#i know i already did a thief and a prince trop
luvknow · 6 years
royal au | the prince, lee felix
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PRINCE - next in line for the crown.
LEE FELIX was the most adored prince in all the land. the townspeople dubbed him prince charming when the king held a party in celebration of his birth and all he did was giggle and smile at all the people. felix grew up to be the most handsome and sought after prince in the entire world. but to you, every person who bore a crown was the same - it meant they had money, and lots of it. as a highly-trained thief, you’ve stolen from people of all social statuses and always succeeded, moving from kingdom to kingdom so you would never be found. the lees were your next target, but you realized this heist wouldn’t be as easy as your previous ones when the prince takes an interest in you.
enemies to lovers ; fluff ; female reader ; 6k
woojin | chan | minho | changbin | hyunjin | jisung | FELIX | seungmin | jeongin
the backstory of how you became a thief was just like any other thief’s - typical and painfully sad.
the homeless life in your home kingdom was dangerous because stealing was a straight-to-execution crime.
the second you were caught in the market stealing from the pockets of nobles or even a few apples, authorities would drag you to the guillotine or to be hung - it depended on how they were feeling that day.
but that mostly applied to adults. kids were a bit different, but it was much easier to steal as a kid because people felt sorry for you.
you didn’t want to take any chances, though, so you stole things carefully.
soon, it became second nature to you and that’s how you survived through the days.
whether it was money or food, you honed the skill quite well with both distraction and stealth and you thought no one had caught you.
then one day, as you were eating your loaf of bread, a woman wearing a mask cornered you in an alley.
you thought she was the wife of the baker and was ready to kill you right then and there, but that was not the case at all.
“you’re pretty good at that, little one,” she said seductively. “can you show me that again? i’ll make it worth your while.”
she dangled a little baggie of coins in front of your face and who were you to refuse that? you nodded eagerly, awaiting her demand.
“good. go get that jar of honey for me, will you, sweetheart?”
the jars of honey were stacked neatly on a crate placed closest to the shop owner. this was probably your most dangerous product yet, but you literally had nothing to lose.
other than your life, of course, but even that didn’t matter so much.
the shop owner was busy flirting with some brothel worker when you approached the shop. since distracting was already covered, you had one less job to do.
the jars were quite big and oddly-shaped, so sticking this in your shirt would not be ideal.
instead, since the sleeves of your dirty shirt were long and oversized, your plan was to slip one inside and carry it that way.
when you stopped in front of the honey, you did your usual look-around, making sure no one was watching you.
then, you snagged a jar and zig zagged your way through the market to lose sight of anyone you missed who could have been watching you.
you appeared in front of the lady minutes later, who was startled by how quiet and quick you were.
you were perfect.
“oh, thank you! here’s your payment, as promised,” she said, handing you the small bag.
as you held the coins curiously, not used to the weight and amount, she continued on. “do you have a home, little one?”
you shook your head.
a mischievous grin grew on your painted lips. “would you like one?”
turns out your new older sister is one of the most wanted people in the entire world with a very heavy bounty on her head.
she refuses to get caught but also refuses to give up this luxuriously dangerous life she worked so hard for.
that’s where you come in. her purpose is to train you to become as skilled and stealthy as her and have you do all the dirty work in exchange for some of the earnings and companionship.
you didn’t hesitate at the opportunity. it’s not like you had anything better to do.
besides, all the training was a lot of fun! you learned to shoot arrows, fight with a sword, and some hand-to-hand combat skills.
you trained from dawn to dusk as you and your master travelled between kingdoms. when the sun set was when you went about your nightly missions.
some nights were easy, some nights you nearly got yourself killed, but in the end, you always came back with your pockets and bags filled with whatever your master wanted.
“here’s that damn love potion you wanted so much,” you pouted at her one night. “i normally don’t believe in that magic mumbo jumbo, but after almost getting set on fire, i think you might be onto something with this magic stuff.”
“but of course i’m right, my dear - when am i ever wrong?” she took the black vial from your hands with care and looked at it with sparkles in her eyes. “isn’t she so powerful? oh, the wonders i could do with this...”
