#i just want toby fox to absolutely slam us all for this
solalunar-eclipse · 11 months
Strings Neither Green Nor Red
Chapter title: Blue Mending (Magson I. Addison)
AO3 Link
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Spamton belongs to Toby Fox, all other characters belong to @brightgoat on Tumblr and Twitter.
“Thank you all for meeting here on such short notice.” Mags said tersely, surveying the other three members of his department from his seat. Pay was sitting in the chair next to him, his back ramrod straight and his hands folded tightly in his lap. Click was lounging in a chair across the table, inspecting the tips of his fingers in a clear show of boredom, while Video was leaning back precariously in his own seat next to Click, keeping himself balanced with only one hand.
“Now then, I would like to ask you two specifically, Video and Click, about your…strange behavior lately.”
Vid rocked his chair back into all four legs with a loud slam, making Pay jump. The yellow Addison rested his elbows on the table casually, seemingly unperturbed.
“What’re you talking about? I’d say we’ve been more normal than ever!” Video said lightly.
“Yes,” Mags replied through gritted teeth, “but there is absolutely no reason for this to have happened. It doesn’t make sense, is what I’m getting at.”
“Makes perfect sense to me!” Vid chirped annoyingly. “Didn’t you ever think I just finally got used to things as they are, instead of how I wanted them to be?”
“Well, see, I don’t buy that. But even if you’re telling the truth, this sudden of a change—that has zero explanation—would really only happen if you know something I don’t, right?” Mags said, refusing to dance around the topic for even one second. 
At that, Click stepped in, putting a hand on Video’s arm carefully. “But you’re the one who takes care of all the things like files and information these days, correct?” he asked, his voice saccharinely sweet. “If that’s the case, and you’re in control of everything, how could we know something you don’t?”
The blue Addison’s hands curled into fists on the table, trembling. “Information doesn’t just come in files, you know. It can come through words, actions…or people…”
Mags could see that they both knew that he might know. It showed in Vid’s expression of poorly-masked fear and Click’s determination. “Well then, if you’re so interested in our supposed sources, why don’t you just say what you’re getting at?” the latter said, his voice eerily calm. “Be honest here, don’t hide behind little wordplay games.”
“Have you been talking to Spamton?” Mags snapped.
Video’s grip tightened on the table to the point where its surface began to splinter. “You don’t get to say that name anymore.” he snarled, his eyes flaring with yellow electricity.
Mags felt a shock run through him as his suspicions were confirmed.
“Vid, please, wait just a moment—!” Pay cried, but it was Click who stopped him before he could charge at the blue Addi. 
“Don’t.” he said quietly. “This isn’t how you gain the upper hand.”
“Since when do liars have the upper hand at all?” Mags cried, his expression furious. “How long have you been hiding this from me?!”
Click looked over at him. “I don’t think that’s the question you should be asking. The real question is, why didn’t we tell you about this?”
“Fine. Whatever. I’ll play along. Why didn’t you tell me about this?” the blue Addison asked, rolling his eyes.
“Vid?” Click said, turning the answer over to him.
Video looked Mags in the eye, but aside from that, he was completely, uncharacteristically still. “Because I don’t trust you to watch out for us anymore.” he said, his voice broken and tired.
Mags reeled backwards, stunned. “What? But all I’ve ever been doing is—”
“Watching out for yourself.” Video said firmly, his fury returning in full force. “You told me you didn’t care if I left, you threw away Spamton like he was nothing, all because you were so scared of someone on the other end of a phone! Aren’t blue Addis supposed to help the people in their departments? Is that really what you’ve been doing all this time, Mags?”
The blue Addison found himself unable to speak, shaken by Vid’s words. That…wasn’t what he’d expected to hear.
“All I’ve ever been trying to do was keep everyone safe! I was fighting for our jobs—for our lives—and that meant I needed to do what had to be done!” he shot back, but his voice sounded weak even to his own ears.
“What had to be done?” Vid exploded, pained tears welling up in his eyes. “Are we all really that expendable to you?! That…that unimportant??”
Up until this very moment, Mags had thought he knew what his role was in life. Blue Addisons were always supposed to help ease any interpersonal difficulties in their personal workplace. Whether it was an overly uptight Orange, a hyperactive Yellow, or a truly messed-up Pink, Blues were there to smooth out the rough patches and get everyone working together. It was their purpose (aside from sales), their reason for being.
They weren’t supposed to be the catalyst for fights. The fact that Click and Vid had formed an alliance opposed to him and Pay with the sole purpose of doing what they probably thought was defending Spamton from him rocked him to his very core. 
Whether or not he had actually been in the wrong, his attempts to salvage this department seemed to have—driven them apart further, but—
He was a blue Addison! He couldn’t be a danger to his own department!
…except…Vid and Click thought he already was……
Mags had never felt so alone in his life.
“Oh, God.” he breathed, pressing a hand to his mouth. “Oh my god, you—you really feel that way? But I…all I ever wanted was…”
“Whoa, hey, easy there!” Vid cried, his rage melting away at the sight of the blue Addi’s face. He dashed around the table and hovered around Mags nervously. “Geez, man, you look like you’re gonna pass out!”
“I...” he whispered. “I…I don’t…I just…”
“Uh, guys?” Video said nervously, his voice sounding far away and muffled. “I think he’s, like, going into shock or something.”
The next thing Mags became aware of was a mug of his favorite tea being pressed into his hands. A blanket was draped around his shoulders, and he was somehow sitting in the living room, even though last he remembered, he’d definitely been at his dinner table.
“What…?” he murmured. “How did I….”
“Hey, hey, can you hear us?” Vid said, leaning into his field of vision. “You back with us now, Mags?”
“What do you mean, ‘back with you’?” he asked, confused.
Pay sat down on his other side, his smile pained. “It’s a phenomenon that isn’t very well-documented, but I’ve heard about it before. Essentially, you tried to process too much at once and then shut down because of it. You were completely unresponsive to anything we said or did for—” he checked the time— “approximately fifteen minutes. However, you were still physically mobile, as evidenced by the fact that we were able to bring you over here without having to forcibly move you.”
“It was really creepy.” Click said, from his position on the other couch. “You were just staring off into space without moving or blinking or anything.”
Mags shuddered. “The last thing I remember is Video talking to me in the dining room…and then nothing.”
