#i kept it short but if anybody wants to hear details about certain companions i'll gladly share
Which of your SWTOR Companions are NOT with the Alliance?
I was inspired by this post by @swtorpadawan.
It's a good question, and it got me thinking (slowly, as always). For now, I've come up with fates of companions in Lette Legacy (Jett as the Outlander), and will work on others later.
Warning - Mentions of established character deaths below. And lots of spoilers for KotFE and everything after it.
In my headcanon the events of KotFE and onwards are different from in-game version, which impacts the fate of some companions. The most relevant differences are the fates of class characters (Bounty Hunter, Jedi Consular, Smuggler and Agent are in the Alliance; Jedi Knight, Sith Warrior, Sith Inquisitor and Trooper are not with the Alliance for different reasons) and the fact that the Alliance does not participate in the renewed war between the Republic and Sith Empire, choosing to stay neutral.
Also, the state of companions changes with time, so this is for the time around the events of 7.0 in SWTOR.
Jedi Knight crew:
Fideltin Rusk - continues his military service in the Republic.
Doc - after Ossus stays to help the Jedi in the renewed war.
Jedi Consular crew:
Zenith - continues anti-Imperial activities.
Tharan Cedrax - survives the Imperial attack on Meridian Complex and continues to work for the Republic.
Nadia Grell - after Ossus stays with the Jedi.
Trooper crew:
Elara Dorne - continues her military service in the Republic as a part of the Havoc Squad, takes Jorgan's place as second in command after he joined the Alliance.
M1-4X - stays with the Republic as part of the Havoc Squad.
Tanno Vik - does whatever he was doing in chapter 6.
Sith Warrior crew:
Malavai Quinn - stays with the Empire as one of Acina's officers.
Major Pierce - continues his military service in the Empire.
Jaesa Wilsaam - disappears after Emperor's Wrath's death, current whereabouts unknown.
Broonmark - killed while trying to assassinate a Wookiee senator on Alderaan.
Vette - killed by Vaylin on Odessen.
Sith Inquisitor crew:
Khem Val, Andronikos Revel, Talos Drellik and Xalek - all stay in the Sith Empire and work for Darth Nox.
Ashara Zavros - killed by apprentices of Darth Nox.
Bounty Hunter crew:
Skadge - just does his thing, if nobody shot him yet. (I don't even count him as companion, but since he is a companion in the game, I guess I had to add him). Jett never met him again after dropping him somewhere shortly after Belsavis.
Imperial Agent crew:
Vector Hyllus - continues his duties as Dawn Herald.
SCORPIO - merged with Iokath.
Kaliyo - dropped out of the Alliance after Vaylin is dealt with. I just don't think she would stick for much of what comes next.
So 22 out of 40 companions from class stories are not with the Alliance (obviously Kaliyo, SCORPIO and Vette were a part of the Alliance).
Honorable mention: Raina Temple - officially is not with the Alliance, but working with them to maintain communication between the Alliance and the Chiss Ascendancy.
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