#i know i ended the reply on a bleak note but i'd say
badedramay · 1 year
Something that has really begun to bother me recently on Pak drama Twitter is the hyperfocus on two or three male leads. Fairytale and Yaqeen Ka Safar are two dramas I moderately enjoyed, and I liked Farjaad and Asfi as characters. It's also arguable there isn't an extensive list of appreciable male leads to write home about anyway. But I'm bored verging on irritated that these two are all people can seem to congratulate. Makes me think people haven't actually watched as many dramas or are as invested in the industry's progression as they act like they are..
ouff i've been thinking about this lately!
ol they most definitely aren't interested in the industry as a whole. personally, I don't blame them. everyone has their own tastes and if Farjad or Asfi are the only two characters that satisfy the tastes of most of the stantwt population then that's not their fault. we have to accept that the PakDrama stantwt is actually a very niche audience and a one that keeps rotating with years. so like..stans that were active on twt back in 2015 aren't as active now cuz life moved them in a certain direction. or even if they are still active here, they end up getting more into the Turk dramaland or kdramas so they just don't talk about PakDramas anymore. with each inactive Pakdrama account, a certain kind of discourse on some particular dramas get sealed off. and it's not just PakDrama stantwt that behaves this way. i have seen it happen with kdramas stantwt as well. for the newer fans, history begins right from the show that got them into a particular genre of fiction (in a general sense). like i have been following both PakDramas and Kdramas for more than a decade now and I have seen first hand how in both instances the trends and sensibilities have changed. many newer fans haven't. so they cannot get into the older shows without feeling disconnected with them cuz of how "outdated" they look. this disconnect doesn't give them the chance to then critique objectively. this and also how there's no one really interested in reading such critique.
for example..Faysal Qureshi is a senior actor, right? the man has worked in the industry for decades and he works HARD to still keep in shape in a way that he can justify his position as a "leading man". but on stantwt he is only criticized for "trying too hard" and only "romancing women half his age without shame" as if the man HASN'T worked with co-actors his age. Fitoor and Farq aren't the only two projects he has done in his career. the man has done a Baba Jani as well. as well as Haiwan. as well as Roag. he has been the leading man of two of the best Umera Ahmed written scripts Meri Zaat Zara-e-Benishan and Qaid e Tanhai. his current choice of work cannot discredit his past filmography. if this man is adapting to the changing trends of the industry, how has that his fault? but you won't see such discourse of stantwt happening because CURRENTLY he's a problematic man only doing problematic shows with problematic age-difference pairings. why? disconnect of the past from the present.
as for why characters like Farjad and Asfi are hailed as best heroes that's because they are pure "green flags". because these characters have no moral flaws, their goodness stands the test of time. because the stories they are part of didn't demand that they make any mistakes for any conflict to happen in the plot, they remain safe from judgement. and because they benefit from being part of a "romance" that has a sizable following and also they are played by men who have a "crushable" personality..they simply get amplified more as the "best heroes to ever hero" cuz they have MORE fans backing up their claims. warna dekha jaye toh Obi's character in both Surkh Chandni and Baaghi were supportive, progressive men who unconditionally loved their partners and had no glaring moral flaws that would make them the subject of lengthy criticism. but because Obi doesn't have the kind of fangirly fans that Ahad and Hamza have toh Amaan and Sheheryar don't get talked about as much as Asfi and Farjad do. it's just the maths of it all.
from my experience of being in this stanning/fangirling mess for over half my life I can confidently say that for anything to become popular and to retain that popularity you need to TALK about it. one constantly has to bring the subject up in different discourses. and that takes a lot of time and energy. it's easy enough when it's an ongoing phenomenon and there are many similar voices sharing the same energy to talking about this one particular thing but the real test starts when that one thing stops airing. with newer and better things constantly taking the place of the old and flawed, not everyone will have the same dedication towards a particular character or story to reinterpret or transform it in such a way that it fits the ever changing sensibilities of the current audience. like heck..i've been talking about doing a proper extensive Diyar e Dil rewatch for DAYS now but i just can't find the time and energy to dedicate the hours to it the way I know the show requires. mujhse khud nahin horaha..kisi aur ko kya blame karna?
