#i kind of make fun of ryzor at times
rainbowfactories-blog · 12 years
❦[ OPEN ] - A startling change.
Of course Ryzor himself wasn't used to going out of the factory, even if just for awhile to go to some human-world exhibit. . . museum. . . . thing. In this case it just happened to catch his eye, and when he got to the place he wasn't too surprised to find that it was pretty unique compared to the things in Cloudsdale, which were appropriately made of clouds. After awhile he grew bored of them and that's probably how he ended up here to begin with. All of this started with him wandering around, examining the exhibits. There were quite a few strange ones, and just as many decent looking ones. After awhile of examining however, he managed to find a large painting on one of the walls that perked his interest. It almost looked like a whole different world.
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"Huh. . . . What is this?" He wondered as he examined the painting, then looking down to the name to figure out what exactly he was looking at. . . "Fabricated World"  Or that's what the painting's name read. At that very moment, however, the lights started to flicker and crackle. Frowning a bit, Ryzor looked up and sighed. "They must have forgot to pay the electricity bill or something." And then out of nowhere--- "C O M E . . . R Y Z O R" Enough joking around, how did this thing even know his name. Frowning, he looked around for the source of the voice that played in his mind, whatever it was, only to her it again- "Come down below Ryzor I'll show you someplace secret"  Ah well, that was abit awkward, but lets just deal with it for now, deciding it'd be best to leave, Ryzor hurried down the stairs just to go to the door and realize that it was locked! There was no way back out. "G-God damn this, why can't i just break down this door?" He mumbled to himself, trying to break it down. Of course, you idiot, that isn't going to work. Idiot. You don't drink powerthirst so you don't have energy legs or any stuff like that. Either way, the other choice was to go to the room with the big weird painting of a freaking fish or whatever the hell it was. . . "Abyss of the Deep" or some stupid thing like that. Either way, Ryzor went in there again just to see that one of the fences were open and there were blue footsteps leading into it. "You're kidding me right? I have to go in THAT?" He mumbled to himself. "How the heck do i go in a painting!? That's crazy. . . I mean, I've seen crazy. I MEAN- I am crazy-- NO. WAIT." EITHER WAY, he just bolted right into the painting, tripping over stairs and falling on his face. "FUCK THIS-- i mean. . . shit. . . that hurt." Getting up, Ryzor decided to go left! * U * as he walked, he also tended to realize the text on the walls. Oh shit the walls were talking to him again. "COME COME COME COME COME COME COME COME COME" "OKAY I GET IT I'M COMING." He shouted at the walls, and continued onwards to see a random blue rose in a vase. Fuck this, we're grabbing this rose and kicking over the goddamn table, then kicking open this door since you couldn't kick open the other one. . . THAT DIDN'T GO AS PLANNED. . . Okay, so now his legs hurt. Either way, he opened the door normally and walked in just to see a strange painting of a woman with closed eyes. "What the fuck is this. . . oh look. . . a key." Ryzor's attention shifted to the key and then he just PICKS IT UP. And that was when that stupid painting started to grin and stare at him out of nowhere which really freaked him out and he left. Walking in the direction he came he stopped for a moment and looked at the walls.
"Okay. Okay I get it. You were calling to me telling me to come before and now. . ." The words scribbled on the floor and walls. . . "THIEF THIEF THIEF THIEF THIEF" Okay. Okay. This was getting annoying now.  Walking past the countless stupid things calling him a thief, ryzor managed to get to the next room, a strange room with many paths. This was odd to him, but he managed to pick one path and follow it until he started hearing noises from far down the hall. Stepping back once, he frowned. ". . . what is it this time. . .?" He growled, trying to realize what was coming his way. Little did he know it was probably someone with a rose just like him.
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