#i knew what i had to do once I looked at the chloroplast in science class
thatonekreachur · 8 months
one detail in elemental is that these earth buildings in the background kinda look like granum, which were inside the chloroplast of a plant cell.
(Sorry I couldn't get a better image)
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nnessarose · 7 years
e l p h a b a (for the characters ask thing)
E- How are they with children? 
     People first meeting Elphaba would assume that she is the type of person who is not only awkward around people her own age, but even more awkward around children. Really though, Elphaba doesn’t see age as a barrier between people. If someone is rude, she will treat them the same way regardless of whether they’re eight or eighty. However, she tends to be very good with children because when she is around a child, she treats them the same as she would anyone. This allows kids to really latch on to Elphaba because she doesn’t see them as a number and listens to and respects them.
     “Is your favorite color green? Is that why you got that tattoo?”
     “No. I’m actually fond of black.”
L- What is their favorite board game?
     Definitely Scrabble. Especially when she plays with Galinda. Whenever Elphaba would be studying too hard for something she already knew perfectly, Galinda would practically drag Elphaba to the small table they had and force her to play with her. The set they would play with was a very old wooden set that they had bought half price and a used book shop. The pieces were made of old and chipped wood and on many tiles, the letters had to be rewritten. This game is Elphaba’s favorite because she knew she would always win, knowing Galinda’s colorful vocabulary. 
     “How many times do I have to tell you that hideodious isn’t a word?!”
     “Sorry! It’s just so- so confusifying!” 
P- How do they handle money?
     She’s a pro. Elphaba always has extra money each month and almost never splurges unless it’s for others. And even then, she knows when to stop. If she trusts you, Elphaba is always willing to lend you money, so long as you pay her back- eventually. Having never really gotten nice things when she was younger, Elphaba decided early that she was never going to not have enough to support herself- even if that meant not having the best clothes or many possessions. However, she does always eat a nice and healthy meal, have clean clothes, have enough toiletries, and still has enough left to save or lend to others.
     “Elphie, I know that I owe you a good two hundred dollars this week and I’m sorry but- *sigh* -can I borrow five bucks?”
     “…my wallet’s in my jacket.”
H- What is their deadly sin?
     Anger. Elphie’s temper can be brutal and it seems like she can’t wait to go ballistic on anyone. Even though she tells herself each night that she’ll try and work on her temper some more, making it so people aren’t afraid to breathe on her, it never seems to get much better. She just gets so irritated so quickly. Whether it be that someone doesn’t understand something she said after the fifth time of her saying it or that someone just won’t stop talking to her and rambling about the same thing endlessly, Elphaba won’t take the time to stop and think before she explodes.
     “But yeah, I liked kicked the ball into the goal and it like, made it in. I mean, there was no goalie and I was alone but like-”
A- What are/were this character’s best subjects in school?
     Elphaba was an extremely smart girl. Her best subjects, however, were most definitely math and science. She was fascinated, ever since her first lesson in both about how they intertwined with each others in more ways than just how you use them both in each other. Even though she could get the highest grades in all of her classes, she simply chose not to. If the content didn’t interest her, her effort went down, making her grades in all other classes mid-nineties instead of one hundreds. And her luck with the teachers teaching math and science were great too. Not once did she ever get a teacher who treated her less for her looks and cold attitude. Never did a teacher try so hard to give her a lower mark than she deserved just because she would talk back. 
     “Do I have chloroplasts, professor? Is that why I’m green?”
     “No, of course not dear. You are a human, not a plant.”
B- Do they have any allergies?
Your sass. And water and pollen.
     “Wow! Where’d you get that spray tan?”
A- What are/were this character’s best subjects in school?
     *see above*
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