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timeofjuly · 4 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you so much for the tag @floofanflurr <3 I am always happy to yap about my fics! I'll pop this below the cut 'cause it's kinda long.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Eight under the timeofjuly account, and a few others scattered around other usernames and the anonymous collection.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 124,470 words, which is kinda crazy to look back on since I only started in August of last year.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just Undertale at the moment, but I've written for a few other fandoms in the past.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Resisting the Current
Trick or Heat
Parallel Circuits
And Four Papyri in a Pear Tree
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! Always, though it sometimes takes me a little to get around to it. My favourite thing about writing fanfic is the sense of community that you build, so I love getting to chat about the fic in the comments. I always have a million and one thoughts that didn't make it to the page that I'm desperate to share. I also like to say thank you when people go out of their way to comment, because I really appreciate it. As a reader, I know I get super excited when an author replies to my comments.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'm going to go with a few of the RtC 'verse oneshots for this. I think Resolutions from Parallel Circuits ends on a pretty angsty note, particularly compared to the seemingly upbeat start. From Silver String, there will be no answer is pretty bleak and so is on my way home. I'm quite proud of how they both end, actually - I think they're my two strongest endings in the lot.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Any of the smut, probably? They're all set in happy established relationships and end on a cutesy note.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not for a very long time, no! I remember, many many years ago, posting my very first fic on fanfic.net lol and getting a very nasty review about how the reader didn't know the main pairing in the fic was m/m (slash back then, what a blast from the past) even though it was very clearly indicated in the summary and the AN at the start. It goes to show people have been bad at curating their own reading experiences by minding the tags and summaries since forever.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yep! Mostly established relationship stuff under this username so far.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I'm not super into cross-universe crossovers, but, same as @floofanflurr, I really like playing around with cross fic crossovers. I'm (slowly) writing a crack dialogue-only oneshot where the reader inserts of Wishbone and RtC are stuck together in a broken elevator lol. It's been a fun challenge! It's very very hard to put two characters who are normally referred to in the second person in the same scene, lemme tell you, which is why I ended up choosing to go dialogue only.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not, but I'd be open to it!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nothing that I've posted! @marty-parties and I have been messing around with an underfell papyrus/reader fic, though! I also used to rp all the time, which I'd count as cowriting. I miss it very much, even though I used to get super easily overwhelmed by it.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
This is such a tough question. I'll pretty much read anything if I vibe with the ship dynamics (pining and unrequited love my beloved, I will read you anywhere no matter the ship or fandom), but I went through my bookmarks to actually get the stats on this. I used to be super into the mcu (I completely lost interest after endgame) so tony/steve and tony/steve/bucky were the most common ships. I have no clue what my favourite ship would be now, though.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Never say never, but I really want to write this horrortale isekai fic I've had bouncing around in my brain. I've fully plotted it out and it's set to only be five chapters, but I'm really struggling to actually write the thing. I have started it, though, so we'll see.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Characterisation, I think. And even though I mostly gravitate towards writing angsty stuff, I think humour and comedic timing is a strength of mine too.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Physical description and settings, 100%. I don't really picture anything in my head when I write, which means all that physical description doesn't make its way onto the page, and when it does, I'm just going off vibes. Particularly with setting - I have zero idea what the locations in any of my fics look like lol. Like, the house in RtC? No clue. Zero.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Really cool! I love it when people do this and I get to translate it, it's like a nice surprise.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter, I think? It's all scrubbed from the internet now though.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Wishbone. I am so attached to the Second Mage and Sans and Rus, you have no idea. Particularly Flint, I just adore them. Don't get me wrong, I love the electrician and Quinn and all of my ocs, but I have a special place in my heart for reader inserts who are nasty and hurting and lash out and aren't always the kind, considerate, emotionally stable person in the relationship, forever supporting others. I read something years ago that said to consider how your character is inclined to react to things, both good and bad, and how for lots of people, it's not in our nature to instinctively respond to things with kindness and openness. In fiction, we often expect our POV characters to deal with situations with emotional maturity that we ourselves, along with the majority of irl people, don't have. I think this rings true even more for reader inserts. It's fun to flip this on its head in Wishbone - what if instead of acting with an uncommon kindness, you do the opposite? You get to be flawed. You get to have the murky motives. You get to hurt and in turn you hurt others, and that hurting has real consequences on you and the people around you. This is also a great way to create angst lol - in the non-fell version of Wishbone, where everyone is generally just less of an asshole and therefore makes kinder choices, a lot of the events in the fic just wouldn't happen.