Pay frowned. “Well, it might be best if you exercise caution when thinking about…whatever it was you were thinking about before it happened. We don’t want you to experience a second shutdown—that doesn’t seem healthy.”
“What was I…?” Mags tried to recall what had caused it—and then paled. 
“What did I just say?!” Pay cried. “Don’t think too hard about it!”
“But I—I—” he stammered, his hands shaking enough that some tea spilled over the brim of his mug.
“Hey, look at me, okay, Mags?” Video said gently. “Just look at me.”
The blue Addison could barely bring himself to do it, fear of what he might see weighing him down. But when he looked up, all he saw was concern and kindness in Vid’s eyes.
“How did you do it?” Mags said weakly. “How did you keep caring about him and keep going, even after losing him?”
Video blinked, surprised. “It hurt. A lot. Especially since it felt like I was the only one for so long. And I’m not gonna say I did it well—you saw my sales drop! But not caring would’ve felt worse, because for me it would’ve meant abandoning someone who meant the world to me.”
Mags sighed. “I felt like…I either could keep caring or make sure everybody was safe. So I tried to do both, kind of—care about the people I could protect and not worry about those I couldn’t. But…I think I hurt you all because I was so scared of being hurt again. He was…someone I cared about. So much. And when he was gone, I knew I had to make sure it’d never happen again, no matter what it took. That way we and our livelihoods would be safe.
“I didn’t know I was doing it wrong. I didn’t know…I was making the problem worse. Because if you’d been Called, either of you…” He looked up at Video and Click. “You wouldn’t have told me, would you? You’d have listened to the person on the other end.”
Neither of them could meet his eyes.
Mags shuddered, cold terror creeping through his whole body. “I thought I was saving us…doing what was right despite everyone fighting me…but we were so close to ruin, weren’t we? We were so close to losing it all.” 
“But we haven’t lost it yet.” Vid said, putting an arm around Mags’s shoulders. “It’d be pretty tough and really awkward, but I think we can fix this.”
“How?” the blue Addison asked weakly.
“Look at us now!” Video gestured around the room. “We all put everything aside and helped you when you needed it, right?”
“You…you did.” Mags said, sitting up a little straighter. “Thank you.”
“But right now, I think there’s someone out there who needs all four of us to help him.” Video continued, their eyes flashing with determination.
“He needs us?” Pay said, his voice quiet and small.
“Pay, I don’t know exactly what he’s been through, but I know it’s been rough.” Video said emphatically. “And he spent all that time thinking every last one of us never wanted to see his face again.”
Mags jolted in his seat. “I want to see him again.” he said, the words flying out of his mouth before he had time to register them.
“You really were missing him all this time too, huh?” Click said, sounding surprised.
“It’s more complicated…” Mags confessed. “I couldn’t let myself miss him, or else I would’ve been as distressed as Vid. And I felt like I needed to take charge…but apparently it’s not all that good for me to be in a leadership position.” He laughed humorlessly.
“Hey. Remember, we’re gonna fix this. All of it.” Video repeated insistently.
“Does that start with talking to Spam?” Mags asked shakily.
Vid started in surprise at that, recognizing what Mags was doing—surrendering control.
“Yeah.” they said, smiling reassuringly. “Yeah, it does.”
After that, Video had stepped outside to make a brief call to Spamton, leaving the other three alone in the room.
Pay looked very nervous at being left with Click and Mags, especially when the former spoke up after a moment of silence.
“So what are you gonna do when you see him?” Click said, looking intently over at the blue Addison.
Mags tightened his grip on his mug slightly. “Does he know…about us? What happened after he disappeared?”
“Yeah.” Click replied simply, but that single word held a lot of weight.
“But,” he added, “I don’t know how it happened, but he seems like he’s in a pretty forgiving mood these days. I mean, he accepted my apology really fast, and we were never as close as you and he were…so you’ll probably be fine.”
“I wonder why he’s so prepared to take us all back?” Pay said quietly. “None of us treated him very well—except for Video and maybe Mags, of course.”
“Perhaps it had something to do with those Lightners that came through recently.” the blue Addison said. “They helped unite everyone else throughout the city very easily, and they all got along quite well. Maybe they had an effect on him, too?”
Click blinked. “Yeah, now that you mention it—he seemed to know who all of them were whenever Vid or I mentioned them. But he’s never said anything about them on his own…actually, I think he’s been keeping a lot from us.”
Just then, Video came back into the room. “Oof, that was…intense.”
Mags winced. “Is he mad?”
“Not mad, just more…stunned? That we failed to keep his secret this badly. I think he’s actually kind of relieved that he’ll be able to stop hiding and just get this over with, so he finally knows how you two feel.”
“So, what did he say?” Click asked.
Video gave them a half-smile. “He says he’ll meet with all of us tomorrow, but only in the alley by my store.”
“Why in an alleyway?” Pay wondered, bewildered.
Vid shrugged. “I dunno. My guess is, as much as Click and I have been hanging out with him, it’s still four of us going to meet with only one of him, so he wants to be on his own ground when it happens.”
Mags’s face fell. “You mean he’s scared of us.”
“Wouldn’t you be scared too?” Click asked, looking a little pained. “After everything we said to him, and everything that’s happened?”
Video sighed. “Yeah, I know. Hopefully that’ll start changing tomorrow!” he added, pushing himself to perk up a little.
Mags gave him a smile in return, but secretly, he felt a sense of dread beginning to build inside him.
The next day, exactly at noon, the four Addisons gathered together at the entrance to the alleyway. Vid and Click walked in with confidence, while Pay and Mags trailed after, one more visibly nervous than the other.
Despite his expertise at externally tamping down his feelings, however, the blue Addison was just as nervous as Pay, if not more so. Pay had simply been a willing participant in the plans he’d laid out. He feared that if there was anyone Spamton might reject now, it would be him.
Once the group had gone about two-thirds of the way in, they heard footsteps behind them, making Mags’s spine stiffen and Pay let out a small scream.
“Hey!!” Video cried, looking back the way he’d come. He dashed past the other three, sliding to his knees and hugging the person who had appeared suddenly in the entrance to the alley.
When he stepped back, the person was revealed to be none other (as Mags had suspected) than Spamton himself.
