#i know a lot of folks write more story-focused interactive fiction but I'm in love with exploration
orcboxer · 8 months
Did I just spend 3 hours putting restaurants into orcs rpg? Yes. Was it worth it? More than you could even imagine.
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pixeldotgamer · 2 months
✨All My WIP Projects✨
Since the results of that Twitter poll I did show people REALLY wanna know what I'm working on, I figured I'd just announce/summarize most of the things I have in development right now!
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This will be pretty long so it's getting tucked under a read more!
Don't Tell My Wife / DTMW (Game, Horror VN) Status: Active Development
DTMW is my entry for SuNoFes2024 on Itchio! Folks may actually recognize this one as I streamed some concept art a while back, and even posted some as well!
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This game focuses on a Husband and Wife in the woods. Specifically, the Husband and something he's been trying to plan for a while. Now there's only one week left and his Wife has taken notice.
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"You have one week to get your plans sorted. You thought you had more time than this. Don't let her find out."
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Treacherous Flesh (Game, RPGMaker Horror) Status: Research & Writing
TF follows the story of Ila, a woman who contracts a deadly illness and must wait 8 months for treatment. The game follows her over that time as her symptoms worsen, and her body turns against her.
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Like many of my projects, TF pulls from a personal feeling. This game is an outlet for my own ongoing health problems. I started working on this game after being told I had to wait 8 months for an ultrasound I need for diagnosis. It's month 4 of 8 now.
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Probably the most outright depressing thing I'm working on, this game actually means a lot to me. This is an outlet, but I'm also hoping it resonates with people who may be going through what I am.
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Dead Girl's Club (Game, VN) Status: Research & Writing
DGC follows a girl from a religious cult town tracking down the male "murderers" of girls from said town. The game is a very blatant look at the transmasc experience tackling themes of family, community, passing, more.
Computer Angel (Game, Point & Click/Interactive Fiction, Horror) Status: Concept Development
Computer Angel comes from my own fascination with the concept of "angels speaking to you through your screens" and such, whether for horror or comfort.
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In CA, your aunt has just passed away suddenly and you end up with her computer. As you investigate the machine to use for yourself, you realize there's something in the computer. Something that would very much like to make your acquaintance.
With 3 narrative paths depending on your choices, I want CA to be a spooky and surreal little game! While the concept has been fleshed out, this one is on the back burner until I dedicate myself to learning GameMaker which is the engine I want to use.
Pop-Rock & Curly (Game, Point & Click) Status: Research & Writing
A brainchild of mine from 2019, where I said to myself "What if I made a detective/robber OCs but they're lesbians?" and then PR & C just. existed in my brain?
After just having them rattling around in my brain but never drawing them more than once, I decided to adapt them into a game! I've always had a love of P&C games, so it only makes sense I take a stab at one (Art from 2019)
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The game follows detective Pop-Rock, who is personally requested by Curly to help as she rats out her no good boyfriend who has stolen a big flashy item. Using this as a chance to improve her reputation, PR ventures into the cities criminal underworld.
Juno Law (Game, VN) Status: Pre-Dev Done, Art Concepts Started
Juno is what I'd call my first "modern" game idea, the first game idea I can pinpoint where looking at it I could go "Wait this could actually be a game!" Basically a "what if I made an PWAA game" type deal
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We got lawyers, punny names, gimmicky designs, and more! While not what I would call a fangame, Juno is meant to be my love letter to Ace Attorney that I started cooking up after playing the main 6 games. I actually was pursuing this as my first game!
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Juno is a LARGE game. The biggest of anything even on this list in scale. Because of that, I've had it on the back burner since I finished the full game notes back a few years ago. The game is completely outlined! All characters, trials, plot lines, all of it!
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I'm really passionate about Juno, but I knew I had to be honest with myself; This is just too much for my first game! My weakest skill, in my opinion, is my writing. So, starting out with massive narrative VN? Maybe not, haha. Someday though, I want to make it.
7. Cleopocha (Game, ???) Status: Concept Development
Cleopocha is about an android idol named Chapel, who starts dreaming of their past personas. It's a game largely about identity and asking what do we own those who came before us, especially when we don't remember them?
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My current sticking point with Cleopocha is actually genre! The story I want to tell needs breathing room in a way a VN can't provide, but I'm unsure if an RPGMaker type game is quite right. What should the gameplay even be? Those kinda questions 🤔
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A2amB (Podcast, Liminal Space Horror) Status: Research & Writing
I've had this fascination with doing some kind of story based podcast as far back as 2019, where the title A2amB comes from! The name is a placeholder from the idea I had way back then. (Art from 2019)
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The story now is WAY different than the first concept. Salvaging characters and concepts from a MOTW campaign I was running, the podcast is now about a liminal space mall and the people stuck within it. (Art from Aug 2023)
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Casey Day, local computer repairmen and burnout, gets dragged into the liminal mall and is stuck fumbling around trying to get out again. Besides twisting halls, a mannequin cult, and unpleasant personalities - Casey will also be haunted by his own issues.