No pressure tag to @covfefeships and anyone else who'd like to do this!
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gerryrigged · 9 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Thanks for the tag, @vellaphoria! ♥
How many works do you have on AO3?
14 total, 4 on my gerryrigged account.
What’s your total A03 word count?
27,558. A good number of my pieces are quite short ficlets. I don't have a big portfolio of work - I've been in fandom for quite a while, but almost entirely as a lurker. For a handful of years, almost all of my writing output was in RP.
What fandoms do you write for?
Right now? Just DC, mostly Bats for the time being. Previously, hockey rpf, Star Wars, K, X-Men: First Class, and One Piece.
What are your top five fics by kudos?
hgjkldsf, most of these are on my other account, but:
[redacted] - ~10k, ~1700 kudos, hockey rpf [redacted] - ~3.5k, ~900 kudos, hockey rpf [redacted] - ~600 words, ~600 kudos, hockey rpf Hold It Up To The Mirror - 2.3k, 347 kudos, DC Comics [redacted] - ~300 words, ~300 kudos, One Piece
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I want to, because commenters are lovely and I appreciate them so much! And I try to, I just...don't always succeed >_>💧 or, looking at it from another perspective, I'm just very behind on them!
I adore people's comments and re-read them with fair frequency, and I do love interacting - but I also tend to get over-excited/anxious and then end up just turning the comments over and over in my little paws admiringly like sparkly gems instead of replying. Or, for another example, I got a bunch of lovely comments on my timeloop dicktim fic, but haven't been able to psyche myself up to reply because I still haven't been able to get out the promised follow-up fic, ha 🙃
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh, probably Hold It Up To The Mirror. I left poor Dick and Tim in a really fucked up situation there, and it would absolutely have to get worse before it got any better. I do envision it getting better, though - despite where I end fic sometimes, I'm a sucker for eventual happy endings, especially for my OTPs. so I'm usually imagining a future path where things improve, even if it would be a (very) rough road to get there.
freefall (and the aftermath thereof) also left off on a pretty angsty note, but I give the edge to Hold It Up To The Mirror because of how bleak it is.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'm not sure how to quantify this, lol, I would say most of my happy endings are pretty happy. For fluff factor, maybe my latest, let your heart be light, because that one just revels in the shmoop.
Do you get hate on your fic?
Not so far - fingers crossed it stays that way!
Do you write smut?
Yes, sort of? Like. I have written it, and I would certainly like to write more. But I consider myself very amateurish/unskilled at it, so I'm embarrassed of it and mostly it doesn't see the light of day. Guess I need to spend more time practicing! 😅
Do you write crossovers?
Nope, not a huge fan of writing crossovers or fusions myself, though I'll read them occasionally. When it comes to fandoms, I tend to only have one hyperfixation at a time, and mixing two different ones doesn't really appeal, at least in terms of what I myself am driven to write.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of - fingers also crossed it stays that way.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think so? It's been requested before, but I never saw the results XD
Have you ever co-written a fic?
Not so far, though I'd like to! The closest I've gotten would be writing out closely collaborated scenes in RP, which can in some cases read like a fic.
What‘s your all-time favourite ship?
Oh no, if I was forced to consider all of my fandoms at once, I'd have no idea. For DC, it's definitely DickTim. (It was Tim/Kon before this most recent immersion in the DC fandom, when I started to dig into Bat comics more holistically and DickTim reared its head up and swallowed me whole.)
What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Hm, I don't know that there are any in particular that I would firmly put on the shelf. The ones that I more generally doubt are all the ambitious long-fic ideas >_> because I suck at those. But they still exist as goals of mine, so I won't jinx any of them here!
What are your writing strengths?
.......Humor, maybe? Oh, I've been told I'm good at conveying tone and character voice through prose, and at putting together memorable or hard-hitting turns of phrase. Possibly structuring emotional arcs? 🤔
What are your writing weaknesses?
