#i kind of hope kanye says something he has like one foot in the doorway rn
vivi-scera · 2 months
like if it were me i think i'd have learned not to engage in call out practices after my literal secret son was exposed. i'd at least keep shit straight before trying again. but after the second time it happens? i mean i'd just have to realize my suburban soul wasn't built for confrontation
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Hand in Glove - Chapter 29 | Ben Hardy x OFC
A/N: I have a problem, alright? In the words of the greatest poet to ever live, Mr. Kanye West - “I’m tired. You’re Tired. Jesus wept.” Also not sure if there are any typos left or not so if there are just pretend they don’t exist ok byeeeeee.
Warnings: Smut ahead. Kind of. 
Word Count: ~3K
Chapter 1, Chapter 2,  Chapter 3,  Chapter 4,  Chapter 5,  Chapter 6,  Chapter 7,  Chapter 8,  Chapter 9,  Chapter 10,  Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14 , Chapter 15 , Chapter 16 , Chapter 17 , Chapter 18 , Chapter 19 , Chapter 20 , Chapter 21 , Chapter 22 , Chapter 23 , Chapter 24, Chapter 25 , Chapter 26, Chapter 27 , Chapter 28
“Do we write our own vows?” Ben asked and handed Rory her plastic spoon. “Like, is that a thing we can do?”
“I think so, yeah.” Annie covered her mouth, speaking while she chewed. She swallowed and made funny faces at Rory. “Can you believe she’s 10 months old?”
“Can you believe we’re getting married next week?” Ben countered.
“No,” Annie confessed. “Not really.”
“I’ve been meaning to ask you something.”
“Yeah?” Annie leaned forward, intrigued.
“I know you said you don’t want a big wedding -”
“Not this again.”
“- but what if we do something small scale? After we get legally married. Just a big party for friends and family.”
“Look, I humoured you long enough. I’ve basically let you walk all over me. I need something, Annie.” Ben dropped his fork with a clatter. “You’re not alone in this relationship.”
“Why are you so obsessed with this?” Annie dropped her fork too. “Why is it so important for you?”
“Because it just is.” Ben glared at her. “This isn’t Shitstorm Annie’s exclusive one-woman show, you know.”
“Call me a shitstorm again. Go on.”
“You know what?” Annie pushed her chair back. “I’m done.”
“The hell you are. Sit down.” Ben said calmly.
“Excuse me?” Annie scoffed.
“We’re having dinner with our daughter. Sit. Down.” Ben bounced his knee impatiently. “Grow up, will you?”
“How dare you -”
“If you mention me being away in the States again, Annabelle, so help me God, there will be no wedding. At all. Secret or not.” Ben’s jaw jutted forward slightly as he clenched it. “I’m so bloody sick of you holding it against me.”
Annie sat back down, doe-eyed. She couldn’t remember the last time she had seen Ben so riled up.
“Now, listen very carefully, because I’m only going to say this once.” Ben wiped Rory’s chin with her bib. “You got what you wanted. On your terms. Now, it’s my turn.”
“Do you honestly think it’s fair to invite your family to our wedding, when mine won’t be there?” Annie quipped.
“They could be if you invited them.” Ben shrugged. “It’s totally up to you.”
“You are my family, you bellend.” Annie closed her fists. “It’s like talking to a bloody rock.”
“You’re such a control freak, Annabelle.” Ben groaned. “Let it go. For once in your life.”
Annie looked in the mirror as she tried on an ivory colored dress. She scrutinized her reflection, nit-picking every little flaw and imperfection she could possibly find.
“Annie you’ve been glaring at yourself for fifteen minutes now.” Jamie held his head in his hands. “Please. You look beautiful. I want to leave.”
“No. This isn’t right. The hem is too long.”
“The hem is perfect.” Jamie sighed. “The neckline is perfect. The waist is perfect. Everything is bloody perfect! You look like a bloody angel.” Jamie stood up and walked over to where Annie stood. “You’re a spawn of the devil, but you look like an angel.”
“Do you think he’ll like it?” Annie looked up at her friend, wide-eyed and childlike.
“I know he will. How could he not?”
Annie fidgeted with the hem of her dress. It went up to just over her knees. She shifted her weight from one leg to the other, nodding to herself.
“Alright. Let’s get out of here, then.”
“Thank God!”
