#i knew this wasn't a horror movie For Me once that godawful sappy lifetime story song started playing at the beginning
Call me a barbarian, but shouldn’t horror movies have like...an enjoyable or silly edge? Shouldn’t a shark movie be kinda fun, and not as grim as a fucking sermon at a funeral? Also I don’t think grief and/or PTSD should be the theme of every modern horror and disaster movie, thanks. It’s staring to feel like a paint-by-numbers blueprint: grieving sad sacks watching any hope they had left brutally taken from them in a really dreary, exhausting way.
I should leave a scream fest feeling frightened but giddy with my adrenaline pumping, not like I’ve just watched a stark three-act Russian tragedy that leaves me numb and hopeless. I like most of the movies by Ari Aster and Oz Perkins, and they’re plenty dark and depressing, but at the same time they have a lot of energy and style to kind of distract from the soul-crushingness. And frankly, I don’t want every horror movie I watch to have their grieving undertones. Theirs are enough for me.
Anyway, much love to you Alicia, but I can’t recommend The Requin.
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