“who do you plan on using it on?”
she shrugged carelessly. “i don’t know. maybe a king, or something.”
the next kingdom you settled into was your master’s most highly-anticipated target.
The Lee Kingdom, known for their rich crops and strong wine, was one of the most flourishing kingdoms you’ve ever seen.
everything was golden and warm and you think to yourself how you wouldn’t mind staying here for a while.
and that’s exactly what your master had set up for you.
“this will be our last heist together,” she told you that evening.
“what? why?”
“because after this, i will have taught you everything i know and we will be rich enough to live the rest of our lives freely. and who knows, i might not even live to see you succeed.”
“don’t say that...”
“_____, my dear, this heist is going to be very dangerous for the both of us, so you have to be careful, ok?”
“who are we stealing from that makes this so dangerous?”
“a king, of course.”
you’ve stolen from honest merchants, sleazy priests, and drunk nobles, but you’ve never stolen from someone as highly-regard as the king himself.
this was going to be the toughest mission you’ve ever executed, but if this would make her happy, then you’d do anything.
“you’ll start off small,” she explained, swirling her first glass of wine tonight. “start with the merchants for food and supplies and you’ll work your way up from there. oh, and get to know the townspeople - we’re going to be here for a while.”
“a while? why’s that?”
“the king’s birthday is about a couple of months away and we need to get on the invite list or else the plan won’t work. only the most highly-regarded people get to attend the king’s birthday.”
“and how do you plan on getting us on the list?”
she pulled out the love potion vial with her signature mischievous smirk on her red lips. “using this, of course.”
well, between the two of you, if there was anyone that was going to seduce the king, she would be the perfect person to do it.
she always said fatal attraction and law of seduction were important aspects of being a good thief, but that wasn’t really your alley, at least not yet, so you’ll leave all that nonsense to her.
your first pick-ups in the new kingdom were getting the basics, like bread, meat, silverware, some medicine, and more wine, of course.
it was easy when the streets were quiet and dark at such an early time - it was barely past dinner when everything closed down for the evening.
the townspeople must have really trusted each other, too, because they didn’t do much to hide or lock up all of their goods for safekeeping.
you dropped off your first round of goods to your master, who happily poured herself yet another glass of wine, before you decided to head out again for round two.
the night was still young, so you might as well keep going until you got bored.
somewhere off in one of the many alleys of the kingdom, you heard a bunch of cats meowing.
normally, you would think of that as a bad sign, like maybe they felt a bad spirit there, or something stupid.
but they sounded so hungry and you were feeling guilty hoarding all this fish in your bag.
it was starting to smell, anyways.
when you arrived to the scene of nearly a dozen cats, someone had already beat you to the punch.
a boy not much older or younger than you bent down to place several bowls of cat food in front of the meowing fur balls.
they kept on snuggling against him and you could tell he was struggling.
“do you need some help with that?” you teased.
startled to death, the boy dropped the bowls with a loud, echoey clang.
you felt guilty, so you went to help him regardless.
“sorry if i scared you,” you apologized.
the boy said nothing as he stared at you in awe.
even in the dark, he thought you were so beautiful.
“hello?” you called out, waving your hand in front of the open-mouthed boy. "you got a little drool there.”
“huh? o-oh!”
quickly, he wiped away the drool you were obviously joking about, but he wouldn’t take any chances - he honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he was drooling.
you decided to ignore the awkward encounter and focus on the now-angry cats awaiting their meals.
“damn, these cats must be starving...” you noted.
“i’d be starving, too, if my caretaker hadn’t fed me all day.”
“wait, you own all of these cats!?”
“and then some. the rest are probably sleeping or looking for their own food. but i don’t own them, i just feed them. my dad’s allergic to cats, so i can’t have any at the castle.”
“ah, that’s unfortunate - wait, did you say castle...?”
“yeah?” he said as if it was so obvious. “don’t you know? i’m the prince.”