“HEYA, VID!” he said, seeming genuinely pleased to see the yellow Addison. That joy faded considerably, however, when he faced the other three. He still managed to greet Click with a modicum of friendliness, but was notably wary when it came to the other two.
“SO, UH, ARE WE JUST GONNA [Stay Right Here!] IN [[Awkward Silence]], OR…?” he prompted, when neither Mags nor Pay moved.
Slowly, carefully, the blue Addi walked forward and knelt down in front of Spam. “I’m so glad to know that you’re alive.” he said softly. “And I’m sorry for everything I did that made you think I wouldn’t be. But I am, truly.”
Pay smiled nervously. “Seconded from here.” he added, a bit awkwardly. “Things haven’t been the same without you—specifically, they’ve been a lot worse. And I’m also sorry for the part I played in driving you away from us.”
Click dragged a hand down his face furiously. “Why couldn’t my apology have been like that?!?” he cried.
Spamton snickered. “YOU’VE ALWAYS BEEN A [[Man of the theater]], CLICK.”
“It’s true, you really have.” Video said, smirking. 
“Shut up. Shut up right now, Vid, or else I will skewer you. I mean it.” Click grumbled.
“OH YEAH! THAT REMINDS ME, [[Clickbait]], I BROUGHT YOU A [Free Gifts]!”
The pink Addison hesitated. “….what’s that supposed to mean?”
Spam tossed something at Click, who caught it—and then jolted slightly once he realized it was a pipis. He managed to grit his teeth and hold onto it, luckily enough. Spamton snickered at the sight of his face, twisted with something like determination and disgust blended together into one strange mix.
Its shell began to crack slowly, bit by bit…and then a little angel-Spam leapt out, patting him on the head before disappearing.
The pink Addi smiled wryly. “Better than a bunch of goddamn heads biting me, that’s for sure.” he muttered.
“Spamton, I should explain—” Mags began, his hands shaking. But the former Addison cut him off quickly.
“[Video player] ALREADY TOLD ME [[The Whole Story]] OVER THE [Touch-Tone Telephone]. THEY SAID YOU WERE [just trying to protect the rest of us, really] AND [he was scared of telephones for ages afterwards, you know] AND [he still misses you a lot, he just didn’t know how to handle it, none of us did, honestly].”
Vid’s eyes widened at hearing their own voice spill out of Spamton’s mouth. “Geez, that’s wild!” they exclaimed, a little shocked.
“…do you believe him?” Mags asked nervously.
“YEAH, I THINK SO. YOU WERE [[Always And Forever]] [The Mom Friend], YOU KNOW.” Spamton said, but he still didn’t look fully pleased with everything.
“I came to your room.” Mags said abruptly, unable to stop himself from speaking. “The day you were…evicted. I wanted to check on you, invite you back. But…you were gone, and I heard the strange noises on the other end of the phone…I feared the worst.
“So that’s why I did what I did. I didn’t want anyone else to vanish, or for us to be deemed unfit to continue on because we had lost you. I don’t know if that makes any of it justifiable now that I know you didn’t…you weren’t gone forever…but that’s what I did.”
After a minute of thinking, Spam beckoned Mags closer. He obliged, kneeling down right in front of his old friend, bracing himself for some kind of yelling—maybe even a physical attack.
Instead, small arms wrapped around his shoulders as Spamton pulled him into the most awkward yet welcome hug he’d ever had.
Silently, Mags began to weep into his shoulder, his whole body shaking. “I never thought I’d see you again…” he breathed.
“Me either.” Spam said quietly, his own voice a little choked up as well.
Once he withdrew and they’d both made themselves presentable once again, Mags clasped his hands together, going over something in his head. Cautiously, he looked at Spamton and asked, “Would you like to come home with us tonight?”
“HUH? I MEAN…ARE YOU [[100% Guaranteed]] SURE?”
The blue Addison gave him a reassuring smile. “Absolutely. If it makes it easier, you can consider it like a…seven-day free trial?” he offered.
Spamton looked up at him, clearly back on steadier ground with that kind of terminology. “IS THERE AN [Auto-renewal] FOR MY [[Subscription]]?”
“If you decide you like it? Of course.” Mags said.
“Wait, really?! You’re gonna come back?!?” Vid exclaimed, nearly vibrating in place with excitement.
“I CAN TRY.” Spam said, still seeming a little wary, yet also willing.
Even Click was smiling at that, clearly relieved and maybe even happy at that prospect
Suddenly, Video dragged everyone into a group hug. “Agh—Vid, what are you doing?” Pay cried.
“Affection! None of you can escape it!” the yellow Addi cried, pulling them all even closer.
Mags accepted it wholeheartedly, as did Spam. Pay resigned himself to the hug with a weary smile, while Click refused to play nice and squirmed in embarrassment until it was over.
“Spoilsport.” Video huffed.
“Sugar addict.” Click shot back.
“TALK ABOUT [[The pot and the kettle]], CLICK!” Spam said, his voice light yet accusatory.
“Alright, that’s it. I’m going back to work now.” he scoffed, stalking out of the alleyway. “See you later, I guess.” He shot a semi-genuine smile at Spamton, though, to which the latter grinned right back.
Pay checked the time, his eyes widening. “Oh, it’s late! I’ll have to hurry and get lunch now before my next shift starts.”
Spam looked over at Mags. “I’VE MADE A [[Daily Workout Routine]] OF CRASHING AT LEAST ONE SHIFT A [Workday]. MIND IF I COME WITH YOU TODAY?”
The blue Addison smiled warmly. “I’d love that, actually.”
Video squeezed Spamton’s shoulder affectionately as they walked by. “Guess I’ll see you tonight, then!” they said, clearly still excited.
“I’M LOOKING FORWARD TO IT.” Spam replied, and for the first time, it seemed like he might mean it.
And with that, the three of them left the alleyway, heading out to face the rest of the day together.
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blue-mood-blue · 4 years
Ooh since you said you’d accept Toby prompts: Toby’s promised Raysel a place to stay for a while, and August probably needs a place if she doesn’t want to go to the undersea. There’s only one guest room. Cue Roomates From Hell. (I feel like they have bunk beds).
I want you to know that I have been flipflopping wildly over whether I should tackle this one with sincerity or hilarity, because let's be honest, this situation would have a lot of both. It's a bit of a short one, but who knows, maybe I'll revisit this sometime...
