#i just. i get the shipping craze but all the father daughter parallels have me foaming at the mouth
thinking again about The Ghoul and how certain facets of cooper howard never went away and instead just sort of got intensified or hardened with time, exhibit one: he spends every single interaction with lucy trying to drill into her head "the wasteland is trying to kill you" in the meanest, most straightforward way possible, but he's completely (brutally) honest the entire time - which is a big deal, considering everyone in lucy's life has been lying to her from the beginning!
then you think back to the very first time we're ever introduced to cooper howard, when his daughter, the person he cares about more than anything else on this earth, asks him if he thinks a nuclear apocalypse is gonna happen, and instead of lying to soothe her fears, instead of saying no honey of course it's not gonna happen, he says well i certainly hope not, but us cowpokes, we take it as it comes, right? not "your fears aren't real and they can't hurt you" but "your fears are justified, and that's okay, because you have what it takes to face them."
and i just think that's really, really neat
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