#i keep repeating the dates and order of the exams but in my defense im stupid
srbxstudying · 1 year
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the cff saga continues, today i finished the second prac write up and did the ac lab report but of course our idiot prof decided to move the due date bc he hasnt done the hplc samples yet. for the uh fifth time in a row. im actually so tired i dont even have the energy for a celebratory supernatural episode :(
tomorrow i have a genetics lab at 9am, and then i have to write up the cff lab 3 bookwork. the genetics lab series report (three labs, one report) by the 6th of june but hopefully i can start it tomorrow and just keep fleshing it out until im ready to submit.
on thursday im planning to try and condense cff prac 4 + 5 into one session and i am not looking forward to that, and then the exam is on friday and ill be sleeping when i get home, then saturday and sunday ill be cramming for my ac final which will be monday.
counting down until the end of finals month.
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