#i just wanted to show off how kind isla is for a sec
sapphoslibrary · 3 years
part 2 of isla’s backstory. read part 1 here!
Panic clouded Isla’s mind instantly. She sat frozen on her bed, staring at her parents’ limp forms on the floor in front of her. Every rational thought fled from her mind, hidden by a thick curtain of unrelenting panic. 
“Oh my… god,” she breathed to herself, her heart pounding in her chest. Her whole body trembled as she gasped for air. The room was closing in on her, the light blue walls decked in movie posters slowly suffocating her. 
Only one thought broke through the panic taking over her: I killed my parents. 
Isla cried out as the words reverberated in her mind in an endless loop, over and over, a single sentence flaying her alive. Oh my god. I killed my parents. Her world shattered beneath her hands-- her hands that held magic, the very thing that was ripping her apart. Her hands that killed.
Slowly, like she was stepping onto a carton of eggs, Isla stood from her bed. She didn’t know what to do, didn’t know what to think. She tiptoed toward her parents. They looked pale, but not… not hurt. 
Isla held her breath as she timidly grasped her mom’s wrist, checking for a pulse. She let out a breath as she felt a slow, steady beat against her fingers. After a moment, she dropped the hand like it had burned her. It felt cold. 
She sank to her knees beside her parents, sobs tearing through her into the eerie silence of the room. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I never wanted this. I’d change it all, in a heartbeat, if I could.” 
Isla gasped and sprang to her feet a moment later. She didn’t know when, or if, her parents would wake up. She couldn’t be around when they did. She had to go, now. 
There was no time to pack. Isla left her home with only the clothes she wore, an extra hair tie, a coat, and a pair of old sneakers. She ran out the front door, her eyes fixed on the ground as tears continued to fall steadily from them. 
Snow covered the ground, the thick January wind whipping Isla’s ponytail back and forth, obscuring her vision further. She stopped at the end of the driveway, glancing around desperately, trying to think of anywhere she could go. But she was a criminal, maybe a killer, and definitely a sinner. There was nowhere for her. 
Isla cried out into the wind and impulsively turned left. She walked down the sidewalk quickly, like she had somewhere to be, but didn’t run; running would only arouse suspicion. The freezing air broke through her thick coat, chilling her to the bone, making breathing a nearly impossible task. 
She walked until she couldn’t anymore. It had to have been hours since she left; hours of walking numbly down the winding sidewalks, dodging anyone she knew, putting as much distance between herself and her parents as she could. Finally, she stumbled upon an abandoned house on the other side of town. 
The damp wood stairs creaked as she climbed up to the front porch. Isla tried the door, and groaned in frustration when she noticed it was padlocked. She sank into a cushioned bench by the door instead, and finally, finally took a break.
She folded forward, collapsing in on herself with a sob. The mind numbing panic was beginning to subside, creating room for a freight train of debilitating horror at what she’d done. What she’d become.
For so long, she was the perfect daughter. Straight A’s. Mass every Sunday without fail. A good girl with a bright future full of college degrees and opportunities. It was all in the past, now, never to be seen again. 
Now, she was everything but that. She hurt, maybe killed, the people who raised her, who loved her like no one else could. The people who kicked her out like none of it had ever happened when they found out what she was. 
Isla cried harder as she went to war with her own mind. She tried to force the thoughts down, but it was impossible. She couldn’t think of anything else, and she couldn’t deny it any longer: she was a witch, the very thing her parents spent their whole lives hating with a burning passion. 
She thought maybe she’d be different. Maybe finding out their daughter, who they loved unconditionally, was a witch would change their minds. What a fucking naive thought. 
Isla jumped when she heard footsteps approaching, the small noise of boots sinking into the snow. She glanced up, instantly pulled out of her thoughts. Finally, she thought briefly.
A little girl, no older than five, stood alone and frightened at the bottom of the stairs. She wore only a pair of leggings and a sweater, her boots practically breaking at the seams. Her cheeks were flushed as she shivered, and Isla’s heart broke for her. 