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I've been on a steady dev pace with A2amB, but I'm still figuring out what I want from the story, as well as how I want to deliver it. So currently I'm just locking down the pacing and themes in a way I find satisfying. I'll probably have to trim a lot of ideas..
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And there's the bulk of what I'm working on! I need to refine my pitch process a bit, but I honestly just love gabbing about ideas!! I have no set release dates for these projects, they'll happen when they happen! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
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queerofcups · 7 years
could u do all the numbers for with plans with you and because we are fools if it's not too much trouble? i'm curious :)
Because We Are Fools
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?When I first started hanging out in the fandom I had lots of theories about potential relationship structures DnP might be in that were way more complicated than “they’re together and closeted”. This was one of those theories.
2: What scene did you first put down?Dan creating the wedding invite.3: What's your favorite line of narration?Literally any moment where Dan’s like “this is fine. this is fine. i’ll just pretend i’m not in love with him!”. Because girl, what? 
4: What's your favorite line of dialogue?There’s like...not a lot of dialogue in this fic? Proportionately? But for someone that doesn’t do humour that well, I think this is pretty funny. C 
Dan drags a hand through his hair. “Ok. Um. Shit, do I care that they know?” 
He glances at Phil, who’s nonplussed enough to go back to whatever he was doing on his computer. “Phil! Do we care?”
“Care about what?” Phil asks, looking up and pushing his glasses back onto the bridge of his knows. Dan just wants to crawl back into bed with him, honestly. “Oh no, stress quiff.”
“That they know,” Dan says, gesturing to the phone with his other hand. “Fuck the stress quiff.”
“That we have sex?” Phil shrugs. “I thought they all already knew. Also, you remember that time you accidentally got jizz everywhere and we fell asleep and my hair was all weird in the morning? I don’t think I should fuck the stress quiff, Dan.”
“Wow, so they probably also hear that,” Dan says, distressed. “They know we’re fucking and that you’re a fucking oddball.”
“We knew that already,” Louise’s tinny voice says from the phone. “Not the sex thing. The other thing.”
Dan takes a deep breath and focuses on the phone. “Louise. You’re allowed to talk about the sex thing but just with the people you’re with right now. I don’t want this all over youtube. And don’t talk about the other thing at all.”
“The jizz in the hair thing?” Louise asks.
Dan closes his eyes. “Well, it’s too late if I was talking about that. No. The,” he lowers his voice. “the love thing.”
5: What part was hardest to write?Keeping them from just talking about their feelings and getting together, or not, too soon. Because its not a miscommunication fic. Its a fic about people keeping things from each other out of fear, and out of obtuseness, when it would be so much easier (but a much shorter story) to just let them talk and decide if they’re going to date or not. I had to lean super hard on Dan being like, ok but what if he’s not in love with me, despite it being really, really obvious that Phil was. I still think that part is one of the weakest parts of the fic.
6: What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics?It’s the longest thing I’ve written and posted and will be until my PBB. 7: Where did the title come from?From Denitia and Sene’s song Because We Are Fools. That alternate title is also from that song “Why Do We Fall in Love”As for the chapter titles: ch 1 - Frank Ocean - Ivy, ch 2 - Trampled by Turtles - Midnight on the Interstate, ch 3 - The Front Bottoms - Peach, ch 4 - Iron&Wine/The Talking Heads - This Must be the Place, ch 5 - ...i actually have no idea.8: Did any real people or events inspire any part of it?Well I mean. DnP and the other youtubers and TATINOF.9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?Not really. There were versions where they got together sooner. 10: Why did you choose this pairing for this particular story?I hadn’t yet pledged my allegiance to kickthefire.11: What do you like best about this fic?I have a lot of affection for Fools! It’s the second fic I posted ever and ended up being 20k, like bitch what kind of confidence? I think its an interesting story to read from my perspective because there’s a lot of things I did in this fic that I’d never do again, and some stuff that pops up pretty often.12: What do you like least about this fic?Ok, so I actually don’t think Fools is that good of a fic? I don’t think the characterization holds up all that well (admittedly I feel like DnP have been very open with us in 2017 and I was like, brand new to fandom when I wrote this) and ultimately I think the way I dealt with the “will they, won’t they” is actually a pretty weak narrative. Like there wasn’t enough conflict to warrant the word count. 
Also its unbeta’d which means that whenever I try to reread it, I always end up wanting to go in and fix all the errors.13:What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn't listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
Yeah! I almost always have little playlists for my fics that I sometimes share.Denitia and Sene - because we are fools.Iron & Wine - This Must Be the PlaceDua Lipa - Thinking 'Bout YouChildish Gambino - Terrified The Front Bottoms - PeachChairlift - Get RealShura - What's It Gonna Be
14:Is there anything you wanted readers to learn from reading this fic?15:What did you learn from writing this fic?