Elaborate run-on sentences. Descriptions, especially of setting details such as locations, clothing, etc. (hence why these things are often missing in my fics, lmfao). Purple prose. Over-editing. Overuse of implication/ambiguity/metaphor to the detriment of clarity. Stringing multiple scenes together, scene transitions in general, over-arching storyline plotting and all the other difficult parts of writing longer more plotty pieces. The 'stage'-blocking of physical movement, and how much/little of it needs to be described to be effective. Research - I am way too prone to just handwaving and going ehhhh, something something fill in the blank here, you know what I mean >.>
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've done this a couple times, but usually only short lines. Sometimes it's for effect - the POV character might not understand the language, so it's as impenetrable to them as to most readers. Or it's a line most English-speakers would be able to parse due to cognates/related languages, but it's just funnier or feels better in the other language. Or in like anime/manga fandoms, it might be a line in Japanese that most fans/readers would already be familiar with. Usually though I've just been Google translating, and have been kindly corrected on grammar etc. in the comments before, haha.
First fandom you wrote for?
well. that would be in like. middle school lol oh god. I think it was a Sailor Moon/Gundam Wing crossover hghkldjfskl. That or Dragonball Z. Thankfully my recollection of my FF.net account name has been lost to the sands of time.
Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
hm. I don't have strong feelings on this; I usually end up looking at my past fic with a critical eye. Maybe the little gen Dick & Tim ficlet I have on my other account? I wouldn't say it's my best, by any means, but that one kind of wrote itself in a fever state when I hadn't written anything in literal years, so I'm very fond of it for breaking through a creative block and being my first toe into writing for the DC fandom proper.
oh, and if you haven't been tagged yet and would care to play: @deepwithintheabyss, @annerp, and @the-alice-of-hearts?
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javaghoul · 9 months
choujin x anon here! 🫡
i def get what you mean about it starting slow, i also felt the same and kept trying to compare it to tokyo ghoul in my mind 😔✊ once the pace picks up tho, i started enjoying it a lot more! the plot is more confusing imo, at least currently (take this with a grain of salt, bc i may just be stupid 😭), but it's still engaging! i definitely wouldn't say it's as good as tokyo ghoul, but i still think it has the potential to be really amazing! the characters are great and the art is absolutely amazing (i mean, it's ishida after all 😩🙌) so im still loving it even tho it doesn't quite match up to TG so far in my opinion
and i think there's quite a few similarities between eto and one of the characters! (not sure if u want me to tell u who, i don't wanna accidentally spoil anything), but i haven't seen anyone post about it so it might just be me who thinks this..... 💀 imo both characters share similar struggles, they're both in a gray area in terms of morals as seen by others, and their aesthetics absolutely SLAP in a very similar chaotic way 😩🙌
i'm not sure if i have a fave character yet (i'm a bit behind rn oops) but i'd prob say either tokio or sora? tokio is kind of pathetic but i relate to him a lot 😅 i also rlly like a lot of the side characters like nari and maiko!
if you end up reading more of it, i rlly hope you like it!! i like seeing ur thoughts on tokyo ghoul stuff, so i'm excited to see what you think of choujin x and it's characters if you end up reading more 😄
sorry for typing so much 😅 i hope you have a good night!! 😁
Anon, sorry it took so long to reply!
I bought volume 2&3 (and lots of other manga actually because why not? You're a bad influence 🤣). I still need to re-read volume 1 because I know I won't remember it, but as soon as I do: I'LL POST 💪
I started following the Choujin X tag on here, and it is bleak. Makes me feel a bit sad because it's such a drop from TG...like there'll be some beautiful fanart with zero notes. Maybe we can revive/kickstart it 😁
Thanks for leaving out spoilers! I'll get reading and see if I can spot the Eto. I did read on an old blog somewhere that there's a lot of sneaky TG references throughout Choujin X.
Oh I liked Tokio too! He seemed the most "normal" which ... Is kinda ironic considering lol. I wasn't keen on his speccy friend though. I remember thinking he was too perfect 🙄
Don't worry about writing too much (u didn't) and I'm not exactly known for being stingy with my word count 🤦‍♀️
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I'd like to request Mitsuhide and Mc please! Mitsuhide is a very heavy sake drinker so one night Mc decides she'll join him even though she has a low alcohol tolerance, he teases her asking if she'll last long enough to acompany him, Mc wants to take him on to prove herself but after one sip she immediately flushes and leans on him for support.