“Hey, sweetheart,” Isla said gently. She wiped her tears and stood, stepping slowly down the creaky wood stairs. She stopped on the third from the bottom and sat, eye-level with the little girl. “What’s up? Are you lost?” 
The girl shook her head. “Not lost,” she said, her voice raspy. She sniffled. “Just going back to my mom.”
Isla nodded. “Okay,” she said. The girl was far too young to be out here all alone, and by the look of her ratty clothes, Isla guessed she didn’t have many other options. She felt a protective pull toward her. “Hey. Why don’t you take my coat?” She offered, already pulling it off. 
The girl looked shocked. “R-really?” She whispered, her teeth chattering. 
Isla smiled and nodded. “Really. You’ll catch a cold otherwise, and I don’t think either of us want that for you at all,” she said reassuringly.
The girl shivered and nodded. Isla wrapped her coat around the girl and held her shoulders for a moment, looking into her wide green eyes. “Keep that on, okay? It’ll keep you warm and safe,” Isla said softly. The girl smiled gratefully.
“Thanks,” she said, already walking away. 
Despite her exhaustion, Isla smiled ruefully to herself. Even if her entire world was falling apart, even if she was miles away from home with nowhere to go, she was grateful she could do something good out of it. Even if that was just giving up her only protection against the harsh cold. She figured she’d regret it later, but for now, she was content with her decision.
She didn’t have the energy to crawl back up the stairs, back to the cushioned bench she’d sat in before. Isla just curled up on the stair she sat on, wrapping her arms around herself as she shivered violently.
As snow began to fall all around her, Isla allowed herself to fall apart. 
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blightarts · 5 years
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Next Chapter: Coming Soon
Disclaimer: All Endless Summer and Choices rights belong to Pixelberry. Also, jokes here are not meant to offend anyone. 
MC x LI Pairings: Quinn x M!MC, Jake x F!MC
Word Count: 4799
Tags: @princessstellaris​, @mechaspirit​, @xo-endlessmayhem-xo​, @skyila​, @choicesyouplayandmore​, @i-miss-trr​, @mysteli​, @brightpinkpeppercorn​, @aquamarvel​, @marmolady​, @sceptilemasterr​, @endlessly-searching-for-you​, @ohmyeightpastlives​, @choiceslife​
Blue eyes open to a new day. A young man in his early 20′s wakes up on his bed, with ruffled black hair and drool near his lips. One thing keeps repeating in his mind as he blankly stares at the ceiling.
“Everything in its own time.”
The man sighs and sits up straight.
Casey: That’s the only thing I believe in… for about a week. But as of now, there is little progress in restoring my friends’ memories and helping them back up to who they used to be during our adventures in that isla—
Suddenly, there was a loud bang on his door which scared him. The door opens and in comes a young blonde woman, also in her early 20′s and with blue eyes. It’s Casey’s older twin sister, Emily Summers.
Emily: Hey, Casey! Breakfast is ready! We got a big day today!
She grabs the collar of his shirt and drags him out of bed, towards the dining room.
Casey: Forget what I said. My overly-ecstatic sister is always dragging me, literally and figuratively, back to optimism. But who can blame her? She wants to be with everyone again, especially Jake.
Emily: Stop talking like Deadpool.
Casey: What? The writer likes jokes that break the 4th Wall.
(Note: You guys will read a bunch of jokes that break the 4th Wall. 😆)
The young woman rolls her eyes and chuckles as she puts her little brother on his chair, next to their roommate, Zahra Namazi, who chuckles at their antics.
Zahra: You two should audition for a sitcom, cuz your everyday shenanigans is making even me laugh.
Casey: Thanks for the compliment? I guess?
Emily just sips her coffee and stares blankly, internally giggling. Casey notices the red tint in his sister’s eyes, realizing that she cried herself to sleep, thinking about Jake, then he sighs. Soon, after the three finish breakfast, the twins go to prepare for the first day of the Hartfeld Science and Technology Week. As they get dressed, they head for the door, but not before turning to Zahra.
