#i know my handwriting is shit thats why the more wordsy responses are restricted to post
Thoughts on the two blonde bs in your high school? (Imu and the one w autism I forgot his name)
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Note: the artist is well aware they misspelled Akechi on the paper you will have to ignore that for now. I apologize Akechi fans
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M: he's actually around a bit. He's one of the few who know about Ku's powers and he's an honorary Psykicker!
M: he's endearing when he's not using his freaky deduction skills to catch me out for something stupid like cheating at Monopoly
R: he's endearing when he's not trying to psychoanalyze everything I do!
K: *shrugs* he's tolerable... Sometimes
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M: she's a smart cute girl... but she should be spending her time making friends and memories... Not mettling and chasing clout
M: *sighs* She's young. She'll learn.
R: she's literally not that much younger than us?? And ur one to talk when it comes to mettling
R: I haven't really interacted with her so... I don't really have an opinion of her
K: just waiting for her to have that talk with Teruhashi. Maybe then she'll leave me alone.
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