#i kind of hate hearing my irl friends complain about their jobs to be honest
non-un-topo · 1 year
Worrying I'm developing a case of senioritis, not in the screw-this-I'm-just-not-going-to-do-it way, but in the holy-shit-can-I-please-finally-just-be-done way
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cainightfics · 2 years
what kind of people do you find repulsive?
im guessing you mean the type of person i find personally/socially repulsive, so ill answer with that in mind. if thats not what you meant, please correct me!
the personally trait i find most aggravating is self-victimization. like, those people who think theyre never at fault, that the world is against them, that they can do no wrong and theyre just perpetual victims of others. this annoys me because often these people use victimhood as a way to convince themselves they CANT be wrong, and its other people who are always the problem. i pretty much refuse to engage with people like this because theres just no chance you can ever have a decent conversation with them. in their minds, if youre not appeasing them, youre attacking them. even the slightest disagreements can cause them to lash out at you. and to be clear im not like an anti-sjw or anything, im not saying this about people who correctly identify and callout societal/structural issues which cause suffering and oppression, im talking about the kind of person who makes themselves out to be the victim of every relationship and social interaction they have.
in the same vein, i dont like chronic whiners, lol. i think complaining can be fun and constructive, but people who just never stop whining make me roll my eyes. i guess the common thread between this trait and the last one is lack of any personal responsibility or will to save yourself. theres only so many times you can hear a person whine or claim to be the victim of their circumstances before youre like "man, can you just do something about it for once instead of talking my ear off about it???"
i also hate people who get mad/freak out easily. it just really throws me off. i never get angry and i never yell at people, and i dont see why other people do. its just really immature and annoying to me lol.
rude people are another type i cant stand. its not difficult to just be polite. especially when it comes to service workers!! there have been times where ive gone out to eat with someone and they literally just DONT ACKNOWLEDGE the waiter... dont say please/thank you... nothing!! i will literally never talk to people again if i see them do this lol. i think we should all try to make interactions easy on each other by simply acting in good faith and being polite.
i also hate rich people. like just as an entire class. ESPECIALLY nepotism babies omfg. not that meritocracy was ever anything more than capitalist propaganda, but these days its literally impossible to get a job anywhere other than minimum wage retail spots without knowing somebody who works there. sooo many smart, talented people i know cant find jobs, meanwhile all of the useless, lazy, rich kids from my highschool have 6 figure positions at huge companies because their parents got them a job.
those are the five things i dislike that are noticeable about a person after the first few conversations. to be honest, though, i dont have any friends IRL, and i mostly keep to myself, so if somebody annoys me, i just dont talk to them.
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