Emily: Zahra, you not coming?
Zahra: Why would I go to a stupid event with stupid people attending?
Emily looks at her, unamused. She turns to Casey for help who gives his sister an “I got this” look.
Casey: You know… there could be some tech in there you could hack into and use it to mess with those stupid people.
Zahra looks at Casey with a raised eyebrow.
Zahra: You present a very compelling argument, Summers. Alright, I’ll go, but I will be sitting at a discreet location so people won’t easily know it was me messing their stuff.
Casey: Great!
Emily gives Casey a double thumbs up before the three leave their dorm. They arrive at the central campus, where the event is being held. The twins see some of their friends at different places, all except one. Emily sighs as Casey pats her shoulder.
Casey: Don’t worry. Wherever he is right now, he and Mike are alright.
Emily nods and gives her brother a weak smile.
Emily: You’re right…
She shakes her head and turns to a nearby smoothie stand.
Emily: Gimme a sec.
Emily runs to the stand to order a smoothie, trying to hide her obvious pain. Casey sighs at this and just stands there, waiting for his sister to come back while looking for their best friend, Diego Soto. Soon after, Emily returns and spots Diego already with Casey.  She grins.
Emily: Heyyo, Diego!
Diego: Heyyo, Emily….yo…
Casey: Close enough.
The three share laughs before being interrupted by a tapping sound from the stage’s microphone. The school dean is onstage, ready to give the opening speech for the event.
Dean: Greetings, students. Welcome to the first day of the Hartfeld Science and Technology Week.
As the dean is greeting the students and giving his speech, the twins start to feel a slight pain in their heads. Diego notices this and whispers to them.
Diego: You guys okay?
Casey: Yeah, it’s just… we haven’t felt this kind of headache since…
Diego: Since…?
Emily: …La Huerta…
Diego: “La Hoopla”?
The pain continues to hurt the twins as they look around, searching for the source. It wasn’t a success but they do spot their friends. Casey’s beloved, Quinn Kelly, is by the fountain, having a heated conversation on the phone, possibly with one of her parents. Estela Montoya is backstage, talking to someone the twins cannot see from their point of view. Sean Gayle is with Michelle Nguyen, arguing about something, while Craig Hsiao is in between them, trying to stop the fight. Raj Bhandarkar is at his food stand, selling snacks to fellow students. Zahra is on a bench, trying to hack into some of the tech present in the event. Grace Hall is at the back of the audience, twiddling her fingers and paranoid ever since her arrest. And Aleister Rourke is also at the back of the audience, arms crossed and annoyed at everything around him.
Casey: Everyone… is… here…
Emily: Almost…
The twins then feel their hearts suddenly sink, as if they’re sensing something ominous coming. Even with this pain, they can still hear the dean’s last lines for his speech.
Dean: And now, may I introduce to you, our sponsor for this event, our great Emperor. His Eminence, Mister Everett Rourke!
Most of the audience clap with joy. Some just clap normally or don’t clap at all. And very few glare at the man, including Casey, Emily and Aleister.
Emily: Great, as if we couldn’t get any more headaches…
Casey: Sshh…He’s looking right at us…
Everett spots the twins and gives them an evil smirk before starting his opening speech for the event.
Everett: Hello, students of Hartfeld University. You know? Knowledge is power, but only a few can wield this power, and even more so, only very few could utilize this power to its highest potential. With this power, you could become Gods… like who I am right now…
During the speech, Everett is being broadcasted by a news crew, showing the footage live around the world. Somewhere in Costa Rica, two familiar grown men, laying on their hammocks and sharing bottles of beer, watch the broadcast.
Jake: This news is boring. Change it.
Mike: Nah, too lazy too.
Jake: Jackass.
Mike: Nitwit.
