#i know YOU'LL be busy with a wedding tomorrow >:3c
one-winged-dreams · 11 months
Fuck that I wanna know what YOU’RE gonna do for Halloween with your loved >:0 /lh /nf
That's sweet of you to ask 🥺
I mentioned it last night, but me, Isa, and Lea are gonna throw a Halloween party at the old mansion in Twilight Town. Isa's gonna be a werewolf, I'm gonna be a vampire, and Lea is gonna be a monster hunter. He probably watched Van Helsing and thought it was cool.
We're inviting the majority of the non-evil adults that are still alive while the kiddos go off trick or treating (Xion is gonna be a tonberry, that has nothing to do with anything I just thought it was funny when Owen suggested it). That INCLUDES Bee and Demyx and Dae and Lauriam/Marluxia, by the way.
It ALSO includes Terra and... other KH!Adri. Somehow. It's best to not acknowledge it. Terra is ALSO a werewolf (if i had a nickel for every kh boyfriend who dressed as a werewolf-) and I'm Little Red Riding Hood.
So much bullshit is going to happen, it'll all be funny. To some less than others, but hey.
It's gonna end with me and Isa dragging Lea back into bed when we get home because he got too drunk and probably fell off a banister or something. And then me and Isa are gonna sit down on the couch and watch horror movies and cuddle now that our beloved third wheel is down for the count.
Me and Terra, after getting moderately tipsy, make our way home after saying goodbye to everyone and... proceed to engage in Activites™. It's the couple's costume's fault, probably. We've been eyeballing each other since we put the damn things on.
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