The last time she was here, her head was slammed into the wall.
It was the wrong mindset to have, August knew. She was here to ask her sister a favor - her sister, she thought deliberately, because she was going to have to get used to the idea now that they'd claimed the same father and had that tie between them - and realistically, the worst October would do was laugh in her face and say no. She wouldn't attack her on sight, not if August didn't give her a reason to.
Still, when her sister's fiance shook his head and muttered that October was too kind for her own good as October opened the door wider for her to enter, smiling in a way that promised pain, August couldn't help glancing at that part of the wall. October must have noticed; she smiled wider when August met her eye again.
The reality - the fact that she would be on an air mattress, sharing a room with a cousin she'd never properly met - was the kind of alternative August felt she could live with. Even if Rayseline kept glaring at her from across the room. Even if she could feel Rayseline's eyes on her now, well into the morning when they should both have been asleep, peering down at her from the bed.
"What do you want," she hissed into the artificial darkness created by the curtains. She wasn't going to get any sleep being watched like this, and she'd promised up and down that she'd start looking for her own place as soon as possible. August didn't want to depend on her sister's good will any longer than she absolutely had to.
"You don't look much like him." Rayseline had the nerve to sound like she wasn't even tired, even though she'd insisted on the bed seeing as how she'd gotten to Toby first and was sworn a year in her service besides.
"Like who?"
"Like Simon Torquill."
August glanced up at the bed; her cousin wasn't glaring anymore. Instead, she looked somewhere between bored and thoughtful, and August didn't know if that was a good or bad sign. "I take after my mother," she supplied, trying not to let what was almost certainly a jab sting too sharply. They had to get along, if they were both going to stay in October's house. She'd let them in and she could kick them out just as easily, and maybe literally.
But it did sting, hearing it from Rayseline - Rayseline, with her fox-red hair and Daoine Sidhe blood, who could have been Simon's daughter so easily. She looked every inch the part. Even if she wasn't, she would always look more like Simon's than August did.
"Good chance, too, or we'd look like twins." Rayseline lay back on the bed, and August hoped for just a moment that was the end of it. "I'm keeping you awake because I think you owe me one sleepless night."
August scowled at the ceiling, since directing her ire at the bed would be wasted effort. "Because my father wronged you?" She'd heard... pieces. She wasn't ready, yet, to face the man her father had been in the years she'd been gone. There would be time for that, to swallow one hot coal at a time and try to keep herself from burning.
"Because you chose him." August raised her voice to protest, and got a pillow in her face for her trouble. She could have thrown it back, but cushioning on the air mattress was sparse and instead she angrily added it to the one already under her head. "I get it, bad options all around. I'm trying to be fair. I figure one sleepless night isn't much to ask, for now - especially since Toby isn't going to ask you for anything."
"And what exactly am I paying for." It sounded like a child's logic, and if August was less committed to making this work, she would have said so. It would have been horribly, deliciously easy to drive an immovable wedge between them, to be the one holding power in the hows and whys of their interactions. It would have been just like Amandine, and it was that understanding more than anything else that held her tongue.
"The nightmares. I've had so many sleepless nights avoiding the dark - I think you can afford one." And what could she possibly say to that?
They talked about nothing topics - the other people in October's house, the things they both remembered about a Shadowed Hills of the past that almost certainly didn't exist anymore, the strange quirks of the mortal world that they couldn't quite understand. It was a tenuous peace that probably wouldn't last through the sunset, but it was something. A start, if they both decided it was still worth it in the dark of night. It was too early to say.
It was maybe an hour or two shy of sunset when Rayseline stopped answering, finally asleep. It should have been enough permission for August to sleep, too, but when she closed her eyes all she could think of was Rayseline, in a voice that sounded much too young for a grown woman, asking if she wasn't owed just one sleepless night. It was a silly promise to hold her to - it didn't mean anything, and it wasn't going to fix anything that was already broken - but August lay on the mattress, staring at nothing and wondering why it was important to her that she not fail.
I can't pay for what my parents did, August thought. And then, in the next moment, reluctantly added: but perhaps I should try to be better than those debts, all the same.
Quietly, she crept from her bed and then from the room; if she was staying up, she may as well do it properly. She didn't realize the tv was on until she reached the bottom of the stairs and it was too late to retreat, quietly playing mortal nonsense low enough not to disturb the rest of the house. August froze, unsure if it would be a better idea to creep into the kitchen before she was seen, or make her presence known to whoever was on the couch - she'd heard October's house was frequently full of strange people.
"You can stop acting like a burglar - you're really bad at it, and I definitely don't recommend it as a career choice." October's voice was sarcastic as ever, even under the layer of exhaustion that covered it. August followed it to the living room, where her sister was laying on the couch. "Can't sleep?"
Can't sleep, not allowed to sleep by some strange price set to her by her cousin - it all amounted to the same thing. August shook her head, and October gestured to the recliner. August sat, hesitant.
"You don't have to be afraid of me," October said after a minute, not looking at her anymore. "I don't make a habit of attacking people in my own home."
"I'll try not to give you a reason," August supplied. The pause was long and awkward, even the noise from the tv doing little to break the uncomfortable silence. "Do you always stay up this late?" August finally managed.
October didn't look at her. "Woke up," she answered eventually. "I couldn't get back to sleep, and Tybalt has to be up early tomorrow. He'll pout at me, but it'll be after he’s gotten enough sleep."
A nightmare, maybe. A nightmare that her father might have put in her sister's head, lasting damage from a wound dealt years ago that August was in no position to prevent but that still left a creeping tendril of guilt in her stomach. She could ask, she thought, looking over at October who was sleepily blinking at the figures on the screen; her guard was down, and it was maybe the kind of thing she wouldn't hide from August anyway. If anyone would tell her the truth, it would be October.
August wasn't sure she was ready to hear it.
She didn't ask anything; instead, she curled up in the recliner and let the rest of her first night in her sister's house pass in silence.
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afterthelastreset · 5 years
Rules of one’s soul
(this was partially inspired by @lykillofasgard  ‘s Nosuit fic Opposites Attract. Please go check out their writing and support this writer! I apologize if anything comes off too ooc or drawn out. It’s my first time trying to write something for Deltarune. All mentioned characters belongs to Toby Fox and co.)