“the prince!?” you shrieked.
this was almost too perfect - like it was a trap set just for you. but the mission literally could not get any more perfect.
your plan was set in stone. you’d befriend the prince, get invited to the party, and steal from all the snobby, rich royals who were getting drunk off their ass on some wine.
“are you not from around here?” the boy asked.
“n-no! not really. i travel a lot with my older sister,” you lied. “we just came in this morning.”
“oh! well, welcome to our humble kingdom. my name is felix.”
“i’d hardly call your kingdom humble, dear prince. it’s one of the largest and most flourishing kingdom’s i’ve ever travelled to.”
“ah well, i try to be humble, but as you pointed it out, the kingdom kind of speaks for itself.” the cute boy scratched the back of his head sheepishly. “s-so, will you be staying long...?”
“i think so. can’t imagine why we’d be leaving soon.”
“oh, good! good... well, if you need someone to show you around, i’m always free.”
“wow, a personal tour from the prince himself?” you teased. “how gentlemanly of you.”
“so did you want to...?”
“i’ll think about it.”
you left the boy awestruck and confused, but he liked you because of that. you were definitely interesting.
“wait, what’s your name!?” he asked.
“_____!” you called out to him.
felix felt like he could fly after he met you.
you came home with your fishy bag and a cute smile on your face, hoping big sis would miss it, but of course she didn’t - she never missed any detail about anything.
“what’s with the smirk?” she asked, taking a roll of bread.
“you’ll never guess who i just met - the prince.”
you saw her sit up straight with the widest eyes. “you’re lying.”
“i could not make this up if i tried.”
you saw a dangerous twinkle in her eye.
you spent the days getting to know the townspeople and the little secrets of the town while at night you would do your nightly pickings and meet up with felix afterwards.
he was an interesting boy - he wasn’t like any other boy or prince you’ve ever met.
he was awkward... but very cute and kind. there were moments when you were with him that you almost felt bad about your purpose here.
but you had to look at the bigger picture - this wasn’t for you, this was for big sis.
while you were feeding the cats with felix on your seventh night in the kingdom, a loud crash that sounded like a broken vase echoed through the empty village, sending the once-peaceful cats running and you on high alert.
it wasn’t like you were stealing or doing anything bad, but being so used to being careful at night, any noise would startle you.
“you’re like a cat, too, aren’t you?” felix teased. “always active at night, fiesty, nervous ~”
“i am not nervous, that noise was really loud...”
“uhuh. maybe the spirits are coming out early this year.”
“... what spirits...?”
“y’know, like dead people’s spirits. the 31st is coming up, after all. that’s the day when they like to roam the streets the most.”
“... you’re lying...”
“i mean, i’m sure that’s all just a myth, but the kingdom loves to celebrate on the 31st.”
“oh? doing what?”
“well, instead of all the shops being open in the daytime, everything opens at night so the spirits can mingle with us, or something like that. the people decorate the kingdom with tons of flowers, pumpkins, and skulls. it’s actually one of my favorite festivals.”
“ah, interesting.”
that meant bad news for you - you couldn’t steal things when there were so many people around and you wouldn’t dare to try in daylight.
you’ll just have to double your stash the night before.
“so,” felix began. “did you... maybe want to go...?”
“hm? to the festival? sure i guess, why not.”
“cool! great...!”
“oh wait, did you mean with you?”
“i... y-yes...?” he stuttered.
“then in that case, i’d love to go with you.”
he groaned loudly before hitting you playfully. “why are you like this?”
“because you’re cute when you blush.”
in between the day he told you about the festival and the festival itself, you both went about your business and meeting up at night as normal.
except he liked spending time with you so much that he even walked you ‘home’.
