#i know it'll get better b/c this was the Worst it could have gotten
blackjack-15 · 9 months
"what's going on?" oh we're not gonna hear that almost gentle tone again for the rest of the episode are we. maybe the rest of the season
"i quit. is what's going on." y'all can't see me, by the grace of God, but i am throwing things
there were so many ways to handle this, i want to congratulate syd and marcus for choosing the worst ones!! that takes real vision!!
i get it. i do. but there are things you just don't do, and running away after causing problems (marcus seriously???? the doughnuts right now???) is something you don't do
"right now?? you quit right now??" yeah the anxiety and anger there...yeah that's gonna be the top of the iceberg huh
"what are you doing. what are you doing." he really can't quite parse it and the fear in his voice is really exquisitely well-played. syd's the person he hired, the person he did the background check on, the person he had confidence to put in a position of leadership, and -- 'outside' of regular work, the person he's talked to, confided in, and worked on a relationship with. this is probably going to Not Be Great. my anxiety pillow might not be enough
"you are an excellent chef. you are also a piece of shit." yeah i mean girl that was obvious when you were hired. like he's being a bit shitty right now, but like....this is not even mostly on him
and she knows it, it's why she's running. she's seeing visions of sheridan road in her head, and she's running. it's fine, it's good character work, i'm happy about it in a larger plot sense, but the dumb monkey part of my brain wants to shake her by her shoulders and prolly slap marcus upside the head
"this isn't on me. good luck." well. oof.
is carmy gonna have a heart attack?? is his actor gonna have a heart attack?? those veins are worrying me
what did syd grab on her way out? why'd she go over to the other part of the kitchen before leaving?
carmy throwing the sharpie where syd had been a moment ago is really well done, because it makes him walking to the door seem like he might actually go after her and call her back
but he doesn't
oh off the floor carmy really?? i mean it's no worse than anything else he does to his body i guess
that smile at how good the doughnut is, then the slapping of the preorder receipts, and his marching out to the front -- that's the repression in full force babe!
okay onto the last episode. can i breathe, please? i think some apologies are needed all the way around -- excepting Tina, Fak, Manny, Angel, Ebra, Gary, and Louie, of course, who should go out for drinks and a long weekend after this. i am blowing kisses to chicago for louie
oh and before i forget, the episode asks at the start, when is it the Ship of Theseus? the answer it presents is that when all the pieces are there, working together -- and right now, all the pieces are gone, and the ship is sinking in the water
RIP richie's ass i hope he gets stitches
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