Ben spent most of his days home alone, working on writing his vows. He bit his nails as he stared at the piece of paper in front of him. His brain seemed to have forgotten how to use words properly, and went completely blank. With the wedding ceremony fast approaching, Ben could feel his entire body tense up from the stress.
They’ve planned the entire day out. Rory will be in daycare. Brian and Roger will meet Ben at the chapel he and Annie picked and triple-checked that is authorised by the Register Office. Jamie will drive Annie from set and bring her there. Once the ceremony is over and done with, they’ll pick Rory up and go have dinner at a restaurant, all three of them.
They even made reservations.
Roger gifted them two of his cymbal rings as a wedding present. Brian said his present will be a surprise. Jamie has done above and beyond to help Annabelle make this wedding happen on her terms, she couldn’t even imagine him giving anything more. In her words, ‘he risked his own bloody marriage for us, that’s more than enough.’
Ben picked up the pen and started drumming a beat on the edge of the table. When nothing came to him even still, he did the only thing he could think of. He started drinking.
“Ben?” Annie called from the front door, holding Rory in her arms. “Are you home?”
“Yeah!” Ben’s deep voice carried from the kitchen. “Juss’ doin’ stuff.”
Annie followed his voice and found him sitting in his underwear, in the midst of empty beer bottles, a half finished bottle of whiskey and a sea of balled up papers around him. His hair stuck out in every possible direction.
“What the hell?” she managed to force out through a smile and put Rory down on the floor.
“Well, I -” Ben burped, “oof, sorry. I’m writing the vows!”
“You’re sloshed.”
“I needed to relax, alright?” Ben took another sip of his whiskey. “Get the juices flowing.”
“Ben, where are your pants?”
“I got overheated.”
“What happened to your shirt?”
“I think I’m allergic to it.” Ben shrugged. “Shoo, Annie! You’re interrupting!”
He didn’t even notice the bag she was carrying, he was so keen on finishing the task at hand. With the tip of his tongue poking out through the corner of his mouth, Ben furiously scribbled across the page.
“That settles it.” Clara wiped her fingers on her napkin, finishing her lunch. “Your boyfriend is allergic to all clothes.”
“Ha, ha.” Annie rolled her eyes playfully. “He looked like a child doing his homework.”
“Aw, cute!” Mike chimed in. “What was he writing?”
“Oh.” Annie froze, trying to come up with an explanation for Ben’s drunken, naked writing session the previous night. “I think he’s writing a story.”
“A story?” Clara raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah. Kept telling me to shoo and that I’m interrupting.” Annie hoped her voice didn’t give anything away. “Probably a Clannie story.”
Clara snorted and doubled over laughing.
“Ben!” Annie shouted as she entered the house. “I’m here!”
He texted her in the middle of the day that she needs to come home because he is having a serious condition that needs tending to. Ben hardly ever got sick, and when he did - he turned into the biggest, neediest baby. Annie made use of her acting skills and convinced the production team that she’s incredibly ill and could use the rest of the day off to rest.
“Come here!” Ben called from the bedroom. Annie climbed up the stairs in a rush to find Ben standing at the foot of the bed. He looked relieved to see her. “Come here for a second.”
“What’s going on?” Annie looked him up and down, trying to see what was amiss. He seemed fine. Clothes on. Great spirits. “Ben, did you call me home because you got lonely?”
“Lonely?” Ben scoffed. “This goes beyond loneliness.”
“Just…” Ben grunted uncomfortably.
“Ben what the hell are you doing?”
“This is serious, okay?” he started to undo his belt and popped the button on his jeans open, pulling the fly down.
“For the love of God -”
“Look at this. Look at it!” Ben stood, his jeans pooled around his ankles, arms outstretched to the sides. He pointed with both hands at his crotch. “Look at how hard I am.”
“I’ll pick up a medal on the way home.” Annie rolled her eyes and turned around.
“Oh, you’re not going anywhere.” Ben stated. “This?” he palmed his boxers. “This is just because I was thinking of you. Not even in a sexual way. You popped into my head and there it is!”
“Ben, you had me seriously worried that something might be wrong and -” Annie gasped. “Will you stop playing with yourself?!”
“Only if you’ll play with me instead.” Ben stepped out of his jeans and approached her. “Do you have any idea how much I need you right now?”
“Ben, I lied to everyone to get home as fast as I could and I come home to this?” Annie stepped back. “What is the matter with you?”