‘home’ as in some random house down the block of where you were actually staying.
felix would always insist on waiting for you to get inside the house before he left, but you told him you’d go in through the back so you wouldn’t have to pick the lock every time, and he fell for it.
this whole lying to felix thing and the huge heist big sis had planned was really conflicting.
the handsome prince and his kind family didn’t deserve what was coming for them, but then again big sis gave you a life. a whole purpose.
the heist was about a month away, so you still had some time. for now, you’ll just enjoy your time with felix.
big sis decided to join in on the festivities and spent the night by the winery of course.
you ended up wandering around, eyeing all the goods you wanted, but wouldn’t touch. today was your day off, so you were going to enjoy it with felix by your side.
everything about the festival was as beautiful as felix described - the flowers were a mix of bright warm colors to match the pumpkins, the skulls were bejeweled, and the rest of the decorations were pitch black.
just your type of aesthetic.
after an hour of casually looking for him, you finally found felix in the middle of town square, but he wasn’t alone.
he was surrounded by nearly every girl in town, smiling and laughing with them.
no, you weren’t jealous - why would you be?
he was the prince, after all. that meant he was the most eligible bachelor in the entire kingdom - of course he’d be popular with the ladies.
you wouldn’t be so upset if he didn’t ask you to go to the festival with him in the first place if he was just going to socialize.
now you felt a bit foolish.
until he called out your name.
“_____!!” he screamed across the courtyard.
felix politely dismissed himself from the group before slipping past them to run to you.
“hey!” he gasped, slightly out of breath. “just in time!”
“you didn’t have to leave them to run to me,” you muttered embarrassingly. you shrunk a bit in front of felix to hide yourself from the glaring group of girls.
“but i want to be with you.”
you blushed deeply. what a charming prince. “you’re cute."
felix was the shy one now and walked ahead of you in some random direction. “let’s go!”
“but who are they?” you couldn’t help but ask after catching up. “are they your suitors?”
“yes and no... technically, they all are, but i’m free to choose whom i want to marry someday.”
“what makes them a suitor? are they royalty, too?”
“no. minimum requirement is they have to live here.”
“is that so? does that make me a suitor then, too?” you teased.
“w-well, you have to be a permanent resident to be a suitor, not a traveller.”
“ah, that’s a shame. i was going to say i’m winning.”
“you wouldn’t be wrong.”
being friends with the prince definitely had its upside.
you got to know the townspeople even better than you already had and you got free stuff mostly because both felix and the shop owners refused to let you pay.
you learned a lot about felix from the town tonight.
you learned that he was a prince everyone loved dearly, that he was kind to all his people, and it was like he denounced his princely title when he was amongst his people - he wanted to be just like everyone else.
“thank you, mr. choi,” felix bowed respectfully to the baker. “you always know my favorite snacks.”
“it’s really good!” you beamed happily after biting into the pastry.
“you never have to be so formal with me, your highness,” the baker chuckled. “you’re the prince, for god’s sake!”
“but i want to,” he pouted.
“well, i’m just glad i even had any of these left. i’ve been running really low on ingredients and stuff lately, and you know what’s crazy? so has everyone else! the han’s don’t have much metal left for weapons, the park fish market has been low on inventory, and the kwon winery got hit the worst! i’m surprised they’re open right now...”
“what are you saying?” felix asked, concern written all over his freckly face.
“the whole town thinks we have a thief.”
now that a thief was being suspected, you’d have to lay off for a little while, but you don’t think it’ll be a problem.
“a thief? in our kingdom?”
“that’s what it looks like, doesn’t it?”
“i’ll alert my father immediately.”
“thank you, your highness. you’re so kind.”
for a moment, felix was frustrated and angry at himself that he didn’t even suspect anything bad was going on in his kingdom in the first place.
but when he looked at you, his anger seemed to melt away.
that night, you learned that felix adored you.
whenever you were talking to the shop owners, browsing through all the products, or bending down to talk to some children, whatever you were doing, his eyes were glued to you.
under the glow of all the string lights, you were even more beautiful the day he met you - now that he could see you clearly, of course.
everyone saw it. the town, his suitors, even you caught him looking at you a couple of times, but he wouldn’t look away from embarrassment.
his smile would widen to a cheesy grin then he’d look away.
who knew in such a short amount of time you’d get the loving prince to fall for you day-by-day, all because you fed cats together.
after the shops closed and people were turning in for the night you tugged on the prince’s sleeve.
