#i just. i started this with every intention of it being just aquick post about 3 factions but it became. tommyinnit rant. fuck
ladycatland · 4 years
Honestly the great thing is there really isnt a good side right now.
We have like... 3 factions in this conflict with different players aligning themselfs more or less.
Dreams side has who knows what intentions. Never was the good side. Not to say they are eeeevil but they are definitelly meant to be the bad side. Dream trying to enforce absolute order and unity through means of manipulation and all that jazz.
Lmanberg is. Well. Corrupt. Not corrupt in the schlatt way but also yeah kinda in the schlatt way because they are being selfish. Sure you can excuse exiling tommy and thus betraying all of the principles lmanberg was founded on because they want peace so desperately. But then they turn around on that and hunt down technoblade having a nontrial and planning to just execute the man. Now they are planning on imitating schlatts whole public festival execution which is fucked on so many levels. Because they will once again subject innocent civilians to witnessing the death of someone in a setting that was supposed to be safe. Like. You dont use your citizens as a cover for political murder thats fucked up. Sure any of those things are excusable but they are piling up to a point where, while still excusable, you gotta admit. Theyve become corrupt.
And the sbi faction is. Well they were never really good to begin with. Neutral. Anarchy. I mean tbf technoblade is the main part of the faction. Yes hes been sticking to his principles. And that is great because thats what we want on this server thats what lmanberg is currently doing wrong. But neutral is neutral and not good. Not evil but also not good just neutral.
The closest we still have to an actually good side is... Tommy. And im not saying that because hes "the protagonist" and yeah hes in the sbi factiin but hear me out.
Tommy has been sticking to his morals and principles. Always. Since even the lmanberg revolution even. He doesnt compromise his morals for a higher goal which is (once again) the rabbit hole lmanberg has been heading down. Hes also not letting his personal vendettas drag other people down (lmanberg) because he keeps his bussiness his bussiness. By that i mean that hes not targetting lmanberg or dream smp to get his disks back. (Like technoblade is targeting lmanberg because the 4 people at the top tried to hurt and kill him) hes targeting whoever has the disks and hes planning on trying to talk to them. Any time technoblade even tried to get him to compromise with him Tommy just immediatelly blocked the offer. Techno helps tommy get the disks, tommy helps him destroy lmanberg? Nope. Techno helps tommy get the disks, tommy just has to maybe be mean to the people he once called friends, who exiled him only to then either never visit or if they (only quackity tbh) did theyd only mock him and his terrible experiences? Nah tommy isnt gonna hurt them. Techno helps tommy get his disks, other minor details to be discussed later? Yeah... Maybe.
Its extremely frustrating to watch because TOMMY THE BLADE IS WILLING TO FIGHT WITH YOU AND ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS LET HIM KICK YOUR OLD FRIENDS ASSES AND YOU SAY NO??? But itsalso great because yes. Say no.
And the irony of the situation is that tommys not even fighting for the greater good here. Hes the only one not fighting for it in fact. Dream wants lmanberg gone for selfish reasons yes but the main one is so there is peace. No conflict between nations if theres only one. All that jazz.
Lmanberg acts increasingly... Fucked up. Because they think itll keep the country safe and also justice for past actions.
And techno is doing it because anarchy and also justice. They hurt him and his horse and treated him unfairly? They get treated the same way back.
Tommy just. He just wants his fucking disks man. They mean a lot to him and he wants them back so he will get them back.
That doesnt mean tommy is like. The good person from which we judge the others actions. But he is pretty much the only person i can think of that has no bad intentions and no corrupted morals rn
And this kinda became a tommyinnit rant again wHY DO ALL MY RANTS BECOME ABOUT TOMMYINNIT
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