Hello, Anon! Thank you for your request! It reminded me of the first chapter to my Mitsuhide story, so I decided to take on your request first. Naturally, I had a clear idea of what I wanted to write. I hope you don’t mind the extra content I added towards the end. I got so inspired, I couldn’t stop myself.😂
— Admin Toreishi
[Name] found Mitsuhide sitting at his desk as he read over a report. Sheets of paper littered the floor around the desk, splotches of black ink stained the weathered wood, and not far from Mitsuhide’s reach sat a decanter filled with sake. She stepped into his room wordlessly placing his mail right in front of him. He looked up meeting her gaze now that she had interrupted him so audaciously.
[Name] sighed as she glanced around his room. “Mitsuhide, how can you live with yourself like this?”
“I don’t recall granting you entry to my room.”
“I’m not waiting for you to open the door after I announced myself twice. It’s getting late and I need to get back to the castle,” [Name] answered derisively.
“Since you’re here already, make yourself useful and pour me another cup,” he instructed.
[Name] didn’t miss how Mitsuhide pointed to the decanter with his brush before dipping it in ink. He nonchalantly returned to his report writing out his message as if their exchange hadn’t just happened. [Name] felt her ire build up, but she restrained herself from biting back. It was late. She was tired. She was officially done with her duties for the day. Her bed was calling for her offering a place to rest for the night.
[Name] let out a tired sigh as she trudged over to his desk. She stared at the cup seeing it half empty. She took hold of the decanter feeling it lukewarm in her hands along with its hefty weight. How long had it been sitting out barely touched by Mitsuhide’s hands? It had obviously been brought to him for his enjoyment, but he had barely even taken a sip of it. [Name] lifted the cup in her other hand and peered into it seeing her foggy reflection rippling in the alcoholic drink. Without a second thought, she brought the cup to her lips tipping the remaining sake into her mouth. She quickly savored the flavor as it washed over every taste bud in her mouth. The rich liquor slid effortlessly down her throat and pooled into her stomach causing a sudden warmth to spread all over her body.
Her arm fell as the cup clinked against the hardwood. A heavy sigh escaped [Name]’s lips as she relished the euphoric feel she currently experienced. Mitsuhide couldn’t help but arch a slender eyebrow having witnessed her taking the drink for herself. He set his brush down and shifted in his seat to address her with a teasing smile on his lips.
“I believe I told you to pour that drink for me,” he reminded her.
[Name] complies as she poured another drink, but made no move to hand it off to Mitsuhide. Her lips pursed as she raised the cup up into the air again. “It didn’t seem like you were enjoying it.”
Mitsuhide chuckled. “Observant, aren’t we?”
“Just one more little drink and I promise the next one is yours,” she assured.
[Name] puckered her lips ready to sip the sake into her mouth. Mitsuhide moved quickly placing a hand atop of hers. “I think you’ve had enough for one night, [Name]. Hideyoshi will give you grief if he sees you like this.”
She smirked at him. “Oh? Since when do you care if Hideyoshi scolds me or not? You’re usually applauding such spectacles.”
“While your torment and frustrations bring me delight in this rather bleak world, right now it’s best if you return to the castle in a sober state. I don’t need Hideyoshi storming my palace in the middle of the night to give me another of his sermons.”
She leaned in, mere inches from him, as she gazed into his amber eyes. “Then, it’ll be our secret,” she whispered.
The corner of Mitsuhide’s lips turned upwards as he gazed at her amusingly. “Are you certain to be able to handle yourself, my dear?”
She matched his smile. “Trust me. I can keep up.”
[Name] drank the sake in one fell swoop once more feeling the inside of her body warm instantly once more. She sighed with delight feeling a slight daze in her head. She blinked her eyes as she smacked her lips savoring the taste in her mouth. Mitsuhide watched her carefully as her hand reached for the decanter once more. Her hand was shaky yet she managed to pour another cup of sake without spilling it. She carefully slid the cup towards him offering the drink to him as promised.
“There. It’s yours,” she rasped.
Mitsuhide took the cup in his fingers and brought it to his lips. Still, his gaze remained on [Name] as she stared at the cup with a lost gaze. He tipped the cup into his mouth feeling the cool liquid seep in, yet tasting nothing. He couldn’t savor the flavor of the sake like she could. He couldn’t feel his taste buds come to life. All he could sense was the way it felt in his mouth. Mitsuhide set the cup down, and [Name] noted it was once again half empty.