“do you know what time it is ~?” you sang.
“our favorite past time together ~”
“our only past time together...”
“we can always change that.”
the cats meowed their song and felix treated them all to real fish and chicken instead of that kibble stuff he’d usually give them.
you couldn’t help but notices how furrowed his brows were which clearly meant he was thinking about the whole thief thing.
guilt was rising in your chest and now you were nervous.
“are you ok?” you asked him.
“yeah... no. no, i’m not. the thief thing is going to be on my mind all the time until they’re caught. god, i’m so angry! who would steal from these good, honest people!?”
“a terrible person...”
“you’re right.”
“do you have any idea who it might be?”
“no idea. what i do know is that they’re smart and highly skilled. there’s no way i’m going to find them...”
you take felix’s balled-up fists in your hands and he immediately relaxes upon your touch.
you can tell he’s unsure and nervous of what you’re doing, but you simply hold onto his hands and you receive a gentle squeeze in return.
“don’t worry too much, ok? it’s not your fault this is happening.”
“i know, it just... sucks...”
“you’ll catch them.”
“you think so?”
“i know so.”
felix released one of his hands to tuck some stray hairs behind your ear and kept his hand to your cheek afterwards, his thumb drawing gentle lines on the apples of your cheeks.
he looked at you like he wanted to kiss you, but he held himself back.
“hey, so there’s party that’s coming up that my father’s going...” he trailed off.
this was it. this was yours and big sis’s ticket into the last heist.
why weren’t you excited?
“it’s for his birthday and it’s an invite only,” he continued. “would you like to go with me?”
“hm, i don’t know ~” you teased. “will your suitors be there, too?”
felix rolled his eyes playfully. “yes, some of them will be, but i want to be by your side the whole night.”
“really.” he pulled out a formal invitation in fancy parchment and handed it to you. “will you go? please?”
“on one condition.”
“anything for you.”
“can i bring my sister? i rarely see her these days, since i spend all my free time with you.”
“of course she can come.”
“then i’ll be there, your highness.”
when you came home to your big sis, you threw the invitation on the table and nearly burst into tears.
“i can’t do it,” you muttered.
“what?” she seethed. “we’re so close! you put in so much work already!”
“the town already suspects a thief is here and taking their stuff, we’ll be caught and execute right away!”
“you knew the dangers coming into this, why are you surprised?”
and then it clicked in her head.
“you love him, don’t you?” she scoffed.
you don’t say anything.
“foolish girl. even if he does love you back, what will happen? you’ll leave me in the dust to marry him and live here happily ever after? what makes you think he’d love some lowlife traveller, hm? when he’s got suitors lined up for miles?”
god, you really wish she didn’t say that.
“listen. this is our last heist together. help me steal from the king, and i’ll leave you be here to live off your fantasy. but if you don’t i’ll tell him everything. your whole life, your purpose here, that you’re the thief - everything. so will you help me, or not?”
you only nod as a response.
“good girl.”
it was the night of the big party and you and big sis were dressed to the nines, thanks to the jewelry shops in town.
felix’s castle was beautiful. you could only ever dream of living in a place like this.
the great hall was decorated with all of the king’s favorite flowers and candles and all of the tables had piles and piles of meat on it, ready to be devoured.
big sis mindlessly made her way towards the king, where she’d wish him a happy birthday and the plan would move on from there.
just when the anxiety of being alone was creeping up on you, a hand swooped in to lace itself with yours.
a handsome felix looked down at you adoringly with sparkles in his eyes, drinking in every centimeter of beauty that was you.
“hi,” he said breathlessly. he bowed down and kissed the back of your hand like a true prince.
“your highness, you’re so charming ~” you gasped.
“only with you. shall we?”
you and felix sat at the far ends of the table where his parents also sat.
big sis sat right next to the king, playing with the vial of love potion under the table, smirking in the process.
she must have slipped it in already.
you still held onto felix’s hand before the dinner commenced and you must have been unconsciously squeezing it tighter and tighter as time passed because he’d steal side glances of concern at you from time to time.
you’d then immediately loosen your grip and give him a reassuring smile in return.
the air inside the castle was suffocating.
