#i justt need something while studying
heavensenthearty · 4 years
Harlow the Meghan Markle anon here--thanks for the well considered answer! I had thought you'd go and do a headcanon AU of what Zutara post war nation would be like but I got book recs instead! Thanks :) (I don't normally read romance and when I do it's always on ao3--of my OTPs ofc)
I live for giving book recs!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 And if it helps in something, some of the books I listed are not "romance" per se, but "young adult", so there's much more to them that just the main couples. Personally, I think my favorite worldbuilding from the list is Shatter Me's, but the fashion described in The Folk of Air is just otherworldly!! Oh, but the aesthetic of A Court of Thorns and Roses! Oh, but just all of the characters from both Red Queen and Six of Crows!! They're justt wonderful!!
Feel free to ask me for some other recs any time!
And as for the Zutara headcanon post-war, well, I actually believe Katara would get into the Fire Nation's favor even before she became Fire Lady. Before her and Zuko even started dating.
Imagine she returns to the South Pole to help reconstruct, and she's designated Ambassador shortly after for her people skills and her connections worldwide. Since Firelord Zuko is so determinated to make it up to the Southern Water Tribe for their lost resources, Katara travels to the Fire Nation quite a lot. And because she's merely close friends with the Firelord, it's not difficult for her to fill him in and get him invested in the social work needed in the poorest villages which she visited during her time on the run. Or the necessity for new environmental laws to avoid pollution.
Obviously, she keeps a close eye on these projects while she also takes her traveling time to study some traditional medicine and setting her sights on improving the Fire Nation's healthcare system.
Her friendship with Zuko also deepens until they realize they have feelings for each other, and by that time she has a fair share of the people's approval because it's difficult to stay mad at someone that makes healthcare affordable for you 🤷
And something that I have always loved about post-war Zutara is the fuse of cultures. Imagine it! No segregation. Through the years, Water Tribe people would become increasingly comfortable with traveling to the Fire Nation — or just to the outside world in general. They wouldn't feel the need to isolate themselves anymore, and there wouldn't be just one place where they could coexist in harmony with people from other ethnicities (*cough* Republic City *cough, cough*). Inspired by the royal interracial couple, the Avatar World would achieve the level of acceptance and multiculturalism the real world can only dream about. It would be truly erasing separation overall. An excellent message for a kid's show and a portrayal of what the world could be if everybody cooperated.
Such a shame! Wasted potential and values.
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abcdehlgee · 7 years
Withering flower
do you ever get that feeling of coming back here in your dashboard and scrolling down through your feed while thinking something else? like today, i am in here because i admit that i am damn occupied with my major exams in two damn short days,,,,, i am not yet finish studying and it hurts me that i’ve prepped for this major exam for almost two months already and I DON’T FEEL LIKE FINISHING ANYTHING, HONESTLY. if i don’t nail it this time, i might fail this term,,,,,and there’s should be no room for failures. 
i justt need to let shit out you know,,after all, i need to get back from this moment of slacking and study the fuck out of my review materials. 
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