He shouldn't have done that. He shouldn't be doing ANY of this. What would one think if they knew that the King's appointed Duke of Puzzles, caretaker of the prince, and master of law and order would be feeling absolutely weak in the presence of an insolent clown?! NO! He wasn't weak! Rouxls Kaard was anything but weak. He was just....uh..a little unprepared for the absolute madness of the knave when they first encountered. Yes. That's it! Not even the great Duke of Puzzles could get all first impressions right.  He wasn't sure of the strange feeling in his gut whenever his mind revolved around back to THAT night. The strength of those ghastly hands latching onto him and slamming him into the cold steel, near those sickly glowing eyes. The very thought of those things made him shudder and get a sick feeling in his stomach. In a way, he was more terrorfying than thy king. At least with him you could tell when the Spade was displeased in anyway, but there's no feeling behind a mad man's smile. So. The answer to recovery was to just avoid the place and do his best to push those thoughts deep down and try to distract himself. And for a while. It actually worked. He managed to busy himself by making an actual working piece of his work the king seemed pleased with. He called it, A Control Crown. Though it still could use some work as it only worked on more...um. Less smart beings of the realm. And the King's annoying worm(but much better company keeper) of a son had gotten himself into plenty of shenanigans the Duke had to fix or pull him out of. It had been maybe a few months since the incident and he rarely thought of any of that encounter. So all was well with the Duke of Puzzle. Thou the duke did experience a strange tugging or nagging feeling like he was missing something. Oh well. None of it mattered. At least. Not until that night. A storm had decided to make itself present that night much to the annoyance and fear of the guards. For it was tonight that the prisoner better who some had called Jevil -odd name if you asked him- once again decided now would be the right time to act up and strike fear into the poor guards in charge of the food supply to him. Which also meant none wanted to go down there. Which ultimately meant the duty would fall on the next upper person in charge. .....Which meant it was up to him. To settle things. And go down there. With that THING! He honestly almost threw up the mac and cheese Lancer and himself ate for lunch when he found out. But he was the Duke of Puzzles, appointed by the King himself. Law keeping was one of his best assets, which was why he was put in charge of these guards. So, with a heavy stomach and light head, he assured any listening he'd once again take care of the 'little worm' and put a stop to this all. Oh,if only he could have seen the familiar frozen grin plastered on his face at the moment. It only got worse when he stepped into the elevator and pushed the button to the unknown level. Once the doors closed, the Duke let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and immediately reached to clutch at the tufts of shiny snow white hair on his head.  "What the f*cketh have I done?!" He breathed between gasping breaths. He wasn't even sure how stupid he was at this point! Why didn't he just tell them to let the stupid prisoner go hungry just for tonight and not bother!? This was absolute madness. Like kicking a live bee nest to anger the pathetic insects- Bing! "HA!" The Duke let out a short high pitched squeak of fright from the doors reopening to reveal the beginnings of a staircase and darkness below. He hoped no one heard him. A high pitched series of laughter ruined that hope. "Oh, how fun,fun! A Duke of no suit has come once again, again to seek what he thinks he rules over!" He flinched when he faintly saw two glowing pinpricks from down below. "How interesting, interesting.~ Have you come to finally play, play?~" He stood there frozen at the sight of yellow eyes waiting for his answer. The feeling of that insolent's slimey tongue grazing his cheek and the feeling of complete helplessness came rushing back to him in a heart beat. Gathering what pride and dignity he had left, the Duke casually stood straight up and gave an annoyed look. He tried to invision himself talking to a rookie guard or Lancer whenever he had to explain something. He just had to remember. HE was the one in charge. Not some bumbling knave that couldn't even harm him from his prison all the way down below. "I-It has cometh to mine attention that thou art scaring the very guards that feed you!" He shouted down and waited for a response. But none came. The eyes didn't even blink. So he nervously licked his lips and continued. "If thou wishes to keep getting proper treatment from them in the future then thou needs to follow the rules set in place." Felling a little more confident. He decided to yell louder. He was in charge. Not him. He had no control over the situation. He made the rules. "Thou art getting on mine nerves and I do not wish to heareth about thine useless chatters or antics! I haveth no time to deal with thee any longer! I have more important matters to deal with than the rambles of an absolute mad man!! So keepest thine voice down and cease your useless shenanigans at once!!" His voice echoed throughout the silent prison as the yellow eyes continued their silent watching. Rouxls stared down at the lowlife a little longer before smiling. That was until the pinpricks disappeared as the crazy fool threw his head back in laughter at the stupid show he just witnessed. Rouxls felt his ears press to his sides and his stomach drop hard. This wasn't the reaction he had hoped. All too soon the eyes were back along with a mocking voice. "What a shame! What a shame! Thinking he could order the only one free, free in the whole kingdom!~ How amusing!~ How fun!! FUN!!~" Rouxls didn't like the change in tone of the deranged jester's voice. It almost sounded intrigued. And that's what scared him most. "I never had so much fun,fun with another pawn before! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!! Tell me Rouxls Kaard. If you are in charge, charge then why are you too afraid to play this little game, game of yours?~ Hmm."  The Duke didn't say anything at first. The heavy scent of fear consuming him and making his head spin. "I.....I shan't need to e-explain myself to the likes of you! I prefer not to waste mine valuable time on dealing with your insolent empty words. Thou can pretend with thine mind games all thee wishes but Rouxls Kaard is nay fool!" He pointed a hand at him. " For you see, I have thought of the possibility of thou using these games to trickest me into coming in range of your dastardly grip! But I shan't be fooled again so easily! For by me staying far from thine's hold then thou shall not have a open point to strike! Who's winning who's game now if thou never even got a chance to make his first move?!" "Yet, yet I'm not the one who's playing dirty.~ What fun is a game if one wins just because, because he cheats out of fear?