With Plans, With You
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?I was going through a big big queer punk phase at the time and I find fandom’s depiction of punks to be interesting but not really accurate to my interactions with folks who identify as punk/experience identifying as a punk(....?). A lot of it was also that I was into a queer punk band that was just about to break it big on the mainstream so I was thinking a lot about what it means to be a “sell out”. They ended up not doing so, but that was a big influence.
2: What scene did you first put down?The image of Dan and Alex talking about being sellouts while Alex gets a tattoo. I don’t tend to write stories very out of order.
3: What's your favorite line of narration?I think Dan being really aggressively protective of his identity. I know that I’m constantly on high alert for misgendering and people being even a little weird about trans and gender nonconforming people and, when it happens, immediately being like nope, you’re cancelled, we hate you now. So that felt super true to life (except the part where Phil immediately picks up on it and apologizes. That’s generally not how that part goes, unfortunately).4:What's your favorite line of dialogue?So, context, Dan’s a trans dude and he and some OCs are in a punk band that’s just about to break into the mainstream. 
When they finish, he tilts his head. “So, I take it there’ve been a lot of pregnancy scares among the band?”
Alex glances at Dan, who nods almost imperceptibly, and says. “Nope, just Dan.”
“Yeah?” Phil asks, turning to look at Dan.
Dan shrugs. “Before T, yeah. They knew me pretty well at the clinic. ‘s why I went off dick for a while.”
“Yeah, you did,” Alex says, winking at him.
“Huh,” Phil says, and Dan knows that voice. That is the voice of “I was interested in you, but then figured out what your deal was below the belt”. 
Dan fucking hates that voice. 
Alex seems to pick up on it, juts their chin out a little. “We’re not afraid to talk about queer shit, or trans shit. Dan writes our lyrics, and that’s his life. If I was writing them, I’d probably write about genderqueer shit. Lalala fuck you, I’m not a ma’am.”
5: What part was hardest to write?Probably the opening tattoo scene just because I knew it was going to be a shortish piece, so I had to get the exposition of the whole AU, where the band was, what the relationship between Dan and Alex was all in that first scene.6: What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics?It’s probably the one that’s most of me? Like I have a lot of tattoos, I have exes I’m friends with, I go to a lot of shows and sometimes identify as punk, I’m genderqueer, I use they/them pronouns, I wanted to be a music journalist for years, I was listening to the bands that wrote the songs I lifted for this fictional band. I wouldn’t say its the most personal thing I’ve written (that’s everybody told me it was bad to do), but it was the most things lifted from my life.7: Where did the title come from?90% sure it’s a modification on Priests’ amazing song Modern Love / No Weapon, which is my favorite song of theirs, holy shit.8: Did any real people or events inspire any part of it?Yeah. Like I said above, I was super into this queer punk band that was about to break into the mainstream and of course had lots of people talking about whether they were sell outs or not. They didn’t break the scene because of some stuff, and I’m glad that stuff happened and the scene turned their backs on the band, but there’s a real sense of wow, we really could have had it all. But that’s all extra stuff that happened long after this fic.9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?Nah. I think about continuing it out into a proper fic, but its so closely tied with me really falling in love with that band that didn’t break the scene and the reason they didn’t break the scene had to do with one of their members doing something really violent and it just hurts to think about now. And I don’t think I could really extricate the fic from those magical few months of loving that band so. Yeah, furthering it existed in my head but I doubt it’ll ever happen. 10: Why did you choose this pairing for this particular story?So I think its obvious why I chose DnP, but I’ll also say the reason I had Dan be in a band with his ex, an ex who’s also his best friend, is because lol that’s pretty true to what I’ve seen in the queer community. There are only so many of us, even fewer when you start factoring in gender stuff, so its hard to just let go of relationships when you break up.
11: What do you like best about this fic?I think the band is a riot and make a perfect greek chorus for DnP’s budding relationship.12: What do you like least about this fic?That I can’t finish it tbh.13:What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story?Or if you didn't listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
Unsurprisingly, a lot of punk! I listened to a lot of The Front Bottoms, Priests, Ought, Modern Baseball, PUP, Girlpool, Childbirth, Chastity Belt, The Spook School, Ramshackle Glory. And two other bands that I won’t rec, but will say that consent is everything folks, and if you don’t ask for it, you deserve to lose your music career!
14: Is there anything you wanted readers to learn from reading this fic?Uhm. That punk is 1000% fewer spikes than you think and way more people in ripped jeans and bandshirts and sticknpokes singing about their feelings.15: What did you learn from writing this fic?Ugh, that I need more queer punks in my life. 
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