As Everett continues his speech, the pain the twins are experiencing gets more intense as they start to hear a screeching sound. Emily drops her smoothie because of this as it spills all over the ground. Diego, confused with what to do, tries to ask for help but before he could do so, a loud bang is heard from afar. A sonic wave travels from the source of the bang and reaches the Hartfeld central campus, knocking down everyone and interrupting Everett’s speech. Quinn drops her phone on the fountain. Sean falls on Michelle. Estela falls along with the person she was talking to, revealed to be her mother, Olivia Montoya. Raj’s food stand falls apart and his snacks drop to the ground. Zahra drops her laptop and it gets broken. The rest of the gang falls over normally.
Michelle: Get off!
Sean: Wha… What was that?!
Craig: Well, whatever it is, it sure knows how to literally drop the bass.
Estela: Mom! You okay?
Quinn: My phone!
Raj: My snacks!
Zahra: My laptop!
Random Student: My leg!
The news-broadcasting camera falls on the ground. Jake and Mike notices this while watching their TV.
Mike: Woah. What do you think is going on out there?
Jake: I don’t know. But I’m having an unusual sensation right now… it’s like… this is all familiar to me…
Mike soon notices Jake glowing.
Mike: Jake!
Jake: Wha—
Jake takes notices of his situation and sees Mike glowing as well.
Jake: What the fuck is happening?!
Mike: This ain’t like any hangover I’ve experienced befo—
The two are then transported to the Hartfeld central campus, next to Casey, Emily and Diego, who immediately notices them.
Emily: J… Jake?!
Diego: Woah! Those are the wanted fugitives, Jake McKenzie and Mike Darwin!
Casey: What are they doing here…?
Jake quickly sees the American flag near the campus, realizing that he and Mike are in USA, a place they shouldn't be in.
Jake: Fuck, we shouldn't be here.
Mike: How did we even get here in the first place?
Jake: I dunno, kid. But we gotta get outta here fast.
Mike: We're not Sonic the Hedgehog!
Jake quickly keeps Mike quiet and they try to sneak away from the public. No one seems to notice this as Diego is more occupied looking after Casey and Emily while everyone else tries to get back up on their feet. But suddenly, a large crack in the sky appears, catching everyone’s attention.
Sean: Great, now what’s that?!
Aleister: That’s…
Aleister sort of realizes what is going on and goes onstage to confront his father. But before he could do so, the crack becomes larger and a large spirit entity comes out of it. It is Vaanu, or at least, what remains of it. Its presence releases a second sonic wave, which blasted Aleister away from Everett. Vaanu reaches and grabs Rourke in anger.
Vaanu: Everett Rourke! Do you not care for the consequences that come with your unforgivable sin?! You are not a god. You have tampered with the decision that decides the fate of this world. And now this world is falling apart because of you.
The masses panic and run away, pushing each other and only caring for their own safety. Casey stands up, despite his pain. He runs around, looking for Quinn.
Diego: Casey! Where are you going?!
Emily: He’s going for her…
Diego: “Her”?
Emily: Quinn Kelly…
Emily stands up and asks Diego for help.
Emily: Diego…
Diego: Yes?
Emily: I want you… to help me… reach him…
Emily points to Jake, also running away with Mike from danger, which shocks Diego.
Diego: You want me to help you get close to a wanted man?!
Emily: He’s… an innocent… and kind… man…
Diego looks into Emily’s eyes, as if she’s telepathically saying “Please” to him, and eventually, nods.
Diego: Alright, I trust you in this.
Diego helps Emily up and guides her to Jake and Mike. Meanwhile, Sean, along with Craig, tries to calm the panicking masses.
Sean: Everyone, please. Stay calm. Don’t push each other. In a single file line, please!
Craig: Listen to the man! Come on.
Michelle takes a more aggressive approach as she smacks people with her purse.
Michelle: Hey! The guys said no pushing, you idiots! In a single file line, now!
Some people nod and follow her orders, scared of her more than Vaanu’s presence.
Sean: Uhh… thanks?
Michelle: This doesn’t make us even. Now get your ass to safety while helping everyone.
