#i just wanted to draw trucy and phoenix together but I lost the plot a bit babes
seefasters · 2 years
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one of my fave scenes from aa4…… wholesome family activity
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leyacer · 4 years
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A while ago I was talking with a friend about what it’d be like if aa was a jrpg, and now I have an AU, which I’m calling Turnabout Tales! Three guesses which game series it was inspired by.
It spans the entirety of the main series, but for this post I’m focusing on aa4, specifically Apollo, Trucy, Ema and Klavier! You can find more info under the cut!
Note: I came up with quite a bit concerning the world, but I don’t want to make this too long, so I’ll keep it to ajaa-relevant stuff (There isn’t much main plot here though. Pretty much all descriptions are pre-Turnabout Trump)
The world
A kingdom divided into six districts: Oures, Antora, Valasi, Kurain, Demortan and Patheri
Each district is ruled by a duke or duchess, except for Oures, which is ruled by the king or queen of Dikaios.
Demortan: District most removed from the king’s domain, after Kurain. Used to be ruled by the Gramaryes, but is now being ruled by Kristoph Gavin. Known for its talented mages. Despite its harsh ruler, its criminal underworld has been growing steadily
1 in every 3 people has the ability to use magic, though innate power varies from person to person
Magic commonly draws from the four elements; water, earth, fire and air. It is possible to use magic that isn’t immediately linked to a specific element, but because elemental magic is easier to perform, that’s the most popular practiced form of magic. 
Magic related to enhancing a person’s natural abilities, their senses or healing wounds is a risky type of magic, since it’s basically altering someone’s body. Practitioners must have years of practice under their belt to decrease the risk of accidentally harming someone with their magic.
Healing spells are often bound to talismans and the like, to decrease the risk even further (intense emotion can negatively influence magic)
Spirit channeling still exists, but it’s incredibly hard to do
Staffs, wands etc. can be used to assist someone in using magic
Born in Demortan, but adopted by Dhurke after Jove died in Khura’in
Was returned to Demortan after the rebellion started
Because Dhurke didn’t have any contacts in Dikaios who were able to take care of Apollo, Apollo grew up in an orphanage, which is where he met Clay
Once Apollo became too old to stay in the orphanage, he began looking for a job
Clay, who was moving to Patheri to become an assistant to a famous inventor, offered to take him with him, but Apollo declined
As Apollo grew older he noticed the danger that was lurking beneath the surface in Demortan, or at least part of it. He wanted to find some way to make positive changes, but there wasn’t much he could do at that point 
After a year or so, Apollo was taken on as a squire by Kristoph, who’d happened to notice his wit and speed several times that year and thought he’d be a useful knight 
He’s owned the gauntlet with the decorations around the wrist since he was a kid, but after he became a squire and could afford it, he bought a semi-matching one
The gauntlet helps him perceive people’s tells, but it has also been enchanted to improve the wearer’s reflexes  
Wields a short sword, though he’s a decent fistfighter as well
Unable to use magic, but he understands how it works
Still takes the time to do his hair every day and often refuses to wear helmets because of it
In his spare time, he likes to read in the castle library
A very talented mage and performer traveling together with her dad in hopes of finding a reliable patron
Born while the Gramaryes were still in power, but when they disappeared, she was left behind, and adopted by Phoenix, who had lost his knight status not too long ago
Able to use very advanced magic
She picked up the basics and a few other things while still living with Zak, and practiced a lot by herself afterwards
Phoenix taught her a couple of things too
Her staff used to be vital when practicing, but now it simply provides her with a bit of extra power
Despite being great at magic, she loves performing magic tricks and puts as much effort into learning them as in learning actual magic
Occasionally performs said magic tricks at taverns or any other place that would let her perform
She usually uses her most unique tricks for those performances, otherwise people would just accuse her of using actual magic
Amateur alchemist trying her best to be recognized as legitimate
She’s great at making all sorts of potions and elixirs, though she prefers coming up with new ones, with mixed results
She has a habit of being careless with her concoctions, which is why she hasn’t been officially made an alchemist
She’s also blown up at least two buildings by accident
Her coat is a novice alchemist’s coat, and a gift from Lana 
Whenever she started to grow out of it, she would adjust it so it would still fit her
Originally from Oures, but left to study in Patheri, ending up in Demortan after she kept causing accidents
Makes a living by selling salves and healing potions, though she sells her own creations to those interested from time to time
Able to use magic, but doesn’t care much for it, and as a result doesn’t know much more than the basics
Lives in Demortan’s capital, but he travels around the district a lot 
Aware of the rising chaos in Demortan.
He knows there have been more and more violent incidents and criminal acts in recent months, but he isn’t aware of their true extent, nor of the cause
This is partially because he travels so much, but also because Kristoph intentionally keeps him from finding out
Is almost as much in the dark about how Kristoph came to power as the majority of Dikaios’ citizens
Makes music in his spare time, either by himself or with Daryan
He often does it in public places, so others can get to enjoy the music too
Well-known amongst nobility and commoners alike 
Nobles know him for being a knight and Kristoph’s brother, commoners know him for his music
  Owns a full set of armor, but only wears it when he needs to
Armor is heavy, and Klavier prefers to be mobile in a fight
 He also has a lot of confidence in his skills and experience
The times he wears armor are the only times he uses any weapon other than a dagger
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