~" "Hark thee little knave!!" He bellowed in absolute anger like he just threw dirt on his new suit. "What rules are laid down is followed and I shan't listen to you any longer!" He turned back towards the entrance to the elevator with a huff. The voice cooed in amusement. "BWAHAHA! A shame that the rules card is running like a defeated child,child at a game of checkers.~ My next visitor will be pleased, pleased to hear about the cowardly leader of a Duke that masters, masters over them!~" He froze. Did he just-...? No. He couldn't have just....But he did! Taking a breath, the duke world around to face the yellow eyes with anger.  "Thou insolent, foolish WORM!!" He bellowed at the top of his lungs. Making the jester laugh again as the duke began to march towards the stairs in complete anger that his authority would be tested by a common criminal. As he stomped his way down, he remembered to keep his distance with time when he reached the bottom. Now face to face with the clown behind the bars. Even with his limited vision, he could make out the jester's pleased smile on his face. "You DARE to threaten me with useless rumors of mine reputation?!" "Hehehe. Not a threat and not, not a rumor.~ Just facts straight and simple.~ But now that you're her, here-" The bells on him errily chimed as he tilted his head. "I find you're more fun, fun to play with.~ Tell me, tell me. Did you figure out the game, game we started last visit?" Rouxls huffed. "You mean that useless asult on mine person? BAH! I refused to even think about such things to do with the likes of thou, Jevil!" A sudden spark seemed to light up in the jester as his attention became a bit more...focused. "Ooh!~ So you learnt my name, name?~ BWAHAHA! Tell me, oh Duke of rules and puzzles. Have you any idea of what YOU have started with this game, game of ours you triggered? Are not the feelings and tugs at your very, very core not clues to this puzzle you can't seem to solve?~" The duke gave the madman a confused look at the nonsense he was spouting out of his mouth. Was this a battle of wits or riddles? If so he won either way. He didn't intend on ever coming back or giving this creature any more of his precious time after this. What was the point if he never made sense anyhow? "Was does thou even mean? This is nay puzzle! Tis a riddle of a mad fool that shan't ever be solved!" "Hmm. Perhaps. Perhaps. But tell me this Duke, and tell me true. True." A hand stuck itself out of the bars to point at him, making him flinch. "Did you not have a feeling of need,need or incompletion when you first left this place, place!? Is it now gone?! Replaced with the need to prove yourself! To, to the very person you can never win or lose against in this corrupted. CORRUPTED EMPIRE YOU CALL HOME, HOME!!"  It felt like the walls and darkness themselves were vibrating with the booming voice of the smaller floating man. Rouxls couldn't even bring himself to speak and Jevil's smile suddenly became knowing instead of amused. "THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN REALLY PLAY A GAME!! GAME!! THAT MATCHES YOUR VERY OWN!! ROUXLS KAARD!! OUR FIRST MEETING, MEETING WAS NEVER OUR LAST!! THE VERY MOMENT WE MADE CONTACT, CONTACT IT SEALED US AND FATE INTERTWINED WITHIN MY FREEDOM, FREEDOM AND YOUR IMPRISONMENT!! THE BEING OF PERFECT ORDER AGAINST THE TRUE EMBODYMENT OF RAW CHAOS!! CHAOS!!" The last word felt like a wave of sound hit him and sent the duke stumbling forward a few steps almost falling to his face before he looked up at the absolute monster clutching the bars in absolute raw horror. "You....You're absolutely mad!!" Jevil chuckled again. "Maybe that's true. Maybe I am insane. Insane. But I am truly the only free, free person....But you know. It's gotten rather boring,boring and dare I saw lonely in my little freedom. Duke of puzzles. I haven't really, really felt like anyone but my old friend Seam could begin to make me this amused, amused." Maybe his insanity was rubbing off onto Rouxls but he could've sworn he saw Jevil's smile slipping a little. "I will always regret happened between us, us. But, it seems fate has directed you towards me, hmm?" "What?....I-I...I still haven't the faintest idea thou is sputtering out!" "Heh. You still don't get, get it do you, Rouxls?" He gave a hum and might have sounded like a disapproved parent if he wasn't still smiling though me. "Interesting, interesting. Tell me. Do you know the concept of soulmates?~" Silence. The frozen duke stared at the floating creature inside the cage as his brain tried to process this. Yes. He knew what a soulmate was. What an absolutely stupid question. Everyone knows a soulmate is the one person in life you feel compelled towards. Like finally putting the final missing piece of a puzzle together-.....Wait. Wait a minute. The realization must've reflected in his eyes because Jevil's smile became more soft if that was even possible for a mad man.  ".....No...NO! Nononononononono! NO!!" He hands flew up to clutch his head. The floor felt like it was consuming him with how much his body fell forward to it's knees. "NO! NO! THOU TIS LYING!! MORE MIND GAMES!!" He shouted desperately at the jester who just smiled warmly back, like he was a dear old friend stopping by to grab a chat. His eyes searched for any indicators of mind games or a sick joke. "I...I can't anything to you but a toy for your amusement! Let alone thou's s-soul....IT"S NOT TRUE! I SHAN'T HEAR OF IT!! LIES!! ALL OF IT LIES-AH!!" The same strength pressed him against the same bars. And the once proud duke whimpered like a dog when facing the same eyes from his nightmares. "Naïve, naïve little duke." His voice was like he was trying to comfort a child and Rouxls let out a whimper when a clawed hand cupped his chin. His face was closer now. Why wasn't his body reacting!? He could feel the hot breath of the jester before he spoke next. "One cannot deny the rules, rules set down by fate now. Can you?~ We balance and do our dance, dance like chest pieces on a bourd. One never belonging to a suit, suit or getting the upper hand. But...we never lose, lose either.~" The contact was warm, heated and made the duke feel a sudden rush of strange belonging filled with another stronger feeling of throwing up. Both feelings intensified when the crazy jester slightly loosened his grip on the frozen man's shoulder when something that felt strangely similar to a rope wrapped around his torso. Jevil didn't notice the white shiny liquid beginning to sting the duke's eyes or the sudden swing until something came impacting into his face. The force sending the smaller man a few feet away to the ground with a loud "OH!". Instantly when the contact was broken the duke threw himself back onto his rear and shuffled back towards the stairs. Gagging and clutching at his chest. Trying his dammed hardest not to give in to the urge to puke. A slight pain throbbed in his hand from where it struck the jester.  