“I love you. I want you.” Ben started counting off answers. “I’m throbbing just thinking about you, going about your day.” He swooped forward and grabbed her, pushing his hips forward. “Feel it.”
“Have you gone completely mad?” Annie laughed as he pushed his cock against her tummy. “Ben!”
“We’re getting married. This time, tomorrow.” Ben wrapped his fingers around the column of Annie’s neck, giving it a gentle squeeze. “And I am so turned on by the mere thought of having you for myself. Forever.”
“You’re a lunatic.”
“You’re wearing too many clothes.” Ben observed.
“Are you high?”
“Just utterly insane, then?”
“Nervous?” Brian wiggled his eyebrows at Ben.
“Not really. Just… anxious to see her.” Ben bit his bottom lip and shifted his weight from foot to foot.
The door to the chapel opened and Jamie walked in, holding it open for Annie. As if she was an actual dream, she appeared in the doorway, the light from outside casting a soft halo around her. A flower-crown weaved in her long hair, she looked like a porcelain doll in her Ivory dress. Ben’s breath caught in his chest at the sight of her.
Jamie offered his arm, and Annie held onto it, allowing him to lead her to the altar where Ben was standing with the registrar. She felt wobbly on her feet, and she wasn’t sure if the situation made her so unsteady or whether it was Roger and Brian’s presence there.
“Wait, wait!” Brian said and turned around to grab his Red Special. “Carry on now.”
To the sound of Brian’s guitar playing the Wedding March, Annie walked down the aisle towards her future husband. They both smiled so bright, it was almost blinding. As soon as she reached Ben, she grabbed his hand and held onto it for dear life. The registrar spoke, but neither Annie nor Ben listened. They just looked at each other in pure adoration.
“Hey, space cadets!” Roger snapped them out of their stupur. “Vows?”
“Oh, yeah.” Ben chuckled sheepishly and pulled out a folded piece of paper. “Annie. You ran into my life screaming Silly Gwilly and turned my whole world upside down. At a wedding, oddly enough. Never in my wildest dreams did I even think I’d be standing here right now, at this very moment. All it took was one kiss and I knew that you will be mine, no matter what. God knows you didn’t go down without a fight, kicking and screaming.”
 Annie chuckled. 
“It’s what I love about you most. You’re red-blooded. Fierce. You go after what you want, no matter the consequences. And yet, you listen. You learn. You help me learn, as well.” 
Ben smiled as he looked down at the paper and folded it back. 
“Today, I vow to love you and protect you, fiercely and forever, with every fiber of my being. Even when you’re irritating me beyond belief. No matter how far away I am, I will always love you and come home to you.”
“Well, then.” Annie let out a shaky chuckle as Ben stuffed the paper back in his slacks pocket. 
Her hands shook as she reached for her piece of paper. 
“I’m going to start this off by saying this: Ben Jones, you are the most infuriating man I have ever met. I love you for it. You let me be myself, but you put me in my place when I get out of hand. You’re my voice of reason and sensibility. My shelter.” 
Ben bit his bottom lip and smiled like a fool. 
“You took every notion I had of relationships and companionship and tossed it out the bloody window, reframing my entire mind. Because of you, I let myself leave my comfort zone and I ended up doing things I never thought I’d do. Childbirth was a big one of them. You gave me Rory and Franks, and you showed me what love is supposed to do.” 
Annie gulped and took a deep breath.
“You’ve stayed with me through thick and thin, even when I did my best to push you away. You are my soldier. My angel. My worst nightmare, at times. I will kill and die for you. I’ll be there for you through rain and sunshine and the end of the bloody world, for that matter. I love you, fiercely and forever.”
Ben and Annie exchanged rings and went through the motions of the ceremony, signing the wedding register obediently.
Thus, they were pronounced husband and wife.
Ben entered the dimly-lit bedroom quietly, smiling at Annie. She the covers pulled up to her chin, a playful glint in her eyes. Rory was sound asleep, and they were married.
“What’re you hiding over there?” Ben asked as he approached the bed. “You’re up to something. You’ve got the look.”
“See for yourself.” Annie shrugged.
Ben lifted the covers and took a long look at Annie’s naked body, her skin pale against the dark sheets. His eyes scanned her slowly, from her toes all the way up to the top of her head.
“Come and perform your husbandly duty?” Annie teased him. “Let’s consummate this bitch.”
They both cracked up laughing as Ben took off his boxers and rolled into bed next to Annie.