“a toast!” the king began, standing up and holding up his poisoned goblet. everyone soon followed his suit. “thank you all for coming to celebrate my special day. let’s eat and drink well tonight! cheers!”
and so the king drank the potion.
the food was amazing - you expected nothing less from a king himself. but it was hard to enjoy it when you were eyeing the king and big sis talking the whole night.
when dinner was over, the real party started, and you thought maybe in the pool of all these people, you’d be able to slip away from big sis and never come back -
“will you dance with me?” felix asked.
he held out his hand for you to take and who were you to refuse an offer you once dreamed about when you were a little girl?
gladly, you took his hand and he guided you to the middle of the dance floor where he laid one hand on your waist and another held your own and you immersed yourself in this waltz.
“i didn’t take you as someone who knew how to dance,” you noted.
“it’s part of the princely package.”
the music had slowed and so did you and felix. now his hands were on your waist and he held you close, hoping you’d never slip away.
“when do you leave?” he asked the dreaded question.
“what do you mean...?”
“i mean don’t leave. stay here, with me.”
“i can’t.”
“why not?” he begged. “do you not want to?”
“no! of course i want to, i just... i don’t think this was meant to be.”
from behind felix, you saw big sis whisking away the king to god knows where - probably to his chamber, where she’d tie him up while you and her did the dirty work.
you needed to stop her fast.
“stay here, i’ll be right back,” you said, breaking away from felix’s iron grip.
“where are you going!?”
“somewhere! i’ll be back, i promise.”
like a tragic ending to a fairy tale, felix watched you slip away into the empty mass of the castle. for some reason, he couldn’t bring himself to follow you.
what was the point, anyways? when you didn’t want to stay here with him.
but your answer was so vague, what was he supposed to think of it?
before it was too late, felix ran off to find you.
it was easy to navigate around the giant castle when there were clear signs of how to get to the royal chambers. you figured the well-lit and finely-decorated pathways led the way to them.
from outside of what you assumed was the king’s master chamber, you heard the king muffle something you couldn’t understand.
she must have already tied him up.
you kicked the door open, only to reveal the king alone in the room.
“fuck,” you cursed. before anyone could see, you began untying the frightened king.
your heart dropped when you saw felix standing in the doorway, looking confused.
“what are you doing?” he asked.
you ignored his question. “help me untie your father.”
he did as you told in silence, trying to piece together what or who you were. you weren’t telling him something, but he’ll figure it out soon.
conveniently, the king kept a crossbow near his bed for protection. so you took it and a bunch of arrows, ready to do something you thought you’d never have to do.
“what are you doing with that!?” the prince demanded after he released his coughing father.
“i’ll explain later -”
“no, explain it to me now.” felix was angry now, and you were frightened, but you had to remind yourself you were doing this for him.
“follow me. we don’t have much time.”
you left the chamber with felix following closely behind you, confused and frustrated.
“you have to tell me where you keep your everything - your coins, jewelry, gold - all of it, where do you keep it?” you asked frantically.
“because the thief is here and we’re going to catch her.”
“what!?” he shrieked. “everything’s kept in a safe in the dungeon -”
“show me.”
felix led you a long journey to the dungeon to which you assumed you’d be calling home by the end of the night when felix found you out.
but that was the consequence of the heist, and you knew that.
the safe door was huge and opened just a crack where light shone through the opening. from just outside, you could hear big sis fumbling around, stuffing whatever she could in whatever carrier she brought with her.
you opened the safe just a bit more and aimed the crossbow right at her head.
her manic laughter echoed through the safe and beyond the dungeon, sounding like an evil witch or sorceress. even felix was frightened of her.
“has it really come to this?” she asked, looking at you straight in the eyes. “you wouldn’t really do this to me, would you? to me, your big sis?”
“what is she talking about?” felix asked.
“oh, your highness! don’t you know? _____’s the thief! we’re in this together!”