Before she could say another word, Mitsuhide had dipped a finger into the cup and stuck it right into her mouth. [Name] was taken aback, but soon her eyes closed. He felt her warm tongue wrap around his finger as she savored the taste of sake again. Mitsuhide withdrew his finger from her mouth tracing a tantalizing line across her bottom lip.
“What are you…?”
[Name] felt the rim of the cup press against her lips. Mitsuhide took hold of her chin with his other hand drawing her closer to him across the desk.
“Drink,” he commanded in such a low voice.
It made [Name] tremble with delight as she felt the sake spill into her mouth and out the corners of her mouth. Despite the sudden mess, she drank as much as she could as Mitsuhide held her in place. She felt flushed as her entire body prickled with heat. She breathed laboriously feeling light headed all of a sudden. [Name] felt too weak to continue holding herself up, and let her entire self drop onto the table. The decanter tumbled unto the floor spilling on the tatami mat. She reached out to it too late to stop the mess. Her hand fell, and she let her head hang as she shut her eyes. The room was beginning to spin once more and her head felt foggy.
“I intended to drink the night away with you at my side,” Mitsuhide said as he picked up the decanter from the floor.
“I’m sorry. I can… I can keep going…” [Name] mumbled trying her best to gather herself again.
She heard Mitsuhide chuckle quietly. [Name] suddenly felt his hands on her shoulders, and she was gently being pulled upright. Her head snapped up to meet Mitsuhide’s warm, amber eyes as her back came to rest against him. However, [Name] shut her eyes once her vision spun once more. She groaned letting her head rest against his shoulder.
“It’s best if you stay here tonight,” Mitsuhide suggested.
“You were about to send me on my way a few minutes ago,” [Name] reminded him.
“If I had known you were such a lightweight, I would have stopped you from drinking at all.”
“Bullshit… You were ready to get me drunk.”
He laughed. “You did that all on your own, dear [Name].”
“It’s not my fault the sake tasted really good,” she rebuked.
“I suppose it did. Of course, I really wouldn’t know,” he commented.
She opened her eyes glaring at him with mild annoyance. “Then, why are you saying anything at all?”
“I can only imagine it did judging by your reaction. The way those lips of your savored the taste…” Mitsuhide brushed his finger across her lips once more. “It makes me jealous.”
Her eyes closed again. “Mmm…jealous, you say?”
“I wonder how you taste right now, [Name],” Mitsuhide murmured.
He was close. Mere inches from her own lips. [Name] gulped, her body feeling languid as it surrendered to the influence of the sake in her system. She felt too tired to push him back, and yet she angled her head to better meet his lips.
“Ah… Who knows?” [Name] replied quietly.
His lips met hers in a soft kiss, and she was quick to respond as she buried her fingers in his snow-white hair. [Name] gave Mitsuhide immediate entrance to her mouth as they deepened the kiss. She could definitely taste the lingering flavor of the sake on his tongue. [Name] lamented the fact that Mitsuhide couldn’t quite pick up on this. However, those thoughts dissipated as pleasure began to take over. [Name] pulled Mitsuhide with her as he lowered her onto the floor.
He withdrew catching her bottom lip between his teeth before letting go. [Name] opened her eyes as his hands came to rest upon her flushed cheeks. She was breathless, her head still swam, but the dizziness was gone. She reached up pressing her thumb against his lips. Mitsuhide returned her caress with a small kiss to the pad of her thumb.
“What about your work?” she asked.
Mitsuhide took hold of her hand. He pressed another kiss against her wrist. “It’s not important.”
“Are you sure?”
He leaned in meeting her gaze. “You’re much more intoxicating than any sake I’ve had right now.” Mitsuhide grasped her chin tilting her head to the side. “Everything else can wait.”
He pressed a kiss along her jaw eliciting a soft moan from her. [Name] shuddered with anticipation as Mitsuhide moved along her neck leaving little kisses in his path. Her mind emptied and she solely focused on the growing desire blooming within her. She gave herself over to him as he pleased her with his lips nipping here and there and leaving his mark on her skin. It would be a long night; one that she was certain would feel like a foggy memory in the morning.
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