He coughed and sputtered while taking gulps of air through his mouth to help control himself. A small silence went by before the duke shakily looked at the direction of the man who had once again violated his personal being. At first he thought he was imagining it through the tears or the rushed feelings spiked through him, but no. Jevil was standing there instead of floating. One hand clutching the bars while the other cupped the cheek he guess he must've hit. A look of pure shock on the jester's face. Of the ounce proud man now reduced to a shaking crying mess.  Neither said anything for a moment before jevil spoke. "You're....crying. Crying?" He blinked and removed the hand from his cheek to inspect it. Like the answers were written on his palm. "You...hit me, me?" "WELL WHAT DID THOU EXPECT YOU GOD DAMMED FOOL!?!?" Both flinched at the sudden raged tone that seemed to rush out of him. Jevil more than him. But the angry feelings overtook any other rational thoughts. "DID THOU SERIOUSLY THINK UP THIS WHOLE CRAZY DELUSIONAL F-FANTASY OF ROMANCE TO GO ALONG WITH YOUR PATHETIC TRAGETY STORY LIKEST SOME SICK NOVEL WRITTEN BY A COMMONER!?!?"  Jevil stared long and hard before an annoyed expression came over him. "Fantasy, fantasy?.....DELUSIONAL TO MY OWN FEELINGS!?" He growled and gripped the bars of his caged prison. "YOU DARE SIT THERE, THERE AND CALL ME, ME A FOOL FOR RECONGNIZING THE PLAIN TRUTH WHEN NO ONE ELSE DOES, DOES?!" This time it was the duke's turn to give a dry laugh. "HA! YOU CALL WHAT JUST HAPPENED A TRUEST EVENT!? AND YOU ACTUALLY EXPECT ME TO BELIEVE THOU'S GESTURE LIKE A NORMAL DARKNER'S?!" Jevil's face immediately dropped. Rouxls sat there as both heavily breathed from the events. Before the duke slowly stood up onto wobbly legs. "E-Even...if I did think thou's affections were true, what reason would I have t-to accept or believe when the person who gives it is a prisoner? Seam was in his righteth mind to exit this madness when he did-" A low growl directed him back to the now angry jester. Anger was a new expression for him but right now he didn't care. Rouxls felt sick, covered in sweaty slime and tears, and equally angry.  ''Don't bring Seam, Seam into this." "Or what!? Thou'll attack me with more unwanted affection! This isn't exactly a splendid walk in the dungeon foreth me!" The imp let out another growl before pointing another clawed hand at him. "You cannot, cannot tell me you can't feel-" "I DON'T!!" The loud voice of the duke echoed throughout the entirety of the prison cell. Silencing anymore rambling from either end. "I tire of these useless antics a-and....AND I HAVETH ENOUGTH ON MINE PLATE AS TIS IS!!" He pointed a hand at him. "I SHAN'T EVER RETURN TO DEAL WITH THOU'S ANTICS AND I WILL NEVER SEE YOU AS MORE THAN THE ONE WHO TOILS WITH MINE EMOTIONS!! GOOD MORROW, WORM!!" He turned and began stomping his way back up the stairs towards the open doors of the elevator. Ignoring the sudden expression on the imp's face. "W-What?....ROUXLS!! You can't leave a game unfinished once you start to play, play!! It hasn't even finished!...R-Rouxls? Y-You can't forfit this game, game.....Not when I-...COME BACK, BACK!!" He paid the creature no mind while he continued climbing up the stairs-...Which was a mistake. An animalistic shriek pierced the air louder than anything he ever heard from the king. A shudder ran up his spine and only one thought shot through his head. RUN! He sprinted towards the exit up ahead. Almost tripping over his own two feet a couple times in his panicked haste to get out. Something whizzed by his head and embeaded itself into the wall above his form as more began whizzing past him. The animalistic screaming still present. One of the thing grazed his shoulder causing him to yelp in pain as a cut instantly formed. He ran into the elevator and practically spammed the up button as more of those sharp objects continued to fly around him. The doors slowly closed. Muffling the shrieking and little metallic thuds. Slowly, the elevator began to steadily rise leaving the noise behind him.  Unable to withstand the wild roller coaster of emotions moving through him, Rouxls collapsed against the side of the elevator as it continued to rise. His body shook uncontrollably as he was finally able to take a look at the things that were flung at him.....Hearts. These things were all hearts. He choked.  The once proud Duke of Puzzles reduced himself to a sobbing crying mess as the elevator continued to rise.
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nighttimepixels · 6 years
on deltarune
Okay, holy hell, I can’t start without saying that, quite frankly:
I loved it.
The music, the visuals, the new characters, the evolution of the battle style - it still retained so much of what I loved about Undertale, yet pushed further/evolved to suit this game.
I was nervous, admittedly, at the first battle - honestly, I’ve never liked team management RPGs too much because so often they get tedious. This, though? It was the perfect balance, and with the shifting team dynamic throughout the game, it really enhanced the story and added to it, rather than being a tedious distracting!
I also have to immediately say how much I loved the Dark World. The designs, the music, the uniqueness of the characters - seriously, Toby Fox did an incredible thing. This doesn’t feel like The Underground 2.0 - this feels like a different place, with beings that are different.... yet their attitudes and interactions still have that freaking charm and depth (even in minor NPCs) that I love about his style of storytelling.
Also, Ralsei is fluffiest best boi, I’m weeping.
Okay - I’m going to save the majority of my gushing over the team & team dynamic in the Dark World for another separate post, because given how much everyone is freaking out, i want to jump right into the meat of it:
Thoughts & Theories
First off... Do I think that this is Undertale 2: the Sequel?
No... but, also, kind of.
I do not think that Deltarune is in any way a direct sequel to Undertale. I especially strongly feel that it’s not an accurate take away to say this is ‘erasing the canon of Undertale’ or ‘destroying the characters/messing with what I love about them’.
I absolutely believe that this is, very literally, an alternate universe to the one we know and love in Undertale. The evidence is everywhere, especially once we return from the Dark World. The characters are nearly all there (and then some), and all the familiar ones carry the same personality and traits that make up the core of them, but the relationships, the context they’ve lived is different. This makes them different people in many ways- hell, with how widely accepted AUs became for the fandom, this should be nothing unfamiliar - but I think a lot of people are wildly thrown off by the fact that Toby Goddamn He Sure Did That Fox legitimately made AUs canon with this game.
Hell, the world of Deltarune seems to even give us the detail that The War (between humans and monsters) never happened here! There’s no hints of it - while the town seems to be almost entirely monsters but for Kris (presumably adopted), there’s no mention of some past sealed in the Underground (or the relationships/bond formed from such an experience), and frankly it doesn’t seem like there’s animosity between monsters and humans, either.