“Is it strange that it feels like the very first time again?” Annie whispered.
“Not at all,” Ben cleared his throat, and leaned in, his lips just brushing Annie’s. “I’m even more nervous now, actually.”
“Yeah?” Annie smiled and felt her body melt into Ben’s touch as he nodded and run his fingers through her hair. “Maybe it’s -”
Ben cut Annie off with a lingering kiss to her lips. Pulling apart, a blush rose on their cheeks as their heartbeats picked up. They’ve done this over a million times now, but never as husband and wife.
Annie caressed Ben’s jaw, looking up at him in awe. He smiled and kissed her lips again, pressing soft, lingering kisses to her lips. They weren’t usually this tender with each other, but this time was different. They couldn’t explain how so, they just felt that it was. They had forever, now. No need to rush.
Ben rolled himself on top of Annie, leaning his weight on his forearms. Their kiss deepend, changing from soft and sweet to feverish and needy. As Annie spread her legs wider, Ben slipped inside of her, pressing his forehead to the pillow, right next to Annie’s head. A whole flock of butterflies unleashed themselves as he moaned in her ear, bottoming out.
They stayed still, physically connected. Annie ran her hands up and down Ben’s back, her hips rolling slightly. Giving Ben a physical hint - she needs movement. Friction. Ben pulled himself almost all the way out and slammed himself back in. Annie’s soft moans were music to his ears.
“Good morning, Mrs. Jones.” Ben’s raspy voice woke her up the next morning.
“Time’s it?” Annie mumbled into the pillow.
“The sun is just coming up. Was about to go have a piss but then I saw you.” Ben snuggled closer to her. “Bodily functions can wait.”
“Mmm.” Annie moaned softly, still sleepy.
“Fiercely and forever.” Ben whispered as she drifted back off.
“Fiercely and forever.”
“Mum. Dada.”
Ben and Annie froze in their tracks as they went about making breakfast and getting Rory ready for the day.
“Did she just -” Ben pointed at his daughter.
“Dada. Mum!”
Annie looked at Ben, frowning.
“Mum mum! Dada!” Rory cooed and chattered, clapping to herself.
“Yes, baby?” Ben spoke. Rory turned her head and flashed him a somewhat toothy smile.
“Oh my God!” Annie gasped. “Did she just say her first words?”
“I think she did!”
“Oh, my clever Aurora!” Annie picked her up from her highchair and cuddled her. “Such a smart girl!”
“You still want your little ‘party’?” Annie asked Ben about two weeks later. “For the family and friends.” She clarified when Ben looked at her as if she spoke in tongues.
“Yeah. Yes.” Ben nodded.
“If we do that…” Annie started.
“We’ll do it right. Plan ahead, at least six months. Make it perfect.” Ben smiled. “Are you sure?”
“You deserve it.” Annie shrugged.
“You will be the death of me, Annabelle Lee-Jones.” Ben sighed and walked over to Annie, squeezing her in a hug.
Annie’s stomach flipped and turned, making her sick. Third day in a row.
“Again?” Ben called after her as she bolted for the loo. “Maybe you should see a doctor?”
“Come again?” Annie looked at Dr. McCarthy, her mouth open in shock. She thought she misheard. She was sure there has to be some mistake. “I’m what, now?”
“Pregnant. With child.” Dr. McCarthy kept her face and voice even. “You have a bun in the oven, love.”
“That’s impossible.”
“Facts are facts, dear.” Dr. McCarthy pursed her lips. “The IUD is effective, but not 100%. 99.2%, actually. Seems like you’re the goddess of fertility and your partner has some almighty sperm because nothing can stop you two from making babies, it seems.”
“Are you serious?” Annie’s hands started shaking. “This can actually happen?”
“Rarely, but yes.”
“Huh.” Annie huffed with a frown. “That explains a lot, actually.”
“So, do we just keep it in there? Let the spawn play with it while it grows?” Annie grimaced.
“Well, no.” Dr. McCarthy said, slipping on her latex gloves. “The thing’s coming out. Now.”
“Oh boy.”
TAGLIST:  @ramibaby​ @xgoingdownx​ @qweenly​ @violetpond​ @sweeterthancheese @drummerqueenrmt @westansstuff @justgivemethekeys  @blondecarfucker @cheeseedreams47 @deacy-dearest​ @pinkmarvel @onceuponadetectivedemigod
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