Sean nods and continues helping people while Craig follows him. Michelle went a different direction to help other people. Meanwhile, Raj runs away, holding his snacks in his arms, but clumsily dropping some of them.
Raj: This is totally not the mushrooms I had this morning! This is all too real, dude!!
Grace runs along with him, scared for her life.
Grace: I don’t wanna die… I don’t wanna die… I don’t wanna die…
On the other hand, Zahra, all alone and away from the majority of the people, runs to away from Vaanu and everyone.
Zahra: These punks can take care of themselves. I don’t give one single fu—
Suddenly, she spots a disabled student, struggling to get up with her crutches. Zahra groans in anger and runs towards the student.
Zahra: Damn you, whoever’s deciding my destiny!
She gives the disabled student a piggyback ride as she runs away from the danger.
Zahra: I blame you for not being near those goody-two-shoes football players, so they could help you instead.
Student: Umm… thanks?
Back near the stage, Aleister gets up after being blown back by Vaanu. He spots his father being grabbed by the entity and grits his teeth. He turns to see Estela and Olivia being helped by I.R.I.S. and Lila.
Aleister: Sister, everyone!
The four women spot Aleister.
Estela: Aleister? What are you doing here?
Aleister: Confronting our father about what he did.
Olivia: What he did?
Aleister: He must have done something. Knowing him and his ego, it must be meddling with time, space or reality itself.
Lila: Nonsense! His Eminence would never do that!
I.R.I.S. places a hand on her son’s shoulder.
I.R.I.S.: Aleister, come on. Let us get to safety.
Aleister nods and points to the running crowd.
Aleister: Let’s go with them.
The women nod and follow Aleister to the crowd. Meanwhile, Casey eventually finds Quinn. She is struggling to run away with lots of people running faster around her. Her breathing is slow and she is getting slower. Suddenly, a random student accidentally bumps into her and she falls to the ground.
Casey: Quinn!
Casey tries to help her but his headache gets worse, causing him to scream in pain and fall over, next to her. Even with this severe pain, he crawls towards his beloved, muttering her name. Quinn looks up, spotting Casey reaching to help her. She recognizes him during their first encounter after Casey and Emily wakes to Rourke’s world.
Quinn: You… I remember you…
Casey caresses Quinn’s cheeks with tears in his eyes. He gives her a hopeful smile.
Casey: Quinn, it’s okay. It’s gonna be okay. I’m here…
Quinn smiles back before falling unconscious. Casey holds Quinn’s hand before also falling unconscious. On the other hand, Emily and Diego reach Jake and Mike.
Emily: Wait!
Jake and Mike turn to Emily. Jake makes heavy eye contact with her, slowly familiarizing her. He stops in his tracks. Mike stops as well, right in front of him.
Mike: Jake, what’s wrong?
Jake: This lady… I feel like I’ve seen her before.
Emily collapses from Diego’s arms. 
Diego: Em!
Emily: I’m fine… Get to safety…
Diego: Not without you!
Jake and Mike rush to Emily’s aid.
Jake: Here, let me carry her for you.
Mike: Get to safety, buddy.
Diego pushes Jake and Mike away.
Diego: Why would I listen to criminals like you?!
There was a long silence between the three.
Diego: I don’t know why Emily has a fixation on you, but I’m not giving her to dangerous men like you!
Mike: Listen, we don’t have ti—
Jake stops Mike and steps forward.
Jake: Listen. We maybe criminals in the eyes of the public, but right now, your friend is in need and I don’t think you can carry her on your own and away from that thing. So, let me help, Short Stuff.
Diego glares at Jake’s eyes and exhales deeply.
Diego: Fine. But I’m only letting you save her. I’m not letting you near my best friend again after this.
Mike: That’s fine by us.
Jake carries Emily in his arms and runs away, with Diego and Mike right behind him. Emily, struggling not to fall unconscious, reaches to caress Jake’s cheek and smiles.
