#i know one (1) thing that definitely lessen my enthusiasm but i'll try to keep an open mind and all that
laufire · 2 years
it's taken me forever because the link kept breaking but it's done!! I finally watched Prometheus. included the deleted scenes (I think. there might be some more). mostly I agree with the decision to cut them -some stuff is better left implied than spelled out, like that scene between Meredith and her father-, but I would’ve liked a shorter version of the scene where the captain goes to talk to Meredith after she burns Shaw’s boyfriend, mainly for the quote “I burned my hand.” vis a vis the Lawrence of Arabia motif.
overall I enjoyed it quite a lot. the first half wasn’t grabbing me as much, tbh -I think I was subconsciously comparing it to Alien; the tension build-up there was something else and here... not so much, IMO. my other main gripe with it (beyond “why must I deal with so much casual sexism in a film set in 2094″) was that I found the scenery largely boring. some visuals were sick (complimentary), like the horrifying (again, complimentary) cesarean, and stuff generally surrounding Elizabeth/David/the xenomorth, but overall I expected better and better lightning I’m so tired of dark and grey in films it’s an alien planet you could’ve really gone nuts with it!!!
I liked what I expected to like: everything regarding artificial life/creation/religious metaphors, David 8. plus a few things I wasn’t so sure I would or hadn’t expected because my dashboard talks less about them, like Elizabeth and Elizabeth-David (especially the latter I had NOT expected to enjoy this much lol); or Meredith and the Meredith-David(-Weyland) family dynamic, that I wish we’d seen more ngl.
finally, a few things on the list have planted a seed, or implanted an embryo, so to speak, that I can already see influencing my own writing and ideas in the future, which I always welcome ^-^
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