the i so it would be more “americanized”. After a bit of working under Cohen (1943), Hector had stopped drinking and was a recovering alcoholic, it did take him a bit long to do because he was an addict but that’s okay. After Cohen went mad and started abusing his power, Hector turned back to the bottle and relapsed. Hector had a little bit of an anger problem but he was improving (BY DRINKING). His relationship with others has already been explained in the others explanations but I wanted to add one thing. He doesn't understand why Martin doesn’t know when people are flirting with him, but he’s probably just too drunk to care. He barely writes anymore, Cohen took all the creativity he had when he drove him to drink and took advantage of him. Hector is not really picky of what he drinks, but he really does miss real alcohol and not the water down stuff. EDIT: Hector is bilingual he speaks Spanish and English THE END!! Cohen when he sees an artist with daddy issues and struggles with sexual identity:
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Part one here
@js-sexchange-surgeon-steinman @arsont-t Here's part two 😊 (sorry for tagging)
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