Emily: Nice to see you again… Top Gun…
Emily falls unconscious while Jake feels both relief and confusion after hearing what Emily said. As everyone runs further from Vaanu, it opens its other hand and shows Rourke what it has. Everett’s eyes widen to see the Crystal Heart of Vaanu on its palm.
Everett: It can’t be!
Vaanu: This time, you will not get in the way of this world’s destiny. 
Vaanu crushes the Crystal Heart and shatters it into three shards. It then opens three portals to three different timelines, before hurling each shard to each timeline. Rourke protests.
Everett: What did you do?!
Vaanu: I have sent my Heart’s shards into different timelines in order to keep this world intact long enough for the Catalysts to restore it into the way it’s supposed to be.
Everett: You insolent...!
Rourke grits his teeth in anger and activates something on his watch. Soon, the Omega Mech appears. Vaanu, prepared for the machine’s arrival, drops Rourke on the ground and grabs the robot, crushing it. This surprises Rourke, who starts to back away in fear. But before he could run away, Vaanu hurls the Omega Mech behind him and fires a celestial beam to it, causing an explosion. Broken shrapnel pierces Rourke’s back, heavily but not fatally wounding him. The explosion then blows him towards a pole and his body collides with it, knocking him unconscious. Vaanu looks onto the running crowd, spotting Casey, Emily and the rest of the Catalysts.
Vaanu: Everything else falls into your hands now… Catalysts…
Vaanu raises its arm and snaps its fingers. It then fades away as the crack in the sky and the portals disappear. The panicked masses notice this and have stopped running.
College Professor: Is… is it gone…?
Dean: I think it is…
Student: We… we’re safe now, right…?
Aleister’s group, noticing the disappearance of Vaanu, run back to look for Rourke and they eventually spot him on the ground, wounded and unconscious.
Olivia: Everett!
Lila: Your Eminence!
Aleister: Father!
Estela: No!
I.R.I.S.: Scanning vitals.
The group crouch around him.
Olivia: I.R.I.S., status!
I.R.I.S.: Vitals are stable but he’s still bleeding. We need to give him quick medical attention.
Lila: Alright, let me carry him to the—
Estela: Mom…?
The group turns to Estela, who is glowing and slowly fading away.
Estela: I don’t feel so good…
Olivia: What the... No, no, no…!
Olivia holds Estela close, as the latter clutches her mother, not wanting to let go.
Estela: I don’t wanna go, Mom… I don’t wanna go…
Olivia turns to the group for help.
Olivia: What is happening to my daughter?!
I.R.I.S.: It is as if she is being transported a different place… or a different time…
Lila: Like… she is being sent to either the past or the future.
Aleister: That is the case...
Olivia: Then help her!
I.R.I.S.: I am truly sorry, Olivia… but there’s nothing we can do here…
Olivia turns to Estela with tears in their eyes.
Olivia: It’s going to be alright, Dear. Look at me.
Estela nods, speechless as she completely fades away. Meanwhile, the people look to the sky, questioning if whatever just showed up is truly gone.
Sean: Where did it go…? What did it want…?
Craig: Uhh… Sean…?
Sean turns to Craig, who fades away like Estela. Sean is left speechless and sees himself fading away as well. His face shows both confusion and fear before he is completely gone.
Michelle: Sean! No!
Michelle tries to reach for the fading Sean but she fades away as well. Raj and Grace watch in horror but then soon realize that they are fading away too.
Grace: No, no, no—
Raj: This has to be some sort of tri—
The two are then silenced by their disappearances. Meanwhile, Zahra sees her hand fading then her entire self. She sighs and shakes her head in annoyance.
Zahra: Motherfu—
On the other hand, Casey and Quinn remain unconscious to each other. No words. Just Quinn fading away, leaving Casey alone. Meanwhile, Emily is laid on the bench with Diego comforting her. Jake and Mike discuss what just happened.
Mike: What do you think is going on here?
