#i kinda want Levi to call Grimmer a fucking titan but idk where to fit it LMAO
garnetwrites · 1 year
"Shit." Wolfgang grits his teeth. "Tell me...tell me what kind of beast you are!" (to Levi 👀)
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“Tch…” He sucked in his teeth with a grimace, a cold icy stare greeting the man he, ironically, towered over. There was a power struggle, given the shocking circumstance – Levi had underestimated the vigor behind this stranger’s wrath. He wasn't a titan - but given his size he mind as well should be called one. What the fuck was he so angry about? Levi was caught in the crossfire and reacted faster than the other victim on the floor. That poor bastard even had a gun and still lost.
Regardless, he wasn’t really interested in taking a dirt nap even though the odds were against him. Levi brought a hand up to his busted lip, gently wiping the blood that dared to drip down.
“…That’s my line asshole.” He scoffed, observing keenly on the dramatic shift in the other’s demeanor. The 360 to his personality and hostility is what ultimately saved this idiot’s life.
It was unexpected, being attacked so viciously by this colossal man – he didn’t even have time to draw his dagger. Levi noticed the half-baked smile that painted itself across his once ferocious expression and became annoyed at his sudden docile appearance. It was as if the beast had retracted its claws and shrunk in size – but for what? He slowly unclenched his bruised knuckles and grabbed the other by his purple fleeced sweater to pull him up as he growled,
“What kind of fucked up game do you think you’re playing here lanky?”
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