So if it’s not a Sequel™, what is it?
Deltarune is exploring a new theme, using familiar characters, a familiar setup, which in my mind makes it all the more powerful-
Namely, I believe Deltarune is taking two main characters/’entities’ from Undertale as it’s core focus-
‘Chara’ and Gaster.
Why do I think ‘Chara’? (and why the quotes?)
This, from the end of a No-Mercy Route:
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and once you select ‘Erase’:
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(see too, the fact that if you do a full Pacifist ending after a No-Mercy run, the post-credits include ‘you’ waking up in the middle of the night, and the ‘Chara’ face and familiar red glint occurring.)
Deltarune is a natural ‘evolution’, a follow-up to this specific moment, this concept.
Especially, especially, I note the phrasing ‘this pointless’ world’-
because a major theme of Deltarune (Chapter 1) is the idea that your choices have little impact on the world.
This is in direct juxtaposition to Undertale’s them of ‘choices matter’ - hell, in Deltarune, the ending is damn near the same in the Dark World even if you fight every monster - you can’t even kill any of them, because they run away, scared of you.
So, Deltarune’s theme - so far, your choices... don’t matter.
I’m not here to conjecture without proof - the fact is, this is Chapter 1, and we just don’t have all the details, not even close. We don’t know Kris’ origin (adopted, almost certainly, but how/why? from where, when there seems to be no other human in this town? are monsters largely separated from humans, or is this town just a case of a concentration in population?); we don’t know Gaster’s role (I’ll get to him shortly); we don’t know if the Dark World (and Lightners) are something even whispered about in legend in the world we came from.
(That said, I don’t stand by the interpretation of ‘all that being just a dream’ situation, but again, I’d rather have more info from the next Chapter before I try and conjecture there.)
We see in the beginning of the game something that the weight of doesn’t really hit hard until after it all- Kris, when facing the mirror and checking it, gets the flavor text ‘It’s just you.’
Naturally, at first playthrough, this largely just seems like a callback to the mirror text in Undertale, and a minor insight into Kris’ personal self-value - with the ‘just’ seeming a little sadly self-deprecating.
But after you’ve seen the post-credits-
Suddenly, that feels more like tired relief.
I don’t want to say for sure that Kris is ‘haunted’ or anything like that, but Kris is definitely not just Kris. The post-credits confirm that without a doubt. Suddenly, they lurch out of their bed - not moving normally, as if something else is... piloting them, for lack of a better term - they look like a freaking zombie, at best... and then they rip their soul out of their body and slam it into a cage. The next moment, we get the chilling red-glint and distinctive ‘Chara’ like expression.
I say this tentatively, but my guess is that Kris, being adopted (though certainly at a young age, given the text about Kris growing up with Asriel) came from a bad situation. Again, avoiding too much conjecture in this post, but there’s a lot of signs that point towards that - and I mean, the symbolism of ‘separating yourself from your heart/emotions’ after something traumatic...? The emptiness of Kris’ side of the room, the way that Kris doesn’t fight back in the beginning against Susie, the emotional distance... Seeming, based on interactions with others, like Kris has been largely reticent or at least distant from others more and more, with the exception of big bro Asriel? That’s a lot of red flags, in my mind-
But it’s more than just having issues from whatever happened in their past (and presumably to their birth parents...), it’s also that either because of or in relation to that, ‘Chara’ has become a part of them, and, apparently, takes over at times. That red wagon, that cage... that’s not new. It’s rusty, there are stains nearby seemingly from it/what it held-
This is why I keep putting ‘Chara’ in quotes. It’s moreover a name for the entity of hate/no mercy that you face at the end of the game, not so much the actual Fallen Child from Undertale.
We don’t know what’s been happening with that, we don’t know how much or how often ‘Chara’ has control - but they’re there, and Kris knows it.
This is what so strongly ties together that theme of choices don’t matter - because that seems to be what Kris feels.
Additionally, on the note of Gaster:
No, we haven’t ‘seen’ him yet, or received.... direct confirmation. But Toby Fox, despite being the greatest troll with the best payoff to have ever lived, doesn’t do things lightly. Hell, despite the overwhelming popularity of Undertale, he’s only ever done a handful of proper interviews, and rarely gives concrete details about anything - if he doesn’t want to imply or say something, he won’t.
But we know for certain that he never does things lightly, and the tweets leading up to Deltarune’s release were all in the style of the ‘Missing Entry’, the DARKER YET DARKER entry - ie, the Gaster entry. Coming from a background of writing analysis and style analysis, this matches to a T (though seriously, you don’t need any kind of background to notice that...) - and furthermore, matches the ‘character creation’ start of Deltarune.
Gaster, wherever, whatever he is, is likely ‘viewing’ all this from his position smeared across space-time... everywhere and nowhere at once. He’s positioned as the narrator in an overarching since - his seems to be the ‘voice’ speaking to you when you game-over, his is what you see in the beginning... I’d bet we’re going to be seeing a lot more, though almost certainly in unexpected ways, in future chapters.
Wrapping up-
There’s so much up in the air, but I feel certain about that much based on all the evidence so far. The fact that a game of this length came out of the blue when only some of us even dared to hope for a small demo from the Gaster Tweets on Oct. 30th... holy shit.
Some people seem to have mixed feelings, but seriously - Toby Fox released a 3-4 hour game (depending on how you played it, that’s about the fastest I’ve seen on average for first plays without rushing), with no Kickstarter, no whisper of it coming out - and it’s only the first chapter of the story. However you feel about that, seriously - this man is an incredible creator, and I couldn’t be more in awe.
I’d love to hear your thoughts, so feel free to reblog this/add on! I might come back and do some light edits/add-ons as I’m sure I’ll think of something I forgot to say in hardly ten minutes, but anything major I’ll likely add in a personal reblog.
With that, I’ll leave off with one final note that I think no one’s brought up yet in what little I’ve seen on full thoughts of the game:
Anyone remember the Stretch Goals from the Undertale Kickstarter?
Well, under the last, largest one, Toby Fox wrote this:
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The “other” game... I can’t tell you anything about it. Its very nature is shrouded in darkness.
Toby Fox, everyone.
Toby Goddamn Fox.
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