Jake: I don’t really know but I don’t wanna stick around to find out. We gotta find a way back to Costa Rica someho—
Diego: Woah!
Jake and Mike turn to Diego who starts to fade away. 
Diego: This is crazy! Like Infinity War cra—
Jake goes to help Diego but the latter disappears completely.
Jake: He's... gone...
Mike: Jake…?
Jake turns to Mike, who is looking at his own fading hand. They look at each other before Mike fades away entirely. Jake, in silence, also notices himself fading away. He turns to Emily, still unconscious, and crouches near her.
Jake: I don’t know who you are yet… but I promise… I will find you…
Jake smiles and pats Emily’s forehead gently before disappearing. After Mike and most of the Catalysts disappeared, a portal opens above Casey and Emily’s unconscious bodies and Vaanu’s hands carefully scoop them up and pull them in the other side of the portal. The people in the central campus of Hartfeld are left bewildered and traumatized by what they have just witnessed.
“Everything in its own time.” 
Two pairs of blue eyes open upon hearing these words. Casey and Emily wake up, no longer in pain. They look around and see nothing but a white void.
Casey: Whe… where are we?
Emily: I don’t know. I don’t even remember how we got here.
Casey: Last thing I remembered is seeing Quinn.
Emily: Mine was Jake.
The twins stand up and walk a few meters in the white void until it starts to take form into a familiar purplish dimension, with prismatic crystals laying around and a purple moon in the sky.
Casey: Looks like the dimension where we met Vaanu.
Emily: And before we made the choice of fucking up everyone’s lives.
The twins sigh, realizing their mistake of siding with Rourke and thinking that they might make their friends’ lives better.
Vaanu: That is not entirely true.
Vaanu appears in front of Casey and Emily.
Vaanu: You did choose to side with Rourke, but that is not the whole story.
Emily: What do you mean?
Vaanu: That truth is not mine to tell.
Casey: Well, what is the kind of truth that Em and I should know right now?
Vaanu taps the twins’ foreheads and shows them a vision of what it did to Rourke and the Crystal Heart.
Vaanu: Rourke did something that goes against what we all agreed upon. He messed with things that he should not have control over. And thus, with my remaining strength, I had to punish him and scatter my Crystal Heart into different timelines in order to keep this world from self-destruction. However, time is limited. I am tasking the two of you and your friends to collect the shards and make it whole again.
Casey: After that, we’re going to decide again, like last time?
Emily: Well, this time, we’re gonna choose the one where everyone is happy, except Rourke.
Vaanu: That is not entirely the case.
Emily: Huh?
Vaanu: When you chose to side with Rourke and had the Omega Mech utilized my power, stored within the Crystal Heart and you two, the both of you became completely human.
Casey: Like, Emily and I are no longer a part of you?
Vaanu nods in agreement. Casey and Emily look at each other for a moment, realizing that if they did manage to repair the Heart of Vaanu and restore things to how they are supposed to be, they can stay and be with the people they care about the most.
Vaanu: I suppose you two already know what I am implying.
Casey: Yeah. The three shards of your Crystal Heart each have a third of your full power.
Emily: And if we managed to put them back together, then you can be whole again, the world is saved and the two of us can stay here, with our friends and family.
Vaanu: Exactly. An ending befitting everyone’s needs.
Emily glares and points upwards.
Emily: Calling you out, Pixelberry!
Casey chuckles at what Emily is doing.
(Jk, love you, PB. Keep doing great on your books. 😆)
Vaanu then opens three portals, each leading to a timeline where it sent its Crystal Heart shards.
Vaanu: Behind these gateways are the timelines where I sent the shards. I have also separated your friends and sent them here to help you two in your quest.
Casey: Alright, simple enough.
Vaanu: However, once you enter either one of these gateways, you will be sent to a time one month after I have already sent the shard and your friends.
Emily: So, our friends get there on Day 1 and the two of us get there after a month?
Vaanu: The two of you are quite adaptable compared to your friends. Besides, it will be easier for you to find them once they have gotten familiar with the world they are currently living.