“what? _____, tell me she’s lying...”
you didn’t say anything.
“she did all ~ the stealing herself,” she sang. “of course, i was the mastermind behind all of this, but she did the dirty work! she really fooled you, huh? but like every fairytale, the thief fell in love with the prince, and now she’d do anything for him. even kill the one person who gave here life purpose.”
if big sis loved you as much as you loved her, you would have been more conflicted about your choices. but she didn’t and she only used you to survive off of the things you stole from good people.
you’ve never pulled the trigger on someone so quickly.
the arrow lodged right through her skull and she fell to the ground with a loud thud.
you dropped the crossbow and turned back to look at felix, hoping you could finally explain yourself.
but he wasn’t there.
so now you were alone again, at least for a couple of minutes before the guards got there to take you away and lock you in the dungeon, just as you predicted.
the cell was cold, dark, and lonely, but even this was more than you deserved.
you’re not sure how many days have passed by now, but you’d hope at least one of those days felix would have visited you, wanting an answer.
but he never did, and you didn’t blame him.
on what you assumed was the fifth day, your cell opened, and a few guards picked you up and dragged you out without any explanation.
when you left the dungeon, you’ve never been so happy to see the sun shining.
the guards took you to the great hall where the king, the queen, and felix sat on their thrones patiently waiting for you.
you were too embarrassed to even look at him, but his gaze bore holes into you, as if he was demanding you look at him.
so you did, just for a second, and in that moment you saw how hurt and disappointed he was at you.
you were thrown to your knees in front of the royal family.
“miss _____, is it?” the kind king asked.
“yes, sir.”
“it has come to my attention that you are the one that has been stealing from all the shops in town, is that correct?”
“yes, sir.”
“i see... normally, the sentence for something like this would be execution, but you did save my life and eliminated the woman behind all of is. for that, i owe you, so you are free to stay in this kingdom. if you are caught stealing again, you will be sentenced to death, is that clear?”
“yes, sir.”
“excellent. now get out of my sight.”
you struggled to get up, not used to using your legs just yet as you spent five days sitting on concrete.
the guards unshackled you, revealing bloody wrists and ankles.
you were free - from big sis, from the life you once live, from everything.
it should feel amazing. and it does at first, but now you’re alone again.
you have to leave.
after washing out the scum for nearly an hour, you were good as new, with only the scars left on your skin. you packed up anything that you could in a backpack, along with some of the stuff you stole, since it wasn’t like you were going to give it back.
you locked up the place and made your way towards the kingdom gates, ready to leave and never come back.
“you lied about where you lived, too?” you heard felix say from behind. “is your name even _____?”
you paused, turning around to see felix jogging up to you from down the street, where you told him you lived.
as he approached, your gaze was set on the floor, where it belonged.
“so you’re just going to leave without explaining anything to me? without saying goodbye? nothing?”
tears welled up in your eyes. how could you explain it to him? in what way could you explain this whole thing and have him understand? you didn’t think you even deserved a goodbye from him, so what was the point?
“say something,” he demanded.
“i can’t stay,” you muttered. “it’s not fair to you.”
“if i said i want you to stay, will you stay?”
“what?” you cried out. “i stole from you and i lied to you, why would you want that?”
“because you love me, don’t you?” felix’s voice was desperate, hoping that was the one thing you couldn’t have lied to him about. “i know that’s not a lie, am i right? tell me you love me, too.”
“of course i love you.”
“then if you love me, you’ll stay, right?”
“felix -”
“please,” he begged. he held your face in his hands and gently lifted your face up forcing you to look at him. “just stay for a while longer. we’ll talk about everything, just... please don’t go.”
“ok,” you nodded. “i’ll stay.”
felix let out a huge sigh of relief, pressing a long, loving kiss to your forehead.
“good. will you show me where you actually live now?”
the night was spent inside your humble home telling the story of your entire life before and during your time with big sis.
whether he understood why you are the way you are or not, you’re still unsure, but falling asleep wrapped up in felix’s arms had to have been a good sign, right?
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