Casey: Makes sense.
Emily: Can you at least tell us which of our friends are in which timeline?
Vaanu: That is for me to know and for you two to find out on your own.
Emily: ….Cool!
Emily puffs her cheeks and cross her arms. Casey pats her back and gives her a motivational smile. Vaanu then guides the twins to each of the portals, giving them a background on the timelines they lead to.
Vaanu: This gateway leads to the Arcane Era; a time where technology is rare and magic is everywhere. Humans are able to use magic and wield spellbooks to better utilize this magic. The world is also split between the Natural Realm and Spirit Realm.
Casey: Sounds like something from an isekai-genre (Other world) anime.
The three then approach the second portal.
Vaanu: This gateway leads to the Dragonic Era; a time where dragons, wyverns and large beasts roam the land, along with humans. They were once allies, however an unforgivable sin done by the humans sparked a war between them. That was their history. In the present, the descendants of the humans are studying these creatures and uncovering their past while the creatures are behaving like animals in your world.
Emily: Sounds like something out of a video game.
The three then approach the final portal.
Vaanu: This gateway leads to the Dystopia Era; a time where I did not confront Rourke and sent away my Crystal Heart shards to the different timelines. In this timeline, an old enemy takes over and kills Rourke. This enemy then terrorizes the land and is planning to expand his control to the entire world. But a rebellion is standing in this enemy’s way.
Casey: Sounds like something from the Terminator film series.
Vaanu then gives each of the twins a special bracelet that contains the Hadean Zodiac signs of their friends.
Vaanu: This will help you find your friends. When one of the signs glows temporarily, it means they are nearby. The signs will permanently glow once your friends have their memories restored.
Emily: Thank you.
Emily smiles and admires her bracelet. Casey does the same.
Vaanu: Have you two decided on where to go first?
The twins nod.
Casey: I’m going to the Arcane Era.
Emily: I’m going to the Dragonic Era.
Vaanu nods back.
Vaanu: Excellent. Now once you two have reunited with your friends and reclaimed the two Crystal Heart shards in their respective Eras, you can tap your bracelets and you will be sent back here. You and your friends must go to the Dystopia Era together and reclaim the final shard before Rourke wakes from his slumber. He won’t be in a coma for too long, and his allies are making sure that you will not accomplish your goal.
Casey: Understood.
Emily: We won’t lose this time.
Vaanu then extends each of its hands towards the twins and gives them each an outfit, matching the Era they have chosen.
Vaanu: Now, it is time for you two to be equipped with the proper attire.
Casey receives a pair of matching silver and crimson gauntlets and boots, an Eastern waistcoat, arm-gloves to go with his gauntlets and a sleeveless crimson shirt with a cape-like bottom. Casey also gets his hair tied to a rising ponytail and his bangs dyed crimson. The young man grins at his new look.
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Casey: Dang! I look smokin’!
Meanwhile, Emily receives a set of leather armor, including a black long-sleeve leather jacket, a brown leather vest, a pair of brown leather bracers, a pair of leather greaves, and black short leather trousers. She also receives a pair of goggles and a slingshot-like attachment to her left bracer. She delights on her new outfit.
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Emily: Sweet! I look like a hunter!
Vaanu nods and slowly starts to fade away.
Vaanu: You two are ready. And now it is time for me leave the rest to you.
The twins notice Vaanu disappearing.
Emily: Vaanu!
Casey: Wait. We still have no idea what to do.
Vaanu points up, to the stars in the sky.
Vaanu: Worry not, Casey and Emily. The stars will guide you.
Soon after, Vaanu is completely gone, leaving the twins to their task. The two look at each other with determination in their faces.
Casey: Last one to get back here with our friends and the shard owes the winner a meal.
Emily: Oh, you are so on!
Casey and Emily bump their fists then go in for a handshake.
Emily: Take care out there.
Casey: You too.
They then face their respective portals with determined grins before letting go of each other’s hands and running towards their goal.
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